Hello people I decided to write another story this time a My Hero Academia crossover with Naruto. Yep and I am working on another chapters for my other stories mainly Naruto: DSK. So till the time I upload that enjoy this story. Also this story may have some gender swaps which for example there is female Bakugo and Todoroki. This story is also on Wattpad and AO3

Disclaimer: I don't own either Naruto or My Hero Academia.

Summary: I got a quirk. Yeah, I do. It's too bad my quirk has it's own sentience whose pride and ego far surpasses its size and length of its tails. Well I do have one thing in my favour. All Might is training me. That has to count for something right?'

Izuku has Kurama.

Naruto/My Hero Academia Crossover.

Izuku Harem?

(Mustafu City)

Izuku Midoriya, a teen with green hair on his head and green eyes, the guy is wearing normal school clothes as he walks into a tunnel that will lead him to home. He seems to be a bit on the short side, with a bit of a weak body and several self-confidence a bit suicidal and depression emotional state. Why is that?

Well let's just give you guys a brief introduction of his world. You see a few centuries ago the world exploded with quirks. What are quirks? That is a good question. Quirks are genetic mutation that occurs in the human that provides them with several abilities that could be shown as super-powers, and the people with quirks tends to have the dream of becoming superhero, the stronger the quirk is the more powerful and famous you become, and then the government changed the superheros from vigilante to a paying job. Slowly the world was taken over by the quirks with more than 80 percent of the world now had quirks and the rest were called quirk less, in laymen terms the outcasts of the society. The quirk less in this society are treated worse than villains with the bullying, the look of pity, and many considering the quirkless to be useless who can't do a thing.

Izuku Midoriya falls under the category of the quirkless. He stills remeber the day that he found out that he was quirkless and how the conversation after that with his mother that broke the heart of both him and his mother's.

'I am Sorry...I am so Sorry Izuku.' The scene shows a chibi Izuku sitting in front of the screen of the computer as both him and his mothers shed tears of anguish and sorrow with how the doctors dashed his dreams and hopes.

Truthfully he can't blame his mother considering that he is the only child of his parents, keeping in mind the fact that his father is overseas for his job and try to make out as much time as possible for his family. But he still hope for more time with his father. Both his mother and father still love each other but he still resented the fact that he doesn't get as much time as he wants with his father. Well he could get it if his father's boss wasn't such an ass and would allow him a transfer near their home. But what do ya know, the world loves to make his life miserable. It is enough to know that his father still loves him. And he will be coming back home in few months to meet him and his mother for vacation. Atleast something was good.

Now other reason was that his childhood friend Bakugo Katsumi or Kaachan, who became his bully, loves to make his life miserable, just because he is quirk less and wants to become a hero by going to U.A., the hero academy. She has always been a bit egotistical, and he is using the word bit loosely, and according to her he is a Deku or someone useless. But recently she had been much more cruel and angry. Izuku grimaced as he remembers what Kaachan spoke just before they left the school.

'Why don't you just swan dive off the roof and hope that you get a powerful quirk in the next life.' Bakugo Katsumi spoke with a serious expression but he was sure that their was something else behind that expression.

"Stupid Kaachan" Izuku mumbles as he kicked a pebble "Doesn't she know that she could loose her chance to go to U.A. if I followed his advice. There would be an investigation if I did that and I can't do that to either mom and dad or her. They still love me. Well maybe not her." But Izuku knew that in the corner of his mind a little voice told him to follow that advice that nobody loves him that nobody cares for him. Izuku ignores the voice again as he looks went deeper into the tunnel not noticing the manhole of a sewer shudder as he walked right over it. There was a moment when everything was calm and then everything happened in slow motion as the something started coming out from the cover of the sewer and giant sludge creature came out of the sewer with two giant circle like eyes and a mouth to speak, making the creature look like a like a giant sludge monster which was uglier and more more smelly than the Muk.

"Ahhh a medium size skin suit." The weird sludge spoke in a masculine voice as he looked at Izuku who had a terrified expression on his face. "This would work just fine". He quickly dived to run away from the creature but a slimy tendril shot itself out of the sludge to grab him, but to its and Izuku's surprise, he jumped out of the way dodging the tendril, that was shot at him. 'Atleast there is something I gained by constantly running away from her.' Izuku thought as he looked as at the surprise look that was on the disfigured face of the sludge . "You have some good reflexes" the sludge complimented him and Izuku felt a bit weird being complimented by a villain "but you can't dodge forever." With that the sludge shot several tendrils at once and Izuku was able to dodge few of them at once as Izuku tried to run away but after dodging few a tendril got hold of his right leg making him drop on the ground with a yelp.

"Looks like your luck ran out kid." The sludge spoke as it then brought it back in the dark as Izuku tried to get away as the sludge covered him. He was thrashing inside the slimy liquid clawing at it trying his best to escape from it. "Stop fighting it kid, it will good for both you and me as I need your body before he comes here. It will be over in a minute." The sludge creature stated but Izuku was to busy trying his best to get out of the creature praying for someone to save him.

'Is this how I die' Izuku thought as the sludge started to suffocate him. 'Is this-is this how it ends for me?' He eyes started to get heavy as he kept on losing air.

'But I wanted to be a hero' He thought again as flash of small kid with green hair and freckles on his cheeks came into his mind as he watches the screen where it showed the no 1 hero Almight saving civilians from a burning building 'I wanted to be just like him.' He brought some people with a huge smile on his face 'I wanted to save people with a smile.'

Another scene passed where it shows two adults one female with green hair and another a male with brown hair both smiling down at the kid with green hair as he jumps around with an Almight figure in his hand. 'I wanted them to be proud of me.'

Another scene shows with two kids one familiar boy with green hair and a blonde girl with red eyes are shown playing together with smile on their faces 'I wanted to get my friend back.' He finally closed his eyes with darkness surrounding it. But as he was closing his eyes he was sure that he heard a voice in the dark.

"You are pathetic."The voice spoke in the dark as a giant red slitted eye suddenly opened in the darkness.

For the sludge creature everything was going good except for the part where he was on time limit in taking over the body before the hero with the truth, justice and Japanese way could come. He just want to use this body to get out of here. As he started to take over he suddenly felt something foul, something much more dangerous than the person he was running from. He felt a presence that could destroy him, a presence that was telling him to get away from the kid that was right now inside him a feeling that made him freeze in fear and in his fear he didn't notice as another manhole erupted. He had a brief terror pass through him as his hold over the kid loosened and it was sure not because of the person that was coming from the sewer.

Behind the sludge creature a big bulky arm rose from the sewer through which the sludge monster came as the manhole cover flew up and soon a body jumped out showing a big bulky guy with a blonde hair with two of bangs that stood up to make a 'V' sign a giant smile which nearly faltered because of the scene in front of him. He saw a kid that was being taken over by the sludge that he had been following for the past hour. He was almost at his limit. He was ready to get the kid out of safety when a feeling of utter terror washed over him, a feeling that he didn't feel when he fought his enemies. Nobody has made him feel such terror not even the man that once rule the criminal empire of Japan, a man that is responsible for several deaths including his sensei. A feeling that if he wasn't the strongest hero in Japan with indomitable will, he would've ran away and not looked back. But there was someone that was waiting for him. Someone who wants to be saved from the villain and this feeling. This sludge villain turned out to be lot more dangerous if he was able to make him feel this terror. He then noticed that the grip of sludge on the young child was slipping. Which made him get ready to use his move to save the him but he stopped when the child opened his eyes. The pair of eyes that were shown was very unique with white sclera, dark red in color with black slits and didn't matched a bit with the kid appearance of green hair and normal looking appearance 'maybe it's a quirk' Almight thought as he looked in the eyes but that wasn't what stopped him, what stopped him was the feeling that looking into the eyes made him feel. 'Fear' that was the feeling looking in those eyes made him feel 'What is his quirk that could make me feel such terror' Almight thought as he looked into the eyes. But his attention than turned back to the villain and found an opening that he needed to subdue that villain.

"Fear not young man" Almight started as he got in the position of giving a punch but when he said that he got the feeling that it was not the kid that needed the saving but it was actually the opposite but he went with it "For I am Here." With that he began charging up his punch as both the sludge monster and the young man turned to look at him.

"TEXAS" Almight said as he threw a punch towards the sludge monster and the kid "SMASH" with that a huge shockwave came from the punch threw both the young man and the monster away from each other. But the eyes of the child were still able to unnerve him even as the kid closed his eyes and fainted on the spot he had fallen to.

'What was that?' Almight thought as he looked at the fallen kid who looked very peaceful. 'Maybe that was just my mind playing games. Let's take care of the villain first.' Almight thought as bent down and picked up an empty soda bottle to take the sludge villain in it. As he collected the last of the sludge he turned to look at the kid that had fainted 'I can't leave the kid here like this.' Almight thought as he went towards the kid 'Welp, time to be the hero' he thought as he looked at the child and bent down.

*Slap* *Slap* *Slap* *Slap* *Slap*

"Hey, wake up." A voice said "Hey, Hey wake up."

This was what Izuku Midoriya woke up too, with somebody gently slapping his face to wake him up. He slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he noticed was that the there was the face with bright smile and blonde hair and a hand that was gently tapping his cheek.

"Thank Goodness you are okay." Almight said as he noticed the eyes 'They are not like how they were. Maybe it is a quirk.' Izuku on the other hand was more flabbergasted as he looked at the No. 1 hero.

"Wha-wh-whhaaaaa!" Izuku yelled out in surprise "You are no.1 hero Almight!"

Almight on the other hand disregarded the outburst and can you blame him, the guy gets these expression and exclamation most of the day.

"You are okay. Excellent." Almight spoke "Apologies, that you got caught up in villain hunt and nearly got severely injured. For that I am sorry it was my mistake. And also" Almight paused as he turned and Izuku noticed that the hero bought out a bottle which now contained the sludge that almost killed him "I must thank you. As because of you I've successfully captured the villain."

Izuku on the other hand was thinking almost different thing 'Almight is here, he is actually here, he saved me.' And then he remembered something "Oh an autograph!" Izuku said as he looked around for the notebook that was with him "Where's my notebook!?" He looked around as he found his notebook lying on the ground and picked it up and opened up a page "He already did it, oh thank you, this is a treasure, this is going to be my family heirloom."

"Now I must bid you farewell." Almight said as he got ready to jump and fly away. "I've to hand the villain to authorities."

"Wait" Izuku whisper spoke as he looked at the hero who was about to jump "I-I've so many questions that I want to ask you" But Almight was too busy to prepare himself to go away that he disregarded what Izuku was saying.


'Why do I am finding it a bit difficult in flying today.' Almight thought as he kept flying. 'And what is that sound' true to his thoughts Almight kept on hearing a mumbling sound that was coming from behind him. Almight turned to look behind and what he saw made him blink and make his eyes go wide. There on his leg was the young man that he had just saved from the sludge villain. He quickly blinked as he looked towards the child, as his expression turned into an expression of disbelief and fear.

"What are you doing young man!" Almight yelled as he quickly moved his legs back and forth trying his best to throw the tag along off him "Let go!"

"I can't" Izuku said as he kept holding onto his leg "I will die if I do that." Now that made the no.1 hero pause.

"Oh right, just hold on" with that Almight quickly went towards a building and with that began one of the most major confrontations that was needed in both of their lives and will be the reason that would set stone for both of their future. But both manage to miss the bottle that fell from the pants of Almight.

Katsumi Bakugo, a beautiful middle school teenage girl with a quirk to match her beauty. She has blonde hair and red eyes. She has an amazing quirk which is called Explosion, a quirk that she inherited from her mother and father. It is a combination of these two quirk that made her whole quirk. She is also one of the top students in her school, if not the best. She also has some temper problems and she might have some issues but never tell that to her face. She will probably use her quirk to make you go boom or blast you to kingdom come. Which is not good either. And right now she was more than pissed and the two clowns and a group of 3 extra bitches that follow her time to time like lost puppies just for her attention are not helping either.

"Can you believe it." One of the clowns said, she actually never bothered with their names just called them extras or something else "Deku still wants to become a hero. I mean everybody knows that you can't become a hero if you don't have a quirk, its practically suicide especially with the villains that came up recently." Both of the extras didn't notice how Bakugo tightened her fists at their comments.

"Yeah, I mean he is very weak, and quiet frankly useless" as the other clown spoke and with this sparks started to come out of her hands "Does he really think he could survive it."

'Only I am allowed to speak like that about him.' Bakugo mentally screamed as she kicked the a can away 'Where even is he? Deku usually cross this place 5 minutes ago by now?' She should know after all they are-were freinds once. Somehow her mind went back to the last conversation they had today and she cringed at how she spoke her final words today. 'Why did I even say that?' She finally thought. Truthfully she regretted what she had told him as he was the only one that spoke to her as if she was normal, now only if he could stop stuttering when she goes to talk to him.

Not his fault in that either with how she had treated him recently. But she will not take responsibility for that, it's that idiot's fault for dreaming to be a hero while still being quirkless. 'Why can't he understand that I am doing it for his safety?' Katsumi thought and then shook her head vigorously it's not because she likes him, it's because he is her only true freind, even if she treats him like shit or he follows her like a lost puppy, and that my freinds are the sign of a tsundere, which she is not, probably, maybe? In her frustration she kicks a bottle away which shook a bit, not noticing the contents of the bottle spill out of it.

'Damn it stop talking about him right now' She thought as the group behind her kept on talking about the Deku.

"He will just get in the way of the real heroes, am I right Katsumi?" Another of the extras spoke out as she looked at the angry girl who just looked more angry than usual right now.

"Yes, but" another voice came this time it was a bit shy and controlled like how Izuku spoke with her "But weren't you a little bit more cruel with what you told him, Bakugo." Now that did shut the group but the final member of the group spoke up.

"Oh shut up." The extra spoke up "You are saying that because you like that useless deku."

"Whaa-what?" The previous voice yelled out and gave a nervous chuckle"don't be ridiculous, why would I like tha-that deku?"

"I don't blame you for that" the last voice said again "He is a bit easy on the eyes compared to the rest of the class or the other boys we know." And that's why Katsumi considers the group of girls bitches and her dangerous small explosion started coming out of her hands. As she said that the two clowns nearly lost their smoke pack that they brought out and were ready to yell about it to the other two girls.

Katsumi then turned around ready to shut the group but she got to see the two clowns lighting a smoke. "Hey what the hell are you two doing?!" She yelled at the two "I thought I told you to stop smoking around me, if you got caught then it will get on my record too." With that she grabbed the pack of cigarettes and used her quirk to blast it. Not noticing the sudden terror that was instilled in the group.

"Oii what happened?!" She asks the group that was following her. The group was on the other hand to terrified to answer her as a giant sludge villain rose up behind her.

"A medium size body" A sinister voice came from behind her as a chill went down her spine "With a powerful quirk. You will be the perfect cover for me." With that the sludge villain that escaped from the Almight jumped at the girl to gain the control of her body. Katsumi on the other hand in defiance let out a huge explosion in the area that got the attention of several people including the pro heroes.

A few distance away from where this happened we see Izuku Midoriya walking towards his home with dead look in his eyes and more depressed than usual.

'I was right.' Izuku said as small tear drops started falling from his eyes 'Even Almight said it himself. You can't be a hero without a quirk.' Izuku learnt the truth of Almight and his injury and the damage that he took 5 years ago and also what Almight said about a quirkless not being able to be a there was something else that Almight said still stuck with him.

"You shouldn't lie young man, now remember that you must speak the truth and tell your friend get a reality check, they are not ready for the dangers that comes in this profession, neither are those that have a quirk could sometime survive this profession, there are several dangers in this for wh." Izuku watches in confusion as the shrunk down version of the Almight walked of the roof they were at.

Izuku learnt the truth about Almight too about for how long he could hold his hero form that he could not hold for long and his life threatening injury which is a lot disgusting for him. But seriously what did he mean by lyin, last he checked he was quirk less. Why did Almight thought that he was talking for someone else?

Nonetheless Izuku walked off toward his home in depression this time mixed with confusion as to what Almight was talking about.

As he kept on walking he suddenly noticed the crowd that was gathering on the other side of the road with several heroes, which consisted of Backdraft, Death Arms, Kamui Woods and Mount Lady, that were trying to go there and provide help. He also noticed that in the arms of Kamui Woods and Death Arms were a group of students, students from Aldera Junior High if the uniform was anything to go by. He noticed the group specifically, it was the same group with which Kaachan was with, but right now she was not here in the group. A sudden feeling of dread settled a bit in the pit of his stomach as he didn't see Kaachan with the group.

"What is happening?" He heard one of the bystander ask another person that was there.

"Oh, a villain has a middle school student as a hostage and the heroes are trying their best to stop the villain as we speak." The other guy answered.

"Isn't that the villain that Almight was chasing." Another voice piped in.

Izuku walked through the crowd till he came near the front, a place from where he could see what was happening and what he saw immediately gripped his heart with fear and guilt.

In front of Izuku was the same sludge villain that had attacked him but was defeated and captured by him. But here it was trying to take over his childhood freind they same way he tried with him.

'Its all my fault' Izuku thought as he brought his hands to cover his mouth. 'That villain escaped because of me. Kaachan is feeling the same pain that I felt because of me. If I haven't done that than Almight wouldn't have dropped the bottle.' With that he went down with the guilt and he looked around to see why someone was not trying to help her. He saw Kamui Woods and Death Arms that held the middle schoolers and considering the fire that was raging it was not suitable condition for Kamui Woods, and Death Arms can not help as the sludge monster composition was purely liquid and he mostly deals with physical attack which won't affect the monster. Mount Lady can't help if she can't even enter this place and Backdraft was busy managing the fire and the civilians in the area. All in all there was no one who could've help her.

'Hold on, please' Izuku internally pleaded to the girl 'Just hang in there, someone would come to save you.' And all of it changed when he saw the expression that was on Kaachan. The fear that was in her eyes, the eyes which were pleading for someone to save her, and with that he ran forward.

"Hey Kid" he heard one of the heroes shout out to him "What are doing?! Get back here!"

'He is right' Izuku screamed again 'What am I doing?! My legs are working on their on.' He watched himself running towards the villain that has his freind in it.

The sudden shout made both the sludge villain and Katsumi look in his direction "Deku" Katsumi said as she watches in fear as he came running towards her 'What are you doing you idiot?!' She spoke internally 'Get out of here, you will get hurt.' On the sidelines their classmates watches as the useless Deku ran forward to save their freind.

"Its that kid!" The sludge villain spoke but their was something else when he shouted it. Bakugo wasn't certain but she think she heard the undertone of anger and fear when the villain looked at him. Unknown to the rest of the people there was another set of eyes of the familiar no.1 hero watched the kid that he met a few minutes ago run towards the villain blindly.

'What is that kid doing?' Almight thought as the kid rushed out of the barricade and towards the villain 'is he trying to save her, damn it why I am so pathetic, I can't do anything right now.' Almighf thought while he watch the kid run towards the sludge villain.

'Why can't I stop!' Izuku thought as he ran towards the villain. But as he kept closer Izuku felt something an energy that he didn't know he had a sudden power and then he heard the voice again.

"What are you doing?" A deep terrifying voice rang in his head as he ran. Izuku when he heard the voice was a bit startled.

'Who is that?' He thought but the voice gave a frustrated growl.

"I won't ask again." The voice growled as the world slowed a bit for Izuku "What are you doing?!"

'I don't know.' Izuku answers truthfully and the voice sighed.

"Let me rephrase the question." The deep voice growled "why are you doing this, running towards the creature like that?"Now Izuku thought again why was he doing this, what was the reason that he ran towards the villain to save his friend, why did he ran to save her, when the Katsumi face came in front him as tears were streaming down her face trying her best to get out of the grasp of the villain.

'She looked like' Izuku thought as he kept in running 'she needed saving.'

"So you wish to save her?" The voice asked again.

'Yes' Izuku answers the voice again.

"Very well then." The voice said as a sudden energy swept through him, Izuku was sure he saw a giant red slitted eye again. Unknown to him and to the surprise of the people that knew of him, as he was running his eyes changed color as it became red again with the freckles on his cheek becoming more darker till it became large black spots on his cheeks and a wisp of red energy rose with each step. "Save her."And with that a feeling of terror washed over everyone that was in the premises, a sudden terror that was making even the pro-heroes tremble in their places. The feeling was too dangerous and intimidating.

'What is this?' Katsumi thought as the feeling of dread course through her veins 'Why am I feeling such fear?' she then looked towards Izuku 'Why are his eyes red? Is that a quirk? No he told me he is quirkless. He wouldn't lie to me, would he? Why am I feeling light headed? Get out of here you idiot! He will kill you. Go away!'

'It's the feeling again.' Almight thought as he looked on towards the green haired teen 'What is his quirk that it could make me feel such terror?' He looked around the crowd and saw that all of them were feeling the same amount of fear, even the heroes.

"Stay back!" The sludge monster said in panic as the red slitted eyes filled with rage and anger locked itself onto him, and in his fear he pointed the arm that he was controlling Katsumi with towards him "Stop getting in my way!" And with that let out a huge explosion from her hands forced by the villain. Several heroes jumped in front of the civilian that were in the way of the blast as all of them watched in horror as the blast subsided to show nothing in the place of the blast even the ground took the damage. Katsumi looked on in horror as she saw her childhood freind incinerated by her explosion with silent tears dripping down her face, Almight fell on his knees as he failed yet another person, other heroes and civilians looked to much shock as a child was disintegrated in front of them because of the fire let out by the hands of another person that was being controlled by the villain. While the villain himself let out a relieved sigh as a giant grin began to form on his face. He would've laughed if it wasn't for a voice that sent shiver down his spineeee-sludge doesn't have a spine right? So it sent shiver down his sludge? Whatever.

"Hey" the villain turned back forcing Katsumi to turn with him to show Izuku Midoriya, unharmed, standing their with his bag. Everybody watched in surprise as the kid they thought died in the blast stood behind the villain. Almight was relieved when he saw the kid was unharmed Katsumi had tears of relief streaming down her cheeks but their was something off, Izuku voice was never that heavy. The villain on the other hand was terrified "Let her go!"

"Stay back!" The villain said again with fear leaking into his voice.

"I said" Izuku said again with a growl "Let. her. go." The villain instead of listening to him lashed out with a tendril attack in panic. But instead of being caught Izuku jumped back and then turned to the side as he began running through the attacks. The sludge shot few more of the tendrils hoping to catch him off guard but instead of being caught Izuku jumped and dodged the slimy tendrils again. As he came a few feets from the sludge when drew his hand back and grasped his backpack and then threw it at the villain where his eyes were, with the sludge being blinded because of the bag which made it easier for him to get hold of Katsumi. He quickly used the extra strength that the energy provided and yanked her out of the sludge. He then slung her over himself and jumped away when the villain got his bearings. Meanwhile the terrifying feeling and Izuku's red eyes and the darkened freckles turned back to normal.

"The kids are free" Izuku heard the voice of Death Arms "Somebody get them out of here!" He commmanded.

"Why?" Katsumi asks quietly and lazily as her eyes dropped a bit as she looks down while holding Izuku who turns to look at her in confusion along with a drowsy expression "Why did you do it?"

Izuku on the other hand gave her a smile "My Legs just started moving on their own Kaachan." He stated in an exhausted tone but before anybody could speak again the sludge monster got his bearing back.

"You!" The villain growled out as he looks at the teenagers, with his eyes locking onto the one with green hair who is the reason he got caught the first time and made him feel fear. "I WILL KILL YOU!" the monster yelled out as he launched himself at him. Both Katsumi and Izuku watched on in horror and exhaustion as the villain drew near the two whe suddenly both vanished from the place where they were at.

"Look its Almight!" One of the civilian yelled as he pointed towards a giant man crouching on the ground as he laid the two teens gently down on the ground both of them knocked out because of exhaustion.

"I am truly pathetic aren't I?" Almight spoke quietly while looking at the teen with green hair "I should practice what I preach, the lesson I left you with, that a pro hero should always be ready to risk his life to save others." With that Almight turned back in the direction of the villain who was now more scared then ever and took a punching stance.

"No, I can't loose now, I can't be captured by you again." The villain said as he made giant fist made of sludge "I will defeat you too, Almight!" With that the sludge villain yelled out his battle cry and lunged at the hero.


"Detroit" Almight said he reared his fist back and made his fist fly towards the villain "SMASH!" As he let his fist go, the power behind the fist made the sludge villain explode as the shockwave from the punch was able to put out the fire and was able to clear the weather.

"Holy Shit did you see that!"

"Yeah, he was able to change the weather with his punch!"

"Of course he could, he is call Almight for a reason!"

And with that the crowd broke into cheers for the no.1 hero. All the while the hero kept his gaze on the downed green haired teen who was knocked out. 'Looks like I found the one I was looking for, Nana' Almight thought as he looked at him 'Now only I need to know what his quirk is.'

After being checked on by the paramedics as the rest of the heroes collects the splatters of the villain. Izuku was scolded by the pro hero for barging into the scene with carelessness, more over the confusion that was there increased atleast by ten fold when they began to question about his quirk.

"Do you know what you did kid?!" Death Arms said as he loomed over Izuku as Katsumi was praised by the other heroes a few distance away in the ambulance. "You do know that the use of your quirk without licence is illegal!"

"Quirk?" Izuku said as he tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Yes, your quirk." Death Arms said again as he watched the kid look more confused then ever.

"But I am quirkless." Izuku stated as all the heroes surrounding him stopped.

"Don't lie kid." Kamui Woods spoke out from his place "You can't do the things you did without a quirk." Now this confused Izuku more than ever.

"But I am quirkless." Izuku was firm in his statement as the pro hero Death Arms as the pro hero Death Arms and Kamui Woods exchanged silent look between them. "The quirk specialist said I can't have a quirk because of the extra joint in my toe."

Both Death Arms and Kamui Woods looked at the teen who looking at the two in confusion. When Death Arms made a decision for the two. "Hey kid." Death Arms started as he looked over the kid "What's your name?"

"Oh, Izuku Midoriya, sir." Izuku answered the hero.

"Izuku, huh, okay, listen here." Death Arms said as he brought out a visiting card for him "I want you to come to my agency with this card tomorrow and tell the person at the reception for me, you know the address right, if not, the address of the agency is on the card. Now remember I want you at my agency tomorrow by 3'O clock in the afternoon."

So here he was now, walking down the street to his home with the card that Death Arms gave him of his agency after they took care of the police for letting him go. 'Why did he ask him to come to his agency?' Izuku thought as he walked down the street with confusion on his face.

"Dekuuuu!" A female voice shouted making him come out of his musing.

"Kaachan?" Izuku said in confusion turn to to look at Katsumi who was her with her group, 'why are all of them here?'

"I" Katsumi hesitated to speak when she was given a push from behind which made her turn back to glare at the girl that was with her in the group. She turned to look at Izuku who was looking at the group in confusion. "I didn't need saving today! You hear me!" Behind her the two clowns facepalmed and the other two bitches sighed whereas the last bitch glared daggers at her back. "I didn't ask you to save me, I didn't need your pity, I don't need your help, hell I could've beaten that guy myself."

"No you can't." Katsumi turned back around to glare at the bitch that said that with such speed that she might've gotten whiplash from it. She came face to face with a glare from the same girl, now she remembers why she tolerates this girl, she could match her glare. She then turned back to Izuku who was looking at the group in confusion.

"But" Katsumi said as she looked at ground "Thank you, for trying to help me. But don't think that this will be happening again, so that you could be hero, understand!" With that she turned around and went to another street for going home.

"What she means to say is" The girl that was pinching Katsumi, and possibly the only girl in the class that hadn't treated Izuku that badly "Thank you for saving her, when nobody was." With that this girl also turned around to go towards her home, and with that the group slowly dispersed giving him their thanks for helping Katsumi. But this left Izuku with nothing much more than more confusion.

'What was that about?' He watched as the whole group dispersed and went for their homes.

After the whole street was empty Izuku turned back so that he could go back home, with the visiting card of Death Arms safely tucked in his pocket.

"I AM HERE!" Almight yelled as his sudden appearance gave Izuku a scare.

"Ahhh Almight!" Izuku shouted with a jump "Why are you here? Weren't you surrounded by the police?"

"Shaking them of is nothing for me." Almight said as he looked at the teen while giving him a two fingered salute "After all I'm Alll--koffblegrhhh" he promptly coughed out blood as he shrunk down to his real form of a malnutrition man.

"Almight" Izuku yelled as he went near the man who was busy coughing up blood. "Are you okay?"

"I am Alright, young man." The small might said as he looked at the teen again "But I am here for another reason." He spoke as he stood straight "I am here to thank you."

"But why." Izuku said interrupting the small form of Almight "I mean what happend today, was my fault from the start, if I hadn't gotten in the way, then there wouldn't have been the situation that happened today. And then I got in the way of the pro heroes when they were trying to save Kaachan."

"I will stop you there, young man." Almight said as he brought his hand up to stop him "When you jumped in to save your friend, what were you thinking?" He asks the teen sincerely as Izuku tried to think what was it that he was thinking when he jumped in to save her. And Izuku knew that he was not thinking when he did that. "Let me take a guess, you weren't thinking, your legs ran on your own." When Almight said this Izuku looked up to him as he told him exactly what he did. "Most of the true heroes, shows greatness even as children, they say that their bodies move before any of them could even think, that's what happened back there is it not." He spoke and tears started to stream down Izuku's face, as all the memories from the past went by his eyes.

"Of all the people in the crowd, it was you, a timid child who took the initiative to save someone. Which spurred me into action." Almight said as the image of the doctor who told him that he didn't have a quirk.

"I am afraid there's no hope for him." The doctor sitting on the chair said as brought out a X-ray."

"Your action made me realize my hypocrisy."

"You can't be a hero, Deku, you are quirkless." Katsumi Bakugo said as she stood over him.

"Why can't he understand, he can't be a hero." Another of his classmate said "He is such a loser, I mean a quirkless being a hero."

"I am sorry, Izuku." Inko Midoriya cried as he held on to her child as he watched the video of Almight saving the people from the burning building. "I am so sorry."

'That was not what I wanted to hear, mom.' Izuku thought as he looked at the skinny figure of Almight as he bowed in front of him on his knees crying as he stood over him.

"You young man." Almight said looking at the teen "Can be a hero." He then brought his hand up in the air.

"And I deem you worthy of inheriting my quirk." Cue the tears that he was shedding stopped as he looked at the no.1 hero in confusion.

"Huh?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"And before I give you my quirk, I would like to discuss about your quirk." Now he was more confused than ever.

'Discuss about my wha?' "HUHHH?!"


Hello People, this is another fanfic, a crossover between Naruto and My Hero Academia, now few question that I know that you may ask, so I will try to give you guys some normal answers for some question that probable will come my way.

So Naruto/My Hero Academia fix, I've read some stories of My hero Academia with To Be Hero and Total Command are my favourites. And then I've also looked through the crossover section and I did not find a good story with Izuku having Kurama. And I was searching for the story with Izuku having Kurama I suddenly thought, why not just right one myself. So here is a story that I wrote down.

Now regarding Izuku's quirk in this, he will have One For All no doubt for my own reason and he will have chakra. My reason for giving Izuku chakra is not like this, I am giving him Kyuubi, so I must give him chakra to make him strong, or Chakra is combination of physical and spiritual energy so he must be able to use it. No these are not the reason. For giving him chakra the reason is simple. Kyuubi no Kurama is giant mass of chakra given sentience, so because Kyuubi is made up of chakra, and Izuku as the new host of the Kyuubi should be able to use that as chakra as the energy is going to course through him now. So here is something else that you would want. And no this is not going to be an OP Izuku story, he needs to grow as a character, also do you really think that the giant mass of energy whose pride and ego far surpasses its size and its tail length will let a runt of child use the full capabilities that he could provide, he definitely won't. There will be other elements that I will include from the Naruto. Now remember also that this is going to be a complete AU.

Also the pairing in the story might lean heavily on harem, so enjoy that too.

In the end enjoy the story my Friends, and remember to vote, leave comments and follow me.

You can also read my other stories in the meantime.

Lights Out Guys.