Reviews for Bodyguard
Guest chapter 6 . 7/25
The story is so good and written perfrctly..but, cant we have an epilogue and some lemons...your action scenes are pretty detailed and easy to imagine so i enjoyed them but a lemon will also be welcomed...thanks...
Aki2333 chapter 4 . 6/29
Suddenly it feels like Aki is the ceo and kingpin controlling everything while Asami is a mere assistant
Guest chapter 2 . 6/29
I’m sorry but your Akihito and Asami are way too out of character it feels like I’m reading different people.
Lauridc13 chapter 6 . 6/4
Love your story
You should do a follow-up

Thanks for writing
Lhous73829 chapter 6 . 5/19
WOW ‼️ that was a lot of action happening. I liked the honest opinions expressed by Asami, yes he as acting like a spoiled brat, he is learning that the world do not revolve around him. I loved this mysterious Akihito. He is making Asami work hard for his ultimate goal …getting Akihito in his bed. I love all the interaction and interplay between all the characters. I am definitely on edge waiting for the next shoe to drop. Keep it tight.
finderlov chapter 6 . 5/18
That was awesome love it
RichkeyZero chapter 6 . 5/18
this is interesting story
I can't wait for the next chapter
Sake chapter 6 . 5/18
Good Akihito got the bad guys! Stilll waiting for Asami and Akihito to get together, maybe even throw in a sex scene? Or two? Awaiting the next chapter! Hope to see more soon!
xxxx chapter 5 . 5/10
i really like thiss .. i laways reading ff with akihito be the poor amd careless one but in here is different and its good. hope you will cntinue this work and make others
Lhous73829 chapter 5 . 5/9
Before I review this chapter, thank you for kind words. I hope my interest and words are a comfort and encouragement to you. Now let me address your concerns about the direction you taking this story. I don’t think you are being cliche in your story or characters development. In my opinion , you are attempting to make my favorite couple operate outside their normal frame of reference and making them use unusual circumstances to grow personally, emotionally and professionally. So, NO, you are not being boring or cliche. Now on to the story.

I have only read a couple of stories where Akihito was asked or forced to dress as a female.. this was an awesome build up to the cliffhanger. This incident put Akihito in unfamiliar circumstances and he was forced out of his usual comfort zone, which made what happened to Asami so interesting . Akihito was not able to anticipate what happened to Asami as quickly as he would have done previously. I love this emotional and professional game changer that Akihito now find himself in. You have taken two very confident and arrogant people out of their comfort zone. I love it, can’t wait for the next update. Keep me on edge and guessing ...
00JuJubee00 chapter 5 . 5/7
I love it when Akihito has to cross-dress! Update again soon, can't wait for the drama!
Asami's clown chapter 5 . 5/7
Love the cliffhanger! LOL! Loving this story! Can’t wait to see what happens next! Please update soon!
Sake chapter 5 . 5/7
Love the cross dressing scene! Wish I could get a real picture of Akihito in the dress! Where is Asami? And I want to read more. So keep up the good work and hope to see another chapter!
Prissypixie chapter 5 . 5/7
I am enjoying your story and I like the dynamic that you have going on between Asami and Akihito. I love a BAMF Akihito. Keep writing and don't leave us in suspense for too long.
finderlov chapter 5 . 5/7
Omg awesome love it
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