There's nothing really to this. I just needed to get writing Elsanna smut out of my system.

Domme/sub dynamics abound. Written so you can headcanon them as related or not depending on personal preference.


Sweat beading on her bare skin, Anna couldn't help but strain against her bonds, hands tied behind her back and ankles tied together, balancing somewhat precariously on her knees.



Anna whimpered, muscles tight and thighs shaking. She was so close before Elsa stopped touching her, body still tense with the anticipation.

But then, that was rather the point, as Elsa had told her repeatedly. It was Anna's own fault, so she'd been told. Well, she knew it really; there were rules, and Anna agreed to those rules, and so breaking them came with a cost. Elsa had ordered her to edge herself, without climax, on the nights she was away for work the week before. Anna did her best, she really did... but she failed on day four to stop before she came, so lost in the moment as she pictured Elsa's hands instead. And, because she couldn't lie to Elsa, she'd confessed the truth to her Domme.

And now Anna was paying for it dearly. Since Elsa's return, she hadn't been allowed to come. Not once! Though it wasn't for lack of trying, nor lack of stimulation. Elsa had her tied up in all manner of ways, left marks on her body with all manner of implements, and still Anna was denied. Five days and counting...

"If you can't be quiet, I'll have to gag you."

That was one of Elsa's biggest teases, because she knew Anna couldn't keep quiet. Elsa often enjoyed that fact immensely, and dedicated many, many hours to discovering the myriad of noises she could draw from Anna.

When Anna proved she couldn't keep quiet, Elsa tsked and rolled her eyes before reaching up under the skirt of her dress, fumbling a little before her underwear slid to the ground. Anna's heart quickened in her chest as Elsa stepped delicately out of them and picked them up. Fingers gripped Anna's chin roughly, though Elsa's eyes were gentle as she looked over her lovers flushed face.

"Open up."

Anna complied, mouth soon filled by damp fabric that tasted like Elsa. The fingers on her jaw softened, moved to stroke her cheek.

"Can you still tap-out, and click your fingers?"

She couldn't speak to safeword now, so Elsa was asking for the non-verbal safewords. Anna managed to tap her hands, and clicked her fingers, which made Elsa smile sweetly at her.

"Very good."

Anna glowed with the praise, leaning in to Elsa's hand and humming around her makeshift gag when Elsa continued to caress her face gently. With those big blue eyes and her soft, platinum blonde hair, pale freckles across her snow-white cheeks, Elsa looked a lot more sweet and innocent than Anna knew she could be, though Elsa had said the same of Anna with her 'beguiling' smiles.

The gag didn't entirely silence her, but it quieted her somewhat as Elsa pinched one straining nipple between her fingers, tugging almost idly as though simply testing Anna's response. She knew what it did to Anna, the delightful spikes of pain and pleasure rolling through her. If she really tried, Elsa could make her come through nipple play alone. Anna wished it was one of those times.

Instead, Elsa just teased her over and over, switching sides and alternating between rough tugs and gentle rubs, eyes sparkling with desire when Anna moaned and shuddered, already feeling the steady climb of a long awaited orgasm beginning to build. Fingers trailed down her quivering stomach, skipping past where Anna ached to be touched so Elsa could drag her nails up the sensitive inside of her thigh. The muscle twitched under her touch, Elsa's smirk growing wider. Anna whined against her gag, jolted as Elsa landed a small, sharp slap against her thigh.

"I told you to keep quiet."

How was she to keep quiet? Elsa had been tormenting her for days now, and Anna was never especially patient anyway. Elsa let her catch her breath for just a minute, and then there were fingers on her clit, moving in quick, firm strokes that had Anna teetering on the edge of a climax all over again in seconds. Her Domme knew the signs though, pulled her hand away in time to leave Anna shaking, sobbing, keening desperately at the denial.

Elsa frowned when Anna spat out her gag, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"I can't feel my hands."


Her squirming must have tightened the knots, or maybe she'd just been tied up for too long, but the first thing Anna became aware of when the shudders of her approaching climax faded was the numbness in her fingertips. Elsa had the knots off her wrists in no time, rubbing Anna's hands to encourage blood flow. As soon as the pressure of the ropes was gone, Anna's hands felt fine.


"Yeah, thanks."

"You wanna stop?"

Anna immediately shook her head, but Elsa removed the other ropes from her ankles, had Anna crawl up on the bed and stretch out on her back.

"Are we stopping?"

She pouted; for all her sounds of complaint earlier, Anna loved what Elsa did to her. To her great delight, Elsa shook her head.

"Not at all, but you've chafed from the ropes."

Anna looked, realised Elsa was right as she took in the red marks on wrists and ankles. Now she was satisfied, Elsa shoved her underwear back in Anna's mouth, put her hands up above her head and told her to keep them there.

"You move, I stop."

Elsa was evil, Anna decided, loving every second as fingers trailed down her neck, goosebumps erupting all over her body despite how warm and flushed she felt. Her hands occasionally just wandered over Anna's body, stroked her bare belly, nails scraping down her sides or tickling along the curve of her ribs when Anna's back arched up.

"Have I told you how lovely you are to play with? How beautiful you look, especially when you get all needy?"

Her words were punctuated by playful tugs on her nipples, Anna's legs twitching, her toes curling into the bed. Anna could only pant and moan helplessly into her gag, hands starting to come up before she remembered and forced them back down, attempting to give Elsa her best pleading expression. Elsa continued to tease her, slowing to rub her cool thumb back and forth on the heated skin below Anna's hipbone.

"Hmm. I could take pity on the poor needy thing I've turned you in to. However, if i do, you'll have to start all over again, and keep going until you reach a whole week. Is it worth it?"

Anna gave some thought to it - it sounded a very attractive deal, until she considered the torture of the last five days. She could hold out for two more, or come now and then start all over again...

"Worth it!"

Elsa quirked an eyebrow, then plucked the gag from her mouth with a somewhat indulgent smile.

"What was that?"

"I said it's worth it."

Fingers brushing the bottom of her belly, Anna tingled with mounting anticipation. Swollen and needy, her body begged for Elsa's touch.

"Are you sure? Only two more days."

"Don't care, I need it..."

Her voice trailed off as Elsa rubbed in circles, each circle bringing her fingers closer to Anna's aching clit, leaving Anna wondering if she was going to come just from the thought of Elsa touching her properly.

"Last chance to back out before you have to start over."

Elsa murmured, voice liquid silk against Anna's ear as one finger feathered a nearly non-existent touch over wanting nerves.


Elsa's breath hitched at the way Anna gasped her name (at least, that was Anna's assumption), and finally she gave Anna what she desperately needed. It was quick and hard and perfect, Elsa's fingers curling up inside Anna as her thumb rubbed her clit. Anna clenched around Elsa's fingers to try and hold them in, but her lover merely continued to thrust them in and out of her, Anna so wet that they slipped back and forth with ease.

The four days edging by herself were nothing compared to five being edged at Elsa's hands, bound and beaten and teased until she felt like she'd lose her mind to it all.

When Elsa ducked down, tongue working her skillfully alongside knowing fingers, Anna couldn't hold back. The building heat consumed her completely, full-body spasms wracking her and Elsa continued to drag out the explosive climax, driving Anna even higher with fingers and tongue until her moans of rapture became whimpers for mercy.

Elsa looked Anna over, chest heaving as she fought to draw enough breath, dizzy with the intensity of the orgasm she'd gone through. Fuck, that was something else entirely. Cool fingers soothed over her forehead, pushing sweaty hair up and waiting for Anna to be able to see straight again.

"Are you alright?"

"Peachy! Wow. That was... definitely worth the wait."

Letting out a lovely little laugh, Elsa leant down and kissed her with damp lips, Anna's own taste there but she ignored it in favour of leaning up to chase Elsa's mouth. When the blonde withdrew, her eyes were glittering with mischief.

"We'll see if you still feel that way when I leave you waiting a whole week."


Maybe I can focus on something else now the Elsanna need has been sated. For me. I don't know how much anyone else enjoyed this.