It was 05:00 when Jay first woke up, his body clock had managed to reset itself back to normal. He rolled over and shuffled towards Erin in order to go back to sleep again. The next time he woke up was 06:57, he wasn't tired enough to go back to sleep so he decided that he should go on a morning run. He quietly got out of bed and grabbed a pair of shorts and a muscle tee and quickly got dressed. He put his foot up on the chair beside Erin's side of the bed to lace up his trainers.

"What are you doing?" Erin murmured sleepily, as she opened one eye and saw him getting ready.

"Going for a run, care to join me?" He asked, knowing full well what the answer would be.

"Over my dead body," she mumbled and rolled over on to Jay's pillow and closed her eyes to go back to sleep.

He laughed and leant over and kissed the back of her head, "See you later," he whispered. He just got a grunt in response which made him smile. He grabbed his phone (the only time he ever used his phone when he was at the cabin was when he went on runs) and wireless headphones. As he left the cabin, he stretched and out his running playlist on and began his usual route. As he made his way around the lake, he reflected on the week they'd had in Wisconsin. He was really nervous about bringing the team up here but he was glad that he had done it. Everyone seemed to have relaxed here and they seemed to be ready to go back to work - which was exactly what they all needed. He had taken them to do some of his favourite things and shared memories that he had as a kid with them - something he had never done with anyone except Erin. Then he introduced them to Mrs Jones - who was really like a second mother to him and was always looking out for him. Unfortunately, being in Wisconsin can sometimes bring back unwanted memories, especially running into people who he doesn't particularly relate good memories with, like Sarah. She had really thrown a spanner in the works (in his mind anyway) and after running into her he had a rough time of it trying to get his mind straight. He had been surprised that Hank was the one to talk him out of his mindset and getting him deal with his demons. Funnily enough, he never saw him and Hank ever really getting close like they have done this week, he knew Hank was ok with him and Erin and he figured that was all he was really going to get but opening up to him had definitely helped their relationship. He was definitely looking forward to going home though and getting back into his normal routine as much as he had loved this week away, it was time for him to go back to normal. He ended up running round the whole lake twice which was a little longer than his usual morning runs, but with some of the pent up energy he had from the week and his mind going ten to the dozen, he figured it was a good way to help reset his body. As he ran back up to the cabin, he saw that Hank, Antonio and Al were sat on the porch drinking coffee.

"Morning guys," he said as he began to stretch out and warm down.

"You were out early, you ok?" Antonio asked.

Jay nodded, "Yeah, I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep so thought a run would be good. It's good to be out again. Only did 9 miles so it wasn't a huge run."

"Not a huge run? It's barely 9 am and you've already run 9 miles! You're crazy," Al laughed.

"I know, I know but sometimes I do a half marathon when we are here soo it's not as much as usual," Jay defended.

"Wow you get Erin to run half marathons on her holidays?" Hank asked, sounding surprised.

Jay laughed, "Oh hell no. She uses the time to do anything but run. I asked her if she wanted to come this morning but she politely declined."

"I can only imagine polite that was," Al said, "I can't believe we are leaving tomorrow. It seems like this week has gone by so fast."

Antonio nodded, "Yeah, I know. It's been great though. What are you thinking of doing today?"

"I was thinking we could drive to the river not far from here and do some fishing. Kev told me he has a great fish recipe. Besides we all like fishing so I think it's a good idea, you guys like that idea?" He suggested.

The three other men nodded, "Sounds good. Do you think Erin and Kim will join?"

"Probably not the fishing part but it's a good sunbathing place so I reckon they'll probably just let us do all the hard work," Jay laughed, "Right, I need to go and get a shower. I'll see you all in a bit for breakfast."

"I'm making my famous pancakes again so be quick, you know what these monsters are like when they smell food," Al warned jokingly. Jay laughed and went back inside.

He got into his and Erin's bedroom and saw that she was still fast asleep on his pillow, spread right across the bed. He chuckled to himself and walked over to his side of the bed and crouched down. He carefully reached out to move her hair off her face and ran his hand along her cheek. She started to stir and she opened her eye and smiled, "Good morning," she whispered, her voice still full of sleep.

"Morning," he replied, leaning down to give he a kiss.

"How was your run?" She asked and looked at the time, "You've been gone a while."

"It was good. I ended up doing 9 miles, did the lake route twice. Then when I came back I got talking to Hank, Al and Tony. I suggested we go fishing," he replied.

"Wow, 9 miles?! You're crazy. Any normal person would just stay in bed and sleep," she mumbled.

Jay chuckled, "You should know by now, I'm not a normal person. I'm an awesome person."

"Whatever you say, Halstead," she replied, rolling her eyes.

"Come on, you best get up. Al is making pancakes," he informed her and her eyes lit up, "Care to join me for a morning shower?"

"Okay, but just a shower though because I really really want pancakes," she replied, throwing the covers off and standing up.

"Okay, just a shower it is then," he said, kissing her softly before grabbing her hand and pulling her into the bathroom.

Thirty minutes and a little more than 'just a shower' later, Erin and Jay emerged from their bedroom just in time for Al to serve up some pancakes for them. Jay made the two of them some coffees and sat down beside her. The whole group were there eating their breakfast and talking about the day ahead. The men were all really looking forward to fishing - something they rarely get time to do with their busy schedules. Kim and Erin were looking forward to watching the guys fish and pretend they were interested. They decided they'd tag along rather than stay at the cabin because sunbathing can be done wherever they are.

They decided to stay out at the cabin until after they'd eaten lunch. Jay was currently sat on the porch with Antonio, taking. "How you doing man? I know the past few days must've been rough for you," Antonio asked.

"I'm better than I was. I think sleeping well last night helped reset my body and mind," Jay replied.

"I bet it's not helped having us all in your personal space. I mean, usually it's just you and Erin so you can deal with stuff however you like. But with us all here it's probably messed up your coping mechanisms," Antonio said.

Jay nodded, "Yeah, kind of. It's not easy talking about this stuff and dealing with it in front of people. Erin knows absolutely everything there is to know so she knows how to get my head in the right place if anything happens. Sometimes, I sit up through the night and watch documentaries to help put me to sleep - even when I'm here," he replied.

"And me sleeping on the couch stopped that," Antonio put it together.

"Yeah, a little. Don't worry though, my heads in the right place now. It doesn't happen often but sometimes when I'm here I run into people who I associate with particularly shit times and it sends my head west. I'm a lot better than I was though," he said.

Antonio nodded, "Yeah, you're doing great. You've been through a lot these past few years and I've witnessed you spiral but then manage to dig yourself right out of that hole again, which is hard. I'm glad you got through it man."

"Thank Erin, she's the one who pulled me out of that hole. More like dragged me out, but yeah. She's the reason I am the way I am today and I'll never be able to thank her properly for all she's done for me."

Antonio smiled, "You know, you two are made for one another. You've both gone through so much shit these past 8 years and you've managed to pull each other out of some particularly shit times. You've also managed to help me get through some particularly rough patches, especially after the divorce. You were always there for me and I can never thank you enough."

"Don't worry about it. We are family, we will always be there for one another. Have you enjoyed this week then?" Jay asked.

"Oh god yeah, I definitely needed it. Dealing with teenagers is stressful - that's when they want to spend time with me," Antonio rolled his eyes, laughing.

Jay chuckled, "You know, if you ever want to bring them up here for a weekend or whatever, just let me know."

Antonio was shocked, "Wow, really man?"

Jay nodded, "Yeah, of course! You said on the first night that you and Laura once took the kids to w place like this once, so I thought you'd get some use out of this place for some family time."

"Thanks man. I might take you up on that offer," Antonio replied.

"No problem man, just let me know when and I'll get you sorted out. You know where everything is and the nearby village and I'll get my guy to hook you up with food. I'm sure Diego would like the fishing. He enjoyed it that last time we went together," Jay said just as Erin was walking over to them.

"What're you two talking about?" She asked, sitting next to Jay.

"Jay just offered me the use of this place to bring Diego and Eva up sometime. You've picked a good one there," Antonio replied.

"Yeah, he's pretty alright sometimes," Erin laughed as Jay rolled his eyes, muttering something about how he must be pretty alright seeing as she said yes to marrying him. The three of them carried on talking for a little while before the group decided to have some lunch and get ready to go fishing (or sunbathing for Kim and Erin).

After they'd eaten their lunch, they loaded up the minibus with fishing gear and some snacks and some water. The place along the river Jay had taken them to fish was beautiful. The views were incredible. The men all began fishing, talking quietly between themselves while Erin and Kim were laid on towels far away enough so the boys couldn't listen into their gossiping.

"I can't believe we are leaving tomorrow. This week has been amazing," Kim sighed, feeling gutted that they were leaving and having to go back to work.

"I know, it's been really nice. I think we have all recharged enough. I wouldn't be surprised if the big wigs make us do this once a year," Erin replied, "It's been nice showing you all why we love coming up here so much."

"I can definitely see why you come here a lot. It's so nice and relaxing. How is Jay doing?" She asked.

"He's fine. I think he's ready to go back to a proper routine. Thankfully he managed to sleep last night so it seems his body clock has reset itself. He even did a nine mile run this morning so he's definitely back to normal," Erin laughed, "He's such a weirdo. Honestly I think he's the only person who enjoys going on runs while he's supposed to be on his holidays."

"Yeah, but he's your weirdo. You wouldn't have him any other way," Kim said.

"Yeah, that he is," Erin sighed as she watched Jay while he was fishing. The freckles on his back had really come out and it made her fancy him even more.

"Have you thought about the wedding yet?" Kim asked, noticing how loved up her friend was.

Erin shook her head, "No, not really. We are thinking next year some time maybe but we aren't really sure."

"You should have it here! It'll be amazing. I can just imagine you two getting married here," Kim suggested eagerly.

"Yeah, we did think about it. But to be honest, there's no rush, we just want to enjoy being engaged. Neither of us are going anywhere so why rush?" Erin said.

"Aww that's so sweet! God it will be so romantic. Also, it's official. My tinder profile is having 'must have family cabin in the middle of no where for romantic getaways'," Kim laughed.

Erin shook her head, "Yeah, it can be pretty romantic. He once did a whole candlelit picnic for us on the dock for our anniversary. He cooked his lasagne which is honestly the best lasagne I've ever tasted and we just sat on the doc, ate shit tonnes of food and star gazed. It was perfect," she told her and smiled at the memory.

"God get me a man like Jay Halstead. I'd ask if he has a brother, but we all know Will is nothing like Jay in that way," Kim laughed, "And he's seeing someone. But you know, in all seriousness, I think I'm going to give it a rest on those sites for a bit. It's just been one disastrous date after another."

"I don't blame you, it's not been the best run for you. So... what happened with your and Adam's whole friends with benefits situation? I genuinely thought you were going to get back together but it seems somethings changed?" Erin asked.

Kim sighed, "I ended it, well, we ended it. We both thought it was best. As much as we did love each other once, we didn't work out for a reason. Yeah he's grown up since then but we just aren't good for each other. I'm glad we put an end to it mutually and it didn't get all complicated because I love him as a friend and I'd have hated to lose that again."

"Yeah, I get you. I had someone similar to that once, way before intelligence was even a thing. We were friends but it got complicated and I actually never got my friendship with him back on track. I regretted it at the time but I don't now. You'll find someone though, one day, when you're least expecting it. It's honestly the best thing when you find them," Erin told her as she looked over to Jay who was now walking over to the pair of them. He lay down on his front next to Erin and groaned, "What's up babe?"

"Hank is telling me that I don't know how to fish. Apparently I've been doing it wrong all these years," he grumbled.

Erin chuckled, "He's just being his usual self. He just likes giving you a hard time and you give him the satisfaction by getting annoyed and walking away."

"I don't care. It's so annoying," he sighed lying his face down into his crossed arms.

It reminded Erin of a sulking child, she rolled her eyes to Kim, who was trying not to laugh, who found herself getting up and walking over to the guys because she didn't want Jay to hear her laughing. "Babe, you're acting like a kid. Just ignore him! You can fish, I know you can, you know you can and even he knows you can. He's just being Hank. So you need to get back over there and carry on as normal. You're interrupting mine and Kim's gossip."

Jay chuckled, "You two always gossip," he said as he moved to sit up beside her and she gave him a pointed look, "Okay, I'll go back over. Please can you put some more sun cream on my back? I can feel myself burning."

She nodded and grabbed the sun cream out of her bag and he moved to sit in front of her. She quickly rubbed in the cream, hovering at the waistband of his shorts a little too long, "Please stop," he groaned, turning around to see her smirk.

"What? I was just making sure you had good coverage," she teased, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Hmm, of course. Whatever you say," he replied, kissing her back, which she quickly deepened.

They were too distracted that they didn't hear Kim come back over, "Ugh seriously. Remember what we said. Single and alone!" Jay groaned and rested his head on Erin's shoulder, "I'm back over here because apparently me talking was scaring away the fish. I've been told to send you back."

Erin patted his shoulder and he kissed her quickly, "I don't think we will be long. Enjoy the gossip," he said and he got up and walked back over to the guys and grabbed his fishing rod.

"Sorry for being the biggest cock block going, but I couldn't deal with the guys all competing with each other anymore. The testosterone levels have sky rocketed," Kim groaned, "I can see why Jay was annoyed with Voight, he was going on at Adam and Antonio about their fishing skills too."

"It's fine, don't worry. Hank can get pretty serious when it comes to fishing so I should've expected it," Erin laughed, she was kind of glad that Kim had interrupted them because it had been getting far too heated for anyone to witness. If they had been here alone they'd have definitely gone all the way but she kept forgetting that the team were with them. She couldn't wait to come back here with him alone so their normal activities could resume. The girls both continued talking - currently about Will and his new girlfriend (and how Natalie was extremely jealous of them). Erin was very happy for Will, he had always gone after Natalie but she didn't treat him too well. She was grateful that her and Jay did not have that kind of relationship. They saw the guys begin to pack up so they went over to help. They'd caught enough fish for everyone and they were all grateful as they were beginning to get pretty hungry.

Once they arrived at the cabin, Kevin and Kim cooked the dinner for everyone. Kevin made his special fish recipe and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. The group decided to spend their last night just like they'd done the previous nights, sitting by the lake, drinking beer and talking. Later on in the evening, everyone had drank quite a bit and were getting pretty sentimental and reflected on their week.

"This week has been great. I'm so glad we were forced to do it. It's been nice to see everyone relaxed and not stressed about work," Hank said and everyone agreed, voicing their own thoughts on the week and how it had been extremely beneficial for them.

"You know, I think we should do something together more often. Like once a month, we go out and get food or something and just have a night where we don't talk about work," Erin suggested.

"Sounds like a good plan, kid," Hank replied.

"You know, I wish I hadn't kept this place off limits for so long. This week has been amazing, sharing this place with all of you has been great. You're all like my family and I kind of regret I've not opened it up before now," Jay sighed.

"Don't kid, it's been great coming here. I think you introduced us to it at the right time - at a time where we all needed to get away from the real world for a bit," Al replied and everyone agreed.

"One thing I'm looking forward to is having a proper routine again, my body clock is all out of whack. That's literally why I had to go on a 9 mile run this morning just to try and jump start my clock," Jay laughed, "I know you all think I'm crazy..."

"Yeah, we do. You're totally crazy," Adam teased and Jay rolled his eyes.

"I don't know what you're on about Ruzek, we all think you're crazy without going on 9 mile runs while on holiday," Al joked.

"Yeah, it's true Adam," Antonio teased

"Why does everyone pick on me?" Adam groaned, taking a swig of his beer.

"Maybe because you're the youngest," Erin suggested, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's not true! Kim is younger than me!" Adam defended.

"Yeah, but we all like Kim," Erin replied, not missing a beat and everyone apart from Adam laughed, "Aww Adam, I'm only joking, we like you too."

"Sometimes..." Al mumbled under his breath and only Jay heard.

Jay held back a laugh and swiftly took the line of conversation away from picking on Adam - they could do that any day of the week. They turned the conversation back to funny stories on patrol - they all had so many stories there was like an endless supply. Jay even told them about a funny situation in Afghanistan which involved him and Mouse causing havoc with some of their unit. The guys were surprised that he openly talked about a time in Afghanistan, but no one mentioned it. Wisconsin definitely seemed to bring out the calm in Jay and allowed him to talk to everyone about a time in his life he'd probably rather forget in a positive way.

Later on in the evening, Jay had decided it would be fun to pick Erin up and run across the dock and jump into the lake. Once she resurfaced, gasping for air, she swam over to him, "You're going to pay for that!" She warned and climbed into his back and tried dunking him under the water. She failed epically- he could touch the floor so he was able to keep himself well above the water. Seeing Erin was having trouble with dunking him in, Antonio, Adam and Kevin all jumped in and helped wrestle him under the water. Kim, Al and Hank stood laughing and once they'd all managed to dunk Jay under the water, Kevin saw that Kim wasn't in the water so got out the lake and walked up to her - before she realised what he was doing, he took hold of her and out her over his shoulder and jumped into the water with her. She wasn't too impressed but laughed it off. Hank and Al both shook their heads, "Wow, we work with actual children," Hank laughed, shaking his head.

"Yeah, but it's nice seeing them all having fun. Especially seeing as it's our last night," Al replied as he watched the group start up a game of piggy in the middle, "Come on, how about one last night of blackjack before we are back to the grind?"

Hank nodded, "Sounds good."

After they'd all had enough in the lake, Jay built a big fire in the fire pit and they all sat around talking. Hank and Al called it a night around half eleven and the rest of the team were talking, "You know, this week has actually been great. We need to do this more often," Kevin said as he took a swig of his beer.

"Yeah we do. I recon, stag do up here - we bring a load of booze and have weekend with the lads. That would be awesome. Last weekend before Halstead becomes tied down" Adam suggested eagerly.

"Oh yeah! It'll be great! We can drink, fish, drink, hike and drink some more. It'll be great!" Kevin exclaimed, getting fully on board with this idea.

"Yeah, that would be pretty cool," Antonio chimed in.

Jay just shrugged his shoulders, not really keen on the idea, he and Erin had decided they'd forgo the traditional stag and hen do's because they felt that with their friends being in the same circles, they'd just have a joint party, "How about we do like a weekend away, just all of us. We can still do everything on that list but including the girls too? A joint stag and hen do."

"Yeah that does sound good actually. Would you invite the girls from 51?" Antonio asked.

Erin nodded, "Yeah, we had actually planned to just do a joint party with everyone. But I reckon next year a weekend up here with all of us would be great. I'm sure it'd be a lot of fun."

"That's that sorted then," Adam said, and then looked around behind him and whispered, "We wouldn't invite Voight and O though?"

"Oh god no. As much as they are part of the team, I don't think them being up here for a booze filled weekend of stag and hen do party games would be a very wise idea," Erin laughed, shuddering of the thought of her pseudo dad and the guy who's basically an uncle to her being around for the joint weekend, "Besides, they were at the engagement party that you all threw at Molly's so I think they'll be ok with giving it a miss."

"Oh good, because I already have some plans," Adam teased, not telling them what the plans were either.

Jay looked at his watch and saw it was 00:30, "Right, I'm going to go to bed. It's a long drive back and I'm going to need all the sleep I can get. Night everyone," he said and they all decided to go to bed too. Jay out out the fire and made sure there was nothing left burning. They all went inside and made their way to their rooms (or the couch in Antonio's case).

As soon as Jay entered the bedroom behind Erin, he grabbed her wrist and pushed her up against the wall to kiss her, "I've wanted to do that ever since Kim interrupted us," he whispered breathlessly.

Erin caught her breath and began walking into their en-suite, "Me too. So I was thinking, why don't we take a shower now as we might not have enough time in the morning," she suggested, raising her eyebrows.

"I love your thinking, Lindsay," Jay grinned and immediately followed her into the bathroom.

After drying her hair, Erin got into bed and cuddle into Jay, "I can't believe we are going home tomorrow."

Jay sighed, "Me neither. It's been a good week though. Have you thought about what you're going to call the monkey I won you?"

Erin smirked and looked up at him, "Chuckles. Chuckles the monkey," she laughed.

He rolled his eyes, "Of course that's his name."

"It suits him though!" She defended, "Plus he will always remind me of you and the fact that Intelligence's very own Detective Chuckles - my amazing fiancé - was the first person to ever win me a prize at a fair."

"I love you, you know that?" He asked, kissing her forehead.

"Hmm I do. I love you too," she murmured, "I hope we manage to make it up here for a weekend or something soon. I hope we don't have to wait until New Year's to come back up."

"Me too, babe," he replied.

Erin reached up and kissed him one final time, "Night, babe."

"Night," he replied.

The next morning went pretty smoothly, Erin and Kim cooked them all breakfast while the rest of the guys dismantled and put away all of the outdoor furniture. After they'd eaten breakfast, Jay went round the whole cabin making sure that everything was switched off and everything was how it should be. The drive back to Chicago was pretty quiet and they made it back in good time. They all said their goodbyes to one another before leaving to go home to spend one final day away from work. The week seemed to have been a success for the team, they were all ready to be at work by Monday morning. Platt had commented on how happy they all seemed and said that they should do this more often. The changes in the team had been so noticeable, the higher ups have made it into an annual occasion to have the team take a week off for team building and had even rolled it out to other units throughout Chicago. Going up to Wisconsin had been a great idea and had really benefitted the team - they were all closer which made them more of a family than ever before.

The end.

AN: Woo it's done! I'm so glad it's finished. Let me know what you thought! I felt this kind of happy cheesy fic was definitely needed in today's climate. Hope everyone's coping okay!

Just want to say thanks for the feedback on the one shot, 'secrets out' I posted last week - it is definitely just a one shot so there won't be a continuation of it. I have a few ideas written up for more stories (one multi-chapter about a different ending to s4) but if there are any requests, head over to my tumblr: Callmebethany2010 and send in any requests you have for linstead stories!