One day Carl was walking down the street, as he usually did, like always. But this day was no ordinary day. Instead, it was the day of destiny for Carl where he met the love of his life. You see, as he was doing this walking action, he saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. He didn't know her name, nor who she was, but all he knew was that he must have her.

But there was one issue. Carl was shy. He couldn't talk with people he didn't even care about, let alone the one he knew he loved so deep in his heart. He was always being shown up by his superior, both in looks and in intellect, the famous Jimmy Neutron. Not to say that Carl hated Jimmy or anything, but it certainly didn't make him feel better about his personal image.

However, there was one thing he could count on Jimmy for, and that was his inventions. So he went to Jimmy's house in order to procure some means to attract this young woman of his desires.

"Jimmy please, you have to help me. I need your inventions to help me seduce this girl." pleaded Carl

"No Carl, I can't assist you in the world of love. My inventions of seduction are a dangerous force, and I've already used all my money to pay off my previous accusers." Jimmy said.

"Well, if you can't help me, then perhaps Sheen can." said Carl, only to get a rise out of Jimmy.

"You'd really choose me over Sheen, Carl? How could you, even after I loved you like my own child, and ignored you when you were pregnant with that alien. Are you really that fickle?" questioned Jimmy

"I thought real friends were supposed to help one another... but I suppose you are no real friend of mine." said Carl, his plan falling into order. He knew that Jimmy's ego was his weak point.

"Fine, I'll find a way to help you." said Jimmy.

Of course, Jimmy couldn't use his inventions of love, but perhaps he could retool something else into a tool that could help Carl win his lady love.

"If you can give this lady anything she has ever wanted, then perhaps she could be attracted to someone even as repulsive as you." said Jimmy, not entirely wrong in that assessment

"So?" said Carl impatiently

"I've invented this potion here," said Jimmy, taking out a small vile of glowing green liquid "it allows the user to grant any wish of their desire for exactly one hour. Its a dangerous potion, so I've saved it only for an emergency." said Jimmy, knowing his friendship with Carl was on the line.

"So I'll be like a genie?" said Carl

"Yeah, you can say that." said Jimmy.

"Well then, I better look the part." said Carl, as he began to dress in more stereotypically Arabian fashion to look more like an epic genie. He also gave himself an epic looking genie beard even though he was 10.

The next day, Carl was getting hyped up to talk to this girl he liked, whose name wasn't important as you will soon see. Jimmy approached him to give him the moral support he so desperately needed.

"Carl, I have one more idea that I think will really seal the deal." said Jimmy.

"Oh yeah, what is it Jim?" said Carl

"Well, what better way to impress the girl than if you were able to outsmart me, the greatest genius in the world." said Jimmy

"Wow, that's a great idea Jimmy, perhaps I may know what it feels like to be happy for one time in my life." said Carl, enjoying this prospect.

So, with the plan in order, Carl drank the potion and approached this lovely lady.

"Hey Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl, are you ready to date a god?" said Carl all smooth like.

The woman before him was stunned. What was his deal? Was he really a god like he said he was.

"What do you mean by god, fatty?" the woman responded kindly.

"I can give you anything at all. Just ask and you will receive." said Carl

"Hmmmmmm, I guess I want... uhhhh..." said the women, really taking her time to drag this fanfiction out. Carl waited with baited breath.

"Give me a ham sandwich... in 5 seconds." she said, just testing the waters.

Carl rubbed his hands together and wished deep within his heart for a ham sandwich, and to his very surprise he found that it appeared right in his hand. It worked, it really worked. Carl was shocked.

Of course, he wasn't the only one who was shocked. The woman was also incredibly surprised.

How did he do that. The sandwich just appeared from thin air! Maybe he really is a God. Thought the woman to herself.

Just then, Jimmy walked in. Carl began to sweat. What if Jimmy out shined him like he always did. He waited as Jimmy began to talk.

"Hey Carl, my friend, is that a turkey sandwich you have there." Jimmy said, deliberately stupidly.

"Actually Jimmy, this is a ham sandwich." said Carl, correcting Jimmy

The woman couldn't help but be impressed. Not only was Carl friends with THE Jimmy Neutron, but was also smart enough to correct him. She was really starting to like this Carl despite being a hideous looking human being.

But Carl began to feel differently. For once in his he showed up Jimmy, and for once in his life he was happy. Carl decided to indulge on his new found powers.

"Oh Jimmy, I need you to calculate these ratios real quick while I conjure up this fine silk dress for the young maiden on the bench over there. And make it quick!" said Carl, spinning a silk dress in his hand in mere seconds.

Jimmy certainly was quick to calculate those ratios, but he intentionally did it so wrong so as to make Carl look like a god in comparison. Carl, upon looking at his calculation, scoffed and threw it on the ground.

"How could one so called 'genius' be so stupid, get on your knees and worship me like a true god you amoeba!" said Carl. Jimmy was a little concerned that perhaps Carl was taking this whole thing too far.

But Carl's insatiable hunger for power was unquenchable, and thus he took his tortures further. Releasing his feet from their shackles called "shoes", he presented them towards his new slave's face. The message was clear to Jimmy, but he began the worship not out of obligation, but because he found himself oddly pleased by these turn of events.

The woman who Carl had originally tried to woo approached him, getting the picture of Carl's true godhood.

"Please, you've made your point, just have me, you sexy god-hunk!" said the woman, throwing herself on Carl. But Carl did not reciprocate this love for her.

"Get off of me, petulant female!" he said, vaporizing the now useless woman into dust.

"Carl, the woman... she's gone! Didn't you want her?" said Jimmy, taking a break from the foot worship.

"No Jimmy, I've only now realized that I want you, Jimmy. More specifically, I want you to worship me like a god. I want you as my slave, who'll do anything I ask. For so long I've been forced to live in our shadow, but now... now I'M the one in control, the one with all the fame!" boasted Carl.

"Carl... I" Jimmy began, he had felt this brand new feeling within his heart, one he couldn't describe.

"Please Carl, be my master. For so long I've been the best, and the greatest, and the smartest, and I'm sick of it. I need to be put in my place, I need to be abused, just to remember that I'm only a child, nothing in the grand scheme of time and space." said Jimmy

"Well Jimmy, or should I call you "Scum" from now on, I'll happily comply to that request." said Carl, using his magic god powers to conjure a whip from thin air.

"Carl, are you sure this is the right place to do this? Shouldn't we do this kind of thing in a basement instead?" whimpered Jimmy

"Silence, Scum!" said Carl, striking Jimmy across the face with his whip. The others couldn't help but notice such a savage beating, but didn't bother to help because they knew that Jimmy liked that kind of stuff.

And so began Jimmy and Carl's abusive relationship with one another. But remember, it isn't abuse if you like it.