Hello, and welcome to the next chapter!

Shadow Joestar; They have yeah! Naoya can seem to take on Miya's mask alright~ Minato will do yeah.

MDM11; Yeah, maybe she could. I'd have to think about it.

Eavise; Yeah, that would be pretty funny. Yeah, it's fun to branch out to different media.

Clarent excalibur; Yup! Miya's officially appeared! I could see Miya doing something like that~ It would be cool if Miya did teach him how to do something like that.

Derek 23; Thanks!

blazes207; I know, Benitsubasa seems to have a hard time huh. Naoya and Miya will have some more fun interactions. Minato's got a part to play in the story with his Sekirei. Yeah, those Sekirei are cool!

ShadowUzumaki55; Miya can be quite scary huh~? Miya is quite intrigued why Naoya isn't scared of her mask. Haha, yeah it seems Akitsu and Yashima were surprised by Homura~ I'm sure Matsu and Kocho would have a rather intriguing conversations between them. Yeah, lets hope that Chiho gets better soon~ Yashima showed that she's growing in confidence, over the phone with Benitsubasa~

Silver crow; Thanks! Yup, he met Miya and now lives in the Inn! Yeah, Naoya and Chiho seem to be getting closer huh~? Thanks for the votes! Yeah, Kocho certainly enjoyed the sights. It seems to be the case with Homura huh. For the moment it does seem that Kocho is off their radar. Haihane has yeah, she likes seeing Benitsubasa's reactions to it. Benitsubasa truly can be cute huh. Yup, they're moving out and moving in with Miya~ Uzume is a bit nervous about it with Miya and all, but she also can see that it's also a good thing. Yeah, Naoya does think Miya's rather beautiful. He can see Homura quite clearly~ Akitsu truly does love having pets huh. Miya did yeah, she can see that Sekirei need bonds with Ashikabi's. Haha, I'm sure Uzume would agree with you also about them~ They do have sweet moments. Haha, they got in the bath with him, while Yashima did battle with Benitsubasa over the phone. She is yeah, we'll see how that works out. He could have yeah. Azula and he would have an interesting relationship with one another. That would be a cool scene if he did that with a bird. He'd have an intriguing relationship with his family. Maybe eventually he could have things like that. Yeah, maybe he could be. Sakura will yeah. He'll have different uses of it, depending how quickly he can get it off. I don't know about Boruto stuff yet. Naoya could have one yeah. Maybe Miya could. He'd be skilled with Wood Release yeah. What kind of bloodline? Pakura could be cool as an enemy she had a strong Kekkei Genkai. While he could, that's more Kakashi and Sasuke/Satsuki's thing with Chidori, and he'll want something his own, or maybe his families depending who it is. The Spiraling Ring is a good Jutsu to use. Depending on who the Oc is, Danzo's got some plarts to play. Danzo was interested in Shisui, so you never know. I don't know if he will yet. We'll see what he gets. He'll be doing his best.

SekireiLord; Exactly, with Miya there they don't have to worry about Karasuba trying to attack them. Ooh, that's going to be gone rather soon, especially if the Sekirei have something to say about it. Hehe, Benitsubasa is going through quite a bit, but Haihane at least is getting in some fun~

SL; That would be an interesting idea, I'll think about it!

Skull Flame; She is yeah~ Kocho does seem to like playing games. Nope, it didn't last~ I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Guest 1; I do like Sonic X, I remember watching it when I was younger. That would be a fun story to do! Thanks for the suggestions!

Kaiserguardian; Yeah, he could teach her quite a bit about humanity. Karasuba has seen quite a bit of the darkness of humanity, maybe Naoya could teach her more about the light of humanity and why Sekirei and humans can grow together rather well. She definitely would be quite yandere like~

jubi430; Yeah, a little of a relaxed chapter! It seems that he has yeah. Benitsubasa will have a few battles over the phone, maybe with Kazehana at some point. Kusano, is also another possibility.

Jessans; He could fulfil that role. I know what I'd do for that encounter if he did become the Sekirei of Naoya's. Yeah, it's going to be rather interesting~

Andrew123456; All I can say it is a Naruto story, which one will be revealed this week sometime hopefully.

Guest 2; Sometime this week hopefully. Thanks for the votes!

AlphaOmega; He did yeah, he winged Kocho, and now has moved into Izumo Inn. Miya does seem alright with Naoya living there.

Guest 3; It was a Naruto story, and hopefully sometime this week.

Lightwave; Yup, they've found a new home alright~ Hehe, Benitsubasa does seem to be going through quite a bit. Yashima's becoming more bolder than ever before. Thanks for the votes! Yeah, it might be that story, we'll soon see what that is.

Guest 4; I don't know yet, I am thinking about the twins.

Well, with those reviews out of the way, it's time to start the chapter!

Meeting the mist!

Standing in a field of flowers, Naoya could see different petals scattering around.

Pink, red, blue, yellow and white among other colours.

It was dazzling, Naoya barely could see anything other than the flower petals…

Or so he thought.

As he waded his way through the field, he saw a figure in the middle.

Standing there, moving with the wind, was a young woman.

He'd guess she looked around his age.

She had long hair, that was black in colour, stretching down her back and went all the way down to her butt, with a large ribbon akin to a bow that was pink in colour tied at the back of her head, at the top. Her brown eyes gave an innocent appearance. Her outfit consisted of a kimono top, pure white in colour, and her long skirt that reached down to the length of her entire leg, and stopping just above the ankle, the colour of the skirt was pink, and at her stomach area, it was tied with a larger than average bow, separating her top and bottom half.

She looked like a shrine maiden, she also had a mixture of innocent and beauty.

Her weapon that was strapped to her back was a naginata.

Though right now, she wasn't concerned with fighting, she was more concerned with dancing.

When he approached, she paused when she heard the noise.


The girl called in a cute voice.

Naoya edged closer.

"This...isn't a dream...right? You're...a Sekirei, aren't you?"

Even though he was dreaming, Naoya still had his wit about him.

He could think clearly.

The girl extended her hand out towards him.

"Yes...I am..."

"Are you...in danger? Is that why...you reached out to me?"

"No...I'm not in danger...but, I was hoping to meet...a kind Ashikabi...one that would show beautiful love...I'd want to have a romance with my Ashikabi...and I felt something…a kindred spirit with me...echoing in the ocean of this world..."

Naoya was surprised by how passionate her voice was.

Then her hand placed itself onto Naoya's own.

"Will you, dance with me?"

Naoya smiled softly, taking her other hand, and pulled closer.

The girls cheeks began to turn red, as they pulled together, then pushed apart, then pulled back together. Their bodies moved with the soft rhythm that seemed to come from out of nowhere, since it was a dream Naoya just assumed it was because of that.

The girls head placed itself onto Naoya's shoulder, as they continued to dance, and he heard her whisper "I can't wait to meet you..." before Naoya's vision turned white, and the petals all faded out of existence...

Naoya groaned as he began to wake up. His eyes caught the sight of different Sekirei being around him. Having four girls in a bed, Naoya never thought that he'd be so...lucky, but he remembered his dreams.

He recalled with Kocho he also had dreamed, and now if he was having another dream…

Naoya's hand touched Kocho's shoulder, since she was the Brain type, it allowed her to help him out with things like this. Of course, his other Sekirei would be invaluable with helping him in searching for her.


Kocho groaned, leaning up towards him and caught his lips with her own, briefly exposing her wings in her sleepy state, he could even feel her tongue enter his mouth, showing how forward she definitely could be, and wanting to give her happiness, he also kissed her back, bringing said happiness to Kocho, shown through her reddening cheeks.

When she broke away from him, her sleepy eyes met with his own.

"...That's better, I can't help but want to kiss my cute Ashikabi in the morning."

"Hehe, I'm glad to have helped you...wake up, Kocho-san."

As he said it, he saw Uzume's, Yashima's, and Akitsu's eyes shooting for Kocho, who curled back with fear, upon realizing that the girls weren't messing around.

Naoya though then got Kocho's attention.

"I need to ask you something Kocho-san, if you don't mind."

"Yes, of course. What is it?"

"Well...I've had another dream, of a Sekirei I guess. It seemed a bit like the dream I had of you Kocho-san."

Uzume grinned.

"Another harem member Naoya-kun?!"

Naoya chortled awkwardly.

"Eeh...if she's meant to be my Sekirei..."

"It probably is another Sekirei reacting to you. With three Sekirei winged by you Naoya-san, your Ashikabi power will continue to grow."

Naoya nodded, his eyes cast to Akitsu.

"I might have winged three, but I have four Sekirei."

Akitsu's cheeks began to turn slightly red while Kocho softly smiles subtly.

"Yes...in either case, I'm not surprised that you felt her pull. She must be destined to be with you. If she's been freed into the city, it would be best for her to be located immediately. Please tell me what her physical details were, and I'll look into it."


Naoya did just that, and explained to Kocho about what he saw.

As he did, Yashima clapped her hands together.

"It's amazing, Naoya-sama is going to gain another Sekirei. Another sister for us all~"

Uzume gave a sly smile.

"Hehe, it seems that Yashima-chan has come around to the fact that girls will flock to Naoya-kun and wants them to all form a harem. I'm still hoping for Chiho myself. Love that girl, and love her relationship with Naoya-kun. She can be the human girlfriend~"

Naoya gave Uzume bemused eyes.

He wondered how Chiho felt about Uzume saying such things.

"I want Benitsubasa with Naoya-sama."

Uzume blinked at Akitsu.

"W-Wait...you do?"

"Yes, I like Benitsubasa, and her...ways. I also have spoken to Haihane briefly, and she agreed that they would be good."

"When did you talk?"

Naoya asked before continuing to speak to Kocho about what and who he saw.

"When we were going to meet you Naoya-sama, in the chase for Kocho-san."

"Ooh right...yeah, that makes sense."

"Yes. She told me that Benitsubasa is, easily flustered, and gets angry. She also said that it was...rather funny. I would like to see these outbursts, and judge them for myself. Though speaking to Yashima who spoke to her the previous night, I shall find it entertaining. Naoya-sama, why don't you ring her?"

"I tried last night, but she didn't answer. I tried a few times, but I didn't want to seem like a nuisance so I stopped after a few times I tried to call her." Naoya then turned to Kocho. "Then, do you mind searching for her, for me?"

"Of course not, anything for my Ashikabi." Naoya smiled thankfully. "Though...if you'd want to Naoya-san, we could always engage in some...personal activities so we could bond even closer than we have been….Sekirei's grow stronger when their Ashikabi's...fulfil desires..."

Uzume lightly tapped Kocho's head, and hugged Naoya to her chest. Her unclothed chest at that.

"Now, now~ He's my cute Ashikabi-kun, I wont be able to allow him to anyone else before me first~"

Akitsu frowned, and the air turned colder.

"No...he has to be with me first."

"O-Or we could all be with Naoya-sama together?"

Yashima gave her insight in a shy manner, something that surprised Uzume.

"Did ya hear that Naoya-kun? She wants to have a threeway, or a fourway, or even a fiveway! This girl is naughty!"

Yashima was becoming more and more embarrassed with everything that Uzume was saying, her face burned red, and her body began to shake from side to side, showcasing that she was trying and failing to keep her composure.

"N-Nooooooo! P-Please don't say that! I-I just want everyone to be happy with Naoya-kun!"

"That's all I want too~"

Uzume grinned, while Naoya smiled at the antics of his Sekirei.

He found them rather entertaining.

Meanwhile, a young woman could only run as she was being chased down.

She hated it…

She hated that she was always being chased.

Because she was a Sekirei in the games, she was now going to be a prize for someone.

This girl however…

She wasn't the one that Naoya dreamed of.

No, but she was still in distress as she was being chased by another Sekirei, and an Ashikabi.

The Sekirei that was chasing her, came at her with a sharp dagger. She did all she could to move out of the way, but she received a cut to her right arm, making her cry out.

The dagger Sekirei didn't stop in her movements, and tried to pin down her target.

However, the moment the bladed Sekirei got close…

A mist was produced.

Coming from the chased Sekirei, her hand shot up, and forced the mist right into the face of the Sekirei. Being thick and strong, the mist blinded the Sekirei long enough for the mist wielding Sekirei to shove the dagger Sekirei down onto the ground, and continue her running.

"Stay still will you? Come on, join my group."

She heard the voice of a young male behind her.

She didn't like this person at all.

The young woman in question wears an elegant white dress revealing her cleavage and belly button, with two black straps that formed an X just below her bellybutton opening. Her hair runs down her back and reached near her butt, off bluish white colour that resembled mist as she ran away.

She wasn't the most athletic Sekirei, nor was she able to put up much of a fight either.

However, she did have a trick up her sleeve, and that was her power as a Sekirei.

Placing her hands behind her body, she allowed some kind of mist to spring forward.

The Sekirei that was chasing her, together with her Ashikabi were dumbfounded by the mist, and the woman that was chasing the mist girl, who was wielding a dagger in her palm, tried to slash the mist out of the way, but she was struggling to see as the mist was growing stronger and stronger.

"Damn girl, she's going to be difficult to deal with."

The Ashikabi scowled out.

He himself was a young man, a little younger than Naoya, wearing a white suit, and sporting light brown hair. He gave an air of a mixture between arrogance, and playfulness, yet serious as well as curious about the world around him.

It was a difficult person to read.

But what wasn't was his desire to have her as his Sekirei.

As he was someone that loved to add to his 'collection'.

But the mist Sekirei wasn't having any of it, and used the mist as a confusion to her enemies to slip away from him for the moment.

Later on, it was the day of the move. Naoya was organizing the transfer of items from the apartment to the new home, to Izumo Inn. He couldn't contain his smile, seeing as now they'd have a bigger place for them to go, and for his Sekirei to be able to live freely, and peacefully.

Kocho was searching the database, with permission from MBI this time, to see which Sekirei it was that Naoya had seen. While Akitsu and Uzume were using their good deal of strength to move boxes, Naoya was busy making sure things were packed away and that they didn't leave anything behind.

Yashima herself was outside putting some stuff into the van that had come to help them move.

"How about her Naoya-san?"

Kocho showed an image of a girl.

But Naoya shook his head after looking at her for a few seconds.

"No...her hair was longer than that, and the skirt was longer too..."

"I see...hmmm, okay. Lets see if I can find her..."

Naoya had given her the general look of the girl, and what weapon she wielded.

It seemed that a few Sekirei fit that description, but not exactly.

Either they had the weapon look, and not the actual look as in her body and face, or it would be opposite were it would be a girl that looked nearly like her, but didn't have the weapon that Naoya had seen.

"I'm sure that whoever it is, you'll find her Naoya-kun and let her have a good home here."

Uzume said with a comforting look.

"Yes. I just don't want her to be worried or on her own, like Kocho-san and Yashima-san were. Even Akitsu-san...I just feel its wrong to release Sekirei on their own. I'm all for them finding their destined partners, but from what I've been told by you guys, you're only given basic knowledge through TV, right?"

Kocho inclines her neck.

"I searched the internet, but mostly we learn through TV and such things like movies."

"I was told by my adjuster that the world was cold and unforgiving. Though with Naoya-sama, it doesn't feel like that at all."

Akitsu said with her trying her best to gain a smile on her lips.

Though Akitsu did find it difficult to do that since she usually was a stoic person.

Yashima then came back into the apartment and looked between the different boxes.

"Nearly there." Yashima breathes out cutely, her head cocking towards Naoya. "Naoya-sama, did you find the Sekirei yet?"

"No, not yet."

Naoya replied with a sigh, as Yashima gained a cute shy smile.

"Please don't give up Naoya-sama, I am sure you'll find her eventually."

Naoya hoped that was the case.

Then Kocho showed another image.

"Is this her?"

This was the fourth one that Naoya had seen, and was surprised when he saw her.

Same face.

Same clothing.

Same weapon.

Everything was the same.

"Y-Yes...that's her. I'm sure of it."

Kocho nods and pulls up her profile, reading it out for the others.

"No. 87, Kaho. She's a weapons type, a naginata user apparently. Combat potential is unknown at this time, since she hasn't been released yet. However, according to her combat test trials, it seems that she shows promising results."

Naoya didn't really care if Kaho was strong or weak.

Just seeing her was quite something.

He was glad for the moment it seemed that she was alright.

"Wow, Naoya-kun's getting a reaction from an unreleased Sekirei~ That's the Ashikabi power building up inside of you~"

Uzume sang out, Naoya humming as he overlooked her.

"So, until she's released, there's nothing that can be done."

Kocho shook her head.

"No, I'm afraid not. But, while she's with MBI, as cold and heartless as Minaka can be, even he wouldn't want anything to happen to any of the Sekirei's while they're being tuned and adjusted, especially after the incident with Akitsu from what I can tell. Call it him wanting to see as many players as possible for him to gain the maximum entertainment."

Naoya could see Minaka being like that.

Still he was surprised that he was seeing a Sekirei that hadn't even been released yet.

"At least it's a relief to know that they'd be alright. Now, just have to worry about the others that have been..." His phone then began to ring curiously. "Ooh, it's Minato." Kocho developed a confused face. "My brother." He clarified, then answered. "Hey Minato, what's going on?"

[Hey, do you want to go out today?]

"Ah, I wish that I could. Did Mom not tell you?"

[No...tell me what?]

"I'm moving-"

[Out of the city?!]

Naoya was surprised by his panicked tone.

"Haha, no. This apartment is just...erm, not working out. So, I'm moving to a place in the north part of the city, run by a nice woman~"

[O-Oh, you're moving to a different place then?]

"Yeah. I thought Mom had said that's why I didn't say. It isn't a big deal, just need...more space~ But, I should be free tomorrow if you'd like to meet up."

[Sure, I'm free. Text me where and I'll meet you.]

"Okay then! See you tomorrow!"

With that the phone call ended, and his mind drifted back to Kaho.

He'd eventually be meeting her, even though he didn't know where, and when that would be.

He was at least excited to see it happening.

Then Naoya continued helping the others get their things ready so they could leave the small apartment behind and allow them to continue onwards.

Later that day, the mist Sekirei had exhausted herself, in trying to escape from her attempted winging from an Ashikabi she didn't want to have.

She wandered into the East part of the city, trying to think of what she could do next, and how she could continue on. She wondered if she'd be able to find a safe place for her to just sit down and rest at.

Eventually, she did find a place, it was a nice quiet cafe with hardly anyone in it, so she walked inside, getting a cup of coffee, and then sat down, trying to think of what she'd be able to do next after this.

"Maybe I should try and find an Ashikabi...but, if they're anything like that other one...damn, why couldn't I find a good Ashikabi before I had met that little brat from the South...but he might still be after me...so, I don't know what I'm supposed to do..."

The mist Sekirei pondered what she was supposed to do.

But that didn't seem to be the case for her.

For as soon as she tried to stay in one place for too long, as she was drinking her coffee, she came across Kakizaki, together with Sai, No. 31, standing outside of the cafe, with her weapons dangling between her fingers.

Sai had a dirty smile on her face.

The mist Sekirei pulls herself up, seeing that there were people around, and she wasn't sure what the Sekirei was going to do, if she would attack the humans or if she was going to try and attack her with humans around.

So the mist Sekirei stood up, and left the shop with her eyes focused on Sai.

Walking out of the shop, Kakizaki spoke up.

"Welcome to the territory of the East." The young woman's eyes went towards Kakizaki who held a professional gaze. "My name is Kakizaki, I work for Higa-sama, of the East. I'd like you to accompany me please."

The mist Sekirei was reluctant to do so.

She could see that Kakizaki didn't look like the type of person who kept patience.

"...That's fine thanks. I have some stuff that I'd like to do."

Sai steps forward, with her strings that had blades attached to the end between her fingers, and showed them to the mist Sekirei.

"Don't make this difficult. Now, follow me Sekirei."

"I said no."

Sai gave a condescending look, before embedding her knee into the mist Sekirei's stomach, causing her to cough out bile.

"I didn't give you a choice. Now come with me, or else I'll terminate you. My Ashikabi wishes to have a word with you. Entering this territory means that you're going to be working for Higa-sama, didn't you even know that?"

The mist Sekirei tried to recover from the knee to the gut.

Sai though looked annoyed.

"Come on! We're going now before you make a scene!"

"Sai, please remain calm. Remember, we can't afford mistakes. Higa-sama is becoming increasingly impatient with the amount of Sekirei that we've lost lately. We need new Sekirei..."

"Yeah, but this one doesn't seem to have any combat abilities. She hasn't even fought back. She might be useless."

"No Sekirei is useless, you just have to find ways to use them."

Kakizaki replied, with the mist Sekirei's eyes falling.

"...It's like that other Ashikabi...all they want is for me to fight for them...they don't care about giving me love...affection...even when not knowing my power, the Ashikabi's only want me to be another soldier in their army...and I wont have that happen, not ever..."

The mist Sekirei mostly recovered from the knee to the gut, pulling backwards as Sai went forwards.

"Don't try and run. You can't seem to even fight from what I can tell. So, why are you even bothering?"

"You don't know anything about me, do you? My power?"

"Why should I care? You're not a single number, are you?"

The mist Sekirei shook her head.

"No, but I might surprise you!"

The mist Sekirei pulled backwards, and erupted mist around it. It became thick, and obscured Sai's vision enough for the mist Sekirei to retreat. The public around also were confused by the sudden localized fog, something that Kakizaki noticed.

So when he saw that Sai was getting irritated and was beginning to swing her bladed strings around, he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"What is it Kakizaki?!"

"Don't draw attention to us. You know what MBI would do if we're caught. Lets quietly leave, and think of another way for us to gain the mist Sekirei's power. I can see that Higa-sama would want an ability like that. She might not be a fighter, but she does have the power to resist us and hide in her mist and hide us as well."

"That's kinda dangerous if she's ever paired with a fighter. They'd be like assassins...damn it! Now, I want to have her fight me! And then we'll be able to serve Higa-sama together after she's lost! Heh, wouldn't that be great Kakizaki?"

"Perhaps, but we should remain careful, and get out of the streets first of all."

Sai ground her teeth, nodding slowly.

Upon arriving at Izumo Inn, Naoya began taking his stuff into the Inn while his other Sekirei did the same thing.

Miya directed where their stuff would go, and which room would belong to who, though Miya did say that they could spend time with Naoya as long as it didn't go too far, which Naoya thought was rather cool of Miya to do.

"Thanks again Miya-san."

Naoya smiled out as he came down the stairs.

"Now, now. Please don't say that. I don't turn people away, and Uzume is like family to me. So her Ashikabi is more than welcome here."

"Hehe, at least allow me to say that your home is lovely. And if there's anything I can do, any chores, please let me know."

"Ooh my, you're so sweet. But, don't you have college to attend?"

"My exams aren't far away now, then I should hopefully be in college. But, even if I am, I don't mind helping out."

Miya places a few fingers to her lips in a cute manner.

"Hehe, aren't you a dear~? Well, I could always use some help, but I wont ask too much. A future doctor of Japan needs to study so I can ask Uzume to do some chores, and some of yours as well."

"Miiiiiiya…." Uzume complained as if she had been listening in, which Naoya suspected was the case. "Extra chores? C'mon Miya, be cool."

Miya's face didn't change, but her Hannya Mask appeared, stopping Uzume's heart for a single beat, before it returned to normal.

"I'm sorry, did you say something Uzume?"

Uzume's face turned pale, shaking her head so fast that Naoya thought her neck would break.

"I-I'll do anything you want Miya! You're awesome!"

Miya showed her smile, which caused the worry of Uzume to spike even more than she thought possible.

"I thought you'd see it my way~"

Uzume sweat dropped, but then they heard a crash followed by "Ooh shit!" that sounded like Kocho, so Naoya and the others rushed in to see Yashima's hammer embedded into a wall, Yashima herself on the floor, and Akitsu on top of her, looking to have slipped onto one another.

Naoya gave a nervous chuckle.

"I can fix that hole in the wall."

Uzume leaned closer and whispered.

"Can you?"

Naoya whispered back "I'll learn." making Uzume giggle, watching the wall with the hole in it, and chuckled awkwardly.

As he did, Homura looked around the corner, seeing Naoya with the other Sekirei, then pulled back into the hallway, placing a hand to her chest, seeing that it was getting a bit bigger than it was before when she was nearly flat, now she was growing a bit more, unsure of what to make of it.

The mist Sekirei kept running for what seemed like hours, and eventually, the time of night came, and she found herself deeper into the city. She was close to the tower of Teito, the place that she knew Minaka's headquarters was.

Her eyes shot for it, and she...cursed it.

She hated it.

Everything that was happening.

Why she was being chased for her power…

She then heard footsteps coming from behind her, so she moved away, and went towards an alleyway…

But then saw that there was Kakizaki stood there, together with Sai.

"Why do you keep running away mist Sekirei? You wont be able to survive long on your own, without an Ashikabi."

"I don't want an Ashikabi forced upon me! I want one that I've chosen to be with!"

The mist Sekirei said defiantly to Kakizaki.

Sai though stuck out her tongue in a cutesy way.

"If you come with us, Higa-sama is gonna make you his. It isn't that bad, you just have to follow his rules, and then everything is going to work out okay. Plus, it isn't like you'd be sent out alone. You have the ability of the mist, you can't fight on your own, you'll have a partner at all times."

The mist Sekirei shook her head again and again.

She wondered how Sai became like this.

If she was being forced to say these words, or if it was something else.

"I'm sorry, but I decide what I do, where I go, and I wont go with you."

The mist Sekirei tried to move away along with releasing her mist to make it easier for her to escape and hinder the vision of the others, only for Sai to launch her string blades at her.

The mist Sekirei wasn't used to fighting like this, so she pulled away, and received a cut to her right breast, forcing her to hit the floor with her butt. She grimaced at the feelings of pain she felt from Sai's little attack.

"There's no point trying to run. You don't have combat abilities, and there's nothing that you can do."

Kakizaki said with a cold demeanour.

Sai showed a smirk on her lips however.

"Please try and run, and I'll shove my blades deep into your body-"

"Heh!" A loud voice called out. "Trying to pick fights around Teito Tower, are you?!"

Kakizaki's face curled downwards as the first person the mist Sekirei heard came into vision…

It was Benitsubasa.

Her right fist was tightened, and her left fist was carrying a bag.

Kakizaki froze under Benitsubasa's gaze.

"...No. 105, Benitsubasa. From the Disciplinary Squad."

"So you know me, do you?"

The mist Sekirei blinked rapidly.

It seemed as if Benitsubasa was ignoring her.

Sai stepped forward, and twirled her blades within her hands.

"Hehe, this is going to be easy. Even if you're in the Disciplinary Squad, you wont be able to fight me!"

Sai tosses her strings forward, with the blades shooting out as well.

Benitsubasa bursts forward, and yells "Pulverizer!" smashing her fists forward, and caused a shockwave as her fists hit the blades, causing them to shatter into tiny pieces that scattered across the ground, igniting fear within Sai.

The mist Sekirei used this chance to make her escape, running away as fast as she could.

"N-No! Stay away!"

Sai yelled, and saw that she had some of her strings left, so she tried to use them to bind Benitsubasa, who merely laughed.

"You underestimated me. You really think you can get away with that? Also, you targeted Naoya, didn't you?" Kakizaki winced as Benitsubasa aimed her fist downwards. "Extreme Earthquake!"

She yelled, punching the ground so hard that it erupted in all directions.

"Shit! Kakizaki!"

Sai tried to dodge it, but she couldn't let Kakizaki get hurt, so she got in the way and took the wave of debris right in her upper body, blowing her through the alleyway and towards another street, smashing her deeply into the ground.

Kakizaki was stunned by Benitsubasa's power, and pulled backwards…

But Benitsubasa clicked her tongue.

"Tch, don't look at me like that. I'm not going to kill you."

"T-Then...w-what do you want…?"

"All I wanted was to go home for the night, and prepare myself for what I'm going to say to Naoya when we finally meet again and start our amazing epic love story!" Kakizaki grimaced. "But now, I have to deal with your punk ass, attacking this Sekirei. Are you stupid or something?"

Kakizaki placed a hand to his mouth.

He didn't know what to say and began to get scared.

Benitsubasa rolled her eyes, and turned her eyes towards the mist Sekirei.

"Alright, you're safe now. So I'm going to take you to Naoya..." When her eyes got there...she saw that the mist Sekirei was gone. "For the love of...seriously, this would have been a chance for me as well! Mist girl! Where the hell are you?! Come out now, or I'm going to punch the ground! Don't make me do it!"

Kakizaki cringed, and began running away from Benitsubasa.

Getting to Sai, he saw that she was out of commission.

She wasn't deactivated, but she was unconscious.

She was hanging on somehow.

Benitsubasa continued looking around, but couldn't see anyone there.


She sighed, seeing that she had lost the mist Sekirei.

The next day, Naoya got up early, and he recalled the dream again.

With Kaho.

While she was still with MBI, there was little that he could do.

But when she was released, he was going to try his best to meet her.

Still in the mindset of wanting to make breakfast, Naoya quietly slipped out of the room, and walked down the stairs, wearing only a shirt and his underwear, something that he was rather used to considering he lived alone with his Sekirei for a little while.

So he was surprised when he saw that Miya was within the kitchen, fixing breakfast.

"Ooh, Miya-san."

Miya's eyes cast towards Naoya, and gained a light smile.

"Good morning. It is pretty early."

"Yeah, I guess I woke up to fix breakfast for the Sekirei's...but, it seems that you're already on it. Need a hand?"

"It couldn't hurt."

Naoya walked closer, but then Miya placed her hand out.

Her eyes went down Naoya's body, seeing his state of dress.

"Hehe, it seems you've taken a habit from Uzume~"

"A habit?"

Miya nods, looking down at Naoya's legs.

"Wearing no pants, or shorts."

Naoya looked down, not bothered by the fact that Miya was releasing a miasma from her which usually would scare other people.

"Ooh, I guess I didn't even realize, I'm sorry~ Be right back~"

Miya watches as he turns, and runs out of the kitchen.

A small curl of her lips happened as she saw him come back down a minute or so later.

Then he began helping her with some breakfast.

As they did, a thought came to Naoya's mind, recalling what had happened with Homura the previous day, and since Miya seemed to know Homura quite well, he thought that maybe she could have some insight.

"Miya-san...about Homura-san...is there something going on with her?"

"Oh? Why do you think that?"

"It's just...I don't know, I feel as if Homura-san is acting...off. Granted, I don't know her that well, but compared to the first time we met, and now...just something seems a bit different. Uzume-chan said that she is naturally a bit weird, but I don't know...it just feels as if it's something more..."

"I wouldn't worry. Homura, Kagari...however you want to call her, is a Sekirei that's rather, troubled for various reasons. I can't really go into more detail than that, I'm sorry."

"No, that's fine. It's Homura-sans private business, I shouldn't ask. But can I ask...you seem to know a lot about Sekirei's...are you an Ashikabi by chance? Do you have a Sekirei?"

Miya giggles cutely.

"No, I don't have a Sekirei, but I do know of them because of my deceased husband. He...used to work for MBI."

"I see...so, that's why you know about them. I found it odd that if you weren't an Ashikabi and you clearly dislike MBI, there had to be more going on...but, I wont ask anymore. It seems like it's something...hard for you to speak about, right?"

Miya nods as she looks down at the prepared food.

"Yes...it is quite difficult. But, I don't mind telling you."

Naoya cocks his head.

"Oh? Why?"

"Because, you seem like a together young man, that can clearly see that there must be some kind of explanation for me knowing about Sekirei. It's nice that you're curious. But remember, curiosity killed the cat hehehehehe~"

Miya tried to show her Hannya Mask as she began laughing wildly...

But it didn't bother Naoya whatsoever.

That surprised Miya, who ended up questioning it.

"May I ask...you don't seem to be affected by my Hannya Mask, that hasn't happened before. Especially with...someone that isn't a Sekirei. So, why aren't you bothered by it?"

"Hmmm...I don't know, I guess that I don't feel what everyone else seems to. I can clearly see that it looks menacing...but, it just doesn't really give me a creepy feeling. If anything, I think it's really funny~"

Miya paused when he said that.


She recalled when she thought it was funny as well…

Back with her former husband…

"I...I see, funny huh...maybe it is."

Miya mused to herself, just loud enough for Naoya to hear it.

He wondered what she was thinking right now.

Meanwhile, the mist Sekirei had finally managed to find a place to sleep, allowing her to get a few good hours without having to worry, but now she was on the road again, knowing that she wasn't going to be able to rest for a long period of time.

Walking through the city, she saw many different humans, but couldn't feel any pull towards any of them.

She felt disheartened.

All she could think of was how she would be able to find her Ashikabi.

Her true Ashikabi…

But she also was beginning to wonder if all Ashikabi's were like the ones she had met.

Just ones that would force her to do whatever it is that they wanted.

She didn't want that.

In fact, she hated that she was constantly being chased, and attacked.

The mist Sekirei continued on her path, and managed to find a good place for her to sit down…

But when she was going to sit down…

Across the street, she saw that boy again, with his dagger wielding Sekirei.

Panic began to grow within her, while the boy gave a cool smile.

"Wait, why don't you come with me?"

He called, the mist Sekirei narrowed her brows.

"I do not want to go with you, I'm looking for my Ashikabi."

"I could be your Ashikabi."

He tried to convince her.

But he didn't want to deal with her trying to run either.

The mist Sekirei clenched her hands together, and looked down at the ground.

"Why…? Why don't you leave me alone and let me find the Ashikabi that I'm meant to be with?"

"But, I'd be a good Ashikabi to you. I'd take care of you. You'd be apart of my collection."

"Collection…? What kind of thing is that to say to me? You're...You're just trying to make me apart of your group? Your collection...Sekirei's aren't something to just collect!"

The boys face contorted angrily.

"Now, why don't you come with me-"

"I said no!"

The mist Sekirei turned and began running away again.

She hated that it was happening.

That she'd never get what she would want.

The chance to truly find the person that would love her, and wouldn't treat her as some game.

Later on, Naoya and Uzume were the ones that were heading off out together. Since he was going to be seeing Minato, Naoya wanted to ease the fact that he technically has multiple girlfriends to him, he just didn't know how he was going to do that yet. But since he knew Uzume, he thought that would be the best way to do it.

Naoya and Uzume left the Inn together, and held one another's hands as they walked through the city together.

"Aah Naoya-kun, when we're alone together, don't you feel as if you want to go and have some fun together~?"

"I guess that we..." Seeing Uzume's dirty expression, he knew what 'fun' she wished for, and lightly chortled. "...Uzume-chan, you're thinking like that, huh~?"

"Of course~ Because if we do...then we'll become even closer my cute Naoya-kun~"

Naoya also did think about it.

With the increase of Sekirei, he wanted to deepen the bonds with his Sekirei.

"So, we're you meeting him Naoya-kun?"

"By the station he said, he had a few errands to do, but said he'd be there soon."

"Aah, brotherly bonding again~ By the way, Naoya-kun, have you heard from your Mom?"

"I have, she said she's still running some tests on what samples she collected from me."

"Hmmm, I see~ I wonder what she's going to find~"

"Something that helps Akitsu-san I hope."

As they talked together, they walked through the city to their destination, and having casual conversation befitting a couple.

During their journey to the station, Naoya and Uzume both noticed something…

A deep mist.

It was spreading around unnaturally within an area.

Naoya looked behind them, and saw that down the street, it was completely normal. But in front of them, the fog was getting thicker. While it still could be seen through, it was something that Naoya wondered what was going on.

"Uzume-san...this isn't a natural fog, is it?"

"It doesn't look like it."

"Is there a Sekirei that can produce fog like this?"

Uzume hummed.

"Hmmmm...if there is, I've never come across one. I do know there's one that can control water...but, this doesn't seem to be that...and it isn't Homura-chan running wild with her fire powers either...it's definitely unnatural...maybe you should contact Kocho-chan, we can't be sure that this isn't some kind of enemy."

"Good idea."

Naoya picked up his phone, and rang Kocho.

[Naoya-san, is something the matter?]

"Aah, Kocho-san. I need you to search for any kind of mist, or fog, or smoke kind of Sekirei on the database. We believe we've come across one."

[I see. But, are you in danger? Shall I request Akitsu-san and Yashima-san to come and help?]

"I don't know, we don't seem to have been targeted yet. Standby."

Naoya spoke as Uzume changed her outfit.

With the fog covering them, Uzume was able to change quickly. Her veils wrapped around her, and she pulled Naoya closer, along with her hand resting itself on Naoya's lower back.

"Naoya-kun, lets go forward, okay? If we go in deeper, we might come across what's going on."

"Yeah. But lets be careful. It might be the East...so stay close. We can Norito if this is some kind of ambush, and I'll have the others come."

Uzume smiled at her Ashikabi.

It was clear that he was growing more comfortable with knowing that he would be thrown into these situations, and was thinking of ways for them to get out of it, and defeat opponents.

Something that she also had to think about now.

The protection of her Ashikabi who was working hard for her and the others to survive.

As they waded through the mist, Uzume used her veils to sweep it away out of their eyes so they could see a bit ahead.

They saw normal humans just walking through it and commenting things such as "Weird weather we've been having." and "Yeah, it shouldn't be this misty, should it?" only making Uzume and Naoya more cautious.

Then Naoya heard back from Kocho.

[Naoya-san, I've found a Sekirei that can produce mist. Her name is Taki, and she's Sekirei No. 65.]

"No. 65, Taki. Does she have an Ashikabi?"

[According to this, she's currently unwinged.]

"Then she's not with any Ashikabi that could attack us. Is there any other Sekirei with that power?"

Uzume also wondered the same thing, and just hoped that this wasn't an enemy that they'd have to take down.

[Nothing that can control mist and fog like you're seeing.]

"I see...but what could she be doing? And why is she doing it now?"

[I don't know. But from my satellites, I can see that there's a few signatures dead ahead of you. Because of the mist, I can't tell you who it is exactly, but it is something that we should be on the lookout for.]

"Okay, thanks Kocho-san. Call me back if you get more information. I'll also contact you if we need the others."


With that, the call ended, with Naoya relaying the information to Uzume.

"So, it could be someone trying to capture the Sekirei then."

"Potentially, we should be careful Uzume-san."

"Aah, careful is my middle name~"

Naoya chortled as they walked off together.

Moving quickly, they managed to appear into the heart of things, seeing that the lady that was producing the mist, was under attack, by a woman wielding some kind of dagger.

Naoya called "Uzume-san!" she jumped immediately, and flanked the dagger wielder, wrapping her veils around her, practically throwing her across the street, into a more deserted area.

Naoya looked relieved, and went towards the mist Sekirei.

"Taki-san…? Is that your name?"

The mist Sekirei, turned to Naoya...and felt something come over her.

It was a heat she hadn't experienced before.

It was wrapping around her body like a comfortable blanket…

But she didn't want to feel it.

Experiencing what she had with Ashikabi's before…

"Leave me alone."

She said coldly, and tried to move away…

But the boy that had chased her before found his way to her, and placed a finger under her chin.

"What the heck..."

"Don't struggle. It's time to kiss me..."

"N-No, get off!"

Taki attempted to push the boy away, but because of the sudden reaction to Naoya, she was stunned.

Naoya, seeing her struggle, rushed to her side, and punched the boy with enough force to get him away from her but to not do any real damage, who let out a dramatic cry as he fell over.

"W-What the hell!?" He continued his cry. "T-That really hurt!"

"I barely hit you though..."

Naoya revealed truthfully.

But the boy couldn't accept it, and placed a hand to his cheek.

"Y-You idiot! Hitting people like that!"

Naoya's eyebrow twitched, overlooking the boy as the mist began to go away. It seemed that Taki was having a bit more trouble controlling her power than before, she couldn't explain it that well, and she didn't even know what to say as a result.

"You're in the business of forcibly wing Sekirei, are you? Hmmmm, you're not Higa, by chance?"

Since Naoya had never met him, he didn't know what Higa looked like.

All he knew was that Higa was wealthy enough for Takami to say that about him, and that was about it.

But seeing this boy, he looked around Naoya's age, perhaps a bit younger.

"Heh, comparing me to Higa, you must be mad. Well, that's alright, I'll forgive an uneducated boy such as yourself."

"Eh, I'm pretty sure I'm older than you."

The boy pursed his lips, and huffed like a child.

"Whatever! Don't stop me from getting my Sekirei!"

He tried to get towards Taki who gasped.

But Naoya got in the way and showed his fist.

"Don't hit me!"

The boy flailed his arms, and fell backwards.

Hitting the ground with a thud, his eyes gazed up at Naoya.

He then called "Help me!" to his Sekirei, running towards her.

Naoya rolled his eyes, and went towards Uzume as well to make sure that she was okay.

Taki, by her instincts, was compelled to follow Naoya.

Though her mind was telling her to run, her body was aching to follow him.

Getting towards Uzume, Naoya saw that she was finely handling the Sekirei of the boys. When she tried to slash Uzume, she jumped over, flinging her veil down towards her, and wrapped her up, then brought her in a throw, tossing her against a nearby tree, causing the leaves on it to shake around rapidly.

Uzume then formed her veils into a spear around her arm, charging for the dagger wielder.

Said girl managed to move her dagger to slice through the veil just in time to avoid Uzume's worst case scenario piercing, but she did get a huge gash down the right hand side of her body, causing blood to begin to leak out of the wound.

The dagger wielder panted, while the boy of the Sekirei looked worried.

"Hey Uzume-san, you going okay?"

Uzume giggled.

"Aah, it's no so bad. She's pretty alright~"

"H-Hey! I'm fighting you here!"

The dagger wielder complained, Uzume shrugged.

"Sorry about that, but my Ashikabi-kun's so adorable that I had to answer him..." Uzume noticed the girls Ashikabi was beginning to shake. "...Naoya-kun, did you frighten him like Kakizaki?"

"I didn't mean to, I only knocked him away from Taki-san here. I didn't think he'd freak out like this..."

The boy folded his arms.

"I am not freaking out! And even comparing me to Higa of the East...heh, you must think low of me to compare me to that cretin."

"Well, who are you then? The South guy I've heard about?"

"Right! I'm Mikogami of the South! So don't get any funny ideas!"

"I could say the same to you. Trying to force yourself onto Taki-san, what the hell is the matter with you?!"

Taki looked astonished by what she was hearing…

An Ashikabi that didn't want to force themselves upon her…

All she had seen so far was Ashikabi's doing just that.

"E-Eh? What do you mean by that?!"

"I mean, Sekirei's are people! You can't go around and force yourself on them!"

Taki wondered if she was hearing it right.

Or Naoya was trying to trick Mikogami or even trick herself?

She had been placed in situation after situation with Ashikabi's trying to hurt her, trying to stop her…

And now she was being caught between two more Ashikabi's.

She just didn't know what she was supposed to believe.

How she was supposed to proceed.

"Sekirei's are people…? You do know that Sekirei's seek out Ashikabi's, right?"

"Of course I do, but that doesn't give Ashikabi's the right to force themselves to wing Sekirei. It's their choice if they decide to go with any Ashikabi. It isn't up to you if you want to force a Sekirei to be yours."

"But, they're apart of my collection. I really like them all~"

Naoya was having difficulty in finding out who the hell Mikogami was as a person.

He seemed erratic, he seemed to be confusing.

"They're...your collection?"

"Right! But, you didn't even tell me who you are!"

"My name is Naoya-"

"Naoya...oh, I've heard of you."

Naoya looked surprised.


"You've been getting a bit of fame, since winging your third Sekirei. I've heard about you before, the veiled Sekirei over there, and also have a rare elemental type with you...aah, the ice type, I believe. You've got a decent collection yourself, haven't you?"

Naoya gave an incredulous look.

He couldn't believe that Mikogami was speaking like this about Sekirei.

"How old are you?"

"I-I'm 15, you?"

"I'm 17. But the way you act, it makes me believe you're a bit younger than that."

"That's not true! I just appreciate my Sekirei and want my collection to grow!"

Naoya exhaled slowly, and went over to Uzume, whispering to her.

"Uzume-san, can you figure this guy out?"

"Not at all. He speaks as if he owns the Sekirei, yet I feel as if it's more like a child owning toys, or something rather than it be truly sinister."

"Yes...I also got that impression...what do you think we should do?"

"Good question...whatever we do, we have to make sure that he's aware that he can't do things with us around. Want me to deactivate his Sekirei?"

Naoya overlooked Mikogami and his Sekirei.

He knew that he'd be reunited with his Sekirei eventually…

"If we have to..." Naoya turned to Mikogami. "Hey you. Do you intend to keep going after Taki-san here?"

"That's right, I'll add her to my collection."

"Sorry, but you can't do that. I wont let you."

Mikogami gave a smug look.

"And what're you going to do?"

Naoya looked towards Uzume.

"Uzume-san, if you would."

Uzume nodded, and shot forward. Using her veils before her, she managed to surround the Sekirei with her veils, forming a mini dome around her.

The Sekirei panicked, and called "Mikogami-sama!" but he couldn't do anything for her.

She rushed to try and slice the veil, but Uzume moved it out of the way, then she caused the veils to spin rapidly around her. Hitting and cutting her body, the dagger wielder couldn't do much, and was then surrounded completely.


The Sekirei girl cried, as Mikogami began to...panic, to Naoya's astonishment.

"W-What are you doing!? Stop at once! You can't take her away from me!"

Again, Naoya didn't know what to make of Mikogami.

Naoya then saw Uzume drop the Sekirei out of the veils, who landed on the ground.

"Naoya-kun, should I finish her off?"

Naoya looked towards Mikogami who was shaking.

His eyes and face displayed fear and anger respectably.

When he was going to say something, Uzume saw that another Sekirei was coming closer with a long doubled sided blade, standing beside Mikogami.


"I know, he's the South after all...he's bound to have a few Sekirei."

"Yeah, but even if he does, I know we'll still come out on top, because I wont give up."

Naoya smiled lightly at Uzume, knowing that she definitely wouldn't give up.

Naoya then went towards Mikogami.

"I don't understand you...but, I will say that if you keep coming for Taki-san, then I'll stop you. And, if you ever try and fight me, I will fight back. I don't like being in this tournament, but I wont lose any Sekirei either. So South, be sure to understand that I wont cower under you, nor will I allow you to force any Sekirei to be yours. If you're forcing Sekirei to be with you...then I just can't understand your mentality. I saw when Uzume-san had your Sekirei, you showed real concern. So, why would you force a Sekirei to become yours?"

"...That's my personal business. Besides, I wont give up..."

Naoya closed his eyes.



Uzume went to move forward, when she saw the Sekirei moving towards Mikogami as the blade wielder shot forward with tears in her eyes.

"Those words are so beautiful! I'm sorry to cut you down!"

The girl cried out, and tried to attack Uzume, but Uzume dodges out of the way, and then thrusts her veil forward, barging her way into the torso of the woman, blowing her backwards, and hit the ground near Mikogami who cringed.

He then quickly went towards the girl and showed a worried expression, seeing that Uzume was coming closer, again Naoya was caught with curiosity over Mikogami, seeing that he did have concern, yet he also forced Sekirei to be his...

"We need to go, now!"

The Sekirei's turned, grabbed Mikogami as Naoya paused Uzume.

"If we go after them now, they could lay a trap for us. That Mikogami might come off as childish...but, I feel as if he's not so stupid."

"Yeah, we can't leave Taki-chan alone either. He might ambush her while we're giving chase, and if we take her with us, as unwinged as she is, she might be winged by him."

"Right, let him go for now."

Naoya and Uzume watch as he disappears with his Sekirei.

Naoya, once confirming that they'd be alright, turned to Taki.

The mist Sekirei looked towards Naoya with eyes that showcased she was feeling...off about something.

She was trying to make sense of the thoughts and feelings that were surrounding her.

"Taki-san, are you okay...?"

"Sorry for troubling you." Taki began, keeping her head down. "...I'd like to leave now."


When Naoya called out to her, Taki shook her head.

"I just...I can't right now...too much is happening...my heart is...my body is...Ashikabi's...Sekirei...I just need to think..."

Naoya gained a worried look for Taki, and went to move closer.

But she pulled away, and began walking away.

"Taki-san, you could be in danger. Please let me help you."

"I...I don't know what to do right now...I just need to be on my own...too many people have been pulling me in all directions...I just need to think...and to act for myself...to do what I want to do for a change..."

Naoya understood.

He took out some paper, and a pen, and wrote down his number, passing it onto Taki.

"There, if you need help, then please call me. I'll come running. I also wrote down the place we live...if you need help, come there. We will help you Taki-san."

It's all Naoya could do.

He didn't want to force the issue.

It was clear that she had been forced to do things she didn't like.

She wanted to make her own decisions, so he made sure she knew that whatever decision that was, they'd be there to help her.

Taki didn't get it.

She refused to come with him…

Yet he was going to help her regardless?

"Why? I'm not your Sekirei...why would you want to help me? Are you trying to win me over? To become yours?"

"Because you might need it. I want you to find the Ashikabi that you want. Not be forced to become someone's Sekirei. And no, I'm not trying to win you over. I'm just trying to help Sekirei that need my help, or my Sekirei's help. I don't know what's happened to you, but that's your decision if you'd ever want to tell me. All I ask is that you contact me if you're ever in a bind. No one should force you to do anything against your will. You deserve to be safe, Taki-san."

Naoya watches as Taki looks down at the piece of paper.

She examines the number for a few moments, before putting it into her pocket, giving Naoya some hope that she'd be alright in the end.

"Thank you...for understanding...I just need time alone...to think clearly..."

"It's okay, just be safe."

Taki nods slowly.

It was refreshing to hear someone speak to her kindly, and not want anything from her.

In fact, he wanted to help her, rather than him wanting her to do as he asked.

She could even feel her face heating more and more.

The fact that someone was being so understanding.

Not forcing her to do anything she didn't want.

Didn't want her for her power either.

It was clear to Taki that Naoya was different to Mikogami, to Kakizaki, to Higa, he didn't care about her power, he didn't force her to do anything against her will, he simply wanted what was best for her.

"Thank you...sorry, what's your name?"

"Oh, yeah my name is Naoya Sahashi."

"Naoya...Sahashi-kun...thank you, Naoya-kun. Maybe...we'll meet again sometime."

She then hugs her upper body, and moves away from the area.

Naoya watches her leave, and knew they'd have to make sure she was safe.

Uzume walks closer, and stands beside Naoya.

"Is it alright to leave her alone Naoya-kun?"

"We can't force her to come with us. It might be the safest thing to do, but if she doesn't want to come with us, the best we can do is make sure that she knows she can rely on us."

"You're right...it's the best we can do...she must've had a bad time with being chased by Ashikabi's. At least by that damn Mikogami."

Naoya nodded slowly.

"Maybe...damn, I wish people like Higa, and Mikogami didn't go around doing their thing. I guess that's why we're there to stop them. Even if they don't learn..."

"That we are my cute Ashikabi-kun~ We'll take them down if they try anything~"

"But, I couldn't help notice something about that Mikogami...the way he treated his Sekirei...it was different to how I believe Higa does. Still, he's a teenager, I don't get how he doesn't understand the concept of Sekirei's and not forcing them to be winged."

"Sometimes people just don't want to accept it Naoya-kun. He wants a collection, if they reacted naturally, then that's their choice. But if he's going around forcing people, then he crossed a line...so, I guess next time, we're going to stop him?"

"If he pulls this crap, then yeah. We'll have to. He can't go around doing that, no matter his reasons." As he spoke, his phone went off. Looking down, he saw it was Minato, realization came over him. "Ooh crap! Minato! I completely forgot!"

"Hehe, lets get going then Naoya-kun~"

Naoya nods, and takes off with Uzume, while thinking about Taki.

Seeing the lonely look in her eyes, seeing how she felt isolated, and unsure of what to do…

Naoya hoped that she could believe in him, if nothing else.

Or she'd find her Ashikabi that would be there for her and love her.

Benitsubasa had decided that if she couldn't phone Naoya...she was going to do something else, and that was visit him. So that's what she did, together with Haihane who was following behind her.

Benitsubasa didn't care if Haihane did or didn't follow her, but it was nice to have a friend along for the ride.

"You know Haihane, I find it odd that you're so keen to help me with my Ashikabi, what about yours?"

"I'm reacting to Natsuo."

Benitsubasa did a spit take.

"Wait, seriously?! But he's into guys! He wont love you!"

Haihane giggled.

"I was only joking. I get along well enough with Natsuo, but he isn't my Ashikabi, my destined one I should say. Maybe it could be Naoya-kun~ I'd wing myself to him just to be with you, forever~"

Benitsubasa shuddered.

"Don't say that! I don't want to be with you forever!"

Haihane giggled even more, finding it hilarious to see that Benitsubasa was getting flustered.

But soon, they arrived...at Naoya's old apartment building.

She gained a smirk, and went towards the door.

"Wait, I don't know which apartment number he lives in."

"Does it say his name on the side? With those buzzers?"

Benitsubasa looked, but couldn't see Naoya's first, or surname.

"Damn it..."

"Well, we'll go and see the landlord. There's his buzzer."

Benitsubasa nodded, and was allowed entrance after a few moments of waiting after buzzing and explaining a bit about what was going on.

Seeing the man, Benitsubasa tried her best to smile in his presence, Haihane could see that it was difficult for her.

"Now, what can I do for you, young pink haired girl?"

Benitsubasa gave him a strange look, before sighing.

"Alright then, just listen to me, don't argue because I have that a lot and I need you to stay calm."

Haihane found it funny that Benitsubasa was telling people to stay calm when she was more the liable one to start yelling and going off the rails.

"Eh...sure, then I guess that's alright...so, what do you want?"

"Right. There's a boy here named Naoya Sahashi, I'd like to see him."


"I know he lives here...don't start and just let me see him. Don't be difficult."

Haihane held back a small smile on her face, seeing the landlord of the building becoming a little scared.

"H-He did live here...b-but he moved away…."

Benitsubasa's face began to fall.

"Excuse me?"

"Y-Yeah, he moved out yesterday..."

Benitsubasa's eyes began to blaze. Her face turned darker and darker. Her body began to quake, Haihane grimaced, seeing that an aura was beginning to leak off of Benitsubasa, showcasing how unhappy she truly was.

"You...are...JOKING!" The landlord cried at the raised voice, moving backwards as the girl moved forward, gripping the air near his face, frightening him immensely. "YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT I BUILT UP MY DAMN COURAGE TO FINALLY SEE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE POTENTIALLY, AND HE'S NOT EVEN HERE ANYMORE?!"

"...Y-Yes...I-I suppose…."

Benitsubasa took a sharp breath in.

She was ready to explode.

Her face was showcasing a dark expression.

As if she was going to take down the enemy that was before her.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? DID YOU KICK HIM OUT?!" The landlord looked on in fear as Benitsubasa slammed her hand onto a nearby table, cracking it a good deal. "I GET IT, YOU'RE AGAINST HIM BECAUSE HE'S CUTE, AND YOU GOT JEALOUS! THAT'S WHY YOU GOT RID OF HIM, ADMIT IT!"

"N-Noooooooooooo! I-I didn't do that! P-Please don't hurt meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! H-He moved away of his own accord! Please calm down! I'm scared right now!"

The landlord cried heavy tears, while Haihane sighed deeply.

"Benitsubasa, maybe we should have rung ahead. Or maybe you should have answered the phone calls he made to you, maybe it was him trying to tell you he moved."

"Seriously! Shut up Haihane! I've had no luck on the phone! This was supposed to be the beginning of our love story! And now I'm being told he's gone!"

Haihane felt it was rather...sweet that Benitsubasa had said that.

Benitsubasa breathed out of her nose heavily.

The landlord continued to cry, as Benitsubasa snarled "Takami..." Haihane cringed.

"Okay, so he's moved out. It's a setback, we can deal with it."

Benitsubasa scowled, then looked towards the landlord.

"Sorry for scaring you, I've been told I've got anger issues."

The landlord shook his head violently, and fast.

"T-That's f-fine...y-you're leaving n-now...a-and not returning….r-right?"

"That I am, don't need to be here anymore."

Benitsubasa stormed out, with Haihane bowing.

"Sorry about her, she has some temper issues. You understand. I'll pay for the table she cracked..." Haihane looked at it, seeing it coming apart. "...she broke. Yeah, I'll send the money, thanks bye."

Haihane bowed once more, and chased after Benitsubasa.

Getting outside, the pink haired woman was walking down the street fast.

"Wait up Benitsubasa!"

"This was a waste of time!"

Haihane got close and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down, this is just a stepping stone. Now we know he doesn't live here, we'll find him. Don't get so worked up."

Benitsubasa huffed.

"Don't worry about me Haihane, I will get my Ashikabi yet!"

"That's the spirit. Now, I'm gonna tell MBI so they can smooth it over with that guy as well."

"Yeah, good idea...damn it, I let my anger take control."

"It's fine, you did try your best so it's understandable why you got pissed off. Next time though, make sure you answer his calls."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I will."

Haihane gave a genuinely pleased look.

But then she leaned closer.

"By the way, want to go halves with me on a chocolate cake? I'm craving chocolate right now, and I've heard that there's this cake that's a bit more pricey, but it has a delicious taste to it, rich smooth chocolate."

"Yeah, okay."

"Great, then lets go."

While for Benitsubasa it was a setback, she wasn't going to allow it to deter her, and she was going to do her best to finally do it.

Haihane was glad as well, seeing that Benitsubasa wasn't giving up.

Benitsubasa was on a mission now.

Spend time with Naoya, and potentially become his Sekirei.

That night, after Naoya managed to spend sometime with Minato, he returned to the Inn, and spoke quietly with his Sekirei, along with Miya and some others.

But when he got the chance, he then went towards Homura's room, and knocked on the door, waiting for the flame Sekirei to open it, if Homura was there at all, since he hadn't really seen Homura lately.

But thankfully she was, opening it and revealed Homura looking rather warm, possibly due to her power.

As soon as she saw him, she began to pull away and blush lightly at the same time.

"Y-Yes...? Is there something you want?"

"Oh...erm, no, not really. I just came across a Sekirei today that was being chased by some Ashikabi's, but she didn't want to come with us. I gave her my number, and this address. I thought I should let you know since you're the Sekirei Guardian and all."

"Oh...I see. Then you protected her?"

"Yes, that's right. She looked rather unsure about what she should do. She didn't want to come with us, so I tried my best to support her."

Homura nodded slowly.

"Sometimes that's all you can do. I often do that with other Sekirei, help them find who they're supposed to be with."

"I just hope she's going to be okay..."

"I'll look into her as well, see if there's anything I can do."

"Aah, thanks Homura-san..." Naoya could see that Homura was having trouble breathing normally, he felt worried and cocked his head. "Are you okay? I've hardly seen you since we moved here."

"I've...just been busy, I'm hardly here. Between duties of being the Guardian, and my job, I don't spend much time here."

Naoya thought that made sense.

But he did feel as if something wasn't right with Homura.

"Homura-san, are you feeling okay?"

"I...I am yes. I-I have to go now, goodnight Naoya-san."

"Yes, good..." Homura's door closed. "...night." He finished off, turning away from the door. "I wonder what's wrong..."

He mused, seeing that something was on Homura's mind.

But since it was her personal business, he didn't interfere with her.

Homura inside of her room, looked down at her body, seeing it becoming a bit more curvier than it was before, her eyes casting to the door, and murmured "Could it really be him...?" but quickly dismissed it, though deep down Homura could feel as if it definitely could be possible, though Homura wasn't sure on how to feel about it, not wanting to get hopes up and be unable to be winged...

Takami, who had been researching ever since she had received the data about Naoya days before, kept going over the data she had received from testing Naoya, while she was looking through it, she came across something that she wasn't expecting to find...

"What is this..."

"It seems that there's something unique within him, doesn't it?"

Minaka spoke from behind her, surprising Takami.

"Don't sneak up on me like that again."

"I'm sorry my dear Takami, but I had heard you were doing some research on our son."

"Again, my son."

She corrected, but Minaka didn't even seem to be worried about that.

"Well...whatever you wanna call him, he's still...hmmm, how to say this...he's quite the Ashikabi, having Akitsu developing a reaction to him, and already winging three Sekirei. It seems that there might be something special about our son deep inside. He does treat his Sekirei with respect and love, and vice versa, he doesn't act like the other big powers of the game so far."

Takami gave a scornful look to Minaka.

"What do you know about this...?"

Minaka held up his hands, frightened that Takami was going to punch him.

Especially when seeing her fist tightened.

"Don't accuse me of anything! The reason why he's been attracting No. 07, it seems that our boy has something unique inside of him. It's a theory Takehito had, but it seems that it could be something that is more than a theory. I've also been thinking about it for a while now, and it's certainly plausible. I'm sure you're also been thinking the same thing, especially after how certain Sekirei have been acting."

Takami hummed, thinking about all of the previous events she had seen before.

How certain Sekirei have been acting.

Both positive and negative.

"Be straight with me...can he wing Akitsu? Safely I mean. This...what I've found, can it help that process?"

"I don't know." Minaka's words caused Takami to frown. "But...maybe what you found, could give him the power to wing her. If you'd like, I'd help you out."

Takami looked less than willing to do that.

"I promised myself I'd not ask for your help. And I doubt Naoya would want your assistance either."

"Then I'll give you guidance to find the answer yourself. Technically, I wouldn't have been helping you directly then, would I?"

Takami was distrustful of him.

"Why are you so interested? Is it for your game? Because I wont let you use our son as your Pawn. Karasuba is also too interested in Naoya, if she decides to try something..."

"Maybe it is for the game, but I'd also like to do things for our family. Not everything I do is fueled by my desires for fun and the new age of Gods Takami. Maybe I just want to help out."

Takami didn't know what to make of it.

But, she did know that there was something about Naoya...and with what Minaka said, she was going to delve a bit more into Takehito's research to see if she could find the answers.

End chapter!

So Naoya's been dreaming of Kaho now! Though learning from Kocho, he looked her up, but has shown that she's not been released yet, so there's little he can currently do until she is released. Taki also appeared! And has been chased down by both Kakizaki, and mainly Mikogami, Naoya and Uzume managed to come across them, and help protect Taki, but due to how she's been treated by different people, she's not sure what she wishes to do yet, and has decided to go off on her own for the moment. We'll see her story going on as she goes on her own journey.

Meanwhile, they've also moved into Izumo Inn, and are settling down rather nicely, while Benitsubasa built her courage...but she missed Naoya who moved out, but Haihane was there to cheer her up in her own way. Homura also seems to be going through a bit more than she's currently letting on to the others. And at the end, Takami seems to have discovered something about Naoya, what that is we'll soon see~

Finally, thanks to everyone who voted on the stories, a new one should be out later this week, so look forward to that if you're interested!

Well until next time, thanks for reading!

Naoya; Uzume, Akitsu, Benitsubasa, Yashima, Kazehana, Homura, Kocho, Haihane, Kaho, Taki,

Minato; Musubi, Kusano, Tsukiumi, Matsu,