Day 1: Quarantined

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Lucy banged on the door, shouting at her friend on the other side. "I'm not even that sick, I promise!" she said as tears pricked her eyes from trying to suppress a cough.

"I'm sorry, Lucy! But it's for your own good," Erza shouted back at her from the other side. "It won't be that bad. You'll have the entire Guildhall to yourself for two weeks. There's plenty of food in the fridge and we'll send Happy to check on you once a day to make sure you're okay."

"Why Happy?" Lucy asked, momentarily stopping her complaining out of curiosity.

Erza hesitated. "Well, we're pretty surehe's unable to catch the virus, cause he's a cat and all." Erza's voice dropped and she added, "and we're wiling to take the chance," almost as if to herself.

Lucy giggled. "I guess that makes sense." She turned back to the door. "But why do I have to stay at the Guildhall? Why can't I just go home?" she whined.

"Because if anyone else gets sick, they can join you at the Guildhall. It will be easier to check up on everyone and make sure they're safe that way," Erza explained.

"Damn,"Lucy thought, "It does make sense."

"This sucks," she finally said with a defeated tone.

"Stay positive! Anyways, I'm going home. If there's an emergency, send one of your spirits, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," Lucy sighed before sliding herself into a heap at the bottom of the door. She looked out at the completely empty Guildhall and rolled her eyes. Of course she'd always hated how loud and rambunctious it was inside. And of course she'd wished for a little peace and quiet away from everyone all the time. But being put under forced quarantine was not what she had in mind.

She groaned as she realized she'd be unable to take a job for at least these two weeks, which was really going to make paying for rent next month a lot harder. "Fucking Natsu," she said aloud, to no one in particular. He just had to go and torch a magic shop, causing one of the curse potions to heat up and mutate. Within a day the virus had infected any mage that came into contact with it and easily passed from one mage to another. As soon as people caught on, they were able to get to a healer to cast a guarding spell if they couldn't do it themselves. Unfortunately for Lucy, Natsu was still able to pass the virus along to her.

"Stupid bastard. He's the one that goes and releases this pandemic and he's unable to get sick because his normal body temperature is a gazillion degrees," Lucy muttered.

A deep sneeze echoed across the Guildhall, causing Lucy to startle. She looked up, sure that its source was from the second floor. Touching her keys, she slowly stood. "Who's there?" she called out.

She could hear a bit of shuffling above her before a rather large and irritated lightning dragon slayer approached the bannister. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Laxus asked, his deep voice a bit more gravely than normal.

Lucy sighed and let go of her keys. Laxus did not look like his normal self. His hair was somewhat unkempt and instead of wearing fitted trousers and his signature silk shirt, he had a smoking jacket atop athletic pants. "What am I doing here? What are you doing here? I'm supposed to be under quarantine from the virus."

"And here I was, thinking I was going to get some goddamn peace and quiet. That idiot teammate of yours better not be with you," Laxus shouted back at her, clearly miffed at her presence.

"He's not. The bastard doesn't really get sick." Lucy looked up at the hulking blond. "Wait a minute. How are you sick? Aren't you some pseudo dragon slayer too? Shouldn't you have a heightened immune system?"

Laxus rolled his eyes. Not only was he extremely irritated that he caught this idiotic magical virus, but now he had to deal with a thousand questions from the undeniably hot, yet also annoying Lucy Heartfilia.

"Done shouting. If you want to talk to me, you'll have to come up here," he said before shuffling off. Laxus collapsed in one of the wingback chairs near the window. He pinched the bridge of his nose. This was not good. This virus was playing games with all of his senses and he had little to no control over his dragon soul right now. The only saving grace was that he was too exhausted to act on many of its urges. One of which was to Mark Lucy as soon as she was in range. Whoever thought it was a good idea to put Lucy into the Guildhall with him while he was in the state was a complete moron.

The stairs creaked as Lucy slowly made her way up to the second floor. Laxus sighed. He's rather hoped she would just stay downstairs—for the entire two weeks. That would make things a little bit easier on him.

As Lucy reached the top of the stairs, she looked to the back corner to see Laxus lounging in one of the high back chairs, his feet in slippers and propped up on the coffee table. He was one cigar away from looking like some mob boss. "Well don't you look comfortable," Lucy teased as she collapsed onto the sofa opposite him.

He narrowed his eyes at her. Stupid girl, wearing a skintight white tank and pink shorts that left her entire legs on display. Was she purposefully making things difficult for him? "I guess you don't have the chills yet then," he said in a mocking tone, "given how you're dressed."

A look of dread crossed Lucy's features before letting out a sneeze. "I only just tested positive. How long have you had it for?"

"Not much longer than you. My quarantine started yesterday. Got the chills this morning," Laxus responded, too tired to argue.

Lucy looked at the man and almost felt bad for him—almost. He was still a cocky bastard after all. She hated that he looked this sexy even when he was laid up with a magical virus.

"I guess we're going to be spending the next two weeks together then," Lucy said with a yawn.

"Joy," Laxus said sarcastically before closing his eyes and leaning his head back.

Lucy stretched out on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. "Why didn't anyone tell me you were already here?" Laxus didn't respond. "Earth to Laxus," she said sitting up to chide him for being rude only to find the man had completely fallen asleep.

Lucy scoffed and laid back down. Of course, a borderline fantasy of hers, being locked in the Guildhall alone with Laxus, was coming true. But he had to be sick and lacking in energy, just her luck. He was an asshole but a girl could still appreciate a good body. "Oh well. It's probably for the best," Lucy muttered before drifting off to sleep herself.


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Welcome to a completely irresponsible new story. Yes, I have many outstanding chapters for other works left to write and yes I should work on those instead but nah. With all the nonsense going on about coronavirus, this idea popped into my head and it had to be written down.

Chapters will be short but fun. Yes there will be smut. Actually, most of this story will be smut. Because me and because reasons.

So get ready for fourteen days of nothing but LaLu. You're welcome!
