Harry stood beside Susan and Pansy and was thankful Hannah, Daphne, and Tracey had opted to block off anyone else from getting close to him as they waited for the professor who would bring them into the Great Hall. "Alright, Harry," whispered Ron as he stood nearby with Neville Longbottom. Harry nodded slightly as he kept his gaze to the ground. "You gonna make it through the Sorting?"
"Ronald," said Hermione. "Stop making him uncomfortable."
"It's fine," muttered Harry, looking at her slightly. "Danielle gave me a few tips for what Amelia told us about."
"We've been helping him by having the House Elves stand as an audience," whispered Pansy. "Though given he's used to them already, it may not have worked."
"I told you it was a bad idea," whispered Susan.
"You didn't say anything!"
"And they're at it again," muttered Ron.
"Does this happen often," asked Neville, having only met Harry a couple of times.
"How often do you lose your toad," asked Hannah. Neville frowned slightly before looking at the bickering girls. Harry sighed between the two of them before his ears picked up something behind him.
"Did you see that mist that appeared behind us on the lake," whispered a girl.
"I did," whispered another. "It was beautiful."
"It was creepy. It's September. Why would there be something like that at this time of year?" Harry smirked slightly before his eyes flashed blue briefly.
"What on earth was going on with the lanterns earlier," asked a boy on the other side of the group. "That was wicked."
"I know," said another girl. "I've never seen flames flicker as brightly as that. You think it was one of the teachers giving us a show?"
"Don't know. Can't have been that Hagrid guy. Mum said he was rubbish at magic." Harry's eyes flashed gold before reverting to normal and Kirika climbed out of the basket and trilled to get the girls' attention. They winced slightly before looking at Harry.
"Sorry," they said.
"It's ok," muttered Harry. He looked up as an old woman entered the staircase from the Great Hall.
"Welcome to Hogwarts," she said. "I am the Assistant Headmistress and Head of House Gryffindor, Professor Minerva McGonagall. In just a moment, I will lead you through these doors and into the Great Hall. Afterwards, you will be sorted into your Houses who will be your families for the next seven years of your life." Harry grumbled slightly, causing Kirika to climb to his shoulder and lick his cheek. A motion that McGonagall didn't miss. "Excuse me, young man. But pets other than toads, owls, and the occasional cat. I'm afraid you need to arrange to send that fox back to your home."
"Professor," said Susan who moved closer to the woman. McGonagall knelt down as she whispered to the woman. The professor blinked in surprise before turning to her.
"I wasn't aware of such a thing."
"Bullshit," said Pansy. "We sent a copy of the certificate and paperwork in with his acceptance letter!" McGonagall frowned slightly before looking at the students.
"Wait here, please." Harry watched as she went back into the Great Hall and looked at his best friends with thankful eyes. Kirika trilled softly before climbing back into her basket.
"So much for keeping a low profile." Pansy sighed before glancing around.
"Harry wouldn't have lasted long in Slytherin anyways," said Susan. "He belongs with compassionate people."
"And what does that make me?!"
"Please stop," said Harry as he looked at both of them.
"This is going to be a long year," muttered Daphne as she facepalmed.
"Long year," asked Tracey. "More like seven!"
"Bloody hell," muttered Ron.
"Sorry," muttered Harry.
"It's not your fault, Harry," said Hermione. "Some people are just too irrational to talk sense into." She gave his best friends a look before they huffed and turned away from each other. McGonagall returned and looked at Harry.
"It seems the Headmaster has misplaced your forms," she said. "Luckily, your guardian was able to sign more immediately, and I had them filed them away. Though, you should make sure your companion wears a collar."
"Kirika doesn't like them," said Harry. "She prefers to keep her fur unmated." Kirika trilled happily as she peered at the teacher from beneath the lid. McGonagall sighed.
"I'll arrange something. Now, all of you! Please follow me!" The students followed the professor into the Great Hall and looked up in amazement at the view of the night sky above.
"It's enchanted," whispered Hermione. "I read about it in Hogwarts: A History."
"The Jotun had similar enchantments in their halls," muttered Harry, bringing her attention to him. "They liked to watch the stars."
In the infirmary, Danielle huffed softly before going back to familiarizing herself with the contents and purposes of Madam Pomfrey's potion storage. Moody had warned her to keep an eye out for Dumbledore after she told him and Amelia about her apprenticeship opportunity.
(June 15th, 2011)
"You're going to be taking classes at Hogwarts," asked Amelia.
"Yes," replied Danielle. "With Harry going to be in school, I need something to occupy my time rather than just sit around Bones Manor. So I rethought about your suggestion in starting to become a Medi-witch. I already have medical knowledge. All I need is to really learn my magic. Then I saw an ad in the Prophet about Madam Pomfrey having an apprenticeship open. Then I did some research and learned that Hogwarts allows special classes for adults who need to learn magic at an older age than most."
"I don't like this," said Moody. "Poppy Pomfrey has never posted for an apprentice before. She wouldn't start now. Too damn proud."
"So what are you thinking," asked Amelia as she sipped her tea.
"Albus may have influenced her into thinking she needed an apprentice."
"Years of silence only to make a move now?"
"Albus is nothing if not patient. After the show you put on almost 5 years ago, Strauss, he's cautious about you. He'll want to get in Harry's good graces. That means keeping you close to him. Whatever he wanted from the lad may have been undone by Harry's rebirth, but Albus knows how to keep things seemingly under his control."
"So you think this is him trying to lower our guard," asked Danielle.
"Either that, or Albus has another way of getting Harry to his side. I've never known Albus to just give up. It's not in his nature. He didn't give up against Grindelwald, he didn't give up against Voldemort, he sure as hell won't give up with whatever he wants from the lad."
"More and more I dislike this man."
"I'm starting to feel the same way," muttered Amelia. "I'll keep an eye on him."
"Best you stay out of it, Amelia," said Moody. "Close as you are, you won't be able to keep a cool head." He shook his head. "It's bad enough he evaded charges four years ago by claiming he didn't know the Elemental Sealing was so dangerous and the Wizengamot bought it, but now he knows we're going to be working against nearly every action he takes. We've marked him as an enemy and he'll have done the same to us, at least unless he can get Harry to side with him. Then he'll play the ally while scheming in the background. No, I know him better. I've done investigations against him in the past and he's been none the wiser. I'll do it. In the meantime, Strauss. Be careful. You already know not to trust him. But know he may try to work things into his favor." Danielle nodded before sighing. This was the last thing she needed.
(Present Day)
"Everything alright, Danielle," asked Poppy Pomfrey behind her.
"Just fine, Ma'am," said Danielle. "Just tired. Early morning making sure my son was ready for school and then a long boring train ride here. And now, I just had to sign forms, again, for him to have his emotional support companion to be allowed into Hogwarts, despite the restrictions for pets for First Years. Lost the form, my arse."
"I hope you'll practice better language in front of the students."
"Sorry. It's hard to turn off my filter. Even at home, Harry's heard me curse like a sailor on more than one occasion. Part of me being who I am."
"I understand. Just do be careful around the children. Some of the older ones already have a mouth on them. No need to encourage the younger ones as well." Danielle nodded before turning to the potions again and picking up a bottle.
"Skele-Grow." She shook her head. "Sorry, but this just seems mad to me."
"What's so mad about it?"
"This. Regrowing bones. Never mind that bones are mineral and part of the internal systems, the simple act of vanishing them and then regrowing them instead of letting the broken bones set and heal naturally alludes me."
"Isn't that how Muggles do it?"
"Setting them? Yes. I've set a fair share of them in the past. Since the bones won't heal along the break line, they mend themselves together when set properly. Doing so allows the reset bone to become stronger and not as prone to break again."
"But it takes such a long time."
"It's better than having to carefully make a potion to regrow vanished bones. Yes, you have them back to normal in a matter of hours, but eventually, the body builds an immunity to such things, I'd imagine even potions after a while."
"You act as though people would get broken bones on a regular basis."
"I'd imagine so, given specific jobs. Being an Auror, working in a Dragon Preserve. Construction, potion making, which by the way would be ironic given the topic. Just take a look at Mad Eye Moody. I know he's paranoid to all hell, but Aurors are required to excel in potion making. He could've made his own Skele-Grow and muscle regrowth potions to regain his leg. Odds are he's done this already, enough that he's built an immunity to it." Pomfrey thought for a moment.
"I'd never thought of it like that."
"And then there's the control. How do you control which bones regrow?
"Oh, there's specific formulas for that. Each catered to a specific bone that we vanished."
"Well, that answers that, I suppose. I still find it ludicrous and asinine when compared to everything I learned while still a Muggle."
"I think you'll find a lot of things about the Magical Medical practices asinine when compared to the Mundane World. Much of our practices come from conveniences that your world lacks."
"I suppose it's the same for both worlds then. Us with technology, you with magic. And me being of one world and suddenly thrust into the other, it's striking just how different yet alike they both are."
"The same goes for the Muggleborns I suppose. Though, they tend to be a bit more accepting, if a little inquisitive."
"It comes with the age they are. Brought into the Magical World at an age where Magic is still believable. While I, who didn't even know about magic until Harry rebirthed me with phoenix fire, am still being thrown for a loop."
"What do you say to that magic, eh?"
"I don't know. I'm thankful for it, but at the same time, it's like Harry can never get severely injured anymore. His magic has restored him to how he was before any injury, large or small. It's almost frightening."
"And you? I'd imagine this link magic formed between you two would've granted you the same healing."
"If only. I've nicked my hands a number of times making dinner, and not a single flame has come to seal the wound unless Harry noticed and did so himself."
"I wonder why that is."
"I've no clue. I'm only just now learning more than basic levitation and ignition spells so I can get my official license."
"Well, no time like the present." Danielle smiled before going back to taking stock.
"You gonna be ok," asked Pansy as Hannah and Susan were assigned to Hufflepuff, Daphne and Tracey to Slytherin, Hermione and Neville to Gryffindor and she was about to be called up as well. Harry nodded slightly as he kept his gaze to the ground, thankful the students were busy watching the Sorting and not him, at least at the moment. She looked at Ron.
"I'll try and keep him calm," said the red head. "Though I know I'm gonna be piss poor at it."
"Don't worry about calm. Kirika can handle that. Just try and make sure he doesn't draw any attention to himself before his name is called up. He needs to get adjusted to life here. While certain crowds may work better with either of his two magics, they don't work for the other."
"Pansy Parkinson," called McGonagall. Pansy glanced forward before giving Harry a comforting look and moving on ahead. Harry groaned slightly as he avoided getting close to anyone else.
"Alright, Mate?" Harry nodded slightly. Kirika popped her head out of the basket and licked Harry's cheek, keeping his nerves in check.
"I don't like crowds… The Flame and Frost are too conflicted," muttered Harry. "The Flame wants to burn bright, show its Song and inspire. The Frost wants to run, keeping potential enemies either in front of me or far enough behind me that I can rest easy. It almost makes my stomach churn."
"It's a wonder you stay sane, Harry." Harry's eyes shined gold as he turned to Ron.
"Insanity is just another form of creativity." Harry's eyes returned to normal.
"Blimey, you went all Flame for a moment."
"The Flame is trying to calm me down, but the Frost is worked up. I don't like it…"
"You'll probably adjust soon. Weren't you trying to combine the two?" Harry nodded. "Why not try now?"
"I don't have a staff yet. I can only use both consciously for something small."
"Then just do your fire thing." Ron looked around. "There's a candle nearby. Bring the fire to your hand and mess with the spark. Like when we first met."
"Alright." Harry glanced at the nearby candle and opened his palm. The flame on the candle left the wick and floated around his palm. Harry started messing with its shape and felt himself lose that uneasy feeling. He blinked as he felt two pairs of eyes, other than Susan's or Pansy's on him. Harry looked ahead at the door behind the Head Table and spotted the same two women he'd seen the day he purchased his wands. The Pyro and Cryomancers smiled as they spotted Harry before taking their places at the Head Table. Harry smiled slightly as the Sorting Hat finally spoke up.
"Slytherin," it shouted, and Pansy smiled before moving to the Slytherin table. Harry frowned slightly as he knew this would be a deciding factor in how his school life played out. With one of his best friends or without. Nurturing either the Frost or the Flame over the other. Harry sighed and waited as a pair of twins were sorted into Gryffindor and Ravenclaw before hearing his name called. Harry breathed deep, unknowingly forming an icy mist in the hand opposite the hand with the flame and stepped forward. The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers watched him move forward and hid their small smiles. The same source of the Frost and Flame they'd felt while putting on their show and followed to the Dragon Preserve stood before them, showing phenomenal control over both at the same time, if only for a miniscule amount. He had promise indeed.
Severus Snape eyed the progeny of James and Lily Potter with caution. He was angled just enough that he could see the flame whirring about his hand. Just like a few years ago, he felt an unprecedented sense of fear. The control the child had over fire was astonishing and terrifying. Summoning flames at will, able to control them into Floo Fire. And then there was the incident with the Dursley's that Dumbledore had told them about. White fire that burned everything in the house and its neighbors. Except for one Harry Potter. Normally, Snape kept his nose out of Dumbledore's affairs, but Potter scared him more than the Headmaster or Voldemort ever did, and he couldn't figure out why!
Albus Dumbledore frowned as he watched Harry make his way to the Sorting Hat. With Amelia Bones having an ever-present eye on him since the incident a number of years ago, Albus had been unable to keep tabs on the boy. He'd been planning on calling Harry into his office and use the Elder Wand to undo the Elemental Binding he'd placed shortly after Voldemort was defeated. He theorized that normal wands wouldn't be able to undo such a binding, but the Elder Wand would be strong enough to do so. Then Vernon had done the unthinkable. He'd been preparing for the next schoolyear when the trinket monitoring Harry's life force went still, as well as the other trinkets monitoring the Blood Wards and bindings.
Then when he arrived, Harry was alive and well, but the Dursley's were gone. Then a glimpse into Severus' mind a few years later showed him that Harry had paid the Potions Professor a visit and left a major impression on the man. Harry had somehow absorbed the Elemental Binding and gained unprecedented control over fire itself. This would be worrying enough. But now his thoughts drifted to the icy mist that followed the boats to Hogwarts from the Hogsmeade docks. And now the hand that didn't have a small trace of fire flying around it. Another icy mist seemed to waft from Harry's hand. He couldn't identify what was going on, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew it had to be something worth investigating.
When the Sorting Hat was placed on his head, Harry jumped as a voice entered his mind. "What an interesting mind you have, lad," said the voice. "Welcome to Hogwarts, Mr. Potter." Harry glanced up at the hat on his head. "Yes. You're hearing my thoughts. You've only known magic since you were six, you shouldn't be too surprised. Now, let's see… Very odd indeed…"
"Bill does call me Oddball," muttered Harry.
"Well, your magic does seem to have a profound effect on your state of mind. And it also means you fit two Houses perfectly by the qualities given to you by these ancient forces. Ambition, imagination, loyalty, and determination."
"The attributes of the Flame and the Frost."
"They are attributes that fit all four of the Houses, but two in particular compliment your temperaments and friends perfectly. Which gives me a great honor to announce this…" Harry blinked as the hat moved on his head. "Harry Potter is being given a unique opportunity! Because of his specific requirements, he shall be put into two Houses." Harry frowned as hid his face under the brim of the hat. This was something he didn't want. Special attention. And the damn hat just gave him that! Sure, it was because he had a special circumstance regarding his magic and mental state, but still! He could've at least been more discreet about it!
Albus frowned slightly as the Sorting Hat made its announcement. Two Houses? What was it thinking? "For great ambition and resourcefulness, the first House is Slytherin!" There was light applause in the Great Hall from the more polite Slytherin members. Everyone else was just stunned. Everyone except for Albus Dumbledore who was sweating slightly from the outcome. Despite his best hopes, Harry Potter had wound up in Slytherin. He could only hope the second house wouldn't end up being Ravenclaw which would only give him access to more inquisitive and knowledgeable followers should Harry prove to be more like Voldemort than he wished. The Hat continued. "For dedication, patience, and loyalty, the second House is Hufflepuff!"
Susan breathed out a sigh of relief. She trusted Pansy to take care of Harry, but in truth, she would worry herself if he was placed in Slytherin. Yes, it would help him be more assertive, but she was afraid he would lose his gentle side being around so many people working for their own self interests. She looked across the room and met Pansy's gaze. They didn't always get along, but when it came to Harry himself, they had an almost instinctive awareness of what Harry needed after five years of knowing him. Pansy nodded and Susan nodded back in agreement. They turned to face the boy and Susan waved him over as Pansy shooed him to the Hufflepuff table. Harry nodded before moving to Susan's side, keeping his gaze to the ground as he did. Susan grabbed his hand and pulled him into the seat beside her as she saw Kirika pop her head out to calm Harry down herself.
Pansy sighed as she kept her gaze on Harry. She knew that Slytherin House would be better to bring out his more cautious and studious side, something he needs if he wants to keep his secrets, but she knew Susan had a point when she mentioned needing an environment that would bring out Harry's more adventurous side. This would also help with Harry's ambitions, but Slytherin wasn't the right place for that, nor was Pansy the right person. Since he'd inadvertently stopped her from being married to Draco Malfoy by killing Lucius Malfoy, Pansy vowed to never abandon him and to protect him however she could. This meant hiding his talents from others and making sure Harry could get adjusted to other people without having an episode. She'd asked Danielle to give her and Susan books to help them better understand how to act around and treat Harry while also still behaving how they would. Right now, in this new place with unfamiliar people, he needed understanding before anything else. He needed Hufflepuff.
Charlotte Dubois, Pyromancer and one of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, grinned as she watched the silent conversation between the two girls who were obviously so close to the boy that had drawn her attention and that of her wife, Fuyuko. The boy who held both the Frost and Flame and had already shown a connection to both equally. At a young age, she'd known she'd one day find an heir to learn the secrets of the Flame, encouraged by a peculiar Seer woman who knew of her and the ancient force of nature, as well as it's opposite, the Frost, Fuyuko's affinity. She'd been waiting for so long to find a worthy heir and now she had, one her wife could teach as well. "Congratulations, Mr. Potter," she said only loud enough for Fuyuko to hear with a French accent. "I look forward to instructing you."
"Getting ahead of yourself," muttered Fuyuko. "We don't know if he does want to learn."
"He does. The Flame in him would want that. To better the connection. And you know the Frost in him would compel him to learn how to harness it. It was the same for you, growing up from what you've told me."
"Hush. Sometimes I think you're too much to handle."
"And yet you said yes."
"You said yes. I asked you, Flamebrain."
"Did you? I remember it differently."
"Of course not. You always did have quite the imagination."
"All thanks to the Flame." She turned to face her wife. "What do you think of the boy?"
"He is interesting, I'll give him that. But I've yet to see the extent of his mastery in order to offer to teach him."
"You take your time then. Meanwhile I will stoke the Spark inside of him as soon as possible." Charlotte looked at the boy and smiled as she saw the white head of fur on his shoulder. "Oh, there's something that might warm you up to him a bit sooner."
"What are you talking about?"
"He has a Kori." Fuyuko glanced at the boy slightly before looking away and resuming an air of indifference. "Ah. You're still a softie!"
"Shut up." Charlotte giggled before kissing her cheek.
"Softie." Charlotte messed with a light red bang of her short hair before turning back to the children and taking a sip from her goblet. This would prove to be a very interesting experience.
(Author's Notes)
Ok. So not a lot of people voted but those that did voted for the fifth option that I did not know my friend had added to the poll for me when I asked him to create it while I was busy with work. The Dual House Option. This was something I had considered from the beginning, given the duality of Harry's magic and that I'd discussed with my friend. Luckily, I was able to adjust the initial plans I had for a single House story to work for this. Also, if anyone knows who I've based Charlotte Bubois off of, feel free to comment about it. No reward here, just a simple spot the reference for those who know it. And needless to say, Harry will not be playing Quidditch in this story. This works out better for his training in the Frost and the Flame. Until next time, Y'all!