Hy guys it's Misha here. Welcome back. I hope I'm doing well so far. I'm think the story is coming to an end soon. I my come up with one-shots about this but after a break I think.

Special thanks to Lhous73829. Your kind words were a great encouragement and made my day. I wrote it in one go. This chapter is for you.

And my guest, finderlov, prissypixie, Sake, Asami's clown, 00jujubee00 thank you for reviewing. If this chapter isn't up to your expectations. I apologize. After delaying it a few days. I still couldn't do much. So I just decided to post it.

Any way thank you soo much for following and favorite this story guys. Love you guys lots.

As Asami was talking with his fellow business men he glanced at Akihito. And from the corner of his eyes he could see his lips moving. Probably talking in his earpiece. But didn't the young man wanted him to be in front of him at all times and now he is distracted?

What was so important more than him that caught his interest? To say the least Asami was highly displeased. He was barely hearing the conversation around him.

"Gentlemen let's take this outside shall we. A breath of fresh air will do us good".

"Of Course Asami-sama. As you say".

As he led the way to the balcony his eyes caught Akihito. He smirked when he saw the boy's eyes narrowed. 'Got your attention now didn't I?'

A few minutes into the conversation Asami caught that something was wrong. A man introduced by his usual's was acting suspicious. The innuendos in his conversation were not lost on Asami. But acting on them now would be more troublesome. They probably will be waiting for his way back for something. He could fill in Akihito then. Lost in his thoughts and eyes on Akihito, he wasn't ready for the sudden prick on his neck.

Automatically going back he rested on the rail when his world tilted. He saw Akihito standing. He heard a loud bang then his ears were ringing. There was smoke everywhere. He tried to keep his senses but soon darkness consumed him.


Asami opened his heavy eyes, willing the fog away. When his world stop tilting he realized he was sitting in a chair and bound. Well nothing new there. He sighed. He knew he was here because of his own carelessness. The young man warned him but still this happened. Why you ask? Because he wanted someone's attention like a brat. God what was he? A teenager? Hell he didn't act like that then. He never had to work for someone's affection. There was always a line.

Oh the humiliation he was feeling right now.

When his subordinates and the boy will get here how will he face them? He knew they will come. No fear there. They were both capable. Akihito more than so.

"Ah Asami you are awake".

He saw two men entering and behind a dozen guards fill the large room? Warehouse? Whatever it was. They were still a bit blurry which Asami assumed was because of the drug. He kept silent. Observing them. If they wanted to intimidate him then they had another thing coming. He sat straighter. Seeing them with his sharp golden eyes. Seeing the look the man spoke.

"Just look at him. He is the one caught and bound but has the aura like we are his prey. My God, the gall of this man. Too bad Asami. You are outnumbered."

Seeing Asami's lips turning had him furious. He looked fucking amused. Before he could utter another world the second man stepped forward. Probably the other brother.

"Calm down Yoru. Dealing with him will require patience. Let me introduce myself I'm Jiro Izanagi and he is my brother. I'm sure you'll understand why you are here?"

Seeing that Asami was not going to talk he went on.

"You see our brother Momiji, worked for you. But you killed him. We heard Asami Ryuichi looked after his men. Is that how you do it? All the work he did and you paid that by killing him".

"Don't be ridiculous. He did work for me but he started having his fingers in too many pies. Which I shall tell you were completely rotten. He ignored my warning. When he did that, he had it coming. You must also have heard I do not take betrayal lightly".

"Indeed. You must have had it coming too when you killed him. We can't let someone kill our brother and be okay with it."

Asami smirked and relaxed further.

"Please, do what you must".

This smug bastard. Clenching his fists tight, he tried another method. Of course he will be fine with threats and some torture. He was a damned crime lord.

"We know you won't break easily. The men of your caliber have too much pride. So how about we work on that. A simple death will be too easy for you. It's already been some time since you are taken and still nothing from your men. Lazy are we? How about we pump you up with drugs and let you sleep around? I'm sure a high end yakuza will bring lots of customers."

Yoru walked forward and stroked Asami's face smirking.

"How does it sound to you Asami? You already are so captivating. Drugs will work magic on you".

"I'm not sorry to burst your bubble but that sounds disgusting".

With that all they hear was a snap and Asami smacked the hand on his face. Hands free he pulled the handkerchief out of his pocket, wiped his face where the man touched and throw it away. Ignoring his bound feet and body, he let one hand rest on the arm of chair with his chin resting on it.

"And do keep your filthy hands away from me".

He finished smirking. The shock on their faces was so satisfying. But Jiro recovered first.

"Don't be so damn arrogant Asami. Cutting zip ties was nothing much. But what can you do? There are dozen guards here. Armed. You can't do shit."

"We shall see".

"Fine. Bring the drug. We will administer it right now".


"Kirishima-san I want you to track Asami's phone. Troth, are the men assembled"?

Kirishima nodded and went to do just that. Clearly the young man knows what he is doing.

"Yes. Phoenix".

"Fantastic. I'll change and we will go then. Troth and Horus each lead a team and attack Izanagi brother's gang. Each and every one of them. I don't want some weakling coming for revenge. I'll take down the bastard and destroy his main base where Asami is being held. Understood".

"Of course. It's going to be fun".

The blond by the name 'Troth' grinned.

"Yes. He dare touch what's under my protection. It looks like japan doesn't fear my name."

"Oh but they will soon. I bet".

"Go now."

Akihito told Kirishima to take him to the penthouse. Reaching there he swiftly took off clothes and washed his face. Although he wanted to shower. But there was no time.

He got his outfit from the stuff that had arrive earlier and changed. He wore tight black pants, the design of flames starting from the bottom in red, orange and yellow. A sleeveless black top with flames on its sides matching the pant. From his collarbone to shoulder had the wings design like flame, indicating his identity as phoenix. Wearing his mask with same feather like design from its sides and black ankle boots, he was done. He was in no way a super hero, but the mask gave him his privacy. His enemies can't see his face. So they can't interfere in his daily life and because of Horus they obviously can't track him. His both right and left hand men are highly capable.

Though his men wore their uniform all dark. Only his had some form color in it. Whenever his enemy attacked he arose back. And this gave them the name 'Dark phoenix'.

The penthouse knocked and Kirishima came in. he stood for a few seconds stunned and trying to find out what was going on.

"Relax Kirishima-san. It's me".

Kirishima visibly relaxed and sighed. The young man had too many secrets up his sleeve. But now was not the time to question them.

"I've tracked Asami-Sama's phone and sent some men but it was obviously thrown on the way. So we don't know where he is at the moment".

"I guessed as much".

God. Those words alone made temperature in the room drop. He thought only Asami was capable of that.

"I want you to prepare a medical team and be on standby. I'll find out where he is but we can't know about his injuries. So it's better to be safe than sorry."

"Takaba-san shouldn't it be best if I go with you?"

"Someone needs to stay behind Kirishima-san. And I assure you Asami will be safe. I'll let you know when to come. Just stay a little far. From their radar until I sort their mess".

Kirishima nodded, took his phone out and begin to make preparations for the team of doctors and a team of men to do their clean up. Who knows what will be left behind after this mission? And public and police definitely doesn't need to know that.

He followed Akihito to at least see him off but was confused when the man went to the top of the pent house where the helipad was. Kirishima was certainly not prepared for what he saw. He was god smacked by the Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk. How could Akihito has access to such a high end helicopter? Too soon he was distracted by the men that left from helicopter and Akihito's voice. He seems to be giving instructions in his earpiece and to the men in front of him.

"Dark phoenix hear my command. Every team Henceforth are to attack and obliterate there enemy base. Your respective team leaders will be with you. Leave nothing behind. Understood?"

"Affirmative phoenix".

The present men saluted and went to enter the helicopter. The authorization in those words had Kirishima utterly astounded. From what he could see Akihito probably had an organization under his command. And that was impressive indeed. Suoh surely have some explaining to do. He shook his head. He better start to work. With all that mambo jumbo he feels like a useless quake.

The helicopter took flight. Akihito was busy fumbling with his watch, which showed a holographic keypad and settings. After a few setting the call connected.

"Hey Sabina. Help me find the location of Asami and send the coordinates to the pilot".

"As you command sir".

"And I think I'll be here for a while. So, I'll have my lab sat up soon. Close and lock everything there when I send you the notification and install here".

"Alright sir, I'll prepare everything".

With that the call ended and he and pilot got Asami's location. It was an underground basement of an oil factory. He instructed his men about the man and soon they landed farther from the site. It has already been three hours since Asami was taken.

They move silently towards the base. Mainly giving instructions through hands for the move. Two guards patrolling the factory were taken out by his hand swiftly. They moved further with pairs and checked the factory. Akihito snorted.

"They are really taking us for a fool. Only two guards? I feel insulted".

He was heard by his men through his ear piece. All the rooms were bare. Finally they all moved downwards. Akihito realized there was an elevator and a room. No stairs. If this elevator opened them to directly in front of the basement, it will be like a signboard of 'kill me'. So taking three of his men with him, he instructed others to look for another way.

They opened the door guns ready and barge in. The people in the computer room were shocked. They held them at gun point and Akihito moved to the chair in front of computer seeing the footage.

"You know, I don't know if you guys are highly confident or dumb. If you are going to use this shit at least install a camera at entrance".

He shook his head and focus on the feed. Asami was bound but fine. He couldn't see any injuries. He ran his eyes around the room. So there were all the men hiding. He focused on Asami when he broke his zip ties. He scowled. 'Couldn't the bastard stay in one place? Why does he have to taunt his enemy?'

From their faces it wasn't looking good. He turned on the two men and asked.

"Tell me the way to the second entrance".

"There's no second entrance".

Akihito swiftly shot the man between his eyes. The silencer on his gun blowing spoke. In turned to the other. With a jerk of his head his men forced him on the chair. He looked around and found a bolt bigger than his palm. He took it and turned towards the man whose eyes held fear. His eyes got wide with and tears stemmed down when Akihito stabbed his thigh with the bolt. His screams were muffed by the hands on his mouth.

"Listen I don't have much time. And I'm not in the mood to play. So you better tell me the entrance because I know men like you always prepare your big getaway plan".

The man nodded in pain. His men took his hand from his mouth and he spoke.

"There's a tunnel from out at the back that you can take".

He took a look at the footage and heard the order of drug. He had to hurry. He turned to his team that had decided to enter from back and ordered.

"Go with him and get inside. We have to hurry. If this bastard is lying, break a few bones then kill him. You three lets go".

The man followed the order. He quickly took the elevator with his men. And lo and behold, he found himself the center of attention when the elevator opened. Which he guess was a good thing since the syringe with drug was a few meters from Asami. All guns were pointed at him and his men. He stepped forward and smiled.

"Hy. You guys started the party without me. I was so sad so I invited myself".

The men in the basement sweat dropped. With a wave of Jiro his men came forward, guns pointed.

"I must say I'm surprised. I didn't realize you were here phoenix. But now what? You must have been here very soon but it counts shit if you are going to die".

"I must say I'm surprised as well. I knew you were dumb Jiro. But really? Now not only you but your men and second brother is also gonna get killed because of you".

"What the hell are you talking about? Capture him". He ordered his men.

"Touch me and you are dead".

Jiro's men stood for a few seconds. The deadly voice was spooking them too much. It really promised death. Is this the same cheerful man that entered a few moments ago? They surrounded Akihito and his men.

"What the hell are you cowards doing? I said to capture him? Didn't you hear me?"

Jiro yelling echoed in the warehouse. How dare he? How dare this man do this to him a second time. He will show him how in power he has grown. He glared at Akihito who smirked in return. He saw Akihito brought his hand up, fucking winked at him and brought it down.

Chaos ensued.

There were smoke bombs.

There was gun fire. From everywhere. Jiro was in the fucking center of it. His brother was missing in the run, to take shelter and attack at the enemy. He turned in the direction of Asami to use him as hostage. But the chair was empty.


Akihito ran towards Asami the moment he gave the signal to his men. They had already surrounded the basement. They could take care of the men and Jiro. His priority is Asami. In the run a stray bullet hit in his right side. He winced, his arm automatically reaching towards the wound.

Other than that, he safely reached the man. Thankfully Asami was fine and had just undid his body and foot bounds. Asami stood up but staggered when his world tilted. Akihito took his arm around his neck and held him from his waist guiding him.

"Come on Asami. I know the drug is still in your system. But we have to hurry."

A beep sounded in his hear and Troth voice followed.

"Horus and I've completed our mission sir. What are your orders?"

"Good. Any causalities?"

"None. They were not expecting the attack. We practically bombed them and killed any that were left".

"Alright, I'll get detail later. Head to the base. I'm sending back the men. There might be few injured, see to them".


His wound was throbbing but he tried to ignore it as much as he can. Kirishima is waiting he just send him the signal. A few of his men then arrived by his side and helped with Asami.

"Take him outside. Kirishima will be waiting with a medical him. Let them check him."

"Akihito I'm fine. What about you?"

"Go Asami. I'll be there in a bit. I promise."

He smiled and pecked Asami's lips. Asami didn't seem convinced but followed Akihito's men. Akihito turned around to see his men has successfully killed the underlings and the two brothers were now kneeling on the ground significantly injured. No doubt they must have put the fight. Seeing Akihito walking towards them Jiro spoke.

"Capturing us won't do you any good. You think my men will let you go after all the shit you put us through?"

"Oh please, I didn't put you through anything. I gave you fair warning. You just don't learn do you? You dug your own grave. And who says I'm capturing you? I let you live last time but I'm killing you now".

"You are too proud phoenix. I'm telling you if men don't hear from me they will come after you. They have my orders".

"Ah your men. I must have forgot to mention they are dead".


"You heard me".


"Your bases are already annihilated by my men Jiro. Say good bye to your lives now."

He waved his men to unhand them and raised his gun. Jiro was still in shock of the last news. A bullet between his eyes and he was dead. Seeing his brother's brains blow, Yoru starting begging for his life. That he will do anything that Akihito asks. But Akihito didn't respond until the final shot.

"I don't work with scums".

With that he put his gun away to his men, ordering them for cleanup and then head back to base. His wound was seriously throbbing. Thankfully his clothing was dark and red so pouring blood couldn't be seen. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't losing blood. What should he do now? Let the doctor check him now or go back to the pent house, change and then call doctor? The weakness in his limbs and light headed feeling told him he needed it now.

The doctor mainly came for Asami. So he must be trusted. Yeah. He finally saw the clearing. The sun was rising. He clutched his wound with his left hand and walked slowly toward where Kirishima and Asami were talking. Asami saw him first.


He looked relieved to see him. He doesn't look confused about the situation. Kirishima must have filled him. He smiled tiredly. Asami must have seen his blood running through his hand from his wound, because suddenly his eyes widened and he was all over him. Ordering doctors for a checkup.

They lied him down probing his wound. He tried to be still and only his expression faltered with clenching and unclenching of his hands.

"We need to take to him to the hospital sir. The bullet is still lodged inside and he is losing blood".

"Do what you must".

He heard Asami speak. But why are they talking so slowly? Or may be his thoughts were going loopy. He didn't wanted to go to the unknown hospital with some unknown men. He must have shown something because the next moment Asami was with him. He brushed his bangs back from his face untying the masks covering his eyes and nose.

"Don't worry Akihito. They are to be trusted. And I'll be with you."

He nodded and soon they were both in the ambulance with the doctors. They had put pressure to stop the bleeding. And that hurt like hell. He was sweating profusely trying to keep his voice. Soon Akihito found his face covered with oxygen mask and a prick of a needle in his arm. The anesthetic burned till it reached his elbow. He turned his head seeing Asami's worried eyes and his hand being clutched by the bigger one, his eyes closed finally to welcome the darkness.

That's it guys… how did I do? I had trouble writing the rescue plan. I just couldn't put it in words. It is the longest chapter so far. Hopefully it'll do. But I'm not quite satisfied. I'm thinking of a major showdown when Asami's and Akihito feelings and characters are more built.

Till next chapter sweeties. Bye. Stay home, stay safe. Love ya. Ummmah. :P