Chapter 11
(Jacks pov)
Looking back up at the clock on the wall of the room the golden labrador sighed as he looked to his side at the lunch he had bought for his friend. (Where could he be) Jack sighed as his ears lowered covering his eyes as the labrador's body shook slightly. (Wh...was it me...did he me) tears began to drip down the Labradors muzzle as quite whimpers and sobs filled the room. Wiping his eyes with his shirt sleeve Jack stood up as he grabbed the lunch he had brought for Forrest, his furred hands clenched tightly around the packaging as he scowled.
Turning to the door Jack made his way out tears still trickling from his soft brown eyes as they dripped onto the ground. Passing by the bin the Labrador tossed the food into the bin as he made his way out of the room. As the door swung shut a small note tumbled out of the bag reading (I hope you cheer up Forrest, from your new friend Jack)...
(Legoshis pov)
Reaching out for one of the lights Legoshi grasped the faulty bulb in his paws as he unscrewed it from the light. Legoshi looked down from his little podium at the forming Drama club members. As he gazed down at his classmates as they mulled around with each other conversing and reading lines. "Hey, Legoshi" the voice of Kai startled the lupine as he nearly dropped the bulb grasped in his paws. "K...Kai... I didn't notice you approach" The wolf stuttered as he placed the faulty bulb down onto a nearby stall. Kai crossed his arms as he looked on at the stuttering wolf.
"Come on Legoshi what's got you so nervous" he questioned the mongooses tail swishing slightly as he continued to gaze at Legoshi as the wolf sighed. "It's just this...award ceremony, I've never been good with large audiences" the wolf rubbed his hand together nervously as he looked down at the ground as Kai scoffed at the lupine. "Dude its nothing like seriously it's just standing up on stage in front of multiple students". A whimper escaped the wolfs muzzle as Kai placed a hand on his head and let out a tired sigh.
"Legoshi, you just gotta suck it up come on your a wolf for crying out loud" Kai cried out as he turned away from the wolf as he made his way back down to the stage below. As Legoshi looked at where Kai had left, the wolf glancing down at his large clawed hands as he clenched them slightly. The sudden sound of a door opening caught the attention of Legoshi as his ears swivelled in the direction of the sound. "Ok everyone, we have the award ceremony in 20 minutes lets go over what's going to happen". The strong and eloquently spoken words of Louis echoed through the room, the members began forming a group on the stage.
As they all conformed together Legoshi couldn't help but stare at the red deer and how he presented himself in front of everyone. (Wow...Louis..he's Louis turned his head as he spied the wolf, his gaze narrowing as he looked upon the form of Legoshi. "Art pup, get down from there" He called up to the wolf as Legoshi jumped at the stern voice of Louis. "Yeah...coming Louis" Clamering down the ladder the wolf Joined the rest of the group. "First things first" Louis spoke up gaining everyone's attention there gazes fixed on the third year.
"Reahresals has been going good, yet there are those who are still some areas" The piercing eyes of the red deer fell on the form of Zoe. The goat let out a shy bleat as he looked down at his feet as Louis continued. "Apart from that you all still need to maintain and focus your utmost on this performance.." Louis said as he gazed at the Art department "And that goes for Everyone, but for why I called you here" The deer pulled out a piece of neatly folded paper as he gestured to the item. "This is a letter from Our headmaster, as I'm sure you all know we have an assembly today in which our group will receive an award".
The group mumbled and nodded in confirmation as they focused back on Louis who began pacing back and forth. Legoshi, however, became distracted as he gazed at the deer's legs the way they moved with such confidence. ( His legs they look so firm...filled with muscle...his flesh) Legoshi shook his head as the hairs on his tail stood on end ( I bet he soft smelled so...delicio..). "LEGOSHI" The sudden shout from Louis made the lupine yelp as he stumbled back slightly gaining chuckles from some of the members. "Am I boring you Legoshi...are all wolves as ignorant as you?" Legoshi waved his hands dismissively as his ears lowered. " sorry Louis..." he apologised as Louis continued explaining what was going to happen.
"So when Headmaster Gon calls us forward form an orderly line after that has been formed I shall make my way onto the stage to receive the award from the headmaster". Louis spoke confidently as he turned to the rest of the members. "Is that understood?" he said as resounding replies of "Yes Louis" echoed through the room. "Now if you all would get back to your assigned tasks until the assembly, please", Louis said as he waved them away as the Red deer began walking to the office. Legoshi continued to watch the red deer until he entered the office. "Hey, Legoshi move your tall ass and give me a hand here would ya!" Kai called to the daydreaming wolf as the mongoose struggled to carry a set of boxes filled with props.
"Uhhh s..sure thing Kai...sorry about spacing out like that" Legoshi rubbed the back of his head with a paw as he chuckled nervously, reaching out he easily picked up the boxes that Kai was struggling with. As the two made their way back to the Art departments area Legoshi took a final glance back at the Office that Louis resided. (why...why do I feel this way...what's happening to me) he sighed as he focused back on the task at hand...
(Louis pov)
Sighing Louis went over to one of the hangers located in the office as he took off his Jacket. "Ahhh..that's better" he sighed as he stretched his arms out receiving a few clicks from his joints as he walked over to the mirror located on the wall. As he gazed at himself in the mirror he looked over his form as he reached a hand up to his head (This is my body...a body of a herbivore) tugging at one of his ears Louis let out a soft chuckle as he grasped both of his ears tightly as he shook his head. "Damnit...".
The deer turned as he made his way over to his desk as a sharp pain shot through his left ankle. Gasping in pain he stumbled forward as his hands grasped tightly onto the desk in front of him. Glancing down at his ankle sweat began to drip from his furrowed brows as his face contorted in a pained grimace. Louis hobbled over to his seat as he sunk into the soft faux leather his hands quickly reaching over to his left ankle as he swiftly pulled up his trouser leg revealing the bruised and swollen ankle. (Damnit it's gotten even worse...I've got to keep going...for the show them, to show them all) Pulling open a draw Louis reached in and pulled out a container filled with pain killers. Turing the container in his hand the Red deer popped open the cap as he shook out two pills, a deep sigh left his muzzle as he glanced at the two pain killers resting in the palm of his furred hand.
Swiftly Louis placed the two pain killers into his maw as he swallowed, his hand grasping hold of a water bottle as he washed the Pills down his throat. Louis slumped further back into his seat as he let the pain killers work their medicine on his body as the deer idly reached over to a script resting on the desk. (Adler...the reaper...a role usually filled by a Carnivore...yet here I am playing the role of the Grim reaper). Louis smiled as he glanced towards the door hearing snippets of the other members preparing for the play as he placed the script back down. A numbing sensation filled his injured ankle as the pain killers finally kicked in as Louis put some pressure down on his left leg.
Receiving a slight pain he stood up slowly his hands grasping the sides of his desk for support, with a firm resolve Louis stood up as a quivering sigh escaped his throat. Calming himself Louis took a minute to focus as he brushed his shirt, turning to the door Louis made his way over as he grasped the handle pulling the door open. "Alright let's continue with act 2 scene 3 everyone"...
(Forrests pov)
"Ahh that's just what I needed, thanks again Kryat" Forrest grinned at the white-furred Tiger as said feline smiled back his sharp teeth on show. "Hehe no worries Kid, seems like it's done you some good now then" Kryat stood up as he reached into his jacket pulling out a sheathed blade much to the shock of Forrest. "Uh...Kryat what um...are you doing with that I mean you look intimidating enough heh..heh" Forrest chuckled nervously receiving a toothy grin from the feline. "Hehe you didn't think I wasn't armed did you eh kid, I can't just protect you with my teeth and claws alone now". Walking over to the teen The large tiger kneeled so that he was eye to eye with Forrest.
"You, however, don't even have claws or any fangs to speak of, that's why I'm giving you this" The feline reached out and grabbed the teens hand as he placed the sheathed blade into the palm of Forrest's hand. "This here Kid is a Karambit, now this is for defence only ok I don't want you cutting yourself messing around with it" Kryat sighed as he released his hand and gazed sternly into the teen's orbs. "I hope you don't ever have to use this as long as I'm here you'll be fine, but if you ever find yourself alone and in danger...don't hesitate to use this ok?" Kryat continued to stare intently at Forrest until he received a nervous and unsure nod from then teen. "S...s..sure thing K..k Kryat" Forrest shook with fear as a heavy furred hand rested against his shoulder. "As I said Kid, as long as I'm here you'll be me".
Forrest stared intently at the blade in his palm, taking in the form of the curved knife he slipped the sheathed weapon into his pocket. "Thank you Kryat...for everything" Forrest chuckled slightly as he rubbed the back of his head nervously. "I...don't think I could have gotten this far without you...and...Jack" The teen smiled as he thought back to the Labrador, the one who had saved his life, the one who had got him to the nurse to teat his wounds, his first a world not his own...
Kryat cocked his head in confusion slightly at the mention of the K9 as the teen stood up. "I...should see him, I don't think he knows that I moved" Forrest began to make his way to the door only for a firm hand to stop him in his tracks, The looming form of Kryat blocked the teen's exit as he placed a paw on his head. "Kid can't do that not until you have been announced as a new student to the school" A slight chuckle escaped the tiger's muzzle. We wouldn't want to start a panic now would we", Forrest began to protest yet he was silenced by a slight growl that emanated from the white-furred Tiger "I mean it kid...its protocol...I'm sorry but I've been given my instructions, and hey you can find him after the fact". Kryat spoke trying to lighten the mood slightly as he gazed at the watch located on his wrist. "It's about time we headed off to the Assembly, we got to meet up with the headmaster one more time to finalise preparations of your announcement".
Forrest nodded as he began to think how this would all play out, would the students be fearful of him, would they hate him...w..would they want to devour H...I...M..."Hey..k...d...k...i...d KID" Forrest shook his head as he turned back to the feline " Hehe sorry about that Kryat, I was just thinking is all...sorry of I zoned out on you". The tall feline began rubbing his brow trying to stem the forming headache "Nah its ok Kid, just less...zoning out if you would ok?" Kryat received a thumbs up and a chuckle from the teen in response as Kryats tail swished idly as he thought about the teen (Hehe what am I gonna do with ya kid)...
(T$%,."£H$4,O£*^RNS pov)
" I..i can smell it...that scent its so, intoxicating i... I want more i...need more" The shaky and quiet mutterings of a wolf echoed through an empty hall of Cherryton academy as the Lupine stumbled down the corridor. Wiping a hand against his muzzle the wolf realised he was drooling as he collapsed against a wall. (Why...why do I want to DEVOUR whatever has that scent...why) The lupine curled upon himself as he whimpered clutching his head tightly. "T£%"!...T"$H!^O+RN" The wolf turned his head slightly opening his left eye as his eyes gazed upon the extended hand of Bill.
"B...Bill" The lupine shakily replied as he placed his hand in the felines as Bill helped the wolf to his feat. "T...thanks Bill" T£%$ replied receiving a toothy grin from the feline "Hehe anything for my favourite wolf" Bill punched the wolf lightly on the shoulder as his gaze held one of restrained concern. " seem a little...different.." The wolf blinked until he waved his hands in front of himself "Hehe yeah yeah I'm fine Bill just wanted a place to eat this...this..." The wolf began to pat his trouser pockets looking for something "Biscuit" the lupine chuckled as the wolf was suddenly bought into a headlock by Bill. "You Know you're a terrible liar right?" Bill said as he let the struggling wolf go.
"Oh Bill you wound me soo, I thought we where friends" The lupine mocked as he placed a paw on his brow as he leaned into the feline. "Ahh quit it T%"h&%o$rn" Bill chided as the two laughed as they made there way down the corridor as the voices of the two echoed along the walls...