As they walked down the streets and got on the tram a shadow of darkness was chasing them. Chasing Krad.

It was Dark.

Dark in his full form of pure shadow. His black wings arcing over the inky black sky with no moon to light their path.

Catching up with them.

I could see him following us. I pulled Krad closer to me, and was surprised to find the large angel trembling. Was he frightened.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I am fine." He replied shortly. "I feel a little..."

He proceeded to be violently ill all over my shoes.

I grimaced.

He smiled shakily, apologetically. "It is because I have no vessel."

"Take me then!" I offered. "I-I don't want you to die! Not when I could save you! I've never done anything of merit in my whole life! Never been recognized. No one has ever shown me gratitude or kindness. I wanted...that look you gave me when you first saw me. So please..."

I placed my hand on his, and was surprised when he nodded, and his light poured into me.


Krad knew it wouldn't work. Kiana was a remarkable woman, but she was not human or a tamer. Without Niwa or Hikari blood she could not survive.

But she was somehow holding on. Her soul held onto such a blinding golden light.

Was she a real angel? Had he approached heaven?

The Dark shadow approached the tram, struck him/her, and threw them into a building, trying to merge. He was thrown from her body, back into his trembling incomplete form.

Incomplete. That was it, he must surrender.


"Nooooo!" Kiana screamed reaching out to him.

Light spilled from her fingertips.

It was the light that saved them from loosing their souls to the Hikari.

As the magic completed itself, they fashioned a real human soul and became complete, whole, real and free at last.

All thanks to their beautiful angel.