A Guiding Light


The Bible, New International Version, taken from Psalms 56

And of course Hogan's Heroes television series

Colonel Hogan leaned back in his bunk. He glanced around the room and noticed a small book propped against wall at the lower end of the bunk. He picked it up and began thumbing through it. It was his bible, the one that had been presented to him by his commanding officer back when he was just a lieutenant. How clearly he remembered that officer. He was the sort of person everyone inspired to be and Hogan was no exception. When he was given the bible, he was told to read it, that it would help guide him in difficult situations. Hogan smiled, it has never failed yet. He opened the book in about the middle and began reading. It was Psalms 56, a personal favorite of his since it seemed so relevant.

Be merciful to me, O God, for men hotly pursue me;

all day long they press their attack.

My slanderers pursue me in their pride.

How true, he thought to himself. This accurately describes Hochstetter and his goons. He continued to read.

When I am afraid,

I will trust in you.

In God, whose word I praise,

In God I trust; I will not be afraid.

What can mortal man do to me?

Hogan believed that a good leader never shoved his true feelings, but he was never afraid either. Even David was afraid sometimes, he thought. He rarely mentioned his feelings and kept them between himself and God.

All day long they twist my words;

they are always plotting to harm me.

They conspire, they lurk,

They watch my steps,

eager to take my life.

He frowned, this is exactly what the Gestapo does. I can imagine Hochstetter lying awake in bed every night plotting how he can get his hands on me, but somehow his plans always fail. I never do understand how a Gestapo major can be such a blunderer, however I do know this, it was no accident that he was the one assigned to this area.

On no account let escape;

in your anger, O God, bring down the nations.

Record my lament;

list my tears on your scroll-

Are they not in your record?

Too many people depend on me, he thought. I cannot let them down or allow harm to come to them, but even the great Papa Bear can only do so much. He had heard the rumors of the death camps from other prisoners and the underground. They sounded so horrible that he hoped that they were false. If they were true, he looked forward to the day when these evildoers would be punished.

Then my enemies will turn back

when I call for help.

By this I will know that God is for me.

In God, whose word I praise,

in the Lord, whose word I praise-

in God I trust; I will not be afraid.

What can man do to me?

It would happen in the end, the Allies will be victorious and the Nazis will be crushed. This thought comforted him when times were bad and the battle reports were not good. This is all in God's hands, he thought. I know that he will not let us down! He will not let their crimes go unpunished and if He doesn't do it now, they will all have to answer for their actions later.

He made it a practice to say a prayer before each mission. Most of their missions have been extremely successful and even when they haven't nobody has ever been hurt. Hogan gave the credit to God for taking care of them and praised Him for it.

I am under vows to you, O God;

I will present my thank offerings to you.

For you have delivered me from death

And my feet from stumbling,

that I may walk before God

in the light of life.

He smiled, thank you Lord for keeping us safe. By odds we should not even be operating the way we are. I know it is You who is helping us! Continue to guide me and keep us safe. He put his little bible back against the wall and went to sleep completely content.