Chapter 7
Cloud tried not to feel overwhelmed, but he couldn't help himself. The city of Midgar was just as big as he had expected it to be, but the sheer size still was enough to keep him frozen in place. He almost would have been too overwhelmed if he had not reached into his pocket wrapped his fingers around the summon orb he always carried.
During his journey to Midgar he had held on to the orb many times, always thinking small things or whispering to it about how he felt during the day. He wasn't sure if his father could actually hear him through the orb just by speaking to it, but he believed he could. Cloud did always find himself feeling better after having talked about his day, even if it was technically just to a orb. He had a good strong feeling that his father was most definitely listening.
With a deep breath he finally closed his eyes, tightening his grip around the orb slightly. "Father… give me strength. Believe in me like you do," he whispered softly.
He could have sworn he felt the orb start to warm up, but he was sure it was just his imagination. But then again his father was the god Odin. A god who had given him a fake summon material that actually worked to summon the one and only real Odin. Maybe there really was something to it after all. Of course there was, that was the entire purpose of it.
With a new smile on Cloud's face, he finally pressed forward and made his way towards the Shinra Headquarters. He wasn't exactly sure what it was that he had to expect, but he was ready to take on whatever came his way. As long as he had his special material orb by his side, he knew he could do just about anything. But now all he had to do was make it to Shinra and hope that he could continue with his dream.
Far outside of the city of Midar, the god Odin stood. Though he was far from the actual city, he still stayed where he was, watching the place with careful eyes. He could hear his son's words come to him, asking to believe in him. Odin chuckled at the words, happy his son still was reaching out to him for a little confidence.
As he watched he sensed the air grow cold. There was a slight chill in it now that was unlike the normal temperature for Midgar at this time of year. Turning his head to the side he offered a friendly smile. "Ah Shiva, to what do I owe the honor of your presence?"
"Only wondering what Odin himself is doing here. This is outside of your normal area to visit. What exactly brings you here?"
"I travel around just as the rest of you do. Just because I rarely leave my area anymore doesn't mean I can't go elsewhere."
"But that still leaves the question unanswered. Why here of all places? Why Midgar?"
"I could ask the same of you dear Shiva, Midgar is not your dominion either. And we both know how we feel towards Midgar, more specifically towards the company Shinra."
Shiva's lips curled up into a small. "Always so observant. As for my business in Midgar, just like yourself there are certain things I wish to see over."
"I take it you will not speak of it even if I asked."
Shiva laughed. "Oh you are too wise Odin. But…" Floating close to him she smiled and placed a hand on his cheek. "I have but the slightest feeling that our reasonings may align."
Odin raised his eyebrow, only slightly perplexed by her statement. If she was as good at reading him as he knew she was, then did that mean she knew the truth? It was a strong possibility and Odin wasn't about to put it past her. They were a god and goddess afterall. There was always that extra sense that they all seemed to have.
"Well, then we will just have to wait and see won't we?" Odin asked as he focused looking back towards the city.
"Come now, Odin. No reason to give me the cold shoulder. That is my job after all," Shiva cooed gently. "With our reasons being so very similar I suppose I could tell you after all. We're both here to keep an eye on someone. Not the same someone, but our own certain someone."
"So it is possible… we are here for the same reason…" Odin hummed to himself before he spoke to Shiva. "I did not take you one for enjoying a human's company."
"The times change over the years. I once was close and then distant with them and then I grew close once more. You on the other hand have always been close with humans so it does not surprise me at all. Even though we swore to not interfere much anymore with the lives of humans, you and I have still found ourselves playing small minor parts in the lives of some."
"So you too have a child out there in the city," Odin stated as a matter of fact as he could. "One other demi-god."
Shiva smiled graciously. "Indeed I do, Odin. And your little one has just arrived to this city haven't they? Hence you being here after all. But what I believe is most curious is…" Shiva floated in front of Odin, blocking his view of the city. "Will our young ones cross paths?"
"Perhaps," Odin shrugged slightly. "All depends on if you are going to inform me any further on where your child resides."
"Oh I think we should wait on that. Let's let events unfold and see where they lead, shall we? I think it would be quite fun."
I know these past chapters have been on the shorter side but they are all for the build up. Either way thank you all for reading!