Chapter 4: Confession
It was another sunny day in a small village at Brittany. And this time, it was the most awaited day for the charming Vel to stand in front of the house of his future beloved. With his friend as always vixen at her side to help her in a little too embarrassing situation. Sasha was excited to learn that her friend was finally going to be able to see Gumball and meet him for the first time. She plans to make friends before becoming a couple whom she had dreamed of since her former boyfriends broke up with her.
Vel standing at the door, her face filled with fear, worry, anxiety, and a desire to leave without even having time to speak.
"Come on! Hurry up, what are you waiting for?!" Sasha spoke from behind her. "Go ring the doorbell or it will be me to do it and I'll leave you here!"
"Do you think it was a good idea to get me there?" Asked Vel with anxiety. "I feel like it won't work."
"It will work, so stop being a chicken and go meet him already," Sasha pat her friend on the back. "Do as I said and maybe we can find another way to have another boyfriend unlike him, even if you don't talk to him," Sasha explained with a smile.
Vel blushed and said "Don't try to change my mind Sasha, I told you before. I'll try with this one and maybe we can proceed with what you just said."
"Unless my way is to try to tease work, well I won't be surprised if I end up doing it."
Vel didn't understand what Sasha just said, but unaware of her, her friend just lifted up her pink skirt revealing her pink panties.
Gasping loudly, she knocks Sasha's hand to drop her dress, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ARE YOU NUTS?!"
Sasha then rang the doorbell and left to hide in the bushes, leaving Vel in a state of fear. Someone is coming near the door. Vel wanted to run away to hide, but it was no use as the door began to open. Instead of her beloved, it was revealed to be Penelope.
Penelope saw the girl and said, "Hello, young lady, what can I do for you?"
Drops of sweat run down her face. Vel speaks while stammering, "Hello...madam...I'm...Vel and I ..." She can hear her friend whispering behind her.
"Go on, do tell..."
"Something is wrong?" Penelope asked again.
"No, no, not's just I..." Vel stopped, only to feel a tiny rock thrown at her head.
"I'd like to see Gumball, please!" She announces loudly.
Penelope was sure confused about this, but didn't pay attention. She thinks she was just another friend that Gumball made.
"Are you one of his friends?" She asked her. Vel nodded. "Come in, come in. I'll tell Gumball that you're here. He's practicing Ninjutsu in his room. If you want I'll lead you to him."
"Yes, that will be fine," Replied Vel as the two walked inside the house. Popping out of the bushes, Sasha made a proud smile on her face. All she can do is let Vel handle it by herself.
Penelope knocks on Gumball's door. "Gumball, honey? You have a visitor, may we come in?"
"One minute, please! I'm getting dressed! Just took a shower!" Gumball spoke from inside his room. "Sora asked me again to massage her feet to make her feel better! She only asked me because she didn't take it easy the shuriken you throw at her!" Hearing this makes Penelope upset towards her friend.
"Can't she ask someone else to do this? It's not my fault if the power of Ninjutsu gets the best of her and forces her to move around like an idiot who likes to prank someone just for her pleasure!" Penelope shouted.
"Watch your words, auntie! If she hears that, she will do something not good than throwing shuriken everywhere to jump us!"
That made Vel ask Penelope. Without paying attention, she said, "What kind of bad things does your friend do sometimes?"
"Auntie, who's that with you?"
Vel gasped, realizing her mistake to be discreet, and yet Sasha is not here to help her anymore. But the worst came when Penelope replied.
"One of your friends is here."
Gumball opened the door. To his great surprise, he spotted the girl he last saw at the gas station. Vel froze as Gumball is still confused why she's here. Penelope sees that Gumball does not know her. Neither of them was able to speak, but for Vel, it was obvious that she can let words speak first.
"Oh my god. She's here! The girl I saw at the gas station! And she's alive!" he said to himself in thought, but he remembered that he found her pink hat at the swamp. "How can she just survive after she was eaten by a monster of the magic swamp?"
"Oh gosh, he is in front of me now! What i'm gonna do now? Oh please Sasha what i'm gonna do?" Vel also thought while staring at Gumball.
"Auntie?" Gumball asked. "Can you leave us, please?"
"Of course my boy. Just let me know if you want something to eat. I'll be just right there," Penelope walked away to leave the two alone. Vel was now on her own with her future boyfriend. Gumball still stared at her without saying a word about why she's here and why she followed him.
Rather than being rude to his guest, he motioned, "Come in," to let Vel inside before closing the doors.
She sits on the bed and looks at her feet in shame after finding herself stuck with him in his room, and not able to tell everything. Gumball can feel she is scared. She is hiding something. He feels sorry for her, unless she has something to say to get out safely and not make that mistake again.
"Wonder if she's here because she loves me, that makes almost sense," Gumball also wondered at that particular reason, unknown this was Vel's sole reason for being here. The blue cat then sat down next to Vel. Now looking at her made her feel nervous about it. How come she didn't expect that to happen. And without the help of her friend, things will be harder than it is.
"Who are you?" Gumball spoke first. "It seems you are the girl I've met back at the gas station. I remember I gave you my soda. Are you homeless? I'm sorry for asking because you don't have shoes."
"To be fair, I don't need one," Vel corrected; her barefoot crosses each other. "I don't feel comfortable wearing shoes that hurt my toes," She answers calmly without showing some fear.
"Oh, sorry, I was thinking you are homeless," he said, looking apologetic for thinking his guest was a stranger.
Now she turned to her with a weak smile "It does, very soon," her smile faded as she shed some tears. Gumball is now shocked to learn the bad news. "We learn we're gonna lose our house. Our rent is too big for us to pay such a sum. A bailiff came to warn us that our house is going to be auctioned and we have to move out,'' Tears coming to fall down her cheeks. "We have no living relatives and have nothing to get rid of, unless we can accept death falling upon us."
Gumball is more shocked than he was. The girl in front of him was really homeless.
"What will you do now?" he asked in concern, but with pity.
"My sister and I don't have anywhere to go. Our parents are dead."
"You have a sister?"
"Joanne is my big sister. She takes care of me through the years. She is a great scientist, but she didn't make a lot of money."
"How old is she?"
Gumball nodded his head at what Vel explained. And something happened to him out of nowhere. Seeing her cute face, her feet and legs, she was beautiful. More beautiful than his ex-girlfriend who broke up. He just didn't see a cute girl wearing a pink dress in front of him since. Suddenly something snapped on him, he got the idea of welcoming Vel and her sister here. Since his new house is a manor of three floors, and they have a lot of rooms. He said "I've got an idea."
She turned to Gumball, "You do?"
"You say you are about to be evicted from your house. I guess me and my Aunt can welcome you two in our home. That way it gives you two plenty of time to find enough money to buy another house around here."
Vel is now surprised by what he offers to her and her sister. "Are you serious? do you really mean it?" she asked, her tone was quivering with joy.
He smiled, "Of course, anything for you will be resolved."
With more tears she hugged him and exclaimed "Oh thank you! Thank you so much! I don't know what to say!"
"There, There, it's okay now. You're safe now with your sister," he shushed her warmly and returned the hug.
After shedding tears a couple of times, she presents herself "I'm Vel by the way. Vel Dufontaines."
"Nice to meet you, i'm Gumball," he replied. "But tell me, sorry if I might be too curious, I do feel you're not here for that because I have the feelings you follow me after we meet."
Once Gumball made another lucky guess, this made Vel to gulp when he said that, thus the fact to have come all this way to tell her that she loves him. She remained silent to him, nothing to say to him. Though Gumball is still awaiting for an answer.
"Well...I..." she was cut as Gumball spoke.
"You'll tell me later. I don't want to force you."
"That's a better choice."
Some minutes later, Sasha kept waiting for her friend inside the house. She was thinking her thoughts on the boy were right and that she and he had a long talk and fun at the same time.
"What is she doing already?" she muttered. "Did she already mate or something? Seems she finds the right time to confess everything."
The doors opened and Vel came out saying goodbye to both Gumball and Penelope. She was happy that the news had just occurred. Her joy increased, attracting the curiosity of her friend.
As the door closes, Sasha pops out of her hiding place to shout "What's up, cutie butt?!"
Now jumping out of fright, Vel looked at her and said lovingly "My dear friend, tonight we're going to have a night with the ninjas."
"What do you mean?"
"We're going to eat ice cream in Vannes tonight," Vel answers happily, "And we're going to have dinner with them in a fast food restaurant, isn't that exciting?!"
Sasha's eyes were wide open and her jaws dropped. "Seriously?"
Sasha then got a huge smile on her face, and utter "Awesome."
During the night, Penelope was waiting for the two girls whom Gumball mentioned thanks from a visit from one of the strangers called Vel. Gumball was ready for his new rendezvous with her new girlfriend. Cole was rather calm than seeing Sasha teasing his friend again in a yoga session.
"Normally, Sasha is not the kind of girl you want to get along with," said Cole to his friend.
"How?" Gumball asked.
"Did you just see the way she was teasing you by showing her butt?" Cole asked sternly to him at the lewd memory.
"I know, that was unusual to her," Gumball replied without caring about his friend's attitude.
"That's call rape!" Cole shouted loudly. Gumball jumped in alarm and walked over to put his paw to his friend's mouth.
"Lower your voice down, goddamnit!" Gumball whispered with his teeths showing. "You want the whole town to hear you?!"
"Oops, my bad," Cole muttered.
Several minutes have passed while waiting for their two barefooted friends, Gumball keep wondering if Vel, the girl he has just met at the gas station and appeared before him in his new house, is actually in love him after that she's come all the way to see him and admit her crush to him.
"Hey guys, over here!" Gumball turns over to see Sasha and Vel, the former who had screamed to announce their appearances. They saw Sasha and Vel coming walking to them; Gumball saw the look on Sasha's face and thought something wasn't right like what had just happened to both sisters. However, for Vel it's not her case as well as her friend.
"Finally, we were starting to wonder when you two arrived. How long did it take you to come and join us? The restaurant that Gumball's aunt reserved will soon be taken," Cole complained.
"Hey cool off, okay. We've been stuck in the road by a moron who doesn't know how to ride. It takes us about only 50 minutes to reach there, and now I'm tired and hungry," complain Sasha at Cole's complaint.
Gumball smiled at them, mostly Vel. Looking at Gumball's smile made the girl smile too. Gumball spoke before that could turn into a fight between Sasha and Cole. "Now we're here. Let's head up to the dinner. Aunt Penelope awaits us," Gumball said. The three guests all nod their heads. Gumball approaches Vel and takes her hand gently. Vel didn't expect this, but she likes it that her new boyfriend does something very kind about it, and yet it's just the beginning of her relationship.
"In short of time, and he takes my hand without hesitation or even asks me," Vel thought of the kind gesture the blue cat had made.
But this opportunity was short as her friend Sasha also took gumball's hand, making him surprised by this and feeling nervous. Vel wonders why she is doing this. Of course she teases him by showing her butt in his face, the kind of behavior which makes vel out of her shells, but stays cool, not being angry towards her boyfriend.
But somewhere nearby, a hooded presence carefully watches the group of friends walking towards their location for dinner without being spotted by someone who will alert the police under the assumption that a careless person who wants to kidnap someone.
The evening was quiet for the small group of friends who were enjoying a particularly delicious feast. They made an excellent evening, starting with the two girls who introduced themselves. Vel admits to everyone that she is the girl that Gumball met at the gas station. She did not hide any details, except that she and her sister will soon be homeless.
Penelope showed some pity for her. "Oh, my poor dear, i'm so sorry that event happened to you and your sister."
"It's okay, Penelope, we will find a way out of this trouble."
"I agree with her, but gumball asked me if I could accommodate you, as long as you find a home to stay with," explained Penelope. Vel had his ears raised to hear Penelope's proposal from which Gumball mentions allowing Vel and her sister stay at their house till further notice.
"Do you really mean it? Not I will mind but we don't want to ..." Vel slowly said before she was cut off by Penelope.
"That's not the question my dear, you're going to stay in our house, and I mean it."
Cole turned to Sasha who said "You knew Vel was going to be homeless."
She lowered her ears as she nodded "Of course, but she's not the one," Cole raised an eyebrow, "Because I, too, will be homeless along with my sister, and we don't have money for that."
As if Gumball knew what Vel had said back in his bedroom had stunned him, this one caused the dinner party to react the same way. Vel knew it but didn't want to say anything about it.
"You too, Sasha?" Cole said, stunned.
"I didn't want to talk about the same way that me and Vel have," admits Sasha in a sad tone.
Penelope smile and said "Very well, if any of you don't have a roof to sleep, you can come in my home"
Hearing this made the fours smile, Sasha and Vel will have a roof till they find a new house, when they're going to tell their sister about this news. Things will be better by them time all of this gets settled.
Sensing the atmosphere has gotten normal, Gumball proposes, "Why don't we get some ice cream to celebrate after dinner?"
The entire dinner party all gave their approval to get some dessert. Then Vel gives Gumball a seductive look "After we get back home, mind if I join your bed, just for this night?"
Gumball gulped and nervously said "Well ... okay,"
"Thanks," She kissed him on the cheeks.
After dinner they start walking towards an ice cream shop, Gumball is still holding Vel's hand. Both of them start to look at each other; everyone can feel what they feel, and they know each other that brought each a smile.
"Over here! Ice cream is just ahead!" shouted Cole.
"The last one coming will pay for the ice cream for all of us!" Sasha exclaimed right as she started running.
"Hey, wait for me!" Cole shouted, and chased after Sasha as a race was on.
But very quickly their path was blocked by street thugs. Their attire was black trousers, blue pants, black hat, and white t-shirt half-shredded along with their pants.
"Hold your horses, fresh meat. What makes you think you two can go?" One thug asked. The rest of the party join in on both Sasha and Cole after they are stopped.
"Yeah, if you need to pass, you have to pay us," another one revealed. "Unless you want to get your asses kick," The rest of the thugs laugh. The four members didn't show any fear and Gumball and Cole, who have learned about ninjutsu, are ready to fight if one of them dare to come close.
Unknown to them, Vel did recognize one of the street thugs, "Gino Chevalier. What the fuck are you doing here?!" she answered bitterly.
The thug known as Chevalier turned to Vel that made him gain a wicked smirk. "Ah, my dear lovely hot girlfriend. How are you? I never thought I would run into you. I kinda miss our fun together."
"I told you a long time ago it's over between you and me! Why don't you just find a girl to fit with instead of me?!" she asks in a disrespectful tone. From the look her old beau was giving her send unpleasant thoughts of their time together.
The thug then moves at her to grab her wrist with his strong hand to make sure she won't escape his grip. And to Vel's shock, he puts his other hand on her butt. "Your butt so lovely and sexy, right? I could whip them as much as I want to see them as red as they will be anytime soon if you accept to be my girlfriend again," He moaned lewdly.
"Never!" She yelled, her body struggling to be free from Chevalier's grips. The thug moved his hand to lift the bottom of her dress to see what he had missed.
"Hey let her go!" scream Sasha, who made her move to attack him. But one thug holds her by her waist.
"Come here you!" The other thug gently touched her belly, making her blushed and outraged by what he did. "Mmmmmh, you're exactly hot as i thought, let me enjoy this," He proceeded to lower her pants. The rest of the thugs made way to both Sasha and Vel, having forgotten about Aunt Penolope, Cole, and Gumball.
Having enough of this, Cole turns to Gumball with a stern expression. Gumball caught a glance at him as he agreed what he was thinking. Chevalier saw the two taking a step before turning to the rest of the thugs.
"Take care of them!"
"Sure thing, boss," they pulled out their knives and were ready to attack.
In a flash, Gumball then throws two shuriken at the thugs's hand, who scream in pain and drop their knives. Now with them defenseless, Gumball did have time to duck down a punch, which he squats and gives a high punch to the balls of the thugs. He then broke that guy's nose that caused him to drop on the floor.
"That's it, buddy, come here! I'm gonna scratch your fuckin face and make you suffer that your mom will not recognize you!" he rushed to him to stab him.
"Oh yeah?" gumball smiled. "Can you even dodge this," he made a sweep leg that sent the thug to land face first on the ground. The thug attempts to get up, but Cole sends him to dreamland with a quick foot drop on his face.
There was no thug able to fight until then. Gino and his cousin still hold both Vel and Sasha. Aunt Penelope acted as backup, though her nephew and friend had handled those other thugs, this fight was going to be short.
Gino spat at his unconscious friends, "If you weren't weak we should have done with it, but now you're really disappointing me, you guys."
His cousin Disgo asked, his tone was shaken with anxiety, "Got a plan, cus?" Gino didn't reply. While staring at his victims, he took out a long blade from his backside.
"Your morons didn't stand a chance against us, Gino" said Gumball, crossing his arms. "Now let them go immediately."
"Or else what? What are you gonna do now?" Gino revealed the blade and put it at Vel's throat. "Throw something and she dies!"
"Just try it Gino, or are you too afraid to do it yourself?" Sasha mockingly said. Then she got a hard slap by Diego.
"Shut up, bitch!"
"Grrr, don't slap me!" she retaliated by stomping her foot at Diego's right foot she crushed Diego's right foot.
"Uwaaa!" Sasha was free and hurried to Gumball and Cole's side.
"Don't you dare to touch me ever again, moron!"
As if things couldn't get worse, more thugs witness the fight and rush in to stand with Gino and Diego.
Cole gritted his teeths, "Uh-oh, more thugs."
"It's about damn time you've got here! Help me catch these bastards!" barked Gino at his friends.
"We'll take care of it," said Sasha.
Before the fighting can resume, police sirens can be heard far from here. The thugs reacted by fleeting from the scene, leaving both Gino and Diego alone without backup.
"Hey, come back here!" Gino shouted at the cowardly thugs. With his back turn, Gumball struck him in the head. Gumball gave a quick jab in the stomach and grabbed the back of Gino's collar to send him to the ground.
"Let's get out of here!" screamed Sasha. All of them run away to avoid the thugs from getting up and chasing them.
Gino and his cousin Diego both mutter and complain about their defeat. They were at a different street once they regained consciousness. The thugs were left behind once the police found them and took them downtown. Only a couple had escaped with both men and were walking behind to share their defeat. "I can't believe it!" Gino shouted.
"Want to take revenge on those tough guys?" Diego offered.
"Soon we gathered an army to get rid of them."
Suddenly a sinister voice can be heard behind them "I think not," Both men turned and saw a strange man who wore a hooded cape, hiding his face.
"What do you want?" asked Diego in a threatening tone.
"Mind your business, old man, unless we can spare you life with some cash you have."
"i don't have any. Poor idiots without a healthy spirit in a corrupt body, committing to sin constantly. Assaulting relentlessly the weak as cowards that you are, showing your domination towards the weak makes you the most appetizing prey for our dear goddess who will be delighted to revel in your flesh," The stranger spoke in a low tone.
Both Gino and Diego didn't understand but to laugh. as a lot of thugs showed themselves off.
"What kind of shit you're saying, freak?" Gino asked mockingly
"You think it can scare us?" Diego said, not being fazed by what that strange man was saying. The thugs went around him as they were getting to rough him up.
"Fool, you mortals are just fool enough to mess with a god. Didn't your parents teach you a lesson?" replied the strange man in an angry tone.
"Whatever old man" replied Gino.
Diego asked his man, "Hey gang, wanna some fun by rubbing that dick?" The thugs nod their heads excitingly. They may have lost but they were eager to rob him of anything he has. Like a rain they rushed at him without mercy. But the stranger didn't flinch; he smirked evilly as all the thugs stopped to see something came out of his eyes.
"What the fuck?!" exclaimed Diego.
"You pathetic mortals, do you really think you can beat me, the Great Anubis, God of Death and Darkness and embalming master? Then I should say," he spoke in a celestial voice. "Your actions end up tonight, mortals. No more violence against weak people will not be done. I'll start by sending both of you, into the Duat.''
Both men are confused as the god begins to release grasshoppers like a swarm of bees from out of his arms. The thugs could not flee because the locusts started to penetrate the mouths and the orbit of the eyes of the thugs. They cried out in pain and the god in question did not call them back because he had decided to finish with all these scum.
"No, have pity please! I don't want to die!" begs Gino before the locusts enter his mouth.
"No, no, have pity!" Diego was crying like a baby.
It was no use; the god seemed satisfied with his work. The place had become a horrible grave worthy of a horror movie. "Perfect, perfect," he began to suck the souls of the horns until they were in a state of decomposition like mummies found in Egypt.
Later with the four friends, Sasha was the first to get out of the car. "All right guys, see ya tomorrow in the dojo.''
Gumball waved, "Thanks, Sasha," Cole, Vel, and Aunt Penlope say their goodbyes as well. The gang made it back safely outside of Penlope's home after their run-in with a couple of street thugs led by Vel's former boyfriend. Both Gumball and Cole fought off most of them before all of them ran away due to the cops.
Penelope turned to Vel, "I'm glad you're okay after the bullies got you into a trap,"But if they start again, me and Sora we will take care of it."
"We can take care of yourself Auntie, don't be worried so much," Gumball replied, gesturing to him, Cole and Vel.
"Well, let's forget about it and let's go to sleep."
Later that night, Gumball was wearing only his blue pants pajamas. It had become a little warm in his room. "This night can't be better without a good love from Vel," He remarked, wanting to feel the touch of Vel.
He heard his bedroom window knocked. Looking up was Vel. Smiling in surprise, Gumball went to open the window. Vel stepped inside but accidentally tripped and collapsed on Gumball.
vel was there, dressed in her short white sleeveless t-shirt and red shorts.
"Heh heh heh, sorry honey," she made a small apology.
"It's okay," Gumball said, helping Vel from the ground. Vel was dressed in a short white sleeveless t-shirt and red shorts.
"What are you doing here anyway?" asks Gumball.
"Oh, Gumball after what happened lately, when I saw you fighting to save me. I wasn't sure if you did stand a chance against Gino," She said.
"It seems both of you know each other, right?" Vel nodded. "Ex-boyfriend I guess."
"I don't want to talk about it," Vel replied, shaking her head. "I just came here to sleep with you."
"Are you not worrying if your sister finds out you fled?" asked a worried Gumball. Vel lay out a sigh and sat on Gumball's bed.
"My sis acts like my mother, but I like her. Despite spanking me sometimes when I make her worry without paying attention," she explained briefly. Gumball sat down with her and looked her in the eyes.
"Don't worry, you and your sister will be okay in our house, I promise" he approaches Vel to her left cheek, making her laugh.
"I would rather prefer you do this," she aims Gumball's lips and begins to kiss him.
"So much love" Gumball thought to himself as they deepened their make out. Their make-out session lasted fifteen minutes until they fell asleep after going into the bed covers. They held each other as Vel smiled at her boyfriend who was asleep, "I love you, Gumball."