(Chapter 21: A Wolf No More)

It would be some time later as Adrian had kept up with training in his White Mage class in wanting to start finishing out said class because he was both curious as to what would happen once he completed it, not to mention that he also wanted to see if his theory on it being effective against Dementors was true once he maxed it out. Beyond that he was also working towards furthering the unlocking of his Storm Mage class through the continuous transforming of his flames into lightning, which granted was an arduous task to try and complete; even still it was a task he was super excited to see completed.

Furthermore he was also just happy to spend time with Jack in having her see the awesomeness that was Power Rangers, considering that as a massive Power Rangers nerd he wanted to spread the joy it gave him as a kid in his previous life to others. That and he had kept a constant watch on the few visits that Lupin had spent with the Longbottoms waiting and watching for the day when it would have the werewolf come to him, and when he did that would be when he struck and soon got his hooks into him.

(August 17th, 2013, Taylor Residence, 12:45 Pm)

Adrian was out in his backyard manipulating his arcane flames turned into lighting as he really wanted to get to work on his eventual flexing on Voldemort via dropping a thunderstorm on top of his head, or shredding him with a tornado...whichever one he could think of to be more entertaining.

"Master Adrian, I hope that I am not intruding on your training. However, I have news I have to tell you." Nadrey spoke as Adrian upon hearing the House Elf stopped his generation and manipulating the lightning into a dodecahedron

"Oh you're never a bother Nadrey. So tell me, what is it that you wish to tell me?" Adrian asked the house elf as to what it was he wanted

"You have a guest at the door. A Mr. Remus Lupin he said his name was." Nadrey answered as to who the guest was which immediately caught Adrian's attention

"Ah, that's great news. Where is Mr. Lupin at?" Adrian asked as to the where the werewolf waiting for him

"I left him in the front room to wait for you. I hope that is alright with you?" Nadrey informed the Gamer of where he'd told the werewolf to await his master

"Excellent. Tell him I'll be just awhile, since I need to change my clothes and freshen up. Can't be meeting my guest smelling like a power plant, and looking like I went 4 rounds with Electro." Adrian replied as he went to freshen up and change clothes

With it being around a little over a half an hour before Adrian showed up in some jean shorts and a Blind Guardian t-shirt as he went to see Remus Lupin who awaited him on one of the couches in the front room of his mansion.

"Hello, pleasure to see you here. Tell me would you like anything to eat or drink? Since I can have my house elves get ya something." Adrian offered as he may be a homicidal bastard but he could still be polite to guests

"I will take a butterbeer or firewhiskey if you have any." Lupin requested as Adrian gave an order to one of the house elves to get one for Lupin

"So tell me somethin'. What business do you have here, as don't get me wrong I enjoy the company. However, I'm sure that you came here to ask me something. So do tell me what it is you desire?" Adrian asked for what reason Lupin came here

"I came here because I heard of what you've done for the Longbottoms. Something that's extremely remarkable if I might add." Lupin spoke as it had become a big to do of what Adrian had done

"Let me guess, you came here on Dumbledore's behalf to have me join the side of Light? So that I can being a healing bitch for him and his people." Adrian smarmily guessed as to the reason why Lupin would come here

"That isn't the reason I came to you isn't about Dumbledore. To be honest with you no one knows I came here to see you... For this...this is a more personal matter." Remus told him as he hadn't told so much as a single soul about his going to see Adrian

"Well that certainly changes things. Because had you came here on Dumbledore's behalf then I would've probably had you turned away. Cause if Dumbledore wants to see me then he can do it himself. Cause I refuse to have his lackeys bother me for something when he can come and do it himself." Adrian replied as had that been the case, then the conversation they currently were having would be a lot shorter

"So tell me. What is it that you've come here to request from me?" Adrian added as to what Remus's request could be while a House Elf brought back a Butterbeer

"I wanted to know that since you were able to cure the Longbottom's of their insanity. If it would be possible for you to do the same for my lycanthropy?" Lupin asked in hopes that if Adrian was able to lift his lycanthropy

"Oh I can do that no problem. However, I want to know why you haven't brought this up to Dumbledore about getting rid of your curse? After all, he's your patron. So I'm pretty sure that he could hack it better than anyone, as he's supposed to be one of the most power wizards of all time. Well, next to me of course" Adrian answered back in being able to easily lift the curse but was curious to know why he hadn't bothered the old goat to do so

"I've brought this issue up to Dumbledore for over 20 years. Over 20 years of asking if he was any closer to lifting my curse, any closer to resolving this... thing inside me that's ruined my life. But instead I'm having to choke down wolfsbane potions like I'm a drug addict so I can stave off this bloody curse. Not to mention everytime I have to plead and ask Dumbledore to take me to someone or get someone to help me be rid of this curse, so I can have the normal life I deserve. Yet you know the same answer I had thrown back in my face?" Lupin replied with a disarming amount of disdain and hate concerning his curse and Dumbledore in the same sentence

"Let me guess that there's nothing more he can do besides potions. That its all for the greater good that you have this curse, so that you can be some shining figure for other wolves to turn to the light. Or some garbage like that. Or even how you should learn to live with your curse rather than being against such a thing..Am I getting on the right track?" Adrian replied as Remus Lupin gave him a nod that held years upon years of bitterness that was enhanced by the look of anger and regret in his eyes partially bloodshot blue-grey eyes concerning his curse and Dumbledore

"You are correct. With it being made worse by the fact that this has robbed me of the chance to have guardianship to the daughter of a close friend of mine. So in just realizing that no matter what I do, Dumbledore will never grant me what I desire. Then you just come out of the blue and are able to make miracle happen, that nothing short of God himself coming down and doing it happen. I'm just..done with Dumbledore's greater good. All its done for me is rob me of so much of my life and I'm done with all of it." Lupin said in just being done with Dumbledore's Greater Good in seeing that no matter how much he bought into it that he'd never be given freedom from his curse

"Interesting that you say your done with Dumbledore's greater good. Since I want you to hold onto that little thought. Considering that I will heal you of your lycanthropy, but I will only do so if you do something for me in exchange." Adrian told the pale-faced man

"Of course, I assumed that asking this favor from you wouldn't come without a cost." Lupin said in knowing full well that this wouldn't come without some form of a cost

"Glad you know that I don't do such favors for charity. Cause what I want you to do for me in turn is something I feel will be of equal value to my lifting your curse. Heck the rewards for you scratching my back, may just help you out in the long run." Adrian replied as he wasn't going to do any of this out of mere charity

"What is it that you desire from me in exchange for lifting my curse? I will do anything you request of me to finally be free of this bloody nightmare." Lupin asked as to what would be desired of him

"Well, for one I really and I mean just..really do not like Dumbledore. Considering that I don't buy that whole grandfather act he peddles. Not to mention that he has a real nasty habit of screwing people over. I mean look at your friend Sirius Black for example." Adrian spoke while catching Remus's attention at the mention of the former Black heir's name

"What do you know of Sirius Black?" Lupin questioned as to what he knew of Padfoot

"I know that he was done quite dirty by the legal system here. Seeing as how the investigation on what he did was rushed and no one even questioned the motive behind such a thing. The trial was pretty much a farce by Barty Crouch Sr. and of Sirius's enemies to crucify him and take him out of the equation. With an innocent man having years of his life robbed from him, all the while the real bastards never got their due punishment. Yet the thing that pisses me off the most was that Dumbledore of all people could've prevented this." Adrian answered back in having known full well that Sirius's case and trial was an absolute shame and farce only meant to crucify and get him out of the picture so to speak

"Since Dumbledore had all of the power and influence necessary to get Sirius the best legal team in all of Britain, or better yet the best ones in all of Europe and the western hemisphere. Considering that his power and positions nearly make him equal to the Minister of Magic. Yet he didn't because he probably saw it best to remove a pawn in his little chess game that had no more use to him in his crusade against Voldemort. I mean why else would he willingly stand aside and let Sirius be crucified by the public at large and sentenced to Azkaban for a life sentence with Dementors?" Adrian added as he knew full well that Dumbledore could've easily gotten Sirius out of trouble

Because with all of the political and social clout the old goat had, the Gamer knew full well that he could've hired the best legal team that Britain had ever seen in order to defend Sirius in that sham trial and make him a free man. Yet he didn't do jack diddly squat to save the patriarch of House Black from being damned to a life sentence in Azkaban and go to bat for him as Sirius had done during the war with Voldemort, all because he no longer saw a useful pawn in Sirius and as such had cast him aside like garbage.

"Hence why if you do what I ask you. Then I will make sure that Sirius gets a fair and proper retrial. Where he'll be seen as an innocent man and given the justice he so rightfully deserves." Adrian swore to Lupin whose eyes lit up at hearing that

"Do you really mean such a thing?" Lupin questioned his eyes beaming with hope for his longtime friend getting actual justice

"Of course I do. Unlike Dumbledore who has led you astray with false promises of a cure that will never come. I will do no such thing. Because I am a man of my word who will go to bat for you, and who will never throw you away like he's done to Sirius. This you have my word as a man and as a mage." Adrian swore with a rather warm and convincing smile on the Gamer's part that sold it too Remus to be on board with Adrian's favor

"What is this favor that you want from me?" Lupin asked in wanting to know what this favor would be

"I want you to help me take down Dumbledore. More importantly, I want you to be my inside man on his Order of the Phoenix. Not only that, but I also want you to start sowing seeds of distrust amongst them and start having them fracture and tear apart. Because if things are going to change and actual progress on making Britain a better place. Then that old goat's sputtering light needs to be extinguished and with a quickness." Adrian answered back as to what he wanted from Lupin in exchange for his curse being lifted

"After all, once his feeble light is extinguished then I'm sure the Potter heiress whose name escapes me at the moment. That she will be in a better place than that of her muggle relatives. So long as Dumbledore's in good graces and in power, then she'll continue to suffer. As its only a matter of time before something tragic happens to her, and all for what because its for the 'Greater Good' Dumbledore believes in that she stays with them. When you can be what prevents it if you work with me as my inside man." Adrian added as hearing those words come from the Gamer's mouth was all Lupin needed to make his decision

"I will be more than willing to be your inside man if it means helping Sirius and Rose." Lupin replied resolute and in acceptance of what Adrian's request from him would be

"Excellent, now then let's shake on it." Adrian spoke as he extended his hand

Once he shook hands with Lupin he had cast Remove Curse/Madness on him causing ethereal lime green energy to burst forth and wrap around Remus who suddenly felt as though a weight that had all but crushed him had been finally lifted, giving him a great sense of near euphoria in feeling his burden be lifted. With the Gamer feeling a bit generous; had decided to cast Restore Youth on the man and as such reversed his age back several years and watched the now former werewolf, now look much more joyful and more carefree.

That out of the way and telling him that he would be keeping an eye on him after bugging him with some of his improved Surveillance Drones had watched the werewolf leave his mansion, all the while a broad grin soon spread across his face.

'Everything is falling into place just as I want it.' Adrian thought to himself at how things were soon going to come into place

(3 days later, August 20th, 2013, 11:47 Pm, Taylor Residence)

It was a few nights later as Adrian was at his home watching Green Lantern: Emerald Knights with a Cherry Coke in hand and otherwise enjoying the rather peaceful night to himself.

"Man Green Lantern is awesome. Note to self, when you eventually go to the DC Universe. Be sure to bone Laira and Bleez." Adrian said in making note to go for those once he got to the DC Universe

'Also I wonder what Lantern Rings I could get. Hopefully that Orange one as it looks super dope.' Adrian thought to himself as he took another drink from his Cherry Coke as he watched the movie

"Daddy, we're back!" Jack called out as she had came running in

"Oh hey, Jack. I didn't expect you back so soon." Adrian said as he saw blood splatters all over her attire

"So tell me did you get rid of that man like I told you?" Adrian questioned the Assassin of Black who nodded vigorously

"We sure did. He struggled a lot but once we cut off his arms with our new knives you made better. He wasn't that much of a problem. We did cut out his tongue when he called us a monster." Jack said as she reached into her bag and began to pull out Ted Tonks's severed head

"Well shame on him then. You're no monster at all, your my adorable little girl." Adrian said as he patted her on the head for a job well done

"Yay, we're adorable!" Jack cheered as her large golden eyes beamed up at Adrian

"Of course you are. Also great job taking care of that awful man for me. Plus I'm really happy you like your upgraded knives." Adrian said while being happy that the killer loli liked her flame magic imbued knives

"They were really great. We got to have so much fun carving him up! Once we got rid of that wand he used to try and hurt us and took out his legs. The look on his face was priceless." Jack replied in being really happy with how her master improved their Noble Phantasm

The killer loli very much enjoyed her flame magic imbued knives; due to how she could have so much more fun carving up and slicing people to ribbons and not have them bleed out when they cut them made for a great deal more excitement when she started tearing people apart.

"Good to see that you took care of him for me Jack. Because he was gonna be a real thorn in my side, had ya not done so." Adrian spoke as he used a heavily concentrated burst of fire magic to flash incinerate Ted Tonks's severed head until all that was left was a large pile of ashes in Adrian's hands

'Not to mention that Andromeda can really do a lot better than this schmuck. Which is why its a good thing that I'll be getting next to her soon enough.' Adrian thought to himself in seeing that Andromeda's now dead husband was not that much of a looker

"So do you have any more people for us to go after Daddy? Its been so much fun cutting them to pieces and taking their heads." Jack asked in having enjoyed going after people and doing headhunting

"Not yet Jack. But don't worry I'll have more people for you to go after soon." Adrian answered in assuring her that she would have more targets to kill

"However, I am working on something that'll help you track down your targets from a distance." Adrian told her as he had been working on something for Jack to help her track down targets more efficiently

"Hopefully it'll be able to let you track down people in a 3 to 5 mile radius. That and give you a constantly updating list of new people to go after. This way you always have a new list of bad people to go out and cut to ribbons" Adrian added as hopefully what he's been working on will allow for Jack to track down her targets with a wider radius

"That sounds awesome!" Jack spoke with a grin on her face at having something to help her in tracking down new targets

"The best part of it will be that it'll be added into your Power Ranger costume. Because think about it Jack, you being the world's deadliest Power Ranger. How does that sound?" Adrian told her considering that he had been working on her Power Rangers costume

But the idea had come to mind while sketching up the designs for it, because why just stop at making it just a run of the mill Power Rangers costume for her to wear on Halloween night when he could do so much more with it. Hence why he began to work on making her Power Rangers costume an actual battle suit for her to wear complete with a morpher that was still a work in progress and her own long range weapons and a HUD display that did the tracking for new targets to hunt down as well.

"That sounds awesome! You're really gonna make us a Power Ranger?!" Jack questioned with excitement to where she was bouncing up and down at the thought of it

"Well, yeah. Daddy's gonna make me you the deadliest Power Ranger there is." Adrian assured her as the idea of making Jack a homicidal Power Ranger greatly entertained him

(+13 Affection to Jack the Ripper for promising to make her an actual Power Ranger. 49/100)

'She's definitely excited that's for sure.' Adrian thought to himself as he was suddenly bear-hugged by the Assassin of Black

"Hooray! We're gonna be a Power Ranger!" Jack cheered at the fact that soon enough she would become a Power Ranger

"Yes you will be Jack. Now then, I've got some cake in the fridge. Why don't you and I enjoy some and watch some Power Rangers Zeo." Adrian said which the Assassin of Black readily agreed to and with that both of them went back into the living room to watch some Power Rangers

(The next night later, Liverpool, England, 8:53 Pm, August 21st, 2013)

It was the next night later as Adrian had just got done from watching Kick-Ass 2 at one of the theatres in Liverpool and honestly the original was a good deal better in his opinion as he decided to take a walk back to his house.

'I swear that the original was better than that. Then again with the lack of Nick Cage in it, that makes a good deal of sense.' Adrian thought to himself over how lacking the movie was compared to the original

"At least I have my machines to work on to help me get rid of the total bore that was that movie. Maybe I can build myself a Spartan Laser or Energy Sword from Halo to pass the time or somethin'." Adrian said more to himself as he headed home in debating with himself on what he could build in his spare time

With the walk to his mansion not taking all that long as he decided to make the walk back to his house and to make it more enjoyable, he had decided to put on some Breaking Benjamin, which made the night more bearable as he made the trek home. Yet once he neared his house he felt 5 heat signatures enter into the range of his Thermal Vision ability, with him immediately casting Flaming Sphere and having it quickly whip about in a flash of Harlequin green with all but one of the 5 heat signatures able to evade before getting incinerated by the large sphere of arcane fire.

The Gamer recalling the sphere of arcane fire back to him as he saw standing there in the clouded light of the full moon with a bestial grin on his face was Fenrir Greyback, his bright silver-yellow eyes and fanged grin staring deep into Adrian who looked unamused by the werewolf.

"I'm actually impressed. You took out my men like it was nothin'. Guess you do have some skill...even if you are just a another brat." Fenrir spoke his voice a savage sounding high bass

"Well...besides you and your pack of dogs trying to jump me. What the hell are you doing on my property? You've got the next 2 or 3 minutes to explain or I put a hole where your lungs are." Adrian questioned the beast of a man who let out a grunt that was a mix between a primal sounding snarl and chuckle

"You've got balls to talk to me like that. However, I'll tell ya why I'm here to tear you apart where ya stand." Fenrir answered back in having to give Adrian set of brass balls to talk back to him like that

"I heard all about how ya healed Lupin, and killed the wolf in him. Ya see that was a bad thing to do, cause if word spreads about how some shit like you can cure all the others I've spent years infectin'. Then that's all of my decades of hard work down the drain. Something I can't have. Which means you gotta fucking die." Fenrir added as he had to kill Adrian in order to make sure he couldn't undo all the years of infecting others with the gift of lycanthropy

"Yeah, not gonna happen. Besides, what the fuck are you gonna about it? In case you haven't noticed, I'm better than you in every way possible." Adrian asked as he saw Fenrir look at the light of the full moon

"I'm gonna tear ya limb from limb with the great light of the moon at my side! Now time to die, you little shit!" Fenrir bellowed as he began to bulk up and transform into his werewolf form

'So not gonna happen, as I am not dealing with a fucking mutt tonight.' Adrian thought to himself as he used Remove Curse to strip Fenrir of his Lycanthropy as a dark emerald colored shockwave of holy magic radiated from him

With Fenrir feeling the transformation begin to take hold as he couldn't wait to maul this upstart for daring to undo decades of hard work, yet he soon felt a wave of holy magic soon invade his very being and violently tear the wolf within himself away and forced him to revert back into his human form. Fenrir tried to turn into his werewolf form once again, yet no matter how hard he tried he couldn't do so as he soon realized that the Gamer had been stripped of his ability to turn into a werewolf leaving him completely at Adrian's mercy.

With Adrian deciding to just get this shit over with, used Misty Step to teleport mere feet away from the now former werewolf, with him lashing out with a punch to his windpipe that landed as a critical hit and forced him to his knees. Before using a Hell Stab to pierce into his ribcage, Fenrir bellowing out in agonizing pain as he felt the pyromancer's right hand impale itself to the wrist through his flesh before 2 more punches to the face knocked him out cold.

"Man, this went all too easy. I would've thought that I'd have to wait a while longer for him to show up. Oh well, this is gonna make things easier to deal with on my end when I have to face down Voldemort in the future." Adrian spoke as he thought that it would be a while longer before he'd have to "fight" Fenrir

So what are you gonna do with the mutt? After all, you have him at your mercy.

"Well, duh. I mean when I let people know that I single-handedly killed Fenrir Greyback. Then the people are gonna be eatin' this up and hail me as a hero for doing the impossible." Adrian spoke as he proceeded to use Hammer Arm to put a near soccer-ball sized hole in the unconscious Fenrir's back that killed him instantly

Smart move considering that if you left him alive. You would've risked Voldemort's minions using their political clout to free him again. Then you would've had to worry about that mutt amassing more dogs to come after you.

"Yeah, I'm taking any chances. So for now I guess I'll call the press and tell them that Lord Ravenclaw killed Fenrir Greyback with his bare hands. Oh they're gonna fucking eat that up like candy." Adrian replied with a broad grin at seeing the papers of how a lone wizard killed one of the deadliest men in the magical world

Have fun with that, since this will be interesting to see play out.

"Agreed. Anyways, I'll stash him away in my inventory and then see how Jack's doing." Adrian spoke as he put Fenrir's corpse in his inventory and headed inside his home

(4 days later, August 25th, 2013, Number 12 Grimmauld Place, 2:10 Pm)

It was days later as word that Adrian had killed Fenrir Greyback with his bare hands had spread like wildfire with many being impressed at the fact that a 20 something wizard had gone toe-to-toe with the deadliest and most savage creature in existence and came out on top.

"Can you believe this Sirius. After so many goddamn years, that bastard Greyback is finally dead!" Lupin said jubilant that the werewolf who ruined his life was finally dead

"I'm glad to see you happy Remus. Hell I haven't seen you this happy since graduation day and when James and Lily got hitched and gave birth to Rose." Sirius replied in having not seen the now former werewolf this happy in ages

"Not to mention that you even look some odd years younger." Sirius added in seeing that not only did Remus look far happier than he had in recent memory but almost a decade younger as well

"Its all thanks to that heir of Ravenclaw that lifted my curse..what was his name. Oh, Adrian...Adrian Ravenclaw he said his name was. I don't know what he did when he broke me free of my curse. But what I will say is that I feel amazing." Remus told Sirius in not knowing what Adrian did to him but whatever he did worked like a charm

Seeing as how ever since he had his curse lifted and a good chunk of his lifespan returned to him by the pyromancer, he felt like he had more energy that he had in years and not only that his overall mood made him feel like he was on top of the world and could take on a damn hippogriff.

"Well, this Adrian or Lord Ravenclaw if he wants to be called has my thanks. Considerin' that he's helped my best friend out with what a lot of us thought was the impossible." Sirius spoke in knowing that he'd have to find some way, shape or form to thank Adrian for what he'd did to Lupin

"So far he's proved nothing is impossible. After what he did in healing Frank and Alice and getting rid of Fenrir. Then I'd say the sky's the limit with him." Lupin replied in having been made a believer of Adrian's capabilities after the miracle he worked on him

"Now if only he could help out Andromeda after what happened with Ted. Then that'd be a real miracle." Sirius spoke in knowing that his sister was grieving big after the death of her husband

"Right. I still can't believe that happened to Ted of all people. Just what sick bastard would do such a horrible thing to him." Lupin spoke his revelry being subdued in having remembered the recent death of Andromeda's husband

"I don't know. But whoever did it to him, is one sick fuck I don't think even some of the Death Eaters outside Bellatrix could do something so terrible." Sirius replied as he had heard of how Ted was not only beheaded but carved up and sliced open to where it was something straight out of a horror movie

"How is Andromeda holding up by the way?" Lupin asked in wondering how the grieving widow was holding up given her current circumstances

"...As well as one can when you find out your husband got completely shredded by some madman." Sirius spoke as Andromeda was doing her best to handle the news of Ted's untimely demise as well as she could but given how he perished it was a lot to take in

"..Sorry to break the good mood Remus. Its just that when shit like this happens to my own family and I can't do a damn thing about it. Then I can't help but feel fuckin' pissed." Sirius added in feeling anger at the fact that he couldn't go out and avenge his deceased brother-in-law

"We would be able to get somewhere if not for Dumbledore having us all sit here twiddling our thumbs. Then again what else do you expect from him." Remus replied bitterly as the now former werewolf could only feel disgust and hate towards the Leader of the Light

"Still not used to hearing you speak ill of Dumbledore, Remus." Sirius spoke in not being used to hearing Padfoot speak negatively about the headmaster of Hogwarts

"Good thing Molly isn't here otherwise I'd never hear the end of it. I swear I don't know how Arthur isn't deaf when the blasted woman howls louder than a damn banshee." Remus replied in being thankful that the Weasley matriarch wasn't here to screech at him for bad mouthing Dumbledore

"The sex between the two of them must be outstanding for him to put up with it for so long." Sirius joked getting a chuckle from Remus

"I'd rather not have my good day ruined by thinking of Molly in the throes of passion with Arthur. I'd rather get mule-kicked in the family jewels by a drunk centaur than have that image in my head." Lupin replied shuddering at the idea of the Weasley's going at it like a bunch of rabbits hopped up on Viagra

"Sorry for putting that in your head there Mooney. I think we've had a bit much to drink, if we're talking about those two screwing like a pair of rabbits." Sirius spoke while looking at the 2 and a half bottles of emptied Firewhiskey

"Agreed. Still after what that Adrian fellow had done for me that not even Dumbledore in pissing away over 20 years of my life could do. I'm no longer a fan of our former headmaster." Remus replied as thanks to having his eyes opened by Adrian he was no longer a fan of their former Headmaster

"Trust me. You and I are on the same page. I'm still pissed at the bearded prick for having not helped me out in that sham of a trial almost 15 years ago. Thanks to him not saving my skin back then, I had to waste a decade in Azkaban...Fucking Dementors still give me nightmares." Sirius said in still being pissed off at Dumbledore

With Sirius still holding one hell of a grudge for Dumbledore leaving him to burn and get shafted in that farce of a trial ran by Crouch Sr that had him sent to Azkaban, all of which he had over a decade of his life robbed from him. But also the fact that he had the ability to raise his goddaughter as his own and forced to leave her under the care of her magic-hating relatives made his blood boil something fierce, as it was only because the Order as a whole needed him due to the fact that rumors of Voldemort's followers resurfacing had come to light.

"Maybe he can be the key to clearing your name Sirius. After all, if he can do for me what Dumbledore failed to do for over 20 years. Having the utter gall to tell me to stick through it and live with it for the sake of the greater good. All so I can be his poster boy that werewolves and other dark creatures can be 'reformed'. That he can possibly help you get your name cleared. Since he does have some political weight as the Lord of House Ravenclaw, which is one of the most powerful names in all of Britain." Lupin suggested as due to Adrian being Lord Ravenclaw his weight in the political side of things was quite considerable

"He's already pulled 2 miracles out of his arse. So if he can somehow pull a 3rd one and clear my name and restore me to being Lord Black. Then that's the day when I'll walk up to Dumbledore and backhand him like he's a muggle lady of the night." Sirius said with a bark of a laugh following afterwards

"Now that's something I'd love to see happen." Lupin replied in being willing to pay a quarter of his weight in Galleons to see Sirius do that

"Well, be prepared to hold your breath then Remus. Cause something like that is a lifetime away from happening." Sirius said as he took another shot of Firewhiskey

"But we've been getting off topic. Let's focus on celebrating your curse getting lifted and that bastard Greyback finally getting what's been coming to him." Sirius added as he felt that this was a time for celebration on part of the good fortune that's fallen onto Remus

"Now that's something I can drink too, and then some." Remus said as the two continued to celebrate his now being human

While Remus and Sirius were celebrating the good cheer of Greyback's death and Remus's curse being lifted, on the island prison of Azkaban one Bellatrix Lestrange was still seething over the information of how her supposed Lord Voldemort was nothing more than a quarter-blooded charlatan. With concrete evidence being presented to such credence that it was downright bulletproof, something that infuriated Bellatrix that the master she served with all her fervor and had struck down those worthless mudblood was nothing more than a Squib.

"What's the matter Lestrange. Nothing left to say about the Dark Lord? I mean I'd be pretty pissed too if I found out I was serving some fucking squib for almost a decade." A guard spoke laughing at the fact that the proud Bellatrix Lestrange's world had come crashing down around her

"Shut up! You don't even deserve to have his name come out of your wretched mouth!" Bellatrix roared reaching out to claw at the guard who just smirked

"Oh give it a rest and face it. You wasted your fucking life on a goddamn squib. You're either to proud or too stupid to realize it. So quit the loyal servant act already and have some pride about yourself." The guard chided Bellatrix in thinking that even in her fallen state that she should have some pride about herself

"Just you wait, you half-blooded pig. Lord Voldemort will come for me and…" Bellatrix tried to say but anger and hate came back in realizing that she had let herself serve under a charlatan that had deceived her for so long and make fool out of her

"We all know he ain't come back for ya. Because why would he. I mean even a fucking quarter-blooded cunt like him knows that your past your prime. Heck! Why would you even want him when you should be the angriest at him out of everyone." The guard taunted causing Bellatrix to fume in anger even further

"I mean the great Bellatrix Lestrange. Led around and made into a psychotic fool by The Quarter-Blooded Quack. How pathetic. Especially when now you've got nothing to show for it but a cell and your sanity rotting away alongside your looks. So if ya wanna be pissed, then be pissed at the fraud who fucked you over immensely...Fuckin' bat-shit crazy bitch is either to proud or too stupid to realize she's fucked." The guard added before walking away in good cheer of having heard of how Voldemort was nothing more than some charlatan masquerading as a Dark Lord

With Bellatrix who was torn between years and years of loyalty to Voldemort and rage, disgust and bitterness in the news that he was nothing more than a fucking squib who had fed her nothing but lies while championing the supremacy of her kind did what only what she could. That being to scream and curse at Voldemort while also claiming that one day the Dark Lord or another powerful dark wizard would come to free her, as nigh-zealous loyalty and broiling hatred and rage at her master began to battle and tear away at her mind.

So with Adrian having lifted Remus's curse and gained his employ as an inside man to the Order of the Phoenix and ridding the world of Fenrir Greyback. It seems as though he's managed to set things in motion to go in his favor in what's to come. So how will things start to unfold for the pyromancer in the future? Find all of that out next time on A Gamer among Monsters.

Now then onto some of the reviews from the last chapter.

Ivan Trieldan: Yeah as someone sees a good deal of the reasons why I just don't like Hermione, as she is no doubt an intelligent girl I'll give her that in the book smarts department. Yet as you put it she fails to adapt as she essentially going to a new country and pretty much refuses change whatsoever. As I've read all of the books and seen the movies and never once have I seen her make a well-reasoned argument on why the things in the magical world are wrong, heck we don't even see her try and do anything to stand up for her fellow muggleborns since she thinks the wizarding world fucks them over so bad. Not to mention that whole SPEW thing she tries also comes off as more selfish and self-serving than anything because she doesn't relally take the time to understand the culture she's in, because she's so single-mindedly focuses on trying to prove she's in the right. Because if anything her actions throughout her time at Hogwarts would probably make more muggleborn students, espcially the ones in Slytherin hate her more because of how she makes them by proxy look bad. Yeah Ron is pretty much a parasite who if it weren't for the fact that his family is in Dumbledore's pocket then he would've flunked out of Hogwarts a long time ago, not to mention that he's a few steps removed from being another Peter Pettigrew when ya think about it. Also Voldemort is pretty much that a petty child throwing a temper-tantrum and acting like a terrorist who by the way doesn't even have that intimidating of a alias name, not to mention that his actions did more harm than good. Considering how for one he wound up wiping out more talented wizards and witches and purebloods in his pathetic goal to be dark lord, and on top of that his actions would've had the full might of the British military coming down on everyone and start a 2nd wave of Witch trials. Also yeah to me Dumbledore is pretty much a manipulative asshole who has pretty much set up Harry to die, as a good 60-75 percent of things done have a severe lack of common sense.

demzerff1: He will eventually get to evolving his Volcanic Lord class once he gets close to or maxes it out. Since the thing is that Adrian's magma powers are meant to act as army killers for how I designed the class overall. Eventually I will have him make machines to start gathering materials and items for him to make stuff for when he goes into his Alchemist class at a later date.

Lq840i: Bold of you too assume that he won't try to use Eromancy on Fleur or Kurumu, as Adrian in his mind is pretty sure that he could take it if he used Eromancy on them..as he's of the fuck it let's see what happens style of thinking in that regard. Considering how I've bumped things up to take place in the 2010's that would make things even more pathetic in terms of a technological standpoint. Since they've not only sent a man too the moon, but are doing thins such as colonizing Mars, the fact that computers are a thing and can store a fuck-ton more of info and recorded data than what they have on top of other things in that category. And that's not even to mention things such as the world having a nuclear arsenal at its fingertips to make wizards shut the fuck up if they want. Good idea to consider in terms of possibly diving into Geomancy, also I have been trying to focus more on the corrosive sides of magma as well and thank you for reminding on its poisonous aspects as well.

OechsnerC: I will be including lemons, but they won't be happening for awhile in the story.

Ghostcraft9: That actually sounds like a pretty good idea for a Volcanic Lord ability, and would be totally dope to do in making more use out of his enemies and such.

Guest: Thanks for giving me a better idea of how to do things should I send him to Avatar, especially with everyone stat wise and how to go about things. Although please take it easy in bombarding me with reviews as it become a bit much tbh.

SapphireWeapon12: Yeah as it just felt right to finally have him Madara someone. Also once he maxes out White Mage and Pyromancer, he'll start getting around to making holy fire based spells and such.

Austin: I went back and fixed that in the last chapter, after I read through it again. Concerning Adrian dressing up it was a thing of him not feeling like he had to since it was in the comfort of his own house. But if he was going to a social event such as a dinner party at a noble's house or meeting with the Minister of Magic, then he'd dress himself up. I understand where your coming from with the Super Sentai stuff my dude as it was really an honest mistake on my end.

Soulbow109 (Chapter 19-20): Trust me Olga will be coming into play later as the idea of her looking like a hot secretary really appeals to me. Also glad you like how I'm doing Jack as to me its pretty much just treating them like a kid and as such makes her the easiest servant to tame. Not to mention them bonding over Power Rangers sounded like something fun, and I already fixed what your talking about. Plus the way I reason it since he comes from a noble house and one that's focused on gathering knowledge and a better understanding of the arcane and people that deal with it, then it made sense to me that they'd believe him.

That takes care of that as I hoped you guys have enjoyed this chapter and everything that went along with it as this was quite a bit to have written. So without further delay, let's get down to it now shall we.

First up we've got Adrian making a deal with Lupin where Remus is now his inside man on the Order of the Phoenix. Which I hoped y'all liked considering that unlike most stories where they have Lupin as a Dumbledore fanboy, I think it'd be neat to have him just be done with him after having been promised a cure to a curse that will never come.

Following that we've got Jack the Ripper returning from having gotten rid of Ted Tonks and Adrian's promise to build her a Power Rangers suit and weaponry..so take that as you will on that front.

Next up we've got Adrian just obliterating Fenrir. Something I wanted to do because I just wanted to get rid of him and what better way than having him go after Adrian because he saw the threat of him undoing decades of his work.

Lastly, we've got Sirius and Lupin choppin' it up with each other to celebrate Remus's curse being lifted after so long. Which I thought would be nice as the guy deserves it after what is over 2 decades of being stuck as a werewolf.

All that being said please favorite, follow, review and share this story out as much as possible. And flames for the most part will be ignored because at the point you're mainly wasting mine and everyone's time. Other than that constructive criticism and ideas on how to improve things are welcome.

So with that being said this is Pravus666 signing off until next time. The next chapter will cover the events of the Quidditch World Cup and what comes after it. So stay tuned for all of that.

Part 1 Theme Song: Mr Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra

Random End Song: Deluge by Twelve Foot Ninja