One day, King L'Arc was having a walk in the forest when he comes across a large door.

It was about two meters tall and painted white. The doorknob and lock was gold. When he tried to open it, he finds that it's locked. Since he can't figure out how to unlock it, he sighs and leaves.

In his free time, he tries to see if he can find out how it opens and where it goes. Sometimes when he's stressed, he pretends there's someone on the other side and talks aloud about his life and worries.

One day, on a whim, he knocks on the door and, to his surprise, a young man's voice softly replies, "Hello?"



Then awkward silence before L'Arc decides to introduce himself.

"I'm L'Arc. You are?"

"N-Naofumi," he hears the voice say.

L'Arc smiles, "It's nice to meet you, Kiddo."

"…don't call me that."

He laughs since he can practically hear Naofumi pouting.

Then he realizes, slightly blushing, "Did you…hear me rant about my life and worries?"

"If you mean how you run away from your paperwork and leave it to your friend, Your Majesty, then yes. Yes, I did."

Groaning, L'Arc facepalms as Naofumi laughs. It's a good laugh.

From then on, they just make small talk, telling jokes, and ridiculous stories.

L'Arc comes back every day to talk to him...until one day he finally asks, "Do you have the key to the door? It's locked from my side."

Naofumi's startled, "Y-yes...but, are you sure it's safe for me to come out? Is it OK?"

"Of course it is…" L'Arc assures, "but you don't have to rush it. Just take your time."

"Why do you want me to open the door?"

L'Arc confesses, "Because... I want to meet you face to face. I want to see you."

Naofumi blushes since no one ever said that to him before, "Uh...tomorrow. I'll...unlock the door tomorrow."

L'Arc smiles, "Tomorrow then," as he says his goodbye, and walks away.

Tomorrow came…but L'Arc didn't come back by the time he usually comes.

On the other side of the door, Naofumi frowns, sorrow and worry overwhelming him.

'What happened? Did he…die? Am I not allowed to come out after all?'

He grips the silver key in his hand, 'Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't…'

A few tears come out, and he loses himself to despair. Naofumi curls up, his back to the door, facing the cold, lonely darkness in front of him as he sobs for a while.

'Please…please be OK…' He pleads as he eventually cries himself to sleep.

A week passed…and Naofumi had just gotten himself together again. Had just resigned himself to being alone forever when…he hears a knock.

Knock knock!

"Kiddo? I'm sorry, OK?! I tried to come here, but my country got into a war. I ran here as soon as it ended," L'Arc explains.

"…L'Arc…" Naofumi tears up and unlocks the door. He opened it up and jumped out.

Red met green.

Getting caught in L'Arc's arms, Naofumi pounds his fists on the King's chest, glaring, "You idiot! I thought you were dead, or…worse! You had me so worried and sad, you moron!"

It didn't hurt L'Arc at all, but he smiles. Hugging Naofumi, hand in his black hair, "I'm OK, Kiddo… I'm sorry I worried you."

Naofumi cries in his arms, muffing his sobs in L'Arc's chest. L'Arc just pets his head, comforting him as he lets it all out.

Looking at Naofumi's blush, and teary green eyes that remind him of emeralds, L'Arc just couldn't help but shush him with a kiss. Naofumi gives in easily, which pleased the King.

When they part, they pressed their foreheads together, just breathing and staring into each other's eyes.

"C'mon. Let's go home," L'Arc smiles, holding Naofumi's hand.

Naofumi smiles, and to L'Arc, it's beautiful. "OK…"

They went back to L'Arc's castle, where they live together for the rest of their days.