You know what? I'm feeling nice. 300 visitors, so here's the last chapter!

Chapter 10

9 Months Pregnant

"I hate you guys!" screams the fuming redhead as she grips the hands of the two poor men. The brunette gives the raven haired man a fearsome look that is returned.

"Keep pushing, Misty. You're doing great!" the doctor encourages from behind her gown. Hours earlier, her water had broken while she and Ash were watching a movie at their house. He rushed her to the hospital where he called Rudy. Now, the two are suffering from her wrath.

"I'm gonna be sick." the raven haired man gags.

"Oh no you don't, Ash! You have thrown up way too many times during this pregnancy!" Screams Misty as she recalls the mornings he was supposed to be holding her hair.

"Do you think you could loosen your grip, Misty?" Asks the brunette painfully.

Her angry glare now turns to him. "You think you're in pain? I have a watermelon coming out of me!"

He puts his other hand up in defense. "Okay. Squeeze as hard as you like." Rudy weakly tells her.

"And one more push, Misty!" exclaims the doctor happily. Soon, crying is heard in the room as the nurses take the baby for a quick check up.

Misty is finally able to relax and Ash kisses her sweaty forehead while she releases the men. "I knew you were strong."

She gives him a tired smile. "It's because you were here."

"I love you, Mist."

"I love you too, Ash." he plants a light kiss on her lips, and then she awkwardly turns to Rudy. "Um. Thank you for being here, Rudy."

He gives her a shy smile. "Of course, Misty! I'm a man of my word."

The baby is brought back and placed in Misty's arms. She smiles as she instantly recognizes which man is the father. "It's a boy!" The doctor exclaims to them.

Rudy walks around the bed and claps Ash on the back. "You're a lucky guy, Ash." He looks back at the baby and Misty. "I don't think I could've been with her if he wasn't mine." The brunette then walks out of the room while the young couple stare at the little bundle. His slightly tan skin and black hair make him look just like a smaller version of Ash. As he opens his eyes, they smile at those cerulean green eyes he must have gotten from his mother.

"Hey there." Misty feels tears fall down her cheeks while her son looks at her matching eyes.

Ash rubs a finger on the baby's cheek. "Welcome to the world, little guy." He feels his own tears falling. This baby is perfect.

After a couple more minutes of staring at their son, Misty says, "We need a name, Ash!"

He groans. They had been too busy with the drama in their lives to think of a name, and Misty had wanted the baby's gender to be a surprise. "Pikachu." Ash manages to say.

She rolls her eyes at him. "That's your dog's name, Ash."

"I know. That's all I could think of."

Ignoring her boyfriend, Misty looks back down at the innocent bundle. "Michael Satoshi Ketchum." She softly says. "Michael for Misty, and Satoshi for you." Her gaze then returns to his. "And Ketchum because you're his father."

2 Years Later

"I do."

Misty smiles at the love of her life and quickly looks at his crooked tie. He wanted to learn how to tie one for their wedding, so the couple spent many weeks practicing a normal tie knot. She can't help but giggle at his nervous attempt today, but that's just what she expects from Ash. She straightens his tie as she repeats the words her fiancé just said, "I do."

"You may now kiss the bride!" And the two share a long kiss while the audience cheers. Ash had proposed to Misty last year with their son Mikey's help. The family still lives in the small Cerulean City house with Pikachu.

At the reception, Misty watches Gary try to flirt with an unamused brunette. Apparently, she's a friend of Ash's and Gary's from childhood, Leaf. Misty has met Leaf a few times and likes the girl a lot, especially since Leaf can keep Gary's playboy tendencies in check. The bride then sees Brock with his wife Roxanne. The two had met at Daisy's wedding and got married last year. Of course, Violet and Lily are enjoying the bridesmaid perks by flirting with the single men. The redhead then smiles as she catches a glimpse of Tracey and Daisy with their 2 year old son Tristan.

"Okay, we're back!"

She snaps her attention to her husband of 2 hours as he carries over their 2 year old son. The man sits down with the toddler on his lap and Misty can't help but squeeze the little boy's tan cheeks. He really is a miniature version of Ash. "Hey, Mikey! Aren't you so cute in your little suit?" She coos at her son who giggles back while reaching his arms out towards her.

"He really loves you." Ash reluctantly gives his son up.

"Momma's boys run in his family." His wife snickers, which results in the man rolling his eyes.

"Thanks for getting my tie earlier." He laughs while watching his little family.

"You tried, Ash. That's all that counts."

"I'll get it for the next wedding."

"Who's getting married?"

"You threw the bouquet."

"Yeah, and Gary caught it. The bouquet thing is just a tradition. It's not actually true." When Misty threw the bouquet, it had bounced off some of the women's hands and somehow landed in the playboy's lap.

Ash crosses his arms knowingly while he glances at his brunette friends from Pallet Town. "You just don't know, Mist." He smiles as Leaf hits Gary's head.

"You two need to go and enjoy your wedding!" Delia exclaims as she grabs Mikey from Misty. The toddler giggles happily in his grandmother's arms.

"Thanks, mom." Ash smiles while he stands up and extends a hand to Misty. "Care for a dance, wifey?" He winks at her. Despite rolling her eyes, Misty blushes while accepting his hand. The two dance to the slow song once Misty rests her head on his chest. "I'm glad I got to walk down the aisle with you this time."

His wife looks up at him and smiles warmly. "Same." she replies as she kisses him. Gosh, Misty can never get tired of these lips.

"I promise I won't get drunk this time." he chuckles.

"I'll babysit you, Ash."

"Really? Because Gary is too preoccupied to drink anyway." He catches a glimpse of his Pallet Town friends dancing.

She nods while her head rests on his chest. "Taking care of drunk Ash after a wedding is how I got to marry my best friend."

He grins back as he buries his face in her beautiful orange hair. Gosh, he loves her so much. "Have I ever told you I'd do anything for you?"

Misty smiles at the drunk confession from 5 years ago. "Yes. You were drunk though."

"I still mean it." he chuckles.

"I know." She smiles. "I knew the moment you never left my side during the whole pregnancy."

He squeezes her tighter. "Well, I am an Uncle Ash now too. To Tristan."

"You're also my husband now."

"And you're my wife."

"And we're best friends."

They silently dance in each other's arms for a few minutes before Ash asks, "So what are we now?" she looks back into his confused chocolate eyes. "Are we best friends or husband and wife...or both?"

Misty rolls her green eyes as a smirk appears on her lips. She plants a long kiss on his lips and says, "We're friends with benefits."

Alright! That's it! I'm so proud of myself for keeping this short. After writing 45 chapters in Revenge of an Ex-Con, I feared I was going to underestimate the number of chapters in this story. However, I overestimated. Haha. I expected 15 but was running out of ideas at 7. I'm satisfied with this short story though! See you in the next one!~