I watched from my station behind the throne of Odin as Loki was dragged in and sentenced for his crimes.

I was possibly the only mortal in the room; albeit one with an immortal and transcendent soul.

"Priestess Kurisuta." Frigga said. "Please bless my son as he goes to confinement."

Odin shot her a look, but her stark gaze never wavered from mine. Loki, on the other hand, looked as if this new development had hurt him so much more than any of the things his father had said.

I obediently stepped from behind the throne.

I was a bit shorter than the former prince, and yet I bowed my head in respect.

"No need to bow to the traitor prince, priestess." Loki said with a smirk at me. He lifted his shackled hands and drew my chin up so my eyes hit his.

The guards took a step forward, but I waved them off.

"No need to feign pride with a heart full of sorrow, Prince Loki." I countered.

I raised my hands and crossed them elaborately. Silver light glowed from my palms and struck into Loki's body, directly into his spirit.

His green eyes went wide and he looked at me.


Loki realized at that moment that this priestess was the first being of real magic he hand come into contact with; aside from his mother.

And now he would never see her again.

Her fingers danced imperceptibly at her sides, as if playing an instrument.

Oh! How he longed to know the depths of magic and trickery that were second nature to the priestess.

How ironic, that the woman who had all this power would waste it on Odin, who would never let her use it, for all his fear and pride.

Loki's mouth twisted in a scowl. "Your gifts are wasted on the Crown."

He drew her face closer; their lips inches from each other's now. But as he spoke, her lips formed the same words, shot back at him.

"You could have been great!"

At that moment, Frigga came and drew the mortal girl to her side. "I am sorry dear. I know how you felt about him."

Frigga said this out loud, but in a voice only her son could hear: "She will visit you every full moon, when our powers are strongest. I will visit on the new moon. Take care, my son."

It was then that Loki noticed, that though there was no one there that felt sorrow at his loss, save for his mother—the priestess had tears in her eyes.

She really does think I could have been more than what I am. The last priestess of Midgard, meant to someday devote her life to the new king.

Wouldn't it be something if she devoted herself to me? That would make me king, by Asgardian law.

Loki smiled to himself, a plan forming in his mind.

A plan to manipulate the pure love of a priestess, into power for himself.


Even as he made such plans, I had my own scheme with Frigga.

She had long been my mentor.

Our plan was simple.

For a long time Loki had scorned the Runic Magic.

He disliked that it used the power of one's Inner Heart, and was ruled by purity and emotion. When he tried to use it, it exploded in his face.

I would teach him the Lotis, the Runes. And slowly I would reveal his Inner Heart.

As I sat with my Queen and combed her hair, preparing her for bed, she shared with me her thoughts.

"I can only hope that my son can see the truth before it is too late."