Published on: 3/9/20
Words: 2,176
Hermione POV
I am currently on my way to Lake Avalon, where Vivien, the Lady of the Lake, used to live. There is a cottage nearby where her last descendant lives. After five years of preparing, I'm finally ready to go. I can and must change everything. Voldemort is dead but the world is still in chaos because, after two years of peace, a fucking death eater decided to kill Harry. He was in Diagon Alley with Ginny; who was seven months pregnant; when a death eater came up behind him and pointed his wand at Ginny. He was angry about something and wanted revenge on Harry for it. Harry jumped in front of Ginny as the death eater fired the killing curse. Everything since then has been chaos. The loose death eaters came out and started attacked everyone randomly. Almost everyone that fought for the light is dead. All that is left fighting is Ginny, Ron, Bill, Arthur, and me. Luna is still alive but she doesn't fight since she now has a kid of her own and she watches over James Sirius Potter, Harry's only kid.
It has been eight years since Voldemorts defeat and six years since Harry's death. I spent those same six years looking for a way to fight against all this chaos. Ron and I broke up after Harry's death because I wanted to put my whole being into finding a way to fight back. He ended up with Luna and they currently have one kid with me as her godmother and Bill as her godfather. The same six years of finding a way to end this, I have been preparing to go back in time. It was the only solution I had. I found the answer in one of the books in Sirius's library. I had read all of them and losing hope with every book I finished. I had read every book at Hogwarts, and Flourish and Botts and starting to finish Sirius's set. It was in one of the books about myths that I found the answer. It was a box called Merlin's box. It had the ability to send someone back in time without risks of paradoxes. The only problem was that only one was made and no one knows where it is. Also, the user can only use the device once with no possibility of coming back. Another thing is that the time period traveled is, most likely, chosen by The Box. A new identity is chosen by The Box. And The Box is capable of refusing service if it considers the user unworthy. According to the legend, "One has to go to the place where the finest student of the greatest four, has lost his heart to the woman on the other shore."
When I found this, there was a meeting about using it. At first, they were against it but after arguing with me about it and me mentioning that I would do it with or without their help, they agreed. So I went to where the legend said and I met up with the last descendant of Vivien and she answered my questions about the box. The box also chose me worthy of using it so I just had to prepare. I can remember that day as if it was yesterday.
I had found the cottage hiding in a passage near the lake. I went in and found a lady on a couch in the living area. We greeted each other and she let me in. Once I was seated and had a cup of tea in my hands, the woman continued. "Well, first of all, my Name is Mrs. Aurora Gamp. I am the guardian of Merlin's Boxes, as well as a current resident of this house. It used to belong to Vivien of Avalon, and that is why the Boxes were all in here," she paused to see if I understood what she was talking about. After I nod, she continued. "Now, I do have the box and, unfortunately, it can only serve one person," she said with a sad smile. "Okay, next question," Aurora continued. "The paradox stuff is rather hard to explain, but I will try my best. You see, when a person uses the Box, his soul and magic are transported. The user finds himself in a new body. The new body should be of the same gender and have a few similar features, but most of it would be different. Merlin called it the 'fresh start factor'," Mrs. Gamp chuckled. "I guess that also answers your identity question," she added. "And yes, once the old memories hit the new body, it would most likely result in a relatively painful migraine for around half an hour. But it's noting a normal person couldn't handle," she shrugged. "Anyway, continuing with the paradoxes. Think about the box as about a mechanism that creates a new reality, without the original you in it. In other words, you were born in the time the Box chose for you, and that's it," Aurora said as if all of that made perfect sense. "And no, you cannot choose which year you are going to. You will only find that out, once you're already there," she put in.
"There is some good news, though," she added seeing my obvious disappointment. "The Box will not put the user in a time that would not be relevant to the reason he was seeking the box in the first place. Let me use a simple example for this," Aurora said quickly after I gave her a questioning look. "If you wanted to use the box, because your favorite uncle lost his wand when he was five, the box would not send you back further than when you couldn't prevent that from happening. It would, however, choose a period in that time range, which would suit your personal needs and the needs of those around you the most. Basically, it puts you in the time you want, as well as the time you're needed in. Is that clear?" she asked. "Yes actually. Thank you," I answered. "That's great," Aurora smiled. "Now, the 'worthy' part is the easiest one to explain," she continued. "The Box simply searches your mind for the required qualities, i.e. compassion, determination, intelligence, etc. Simple, really," she waved it off. After a second, her face lit up with excitement. "Now, I think that's it. Would you like to see the box?" I nodded enthusiastically and followed Mrs. Gamp to the room further down the corridor. When I finally saw the Box, I couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed. I expected something grand and magnificent. Like the house. Instead, there was a medium-sized, simple-looking, brown wood, rectangular-shaped box. It had some carving on it, but it was nothing significant. And then a thought hit me. Who cares how the Box looked? It could help me change history. Once I realized that; the Box seemed to become much more precious looking.
"Okay, Hermione. Just put your hands on the Box and we will see if you can use it," Mrs. Gamp looked at me expectantly. When she saw my hesitant expression, she continued. "Don't worry, dear, it will not transport you straight away. For that you would have to open it," she explained. "For now, we will only determine if it considers you worthy. So go ahead," Aurora tried to encourage me. I calmed myself down and put my hands on the Box. After a few moments, the box started glowing yellow. "Well, isn't that interesting," Aurora said, frowning a little. "Does this mean that I qualify?" I asked hesitantly. "Yes, but it also means that you're not ready and/or capable of doing it yet," she replied. "Excuse me?" I said angrily. "Oh, don't give me your attitude, child." Aurora rolled her eyes. "You can open it now if you want to. It simply suggests doing some additional preparation for the journey, so you could actually achieve something." "How can I do additional preparation, if I don't even know which time period I will land in?" I all but shouted."That might be true," the woman said calmly. "However, you do know your mission. Therefore, you could learn the basic facts that would help you in any time period," she reasoned. "In addition, extra training and research wouldn't hurt you, would it?" "Oh. Uh, Yes, certainly," I answered, feeling like an idiot. Of course, I should get all the information available. I should even try and get memories of everyone involved. Aurora was right, if I was doing it, I might as well do it right. "I apologize for my rudeness. You are right, of course," I blushed. "I should go and get started," I concluded.
"Nice to see you finally came to your senses," Mrs. Gamp replied sounding amused. "Take as long as you need. Once the box chooses the user, it will not consider anyone else," she assured me and led me to the door. "That is really good to know," I relaxed. "Thank you for everything, Mrs. Gamp. I hope to see you soon," I added. "I am sure you will, dear," Aurora smiled. "Good luck," she said and went back inside. I looked at the house once more and apparated home. I had a lot of work to do.
End of Flashback
I finally got to the Lake, so I landed and got off my broom and started walking towards to passage with the cottage in it. I got over my fear of flying a year after Harry died. All the Weasleys taught me and so did Viktor when I went to Bulgaria to look through the libraries there. In the past six years, I have been through every library that I could reach. By going everywhere, I got to learn so many languages so that is a plus. Now I also know Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Bulgarian, French, Latin, Russian, German, Hungarian, Italian, and Romanian. As the overachiever that I am, I learned two languages every year. I did this because I've always wanted to travel the world and also because there were spells in those languages that were helpful in saving the people I could for as long as I could. I also worked on training my body with the help of Charlie, while he was alive, and Bill. I also studied everything on what Voldemort since the day he knew about magic. Two things that I did without anyone knowing was learning parseltongue and becoming an animagus.
I was able to learn parseltongue because during the Horcrux hunt; after Ron left, Harry and I did two rituals that I read about so we could ensure each other's safety. The first one was a blood ritual so he and I would have rights over the other's things just in case one of us was killed. The other was a magic transfer ritual that made each of us have an equal amount of the other's magic. Because Voldemort's magic was also in Harry at the time, his ability to speak to snakes came with his magic, as well as Voldemort's affinity for dark magic. It helps since I was able to learn all types of spells thanks to it, but I only used dark spells when it was an absolute emergency.
Going on to my animagus form, well forms since I have more that one. Ironically, one of my forms is a lioness. My other forms is a phoenix and a snake. I don't like using my snake form because it reminds me of Voldemort but it helps when trying to get into tight places.
"Hello, child. Ready?" I was brought out of my thoughts as I reached the porch of the house and saw Mrs. Gamp. I smiled at her. "I won't ever be ready but this has to be done. We can't live like this anymore," I said and she nodded. "Come then, my child. Let's not waste any time," she said and I nodded. She led me inside to where the box was. "The Box will come back to this place when you go back. It won't matter when you end up, the box always comes back here for safekeeping until the next person needs it," she said and I nodded. I grabbed the box and opened it. This time the Box had a bright white glow around it, which made us both smile. I thought I was ready for what was about to happen, and the Box confirmed it. Talk about a confidence boost. I smiled at Mrs. Gamp one last time and then a bright blue light was the last thing I saw before I passed out.