While the five candidates were busy with getting to know one another the four goddesses on the other sat at a table with an assortment of snacks scattered about on it in addition to some drinks.

"So… care to tell us when you two got this serious?" Vert asked suddenly.

She however asked the question at the wrong time since Neptune was in the middle of taking a sip and she immediately started coughing as the drink went down the wrong pipe "W-Whoa… we aren't… in a relationship" she cleared still coughing in the middle of her sentence while Noire patted her back.

Vert gave them a confused look "You aren't in a relationship? Then why would you have a child?"

"That doesn't exactly seem like the best idea" Blanc added in.

"Umm… that's the thing… we… don't really know… how we had her" Noire admitted not making eye contact.

"You don't know how your own daughter was born?" Vert asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hey she just popped up literally two days ago cut us a bit of slack" Neptune defended, her coughing fit finally coming to an end.

"She's only two days old?" Blanc asked.

"Two days old… and yet she looks slightly older then Rom and Ram" Vert commented.

"Why's that matter?" Blanc asked making eye contact with her.

Vert giggled "I just find it amusing is all. While we're on this subject how exactly are two going to go about this?"

"Go about what exactly?" Noire asked taking one of the snacks.

"Well, you two are mothers now. So the question is how exactly are you two going to go about your duties as CPUs while being… you know mothers?" Vert elaborated.

Noire and Neptune froze up when Vert asked them that. Who could blame them she had made a very good point they were still CPUs with their own duties, and those duties weren't going to be put on hold simply for the fact that they had a child now. Moreover they didn't want to reveal Vita to the public anyway due to not knowing how the people of their nations would react to such a thing. Adding to that, even without emotions Vita didn't want Neptune to leave so there was no telling how she would act with emotions.

"Oh… right…" Noire said quietly as the realization dawned on her.

"You never thought about that?" Blanc asked raising an eyebrow

"Hey in our defence we were kinda preoccupied" Neptune defended.

"Well sounds like things are about get more interesting in your lives" Blanc remarked.

"How about we talk about something else, something less… uhh… lets just go with gloomy. Vert didn't you say someone new joined you in your game?" Neptune asked.

"You're going to have to be more specific" Vert replied.

"I think it was that guy who shouted his full name before charging in with no plan and nearly caused you all to fail" Neptune guessed.

Vert perked up at as she caught on to who Neptune was talking about "Oh! Him, alright so basically what happened was…"

The four continued their chat which ranged from various topics such as some funny moments Vert had while playing her favourite MMO as well as Blanc's stories, though they didn't stay on that topic for very long, and so on. Eventually they decided to call it a day which lead them to where they were now which was the interior entrance to Noire's Basilicom.

"Well it was certainly interesting meeting your daughter" Vert commented.

"Yes that was… definitely something" Blanc added in "While we're on this topic where are my sisters?"

"I sent Nepgear a text she should be here any second now. Let me check I'm pretty sure I sent it" Neptune said then pulled out her phone and glanced at it and then very quickly put it back in her pocket.

"You… wanna tell us what's what that was about?" Noire asked.

Neptune glanced at her briefly before saying "N-Nope… just… uhh… a new summoning banner for this mobile game I'm playing. Yep!" she lied nervously.

"I see…" Vert sceptically said narrowing her eyes at Neptune who now had a nervous look on her face.

She thankfully had a saving grace when Vita called out with "Mommy! Mama!" as she ran towards them then essentially tackling Neptune in a hug that made her lose her balance where she then fell down "Ow…" she looked up and thankfully Vita was unharmed as she met her gaze smiling then noticed the others not too far behind.

"Hey Vita, did you have fun getting to know your fellow candidates?" Neptune asked as she and Vita got up.

The young candidate nodded "Yeah they're really cool!"

"Well that's great to hear" Noire added in.

"I suppose we'd best be getting on our way" Vert said then bent down to eye level with Vita "It was lovely meeting you Vita" she then smiled warmly at the candidate.

"It was cool meeting you too" Vita replied back.

Vert transformed into Green Heart then flew off leaving her stunned "Whoa!" she turned back to everyone then pointed at the sky "Did you see that she transformed!"

"Yes Vita we saw it" Noire said to her.

"It's time for us to leave as well. Come on you two" Blanc said transforming into White Heart while Rom and Ram transformed into White Sister. White Heart flew off first "Bye Vita it was cool meeting you" Rom said flying off "I hope we can see each other again" Ram said following her sisters.

"They can do it too!" Vita exclaimed then looked back to her mothers "Can you do that too?"

"As a matter of fact we can" Neptune told her.

"But that can wait later. Neptune I need to talk to you about something important. Privately" Nepgear said grabbing her wrist and dragging her away not giving her the chance to bail out again.

"I wonder what that's about…" Noire pondered "Uni I need to get some work done, do you mind keeping Vita occupied?"

"Work?" Vita asked confused as she looked up to Noire.

The CPU bent down to eye level with her then said "You remember when we told you me and Neptune are CPUs?" her daughter nodded in conformation "Well as CPUs we have certain duties to do for our nations"

"Duty…" Vita said trying to make sense of the word.

"It's a responsibility that you have" Uni clarified.

"Oh! Okay" Vita said when a realization struck her "Wait… but I wanna spend time with Mommy"

"Don't worry Vita it's not like we'll never see each other again" Noire assured with a smile "Tell you what we'll do something together once I get some of it done"

"Really?" Vita asked hopeful to which Noire nodded "Mama too?"

"Yes… uhh… M-Mama too" Noire said getting past the awkwardness of calling Neptune that "But until then do you mind spending some time with Uni?"

"Yeah I'd love to spend time with Auntie Uni!" Vita cheered.

"You don't mind, do you Uni?"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to spend a bit more time with her" Uni said then held out her hand "Come on Vita I'll show you some games" Vita happily took her hand as the two ran off.

That now left Noire alone to ponder on a particular thought as she made her way to her work area 'I sure hope Neptune is alright with whatever Nepgear wanted to talk to her about'

After dragging her sister away from the group Nepgear brought her to a private area of Noire's Basilicom where she could finally confront her sister over what she accidentally revealed over the phone.

Nepgear let go of her arm and said "Start talking" making eye contact with her.

"A-About what?" Neptune asked playing dumb.

Her sister narrowed her eyes at her "You know what"

"No, c-can't say that I do" Neptune said raising her arms and putting her hands behind her head.

"Stop dodging the question" Nepgear said a bit more assertively.

"U-Umm… still don't know what you mean Nepgear. So… uhh… what was the reason you came here?" Neptune asked still keeping up her act.

Nepgear clenched her hands into fists as she looked down at the ground not meeting Neptune's gaze. The older of the two saw she was gritting her teeth in what was most likely frustration. But what really hit her hard was when she saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

Neptune's face fell seeing her sister in this state however though that amplified more when she said "Why are you pushing me away?"

"Nepgear I… uhh… I…" Neptune couldn't form any words but she knew her sister needed some comfort so she did the one action that would hopefully convey the message she was trying to send. That was of course to hug her which her sister returned "Nepgear I don't mean to push you away it's just that… I-I don't even know what I'm going through"

Nepgear wiped her face of her tears "Then why are you so keen on keeping this from me?"

"I'll talk but not here I don't want her to catch wind of this"

"Neptune…" Nepgear said in a disappointed tone.

"I'll talk! I'll talk!" Neptune frantically said "I promise Nepgear. Okay"

The candidate sighed then replied "Okay"

"So what was the other reason your were gonna come over here?"

"Oh! That, you need to come back to Planeptune" she told her.

"What?, Why?" Neptune asked confused.

"Well for starters you've been gone for two days. And I'm getting worried our shares are going to start dropping soon" Nepgear confessed.

"Oh… right" Neptune said as the realization struck her.

"I get your a… mother… now" Nepgear was still trying to get past the awkwardness of calling her sister that "But you still got your duties to fulfill as a CPU"

"I know, I know. But what am I gonna do about Vita, she held onto me and wouldn't let go and that was when she was just a blank slate" Neptune crossed her arms in thought.

"Maybe get Noire to tell her?" Nepgear suggested.

"I guess that could work. Come on let's go try it" Neptune said leading the way with her sister following.

Meanwhile Noire was sorting through some papers sighing over how much there was 'Just two days and look at all of this'.

Right as she was in the middle of getting some of it done and knock caught her attention 'Why does this seem familiar'.

"Who is it?" she called out.

"Umm… Neptune and Nepgear"

"Come in"

The door opened revealing the two Nep sisters "Hey… Noire" Neptune awkwardly greeted.

"H-Hi…" she said as an uncomfortable silence began to fill the air.

"Noire, Neptune needs to head back to Planeptune now. We were wondering if you could maybe tell Vita when she asks?" Nepgear asked.

"Why can't you do that yourself?"

"You know how she was before she wouldn't let go of me. Figured I might as well… you know, try and avoid that" Neptune explained.

Noire sighed before reluctantly agreeing "I suppose… I could do that"

"'Kay thanks Noire, and sorry about this" Neptune apologized.

"It's fine you make a good point I guess"

The two sisters bid her farewell as they closed the door. Noire tried to resume her work only to have a thoughts occupy her head 'How are we supposed to raise Vita if we live in two different nations' it was definitely a concerning thought, while true Vita wasn't a baby who needed constant attention but she still loved to have her two mothers around her that of course made Noire dread her reaction once she found out that Neptune had gone back to Planeptune.

'I hope she'll understand'.

As the Nep sisters said their goodbyes to Noire they were all set to head back to Planeptune.

"It feels a bit weird going back to Planeptune and its only been two days" Neptune pointed out.

"Well in those two days you became a mother and… well" Nepgear sighed "You are going to talk to me. Right Neptune?"

"I will! I promise"

"Well let's head back to Planeptune now"


As they were about to transform a young voice called out to them. And when Neptune heard it she felt like she had the worst luck.


She turned to see her daughter running towards her and then hugging her "Oh… hey Vita how's it going" Neptune said returning the hug briefly before separating herself "Listen Vita I kinda gotta go now but I'll see you again soon"

Vita's face fell upon hearing that "What… you're leaving"

"Y-Yeah but it won't be forever I'll back again. I promise" Neptune assured.

"But I want you to stay" the young candidate said her voice starting to hint at crying.

"I know you do but… you remember what we told what we are?"


"Yeah that's what we are so we got stuff we need to do for our nations and I've been away from my nation for awhile so I gotta get back to it"

"Can't you do it here?" Vita asked.

"If could I would. But don't worry I won't be gone forever. I'll come back, just you wait" Neptune assured.

"You promise?"

Neptune playful ruffled her daughters hair and said assuredly "I promise. When I come back we'll all do something really fun together does that sound good?"

"Yeah!" Vita said with a hopeful tone.

"Now how about you go back to what you were doing"

"Okay! I'll tell Auntie Uni and Mommy" she said running off.

As she went out of sight Neptune couldn't help but feel a wave of relief come over her. It had thankfully went better then she had expected.

"That went better then expected" Nepgear commented.

"Yeah no kidding come on let's get back to Planeptune we'll have our talk there" Neptune said walking out of the Basilicom then transforming into Purple Heart with Nepgear following her lead and transforming into Purple Sister as they made their way back to their nation.