A/N: The Cullens are removed from their self-appointed reign and retribution is at hand. Back to Jasper's POV xx Alexis
I felt so damned guilty; I should never have sent Bella to deal with Carlisle. She was shaken and it was not somethin' I liked to feel from her. We all tended to forget she was still a fairly new vampire and not used to these types of vampiric behaviour. She only knew about the love between two mates, havin' lived with Peter and Char for all of her short vampire life. Yes, there were worse vampires out in our world, ones who prey on humans, especially human women. Most tend to keep their sexual choices to themselves and in their own homes etc.
We really needed to get this thing over and done with so we could leave and live our own lives. I had spent my time with that petulant and in my eyes way more deviant than his sire boy, Edward Cullen. To think I had lived with him and never knew the depths of his disdain for our world and our laws. None of them had even tried to toe the line. Like for instance Edward's ignorin' his mate bond with Chelsea for over forty years! That was an offence, his knowin' and not fulfillin' it was actually against our laws. He had a duty of care for his mate that he wilfully ignored.
After leavin' Bella, I had gone to his rooms to talk to him about his sister. Well, that was my excuse and before long I had him spillin' his guts to me and he wasn't even aware. I sympathised and intonated that women should know their place, because let's face it I'd been doin' that to Alice, puttin' her in her place all week. So he harped on about Esme, Rose and even Alice not knowin' their place and Carlisle allowin' it for far too long. How he, as the man had the right to withhold favour from his mate. Especially if she didn't comply with his every wish and on the other hand how she should make herself available to him no matter what the circumstances.
I wanted to rip him apart there and then, that arrogant self-righteous git. He was so entrenched in his own importance even a mate was seen as a belongin', owned by him. Obviously, Carlisle had never bothered to teach him about mates and funnily enough, that too is against our laws! It was feelin' Bella's distress that eventually helped me make my escape. I fleetingly wondered how Peter and Char were doin' with Alice, as they had yet to return to our suite. But Bella was my top priority for now; no doubt we'd get a blow by blow description from Peter later.
"Man, she's bat shit crazy! How did you put up with her that long?" Peter shouted before burstin' into the room.
"I ignored her mostly and just rolled with it," I said shruggin' my shoulders,
"What did she do Peter, don't keep me in suspense?" Bella quizzed him and he laughs ploppin' down on the bed,
"Well!" he said wavin' his hands about like a demented idiot,
"Shut up Peter and I'll tell them!" Char said droppin' down beside him and he huffed until she kissed him quickly on the lips and he caved,
"She was pacin' back and forth like a chicken with no damned head when we got there. So I asked her what was so wrong, that had her this strung out. She growled and said I wouldn't understand. So I slapped her and that got her attention. I told her if she ever wanted to get your undivided interest she needed to get a grip. That stopped her in her tracks and then she was wailin' that someone was out to kill her and she didn't have time for our nonsense.
So I ripped her arms off and told her to shut up and grow up. If she wanted to be part of this family it was our way or no way at all. She was scared and ain't gonna lie, I was enjoyin' her pain. We dragged her through that damned book you gave her and now I'm certain she's persuaded she's everything you could ever wish for in a mate. She was indoctrinated Texas-style, but she just don't know it yet!" Charlotte said rushin' the whole thing out,
"Breath suga'! Nice and deep, nice and slow" Peter whispered in her ear, even though we heard.
"Okay, it's almost time for Phase Two. Has Chelsea has released Aro yet? Has she broken her bond with Eddie yet? We need to find out and we need to find the others and prime them for the next step" I say and Peter asks,
"What was Phase One? I didn't know it was a phased event!" he even pouted at us all,
His lip stuck out like a child's, I swooped in and planted a big sloppy wet one on him and he was up like a shot. Runnin' round the room spittin' and rubbin' his mouth.
"Don't do that again, ever. Nobody kisses this mouth but Char!" he spluttered,
I thought he'd bust a gut, the commotion he was causin'. The girls laughin' at him didn't help either.
"I thought you loved me," I asked battin' my eyelashes at him,
"Fucker!" was all he said before grabbin' Char and erasin' my kiss with a belter of his own.
"Okay, Phase One was to Charm and confuse them,
Phase Two will be everyone Petitionin' the brothers and all your grievances against them bein' aired,
Phase Three will be the big reveal and my turn to scare the ever livin' shit out of them before they die!" I said smilin' grimly.
We were just gettin' ready to head out when we heard Aro's voice loud and clear,
"Round up the Cullens Felix, take Jane in case they resist. They are to be chained in the throne room, no cell, no privacy! Emmett, I want their every word monitored. Only Carlisle will have the presence of mind to talk through Edward the other two will blab like children. They will not be fed anything but human blood, they refuse they starve!" he commanded and we all rush out to join them in our disguise as the Gonzales.
As we joined them Aro nodded and asked,
"Is your shield up my dear?" to Bella
"Yes sir" she answered quickly.
"Your thoughts Major?" he asked me now,
"We petition you the brothers, against them. We use the laws they seem to know nothin' about to bring about their demise. One by one over the space of a few days, maybe only one or two a day. Chelsea first if her bond is broken. She will be petitionin' against Edward. Then you yourself Master Aro, against Carlisle?" I inquired on both counts, he nodded,
"Then the Wives if they are willin' against Alice, if not Caius on their behalf and then Peter and Char as themselves against Alice and Carlisle. Then Esme, Emmett and Rose, against all three. Next Bella again as herself, against Alice. Each of them will be droppin' hints at my freedom and finally, you will retire to pass judgement on them. Then as you arrive to give the verdict I will give them the big reveal that I was here all this time!" I said and Caius clapped his hands gleefully,
"Masters, how would you feel about me making one of Carlisle's damned documentaries? Let the vampire world know you guys are still in charge and the Cullens are going down" Emmett asked from the back of the group,
"Ah, perfect my boy! So be it, let the games begin!" Aro announced and everyone heaved a sigh of relief it would soon be over.
The Cullens were dragged in and chained to the floor and each other. Then Marcus told them they are about to be petitioned against by several parties over the next few days. They were standin' with their mouths open and not understandin' why they hadn't been killed outright. But we all wanted our pound of flesh, so it would be slow torture for them. Every wrong they'd done us would become public knowledge. Emmett had been busy settin' up cameras and sound equipment at every angle so he would be able to hear everythin'. But if not we could read their lips if necessary.
They seemed surprised when everyone just walk away and left them standin' there as if they were no longer of importance. We spent the whole night sequestered in the wives tower, the furthest away from the throne room, not that we feared Bella's shield would fail, but because we didn't want to hear them whinin' and bemoanin' their lot in life. Hard as it might be to believe, this would be everybody's fault, but theirs! As soon as I was introduced to Chelsea I knew her matin' bond with Edward was gone.
"It was not very strong, to begin with; I should have known, I make bonds all the time. I thought it was because he was so young, so naive and I would be able to help him strengthen it over the course of our eternity.
They were in my face and space all the time, telling me what I had to do to prove my love for him and I know it was wrong. But I just relented for peace from Alice's insistent harping on and on, she's insane. She finally told him Aro would kill me rather than let me leave the Volturi and they said they would never stay.
I didn't want to believe it, but! I'm sorry I wasn't sure" she said contritely looking' at the brothers and Marcus smiled,
"That probably would have been his first reaction. But we would have talked him down, well I would have anyway!" he told her puttin' his arm around her shoulders in a fatherly manner.
"So are we all ready? Does everyone know what they want to say and get across to our world? Then I think we should retire and be fresh and ready for the cameras tomorrow!" Caius said laughin' as we all nodded in agreement.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, it aggrieves me to have to stand here today and begin legal proceedings against a coven whom once held a position of high standing in our world! But a small minority of them planned over many years the downfall of not only their own coven mates but us, the Volturi as well. So I would like to open this first day with a petition from Chelsea Volturi against Edward Cullen, who until recently was her mate!" Aro's openin' words reverberated around the room,
"No! She is my mate and needs to learn her place" Edward shouted before bein' zapped by a smilin' Jane,
This in itself was a strange thing, as smilin' was somethin' she rarely did. But Char and Bella had taken to the young girl and she was apparently ecstatic to have new friends from outside Volterra. Especially ones who weren't afraid of her or prejudiced by her reputation.
"As you can see fellow vampires, young Edward has no understanding of what being a mate actually is. He has not been taught or guided by his sire in the ways of mates because he, Carlisle, himself never had one either!" Marcus announced and I guess lots of folks will be surprised to hear him speak,
"Chelsea, please state your grievances for the court," Aro said before sitting down again.
It didn't take long for her to explain all of Edward's short comin's and growlin' could be heard from the guard when it became apparent just what he'd been doin' to her headless body. Instead of nurturin' their bond he demanded and forced his wants on her. Findin' out how long he'd known about their matin' and not goin' to her brought forth much hissin' as well. It took her less than twenty minutes to tell the world of the whole sordid events and why she forcibly broke their bond on her side. She even went as far as to say she would rather be punished by the Volturi for her transgressions than be mated to him one moment longer.
Carlisle was mortified, but Edward was angry and belligerent. Diggin' his own grave with every retort and disgustin' comment on his rights as he saw them.
"Therefore I petition this court for the right to kill Edward Cullen!" Chelsea said and finally, Edward saw the light, she wanted him dead!
"Thank you, Chelsea. We will deliberate and after everyone has been heard you will have our answer. Meanwhile, you are under house arrest, until we find a suitable punishment for you" Caius said, but there was no anger in his voice or demeanour.
"Since that took so little time, we will have the next petitioner speak. Aro, please present your case against the Cullens!" Marcus spoke now and Aro moved to the spot Chelsea had vacated,
"I won't take up to much of the courts time and give you the plain unvarnished facts of the events that have been happening over the last twenty years!" Aro said quietly for him,
He then explained the Cullens had arrived and in the time-honoured fashion of the Volturi were invited to stay. He, unfortunately, had not read them right away and that was a mistake he will never make again. How everyone was overjoyed when they realised Chelsea and Edward were mates and let them go off together. Alice was introduced to the wives and everythin' went quite well for a couple of days. Then Caius had complained somethin' was wrong with the wives and before Aro could ascertain the problem, Carlisle asked for a private audience with him.
That was when he was tricked into sendin' Renata away as Chelsea was there with Edward and young Alice. Once he was under Carlisle's control he realised Chelsea had not given him strict instructions or commands and although trapped he was still free thinkin'. He started to fight it immediately and as Chelsea never reinforced it and then lost her head only weeks later, he was slowly breakin' free. Renata couldn't help him because she could not cover him with her shield, she could only deflect before the event. This situation continued for twenty years, as Caius ran the Volturi from Pisa instead of Volterra.
The Cullens had only gained control of the citadel and not the Volturi itself. Their biggest mistake was takin' him too soon and thus alertin' the other two brothers. As is their way they then took charge and emptied the castle of all the guard and staff. Leaving the Cullen in control of only three people. He reminded the vampire world he was not the Volturi itself, just a third of it! That was the Cullens error, one that they the brothers had fostered for this type of takeover, hundreds of years ago.
"So I petition the court for the right to have the Cullens tried and executed for treason, as written down in our founding charter!" he finished by sayin' and retook his throne on the dais.
Carlisle's mouth was gapin' like a fish, looks like he didn't know about the charter. Edward and Alice were glarin' at him, they should have known too, but it was easier to blame him.
"Ladies and gentlemen this concludes day one of our trial and we will retreat to collate the information before us and resume with statements from the wives read out by Caius Volturi tomorrow. That will be along with a petition that has been outstanding for twenty years from Captain Peter Whitlock!" Marcus commented before standin' and followin' his two brothers out of the chamber.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to day two of the trial of Carlisle, Alice and Edward Cullen. The next petitioners are Athenadora and Sulpicia Volturi. Due to the stress and fear caused by Alice Cullen, they have given written statements to Caius Volturi and he will speak on their behalf. Caius if you please" Marcus explained signallin' his brother to take the floor.
"I have here the two statements from the Volturi wives, detailing the verbal and physical abuse meted out to them by Alice Cullen! So as a last-minute addition I wish to also petition the court for the life of Alice Cullen for hurting my mate Athenadora! Again as laid down in the Volturi charter" Caius reported to the court and Alice couldn't stop herself shoutin',
"She deserved it, stupid bitch didn't move fast enough when I gave her an order!"
The whole court growled angrily at her outburst and she looked taken aback. She really did not see how wrong this was, did she?
Caius read out both statements and Aro had to shush the court several times, due to their anger at the wives treatment by Alice over the last twenty years. The court was utterly silent at he concluded their statements and he reached into his cloak and pulled out an object.
"Aro, I will give this to you for safekeeping lest I do something rash!" he said handin' over his fire starter and Alice flinched at the sight of it.
"Now as Caius resumes his seat I would like to call the next petitioner to speak to the court. Captain Whitlock, If you please" Marcus said raisin' his voice slightly and the door swung to but not closed as two people entered.
"Welcome to Volterra, brother's may I present Captain Peter Whitlock and Charlotte Whitlock?" Marcus said smiling at the two before them all,
"Ah yes, the Whitlocks. Well, not all of you! What brings you to Italy?" Aro said with a wry smile of his own,
"No, unfortunately not all of us as yet. We had been lookin' for my sire for twenty years, until recently. Anyway, I would like to petition you for the removal of Carlisle Cullen as a coven leader and the death of Alice Cullen. The list of her crimes is long, so very long indeed! But the one I wish to address is this.
I repeatedly asked Alice and Carlisle where Jasper was and all I got for an answer was several attacks on my mate's and my own person, by hired thugs! Not very good ones as you can see" Peter explained and the two Cullens loudly denied all knowledge of those attacks, callin' Peter a liar.
"Do you know who ordered these attacks on you and your mate?" Caius asked tersely,
"Yes, the order came from here!" Peter told them and the Cullens almost blanched and shuffled their feet,
"Here! We ordered no such hits on you or you lovely mate" Marcus expounded and his voice was much louder than normal,
"I am aware of that Master Marcus. I ask Emmett Cullen to look into your records when I arrived here in Volterra and wouldn't you know it, Alice Cullen's name was on the verification of payment to five different mercenaries. Four of which won't be cashin' those checks! The first one was known to me and he approached me with the information that the Cullens had ordered a hit on us twenty years ago! He tore up his check in front of me, so you aren't out of pocket at all" Peter explained while smiling deviously at the Cullens,
"So what were they hiding that necessitated your deaths? Did they actually know the whereabouts of your sire?" Aro demanded, whilst trying to hold back a smile,
"I know without a shadow of a doubt they did!" Peter replied and Alice shouted out,
"I have no idea where he is and if you're thinking he's in Washington your wrong, Peter Whitlock!" she spat out his name like a curse,
"Oh, I know he is no longer in Washington bitch, but he was," Peter said turning his back on her to hide his glee,
Alice's eyes darted around the room, as did Carlisle's and Edwards. They were peering in shadow corners and Felix slammed over the partially ajar door and all three jumped in fright. They expected him to appear at any moment and tear them to shreds.
"So you now know where you're sire is Captain?" Caius asked nonchalantly,
"I do sir. But for now, I want Carlisle removed as a coven leader for all time. Given that four have left his coven already and the other two don't listen to him anyway since he's useless. But she, Alice Cullen attempted to have my mate killed and that I know is against the law, our laws!" Peter made his demands of the brothers and stepped back to await their judgement.
"My, my Cullens you really have caused nothing but trouble for yourselves, haven't you?" Aro murmured, but they heard him.
With that, the brothers as usual departed leavin' the Cullens to stew out there in the open hall. Everyone else followed suit some lookin' at the Cullens in disgust and Jane zappin' each one as she left. Everythin' was goin' to plan and the Cullens were bein' shown up to be greedy, selfish and arrogant fools. Tomorrow Bella would make her appearance after Esme, Emmett and Rose had had their say and that would not be puttin' the Cullens in a good light at all. They to would reveal they had received their missin' body parts back. Hopefully, that would scare the three of them a lot.
But for tonight I was goin' to spend it with my mate. Now that things were almost over I was eager to move forward with her in not just the physical sense. I wanted the world to see she was my mate, my Bella and hopefully she would be okay with that. I wanted to ask Marcus to perform a vampire matin' ceremony for us. This was a much more recognised thing in our world than a pretend human marriage.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to day three of the Cullen trials. Our next set of petitioners were once Cullens themselves! But I will let them tell you their stories themselves, will Esme Platt, Emmett McCarty and Rosalie McCarty please step forward" Marcus intoned and the three came to a halt in front of the dais,
Edward glared at them in what he assumed was a menacin' way. Carlisle had the nerve to look down his nose at them and Alice didn't even look their way. I was sure that was all about to change because for once Emmett was no longer wearin' his glove. Rose's head was uncovered and her hair was up and Esme stood tall and looked lovingly at Felix as she passed him and he squeezed her arm. Carlisle noticed first and he whispered to the other two. That got Alice's attention.
"How have you gotten your parts back?" demanded Edward and the trio ignored him as they bowed their heads to the brothers.
"It had to be Peter! He broke the law and went to Washington!" Alice screeched and everyone flinched,
"What law would that be Alice?" Aro asked sweetly,
"The one we made you sign! No one was allowed in Washington State unless the wished to die!" Edward spat smarmily,
"Ah, yes, that silly little scrap of paper you forced me to sign which meant nothing at all. You do know? No, you don't actually! To pass a Volturi law it must be signed by all three brothers and the two wives. At the same time actually, in the presence of the elite guard and that little fake law of yours was not" Aro said in a bored voice and then gave a large fake yawn, that had the guard sniggerin'.