Naofumi stood stoically as all the dirt Malty and her father had done against him was dragged out into the light. Ever since arriving in this world, these two had done everything in their power to ruin him. Now finally, he was vindicated, at last.

He twitched slightly as gentle fingers encircled the outside of his clenched fist.

He didn't show any outward reaction but relaxed his hand enough for Raphtalia to lace her fingers with his. Easing his grip, he felt her grip in his own and his heart softened.

There were many among this world he hated because of what they had done to him and made him out to be, but there were few that he found redeeming; Ake, a kind-hearted knight if ever there was one. Melty, the true Princess that her people needed in these dark times. The various shop owners he had encountered up until this point. Particularly Erhard, the smith that had given him a chance when no one else had and when he had no reason to. Draak, the closest thing to a son he had ever known.

Then there was Raphtalia, his sword and the one he most trusted with the object he had given to her for safekeeping. She was so much more to him than a keeper of his burdens but he couldn't exactly find the right time to explain everything, not yet anyway. Maybe once this trial ended he could sit down with her and explain everything to her. A tiny part of him fearing that she would fear him and want nothing more to do with him.

But he pushed it aside as his father had taught him, his wise words echoing in his mind as he tuned out the rest of the proceedings while he clutched the only woman's hand he ever wanted to hold forever.

'Now pay attention son, this lesson is very important. The female is much more powerful than a male by far in a coupling. Oh we can claim to be her protector, her provider and friend but my son she will always have more power over us. For all we do for her, the female is the one who holds our very life in her hands. Our very hearts. Remember that when it comes time for you my eldest. You will find there are many females but there will only ever be one for you. It will scare you so much, that you will doubt yourself at every turn but that is how you know you have found her. Because only the female you are meant for can make you so vulnerable but at the same time make your heart feel so free.'

Naofumi breathed deep as he returned to the present and looked down at the twined hands at his side. He felt his lips twitch up involuntarily as he ran his thumb across the back of her hand. He pretended not to notice her small 'eep' as he refocused on the Queen when she passed her verdict.

He was horrified to hear the Queen pass the Death Penalty.

Freezing at that, he recalled his nightmare from the night prior and a different lesson his mother had taught him regarding their shared sight.

'Remember my little one, just because the future looks bleak doesn't mean we can't change it.'

He turned just in time to see Malty wrestle free of her guards when they moved to take her away and unleashed a fire spell.

Aimed right at the throne.

Naofumi didn't even hesitate as he shed his skin and shifted to his true skin. He had to protect his companions, he had to protect the Queen. But most of all, he had to protect his keeper, he had to protect Raphtalia.

Damn the consequences, it was high time that Bitch knew whom she had insulted and that she wouldn't get away with threatening his Heart Keeper.

Raphtalia brought up her hands to shield herself from the fire spell. Slowly she lowered her arms and found herself surrounded by darkness. She knew she wasn't dead because there were panicked screams somewhere beyond the black. Cautiously she stepped forward and gasped at the feel of something warm and rough coiled around her left leg up to the calf.

Looking down she saw the coiled tail of a reptile but much, much larger.

Following with her eyes she trailed it off further into the dark until she felt a warm exhale on her back. Turning slowly, the first few drops of sweat were falling from her face as she looked back into the richest pair of emerald eyes she had ever seen. When she looked into those eyes, she became lost. They were so afraid, so full of pain and anger.

Without thinking anything of it, she held out her hands and made to move forward. The eyes cringed and seemed to back away, while the tail slackened and unwound from around her leg. She stopped but continued to hold her arms out.

"It's okay. It's okay."

She murmured soothingly, her earlier fears replaced by feelings of compassion. An overwhelming, simple desire to end the pain she saw in those eyes. Slowly, they drew back to her again and this time she stood and waited for them to come to her. Soon feeling a rough surface under her hands she stroked it soothingly, the tail coiled snugly against her leg again.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."

She continued to stroke the surface as the eyes kept focused on her then slowly, reluctantly almost, they backed away from her and disappeared. Then the darkness was abruptly ended as what was actually a wing lifted up and Raphtalia stared at the stunned faces gathered. All attention seemed to be focused on something high and behind her. Turning her head, she looked up into the darker recesses of the throne room and saw those beautiful emeralds looking down on them all.

A sigh from the Queen made her turn back. The woman seemed impossibly calm with the fact that a massive dragon was coiled in the shadows behind her throne as she snapped her fan closed.

"Foolish Daughter, you have no idea whose ire you've drawn upon yourself."

Taking that as a cue of some sort the dragon bent down and the massive head became visible to the stunned spectators. Many gasped in open awe as they beheld a handsomely onyx colored head with gold trim coloring the shiny scale edges that complimented the emerald eyes beautifully, emerge from the shadows. The dragon stopped just in front of the docks and bellowed a furious, trumpeting roar at the guilty parties.

The Queen casually reopened her fan and in the ensuing silence addressed the two horrified members of her family.

"Allow me to re-introduce to you the Shield Hero Lord Naofumi, soon to ascend to the throne of his forefathers as the next Dragon Emperor."