Chapter 7: Drum Island Part 3
"Dalton! Is Dalton here!?" A villager slammed the door open, the firearm behind his back indicating that he was part of the civilian militia.
"What's wrong? You're supposed to be on guard…" Dalton calmly asked.
"Dalton, we need your strength. All the other guards are dead! Wapol. He's back!"
"Where is he?"
"His ship anchored nearby, at the riverbank near the sea, but Wapol and his advisors Chess and Kuromarimo are marching towards the castle!"
Dalton resolved himself to go after Wapol. It wasn't justice he was after. After all, he and Wapol bore the same guilt. He had let Wapol administer his policies, as his retainer. What he was after… was atonement. He was going to kill Wapol, and therefore set things right for their island…
"Take me to the patients! I've come to save the twenty doctors!" Dalton couldn't believe it. It was obviously a trap Wapol set to end this fugitive of a doctor.
"Bwah ha ha… Haven't you figured it out yet, fool? It was a trap. As you can see, the twenty doctors are all quite healthy! You've raced to your doom, Dr Hiruluk! You've eluded us long enough. The penalty for disobeying the king is heavy. I order your immediate execution!" laughed Wapol as he orders his men to take a position to shoot down the doctor.
What happened next had shaken Dalton to the core. Dr Hiruluk had collapsed to his knees, but not out of fear…
The doctor breathed out in relief, "Thank goodness… No one's sick. I really thought it was a national emergency… But it was only a trap for me…"
He was relieved because if there was no doctor in the country, they would all fall apart. The extreme and cold weather was volatile to the human body after all. The contrast between Dr Hiruluk and Wapol was clear for Dalton and the twenty doctors to see. An extremely selfless man, ordered to the death by an extremely selfish man…
"Forget it. You can't kill me!" Dr Hiruluk raised his hand, as if to stop the firing squad.
"When does a man die? Is it when he is shot in the heart with a pistol? No. When he's stricken with a deadly disease? No. When he eats soup… from a deadly mushroom? No! A man dies when he is forgotten! I may disappear, but my dream will live on. And the ailing hearts of the people will be healed."
Dalton shed tears, "What will become of this country, if selfless men die and selfish continue to rule it?"
"Why the tears, Dalton? Someone will continue my work. Soon, my son will come, don't hurt him…" said Dr. Hiruluk, asking a last favour from Dalton.
"Ha! What a life it was!" exclaimed Dr Hiruluk as he drank his sake and proceeded to blow himself up.
Dalton stopped Chopper, honouring Dr Hiruluk's wish. Inspired by the doctor, he now opposed Wapol openly by defying Wapol's order to go after Chopper.
"Do you still not understand! The one man who tried to save this corrupt kingdom… The only man… Just blew himself up. Long after the rest of us gave up hope, this kindly doctor tries to save us! And now he's dead."
"So what if one miserable doctor is dead? You'd better apologize, Dalton."
"I now know what road this country is on… It's the road to destruction. As long as we treat people like animals, this country can't be saved! No matter how advanced its medical science is… No matter how much research is conducted... Medicine can't cure stupidity!" shouted Dalton angrily.
Flashback ends
"Oi wait up Dalton." Sanji stopped the raging man.
"We'll help you handle Wapol. It's our payment for Tashigi's cure."
"It's what that crazy witch doctor agreed with our captain. Plus, I'm pretty pissed off with this Wapol guy as well."
"I'm coming as well!" Chopper chimed in. Vivi also followed silently, resolved to see through the conflict to the end.
"We'll go secure the Going Merry. Our ship may be in danger, and maybe as a plus we can get some loot from their ship. Their ship may have a lot of treasure in them!" said Nami. Usopp agreed with her, but for a different reason. Defending the Going Merry seemed to be of less resistance while still contributing to the effort, right?
Nami and Usopp tracked their way back to the Going Merry. They scrambled into hiding behind a pile of snow as soon as they heard a noise. Usopp tensely peaked, there were two soldiers patrolling on the path from Bighorn to their ship.
"Nami, can you hear what they're talking about?"
Usopp could see the soldiers bursting into laughter as one of them seem to be describing a person with gestures. Damn it, maybe they can just avoid all these guys altogether?
"This is bad, Usopp." Maybe not.
"You can hear them?"
"You have good eyesight; I have good ears." Nami admonished the sniper of the Straw Hats. She wondered if Luffy knew that, and so tried to show them the Observation Haki instead of the other type Haki he mentioned. Armament was it?
"If this is about the treasure, Nami…"
"They're holding Zoro in a cell, to question where the rest of us are."
"Zoro had almost caught frostbite, and they laughed at his stupidity to run around a winter island without his shirt on."
The two resolved themselves to rescue Zoro, but not without discussing a plan. They weren't the monster trio after all, charging in head-on with the enemies. That's right, subversion and tactics were their way of fighting.
Usopp and Nami tailed the two patrols until they gained quite a distance from the riverbank. Usopp took out his Ginga Pachinko, his hand further getting into his bag for some ammo. Hmm… which ammo would be suited for them?
"Wait, Usopp. I think I'll take them. Two grunts seem fitting for me to test out the weapon you made for me." said Nami, whipping out her Clima Takt. She had read one of the first few instructions that Usopp gave her in Bighorn while waiting for Tashigi to recover.
As she charged towards two patrols, Nami rearranged her Clima Tact into a triangle, "Fine Tempo!"
Two doves came out of the makeshift triangle. "Wow, amazing! Two doves came out. You don't often see birds in winter, na?"
The two patrols sweatdropped. Who?
"That was stupid!" Nami shouted at Usopp's direction.
"Umm. How can we help you, miss?"
Maybe the first line of instructions was to get the enemies off guard? But she was sneaking behind them…
"Cloudy Tempo!"
Flowers came out of her Clima Takt. Another bummer. The two patrols got even more confused.
"What is this Usopp! I thought this was a weapon. I'm so going to sue you for this!"
"Nami… the first page is for parties…"
"Why would I need this for parties!?"
"Blow into those tubes, Nami. That's how they're used in combat!" Usopp shouted from afar.
Bubbles with red tints came out of the tube. It travelled towards the patrol soldiers until it hit them on the shoulder. The snow on their clothes melted, but that was it.
"A weird weapon? She must be one of those Straw Hats…" The other patrol guy readied his gun, now comprehending that this orange-haired girl and her long-nosed companion was ambushing them.
"It felt warm though." The one that got hit commented.
They weren't even taking her seriously! Nami blew on another tube. This time, bubbles with blue tint came out.
"Arrgh this one is chilling me to the bones. It's already cold as it is!"
"Ooo this yellow one is tingly."
"Usopp… This… is incredible!"
"It is? Ara… The bubbles didn't do anything though…"
"Jeez you invented this without knowing its potential? Think of all the ways I can use this!"
The two patrol soldiers were knocked out by a mini blizzard Nami caused.
The black-haired soldier in charge of the ship looked up as he saw a subordinate of his approach the ship
"Sir, we've caught a member of the Straw Hat pirate crew!" Strange subordinate though, did he have one with such long nose?
"I've caught her on the path to the castle, ss-ssir!"
"Is that so? You, girl. Where are your companions? We have already captured one of you. Just surrender! You guys have caught our King Wapol's ire. I hate to do this, but Wapol will get me if I don't get some information about the Straw Hats."
The long-nosed subordinate of his however interrupted him.
"The Ss-sstraw Hats has taken over the Drum Castle. King Wapol wants everyone to go there to support him in taking back the castle! I wouldn't waste time and go there straight away… You know what will happen if King Wapol doesn't have his orders executed…"
"You heard the man, ready your weapons. We march in 5!"
It should be fine, right? Luffy is in the castle, he can take care of them.
Zoro took a deep breath and released it. He still had his swords. Zoro refused to sit on the sidelines again. No matter how strong their captain was, Luffy couldn't be at two places at once. This thick iron bars would not hinder him.
"Sensei! I heard there are men in this world who can cut through anything, even steel! Is that true?" Young Zoro excitedly asked Koushirou-sensei.
Koushirou-sensei smiled, his posture as he took a piece of paper into his hand and unsheathed his sword.
"Yes, that's true. Watch this sheet of paper carefully, Zoro." He threw the paper, letting it sway left and right in the air. He striked the paper with his sword. Other than hitting it and pushing it to the side pretty quickly, the paper was unaffected by the strike.
"It's still in one piece, sensei…"
"Listen, Zoro. There are swordsmen in this world who are able to not cut anything. These same swordsmen also have the ability to cut through steel. With the same tool. The pinnacle of swordsmanship is the power to protect what one wishes to protect and cut what one wishes to cut." He let Zoro took a moment to comprehend his words.
"Do you understand, Zoro?"
Flashback ends
Zoro pulled out the Wado Ichimonji, steeling himself to cut the steel bars.
"One Sword, One Strike. Lion… Strike!"
A screeching sound was heard as Zoro's sword clashed with the thick steel bars.
"Damnit!" What kind of ability does he need to strengthen his sword to be even stronger than steel!?
The ability to hear the breathing of steel. He hasn't acquired it.
Zoro was pulled out of his trance.
It was Usopp and Nami. Usopp was weirdly dressed in Wapol's soldiers' uniform while Nami was in her winter coat.
"It's just as I left it… Now, I shall reclaim the throne of Drum Kingdom!" declared Wapol, standing before the entrance of his castle. His two retainers, Chess and Kuromarimo kneeling before him.
"Wait, your majesty. There's a strange flag flying from the spire… A pirate flag!"
"What happened to the flag of the Drum Kingdom!?"
A figure walked out of the entrance. It was the old doctor. "Kak kak kak. That old rag? I burned it."
"Dr. Kureha. You're the last survivor of the Great Doctor Hunt!"
"I've turned your castle into a mausoleum for Hiruluk. You rotten brats aren't welcome here anymore. Now leave this island! Drum Kingdom is no more."
"Mausoleum? For that Charlatan? Hahaha don't make me laugh!"
She was flanked by two figures behind her. A girl… with glasses. And… that Straw Hat pirate who knocked them out days ago at sea!
"Yyy-you! What are you doing here!?"
"This is bad. Wapol-sama. That pirate alone had wiped out all of our crew." Kuromarimo reminded Wapol. They had escaped Drum Island from a crew of pirates…
"Ss-shut up. I knew we will encounter this man again when we saw their ship on the riverbank. Pirates may be strong. But they can be bought! You! If you help me take back this castle, I'll give you any reward you want… You can any treasure of your choosing!"
Tashigi took in the so-called King Wapol, the scum king that had extorted his own citizens. And fled at the first sign of danger, leaving his citizens to the mercy of pirates. She wanted to take down this man so bad!
"…You can choose any treasure of your choosing!" Tashigi heard Wapol made an offer to Luffy.
"Tashigi, why did you let your guard down!?" Captain Smoker scolded her for letting pirates trick her into sheathing her swords.
"I apologize, it won't happen again!"
"Remember, Tashigi. Once a pirate, always a pirate!"
Flashback ends
"Not interested." Luffy rejected.
He continued. "You know what, I've actually got three reasons why. This island is Chopper's, my doctor's hometown. It seems to me you're destroying it instead of nurturing it. YOU THINK CHOPPER WILL LIKE IT IF I LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO THIS ISLAND!?"
"The citizens of this island had been kind enough to help me cure my friend Tashigi. YOU THINK I WOULD TURN MY BACK ON PEOPLE THAT HAVE HELPED US?"
"and lastly… You're a coward, a bully and an entitled person. EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU PISSES ME OFF!"
Tashigi couldn't help but agree, it resonated with her own brand of justice. Compassionate Justice. You should show kindness to people that have been kind to you but be stern to people who would step on you.
"Good thing I arrived here on time!" As if on cue, just as Luffy's hand blackened, Sanji arrived, apparently running back here from Bighorn. With Chopper leading the way, they had caught up to Wapol. Luffy's hand turned back to normal.
"Sanji, Chopper, Vivi!" Luffy called out
"Luffy. Can you let me handle this? I missed the action last time when we were on Little Garden. And I can't help but be pissed off with this shitty king as well."
"Go ahead, Sanji. Let loose!"
Luffy turned to Vivi who came with Sanji and Chopper "Vivi! Look here, Tashigi is recovering well. With Chopper onboard our ship, we can sail to Alabasta without issue."
Vivi went close to Tashigi's face as she gently placed the back of her hand on Tashigi's forehead.
"I'm glad you are getting better, Tashigi…"
"Worry not for me, Princess Vivi. Once we are back to Alabasta, I will convince the commanding officer there to take action against Crocodile! It's the marines' job to protect the innocent!" stammered Tashigi.
"Let's worry about that when we're nearing Alabasta. Right now, Wapol is still a problem." Vivi turned her attention back to the fight.
"Sanji can handle it well even on a three versus one. And Chopper's helping him here." said Luffy, enveloping the area with his confidence.
"I respect you even more, Luffy-san. Your trust in your crew is strong."
"Of course! Sanji isn't just a normal chef. He's a fighting chef! Shishishi."
"May I ask Luffy… Why did you become a pirate?" Vivi asked. Tashigi listened in, interested in the conversation as well.
"I want to become the pirate king because that's the title of the freest man in the world! I want to go on an adventure with my Nakama and share that freedom and joy of adventure with them!"
It was a mere second that Luffy paused before he continued. "But lately… I also want to see my Nakama grow. See them grow in strength and character and achieve their dreams as they sail with me! I believe in Sanji because he has a dream to achieve. He won't drop until he achieves it. Sanji's dream is to find the All Blue. A chef's dream, an ocean with all the fishes of the world."
"That's incredible!"
"Of course! We're all big dreamers! From Zoro to Nami, to Usopp and now even Chopper, I'll see to it that their dreams be within their grasp."
That was why Luffy was so invested in Nami and Usopp's training, as Vivi observed on their voyage from Little Garden to here. He was giving them the strength to chase after their dream. After all, the seas favour the strong. Without it, a king cannot defend his country from a Shichibukai… A marine cannot boast their justice… A pirate cannot chase after their dream.
Chess and Kuromarimo laid defeated by the combined might of Sanji and Chopper.
"Ready Chopper!? Grab my feet!" Chopper gave a quick nod as he turned into his Jumping point.
"Armée de L'air… Air Assault!" Sanji's kick threw Chopper forward, and combined with his own jumping power, Chopper sailed through the air towards Wapol with a huge force. Chopper turned into his Horn Point and struck Wapol, sending him flying through the oceans.
Luffy couldn't help but laugh. "Yuhuuu! Look at how far that guy was flying. Baa-chan… It looks like we've fulfilled our part of the deal." He said to Dr Kureha. Dalton and his army of militia soldiers arrive, just in time to witness Wapol sent flying.
"Wapol is gone!" The militia soldiers celebrated, relieved from their fear of living under Wapol again.
Dr Kureha smiled, internally. The brats were certainly growing on her. "Alright, you cheeky brats. Now help me find the key to Wapol's armoury. Maybe one of his retainers has the key to it."
"Or I could just break down the door for you!"
"Are you serious? The door is made of steel."
"Not a problem!"
Kneeling down, Vivi picked up Chess' bow and arrow. Perhaps they would come in handy… She needed a new weapon to fight. Against agents of Baroque Works, she needed something more than her Peacock String.
As the Straw Hat Pirates were about to leave, Chopper saw the Sakura tree formed out of the pink harmless gas… Dr Hiruluk's dream was achieved… The people in this country will be free from their sickness. Hopefully, the beautiful sight of a Sakura tree would cure them by giving them hope.
The Straw Hats threw a party to celebrate their success in the newly named Sakura Kingdom as well as to celebrate Chopper joining the Crew.
"Yosh, good progress, Nami. Usopp." Said Luffy as they sat in a meditation circle with them. They picked up meditation faster than he did. It took a lot of Rayleigh's patience to drill it into him to stay still. Their training session was halted as Sanji served them lunch. As expected, Nami, Vivi and Tashigi received their plates first.
Chopper asked Usopp if that was normal. Usopp shook his head and reminded Chopper not to take Sanji as an example if it has anything to do with women…
"Luffy. Can I talk to you a bit?" Zoro approached Luffy, who was sitting on his usual place at Merry's figurehead. At this time, Zoro usually started his training by lifting his mega weights.
"Sure, Zoro. What is it?"
"I've heard from Vivi you busted a steel door with just your fists… Is that true?"
"I've… hit a block in my techniques. There seems to be a concept my sensei was trying to impart to me in the past for me to be able to cut anything. Can you show me how you do it?"
"Is that so! Do you want to know how to strengthen the strike of your swords? Maaann, you've progressed so far already Zoro. That's Armament Haki you're trying to awaken."
"Armament Haki?"
Chapter ends