
Yeah I didn't expect to be writing another Neptunia fic so soon yet again I'll give a quick disclaimer I have not played any Neptunia game I have only watched the anime so most of my info comes from there so hope people will enjoy the fic regardless.

Noire stood on her balcony looking out towards Lastation, she was leaning on the railing resting her cheek in her hand while her other arm was on the railing itself. The CPU sighed letting her other arm drop to rest on the railing.

'Why won't this go away I shouldn't feel this way'

For the past few months Noire just couldn't shake this feeling away even when she was working the thoughts will still invade her mind and no matter what she did they would always comeback. Even when she was reading a book, watching videos on her computer, or even sewing, those same thoughts being responsible for ruining a new cosplay outfit she had been working on.

No matter how hard she tried the same thoughts and feeling would come back, and now lately stronger. Noire growled in frustration and shaking her head when a knock caught her attention.

"Lady Noire, Lady Neptune is here to see you" a guard responded.

Noire immediately froze up. Why her, why did it have to be her. The same thoughts and feelings she had been having all this time were all about her and Neptune the same one she had been pushing away.

The CPU was lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even realized that Neptune had already let herself in.

"Hiya Noire!" she shouted waving at her.

"Excuse me you can't just let yourself in like that" a guard said standing in her way.

"It's alright. She's welcome" Noire said making a gesture for the guard to leave which she did.

Noire took a breath and braced herself, surely she could hold off her feelings for few minutes.

"Soooo… I figured I'd come over for the day and spend some time with my friend" Neptune announced making Noire freeze up again.

"U-Uhh… why?" she asked trying not to sound nervous.

"Ohh… ya know I just wanna spend time with my friend there's nothing weird about that" Neptune said in a tone which immediately made Noire suspicious.

"Neptune what did you do?" she demanded crossing her arms.

"Nothing!" she said and Noire narrowed her eyes at here and she immediately folded.

"Oookay… I may be trying to hide here in case Nepgear might be mad at me… 'cause I may or may not have broken our T.V" she said nervously rubbing the back of her head.

"How… did you even do that" she asked incredulous.



"Huh… guaranteed to give you gamer rage" Neptune thought out loud and took the game "Ha! We'll see about that"


Noire face palmed at her story then asked "Why would even buy that?"

"I thought they were joking… clearly they weren't" she said defending herself "Sooo… wanna hang out"

"N-no I have work to do unlike you" Noire said

"Come on don't be like that you know you love me" Neptune said nudging her arm with her elbow.

"NO!" Noire said a bit to quickly which made Neptune jump back a bit.

"Sheesh I'm only messing with you chill out sounds like you need it. Come on let's go somewhere" Neptune said.

Noire was at a bit of a loss here. While she would love to spend the day with Neptune she didn't trust herself not to mess things up and ruin her friendship with her fellow CPU. But on the other hand if she spent a day with Neptune maybe it would go away maybe what she was feeling was just wanting to spend time with her as friends.

"Umm… fine I guess"

Surely that had to be the reason she was feeling this way right? Right?

No. No it was not it definitely was not wanting to spend time with her as a friend, Noire was doing her absolute best to try and avoid doing anything out of the ordinary that would evoke Neptune's attention so far, at least she thought, she was doing a good job though there was no telling how long that'll last.

"Hey this looks like a good place as any to stop and relax" Neptune said stopping at a café. Noire felt wave of relief, A café perfect maybe if she ate or drank something it would take her mind off things.

Both of them had just chosen to go with a muffin, and of course being Lastation's CPU Noire got some attention from some people but they thankfully they didn't bother her for too long. Neptune began immediately eating her muffin after sitting down and taking a big bite out of it then looked at Noire.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yep I'm fine, totally fine. Why?" she responded and forcing a smile on her face.

"Well… you're hurting your muffin" Neptune pointed out making Noire look down and saw that she was squeezing her muffin almost making the bottom half practically non existent due to how hard she was squeezing.

"Oh… right" Noire said nervously laughing.

"You sure you're okay?" Neptune asked once again.

"Yeah like I said I'm fine, totally and completely fine" she responded though this time Neptune gave her a look of suspicion. The two ate then went of back Noire's place of residence at Neptune's request.

When the two arrived they went outside to a private area where they could of course have some privacy at Neptune's request which made Noire a bit nervous as to what she was trying to do.

"Uhh… why are we out here" Noire asked.

"To do this" Neptune told her spreading her arms and letting herself fall on the grass with a slight thud "Ow… okay maybe catch yourself a little bit" she continued one while Noire gently got on the grass and lay down. She put her hands on her stomach and starred at the sky waiting.

"Okay so why are we doing this?" she asked.

"To relax and enjoy the view" Neptune explained putting her hands behind her head as she started out to the sky.

It was a relaxing view and something that actually made her nerves calm down, the sky was indeed beautiful the sun was beginning to set making the sky a nice shade of orange.

'Huh… this actually isn't too bad' Noire thought closing her eyes 'It's a good thing she suggested this too I don't think I could've handled much more. Whew… everything's gonna be alright'

Noire opened her eyes a few moments later to see Neptune staring back at her smiling.

"Soooo, what did I tell you relaxing huh?" she said in a teasing tone a leaning a little closer.

Noire didn't say anything as she was completely captivated by Neptune, the way she was so close to her and the way the remaining sunlight made her look beautiful with its soft glow made her absolutely mesmerizing.

Unconsciously Noire lifted up her arm up and put her hand behind Neptune's head and brought her face closer her to her's with Neptune managing to get a "What're you?" before Noire kissed her on her lips closing her eyes while Neptune's were wide open before relaxed herself and slowly closed hers embracing to kiss as was Noire.

In that very moment the two CPU's felt an incredible soothing warm feeling in their bodies something that was difficult to explain.

But the moment was broken up by Neptune who had opened her eyes and broken away from the kiss a bit to quickly leaving Noire surprised she quickly got up dusting herself off.

"I… uhh… gotta go now Nepgear is probably waiting for me and I… should… uhh… you know" she awkwardly explained and sped walked away as fast as she could.

As she saw Neptune walk out of her sight Noire brought her hands up to her face.

"What did I do what the hell did I just do?" she asked herself in despair.

When Neptune got home she was greeted with an annoyed Nepgear over their destroyed T.V which she kinda figured though she didn't put much thought into it she just wanted to immediately go to her room and lay down on her bed. But her sister noticed her odd behaviour she wasn't her usual self she expected her to maybe make a joke on why it wasn't so bad or something along those lines but she didn't she just said "Sorry I'll get a new tomorrow" of course her odd behaviour made her stop and ask.

"Umm… Neptune are you okay?" she asked.

"Uhh... Yeah Nepgear I'm fine I'm gonna go lay down for a bit" she told her.

"I'm sorry if I upset you its just that we share this T.V and-" she started but Neptune cut her off.

"It's not that I just got a lot on my mind just leave… I just want some time alone" she said walking off to her room.

What did she experience when Noire kissed her or what she felt when she kissed back. Neptune had always viewed Noire as her friend her best friend in fact, but in that moment she felt something completely different it wasn't friendship but something she just could place her finger on.

Neptune shook her head away from those thoughts and decided to go to bed early that night maybe a good nights sleep would help clear her thoughts. But they kept drifting back to Noire.

'No Noire's my friend… just my friend' Neptune wrestled with her thoughts but couldn't get the feeling out of her head 'She was… probably just pulling some wired prank on me. Yeah that's it… that has to be it' Neptune thought trying to some other reason behind Noire's actions.

But she couldn't tell if what she was feeling was unwanted or something that was hidden away from her until now.

Noire laid awake in her bed constantly shifting from side to side trying to find a comfortable position she tried many laying on her side her back even on her stomach with her arm underneath her pillow, none of which worked.

Of course she wouldn't be able to sleep with constant looming though of having possibly ruined her friendship with Neptune forever.

'I should've just kept my mouth shut or rather off her. Now she probably never wants to see me again' Noire sighed and closed her eyes determined to keep them closed 'Maybe it's for the best after all no matter what happens it's probably better if don't see her again nothing can make that happen'.

Later on in the dead of night when Noire had finally managed to fall asleep a figure had walked out of her sharecite room. The figure in question was a small girl who wore a sweater similar to Neptune's except it was black and magenta then same colour scheme was true with her shoes which also had to same colour scheme along with having magenta socks as well her hair was also magenta in pigtails like Noire except that they were short.

The girl rubbed her eyes then opening them revealing them to be light purple she looked around confused before making her way to Noire's room somehow knowing the way there. When she arrived she climbed up to her bed taking off her shoes first and cuddling up to her unbeknownst to Noire she unconsciously warped an arm around her.

When morning finally came Noire yawned then rubbed her eyes and tried to get out of bed only for something to be holding on to her stopping her from doing so. Noire looked down and saw the same girl holding on to her shirt. After a few tugs the girl's eyes slowly fluttered open as she woke up and sat down on her knees.

"Excuse me I don't know who you are but you can't just-" Noire started only for her to be interrupted by the girls one word. A word that made her freeze up completely in absolute shock.
