Reviews for Quarantined Lightning
CrimsonSoul13 chapter 16 . 7/25
Ivy Wild? I have it downloaded if so.
graystripemkc chapter 16 . 7/25
Congrats! I can't wait to support you further!
AN chapter 15 . 6/24
Whew! This was torture to read. Got my hormones rushing with no dragon slayer of my own to tease. I mean DAMN! This was soooo hot. Lucky Lucy
WiCkEdAvEnGeD chapter 14 . 6/21
I’m dying to know how the guild reacts to the news, great story!
Adonisx chapter 2 . 6/17
omg I love this.
I was laughing so hard at your AN, who doesn't steal large sweaters and sweatpants when they have a chance?
Airbearlove chapter 15 . 6/12
What is the title and author name for swipe right?
aliciacevbra chapter 15 . 6/12
I'm glad you're well! I didn't know you had Instagram! But hey, you earned one more subscriber!
LaxusnSenkuLuva chapter 1 . 4/6
I LOVED THIS! I think I love all LaLu tbh...Also I have to ask, can I use your new word, “Covid-Coitus” ? Please?!
me381 chapter 14 . 4/2
Enjoyed this story and definitively liked the mating without biting
mikansakuraangel chapter 14 . 4/1
Oh woow lmao! Good ending! 10/10
Carlin chapter 14 . 3/31
Found your story a few days ago but waited until you had all 14 days before I binged it. Loved it! I see it’s still marked incomplete though. Do you plan to post an epilogue? Love all your work and can’t wait to read the next story!
frustratedfox chapter 14 . 4/1
I love that ending. Very Mira. :,)
I see you're getting the most of LaLu ;) Which, I can't blame you.
aliciacevbra chapter 14 . 3/31
So this whole time was a trick of Mira? Well he did it.
lucky333123 chapter 13 . 3/30
We are most likely going to be in quarantine until end of April or June :(
Tiernank chapter 13 . 3/30
Loved this chapter! I am so sad to see this end, but I can’t wait for the final chapter!
Have you seen the pictures from Londoners being able to see the Eiffel Tower? It’s been over 50 years since that was last possible! So cool!

Agree on the hair situation too... I am so glad I stopped dyeing my hair a year ago and also decided to let it grow out in January, but my poor daughter’s hair is a curly mess right now!

Keep up your awesomeness! Xoxo
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