Hey I'm back yall first things first I need to answer the newest review.

NecrorexSparda: To answer your first question yes my God Arc will be able to change different shape and form but unfortunately things like most everyday objects like for example Rope like the Rope Shield will not be added and I have reasons for that but for now I will not go into them.

To answer your second question though, Stealing ownership of the cardinal weapons is very much possible but the God Arc which Essentially contains a rather sentient force will not be able to be taken or stolen, also the sentient portion of my God Arc would rather take me over some fucked up noble who thinks of himself as deserving of it.

I hope I answered all your questions and if you have more don't hesitate to drop a review.

Now then onto the fic!

Chapter 3 Accusations and Slaves

Well I can say with all my confidence that I did not like mornings, I had my reasons why I didn't them mainly stemming from my time in highschool where I had to get up and get ready just to be dropped off to a hell like no other but I digressed and I will move onto more important matters, specifically my sudden accusation of sorts.

"Bullshit." I casually spoke back calling out on what I saw as a hot load of BS.

"So you dare not confess your crimes, how disgraceful and to think I allowed you-!"

"Allowed is stretching it your majesty, you fucking summoned us on purpose!" I yelled back in an annoyed tone, seriously he's going to do this shit.

"Silence! You continue to mock my court!" Oh he's really going to do that shtick.

"Alright fine if your so confident that I did in fact rape someone who did I do the with and what proof is there about this claim!?" I yelled back already annoyed that I had to stand here and go through this rigmarole of a so called court system.

"Father please make him stop staring at me!" hearing the yell I looked over just as that bitch was pulled into a tighter hug from spear dick who tried to comfort her before looking at me with glaring eyes.

"You dare stare at my daughter with such lecherous eyes, I should have you executed where you stand if you were not a hero!" With that shout the entire court's audience seemed to start chatting up a storm while I just looked around with tired eyes, no longer was I in pain from my hangover but bloody hell did it feel like I was now.

"He's just like every other Advocate out there."

"A barbarian through and through."

"They only do what they desire, disgusting ingrates."

"It was only a matter of time until he was corrupted by that weapon of his."

"Demons, the lot of them should be wiped out."

And so the whispers repeated and soon I grew a bit more conscious of everything, how everyone in the town looked at me, the way they absolutely avoided me and so on so forth.

"Are you done?" I finally spoke, suddenly the room went dead in silence while I stood in the same spot spears quickly directed to my neck while I just stared blankly at the king who slightly flinched. "You know where I am from these accusations can kill a man's entire life."

I started with walking forwards, the knights in front of me seemingly shaking in fear.

"I've seen many men lose their jobs, lose their livelihoods and everything because of such a baseless and quite frankly a waste of time BS." I started my hands moving up and slowly pushing the spears out of my way. "I have done nothing to deserve this type of treatment and yet here I am being told that if I wasn't a hero I'd be dead, how touching you make it sound like that being a hero has saved me." slowly I felt a familiar weight sit itself on my shoulder while I continued to walk. "By that logic I can say that you too should be killed but thankfully your title as king has stopped all thoughts."

With a slow deliberate movement I moved my hand to my God Arc's hand and with a quick movement pulled it out and had it transform into it's cannon form.

"How dare you raise your-!"


Before the man could finish his annoying triaid of bullshit speech I fired a shot that caused a large hole a couple or so inches away from his face.

"You. Are. Not. My. King." I said in a slow deliberate fashion uncaring as to how the man looked like he was about to shit his pants. "I will on the other hand say this, I Jackson AKA Hamish swear by whatever gods that may strike me down, I have never ever touched that woman inappropriately in my entire life so mote be!" I yelled as I heard a loud thunder clap go off in the sky… Ok I was bullshiting about the whole god thing but I think I just caused a random god to look down on me just now.

Wait, are there gods in this place?

I should've really picked the manga back up when I had the chance.

Meh screw it I will on the other hand go take a look to see if there really are any gods or not in this world.

"And with that I leave you all to go fuck yourselves, seeya boy's hope you stick together, redhead bitch go fuck yourself and uh yeah thats it bye." I casually said with a casual wave before turning and casually walking away, the knights who surrounded me quickly jumped away, their spears dropped in fear while I casually sat my God Arc over my shoulder.

I had a lot to think about that was for sure.

Once I was out of the castle I could help but tiredly let out a sigh before pulling my hood over my head. It looked like it was getting ready to rain which wasn't what I needed right now, what I did need though was some food and a place to think about what happened.

"To think you casually threatened the king of Melromarc, you are turning out to be more and more interesting by the second." hearing the familiar voice I looked over nearby to see a familiar brown robed figure casually sitting on the cobblestone wall, their feet swinging from side to side. "You are by far the most interesting of the heroes."

"And you don't have your stutter care to tell me what the hell was that all about in there?" I asked watching how the person casually let out an evil like chuckle.

"You happened, that red headed bitches plan was to originally accuse the shield hero, but thanks to your double bunking plan she had to change targets so to speak AKA the one who was screwing with her plans."

"I see, well… I'm sorry what's your name again?" I asked the person who continued to chuckle more.

"I'm sorry for the late introduction. I am Click an Archivist as you know." Click finally said bowing in a flare like way as the voice finally gave way to their gender of a female, that or a guy with a fairly feminem voice either or, don't care. "I am to help and document your travels, as well as be entertained with your adventure."

"Well at least someone is going to get a kick out of this, so tell me Click what should we do next hmmm?" I was curious as to what she had in mind for me to do.

"Slaves… why did I see this coming?" I casually questioned while I followed Click into the large circus tent full with cages of different people, it was an extremely disturbing sight even for me but I decided to just keep up with the defensive jokes for my own sanity.

"Ah Click lovely to see you again and oh my is that the God Arc hero I have been hearing oh so much about?" Came the sudden voice of a large looking man who despite being rather creepy was at least trustworthy when it came to business, specifically the slave trading business.

"Beloukas it has been a while, how has the slave trade been?" Click questioned obviously she was probably well versed with this guy.

"It's been very profitable, the trades have been very high and the slaves have grown more in quality." He replied obviously happy to talk about his business.

"Good cause we are in the market for a couple of slaves, specifically slaves that know healing magic." Hearing Click say this I couldn't help but nod in understanding, seeing as I was going to be the main DPS and Tank I was going to need someone to back me up with magic since I don't have any whatsoever.

"I see well you are in for a treat because I have found myself quite the rare specimen that would fit your ideal tastes." Hearing this I stared down to Click who was slowly letting out an evil like chuckle.

"Show us." I simply spoke as the Slave trade happily guided us deeper into his tent.

As we walked into the tent the two started blurting about demi humans and how they are used, which would have been useful for those who didn't know anything but I was quite different.

"Now here's something of a treat, this little thing right here is exactly what you're looking for." Hearing the trader direct my attention I found him showing off a specific cage.

Crouching down I gave the contents of the cage a look, inside the cage itself sat a woman with dirt covered white hair with a pair of fox ears on top of their head while the little to shit all rags that sat on her body did nothing to leave anything for the imagination, then again I don't think I should be thinking of that right about now.

"This used to be one of the priestesses of the three holy cardinal weapon church, that was until recently they found out that she was a demi human, granted she only has the animal ears but they didn't exactly see it." The trader explained as I saw how the girls looked to be in a near catatonic state.

"How much?" I said getting up onto my feet looking back at the trader who had a large grin plastered onto his face.

"Well since she was just placed on the market and since some of my repeating clients have a sort of taste hmmm how about I give you a discount, 175 silver." hearing that I couldn't help but frown slightly now in this world that was expensive.

"Steep price but not like I'm going to complain, only problem though is I don't have-"

"No need to worry there." Hearing Click's more excited voice I looked over to see her holding a familiar looking sack of money. "Snagged it when the Knights came to take you this morning so no need to worry about funds." Hearing this I couldn't help but nod in appreciation.

Cough cough cough

Hearing the light sounds of coughs I slowly moved over to another cage that was covered by a rag, removing it. I wasn't surprised when I found a child sitting in the middle, their eyes looking even more catatonic than the priestesses eyes.

"Hmmm I see you've found this one, well unfortunately she's unable to be sold. I have been told that another client will be coming to purchase this one." Hearing this I couldn't help but let out a small breath before nodding my head up and down in understanding.

"Algoods, alright Click lets pay the man and make our way, by the way can you find a cloak to cover this one up?" I asked the trader who happily agreed before gesturing for me to follow him.

So she's not up for sale, well that's not anonymous.

Once we found ourselves moving through the city where I found that everyone had found out about my supposed crimes, people removed themselves from the road while whispers ruined the silence I had grown used to when Click led me through the back alley's.

"There he is the damn monster."

"If he didn't have that cursed weapon."

"Look at those poor girls following him, he must have picked them up at the slave market."

"I heard he threatened to feed the kind to his weapon."

"How barbaric, he's just like the first Devil demon."

Frowning slightly I was somewhat perturbed at the new title, Devil demon?

Looking to Click I could see her mouth curve upwards under her hood, "The Devil demon is what people of this country called the first God Arc user, the reason why is because there is a contradicting tale that say that the God Arc was originally created using dark demonic practises and was instead cursed by the devil himself." Pausing for a second she obviously allowed me to have the information sink in.

"Ok so what are there cults that believe this?" I finally asked.

"Well… yes there are Cults that worship it but everyone in Meloremarc believes this as true, every other country has different thoughts on the matter but they agree on one thing."

"And what's that?" I asked stopping in the middle of the street when I saw the gate leading out of the city come into view, while I was curious to hear what Click was going to say I was also somewhat worried that I was going to get harassed by the guards at the gate.

"Advocates are valuable and are not meant to be trifled with."

"...Uh ok one problem with that statement, that was two things not one." I said, feeling slightly unnerved with Click's smile not moving, I mean I was unnerved before but I was more distracted with other thoughts at the time and such.

"Meh who cares, you're a criminal." That sounded like that was all I was going to get out of her excuse wise.

"Well you two lets go get this shit over and done with." I said breathing out a sigh wanting to be out of this place before anything else comes in.

Slipping my hood over my head I started walking towards the gate, my steps a little hesitant but turned into more of a stride as I remembered how I was accused of rape, how this kingdom's people whispered some pretty horrible things, things I knew nothing about which seemed to wreck my mind while I internally berated myself for not paying attention to the manga.

So many thoughts seemed to rush through my mind the closer I got to the gate, I felt stressed out despite how calm I appeared to everyone.

When I looked over I found the guards looking at me with varying degrees of disgust and malice but said nothing as I walked through the gate and into the world that was most likely going to call me a monster.

I should have taken my antidepressants with me before I ended up here.

Chapter 3 end

Sorry it took a while for me to get this out also your going to have to wait a while longer for chapter 4 I'm currently going through a change with somethings, specifically with my hardware, I've got a Desktop and well it still needs to be worked around and I need to get used to writing on a mechanical keyboard.

Soooooooooooo yeah I really did hope you enjoyed this chapter, cause I have plans and it will take a while until I get there so bare with me until then.
