It was late at night and I was in the hospital for a routine procedure when all the hustle and bustle started.
I was pushed through with the madness into an unfamiliar room where the door slammed shut and locked with a shadow.
There were four costumed superheroes—Teen Titans—guarding the door and the shadows pushed me all the way to the bed.
Dammit. How'd they know I was a priestess.
I looked up.
Raven gave me an entreating glare.
So it was her who was asking the favor. Alright then.
I moved to the bed. Their leader, Robin had a broken arm.
He was passed out from pain killers and looked like he was fighting villains in his sleep.
I had a weak body, but lots of spiritual power. I volunteered at the hospital, healing people, and healing emotional wounds too.
I leaned over Robin and poured my silver energy into his arm. There was a gross sound as it snapped back into place, and he cringed, then relaxed completely.
I wiped my brow and the door finally unlocked—thanks, Raven—so I prepared to leave.
Robin knew his voice was weak, but he also knew Miko had heard him.
The legendary Miko.
Raven was soft spoken, and didn't say much, but when she did talk about her past, she often mentioned Miko.
A priestess from another world, called Makai, populated by demons, each of them as horrible as Raven's father; Miko was not what he pictured her.
She looked so human.
But then, so did Raven.
Miko had long waist length dark hair, bright blue eyes, sparkly freckles on her cheeks, and caramel colored skin.
"May I help you?" Miko arched an elegant brow.
"Why are you leaving?" Robin said. "I didn't even say thank you."
Miko folded her arms. "So...?"
Miko laughed. "Say thank you."
"Right. Um. Thank you." Robin said. "Why aren't you on a team. Or fighting bad guys in some way? You have powers."
A pause.
"I can't."
Robin pressed. "Why?"
"You know my friend Raven." Miko said by way of response. "She used to have trouble controlling her demonic powers. Still does to some degree. But her demon side is natural."
"You...have one." Robin said. Miko nodded. "It's not natural." Another nod. "But you could still fight!"
Another pause.
"Very well. I see you will need a demonstration." Miko said. "I will return with you to the Tower. You will see then."
Robin brightened. He wanted this girl on the team! She was smart, powerful, and cute! Why did he just think about that?
"But Robin?"
"Promise me something?"
He sat up, experimenting with his arm. "Sure, anything."
"Promise not to die."