Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

Tuesday, November 21st, XXXX, 11: 49 pm

? P.o.v.

She huffed as she stood under her umbrella. She knew today would be a bad day to go along with the dress code -that she made herself and she doesn't even follow it-.

She was freezing in the light-weight, white and purple -to complement her silver eyes and hair-, floral sundress with a purple lace cape she had designed to be worn in the summertime. The fact that she's wearing stilettos with it made it all the worse.

Her secretary -Thank the stars for that precious child- had made her wear his new raincoat because he was worried for her.

Mumbling curses under her breath when she heard thunder and saw lightning flash, she decided to just walk across the road while no vehicles were coming because the bus would be at least another fifteen minutes.

Making it across the road safely, she turned to the right and started walking down the sidewalk to the nearest convenience store that was still open after midnight.

Picking up the sound of sirens and engines in the background, she turned around to see flashing lights in the distance coming her way. She frowned, "Are criminals these days really that stupid to do something in this kind of weather?" She murmured to herself. She answered her own question,"Apparently, yes, yes they are."

Hearing the roar of an engine coming closer she started moving closer to the buildings. When she had almost reached the corner a monster truck rushed by, nearly deafening her. Seeing the truck making a sharp turn she stayed still against the antique shop. Then- -BANG!BANG!BANG!- "HAVE A NICE TIME IN H***, YOU KITSUNE B*T**!"

Those were the last words she ever heard as she slumped over, dead. Broken, blood stained glass laying all around her body paired with her expressionless face, pale skin, and the blood seeping into her silver hair made it look like a tragic, but beautiful masterpiece. Almost as though it came straight out of a movie.

-4 years later- Friday, July 16th, XXXX, 1:37 pm

? P.o.v.

Her (New. Her new name because that wasn't her real name. Her real name was-) name is Tsunayoshi Sawada, or rather Sawada Tsunayoshi considering that she's in Japan.

Currently, she is in a four year old body(but she wasn't four. She knew that and-). Raised by her mother -Sawada Nana- and with her father never around -that jerk. How dare he make her mother like this. So sad and so much less than she could be-, she looked like your normal run-of-the-mill toddler, but she wasn't. Far from it actually. Why?

Because she dreamed. She dreamed of memories. The memories of her past life, and she dreamed of the would'ves, could'ves, should'ves, and the what if's. Of the nightmares and knowledge she had.

Her name (Real name. True name. The name the Stars gave her. The one she never told anyone.) is Sinopa Taji Chiyo-Satoko. And this is her tenth reincarnation.

Sunday, September 18th, XXXX, 11:59 am

Tsunayoshi Sawada (Sinopa Taji Chiyo-Satoko) P.o.v.

What struck her as odd about this reincarnation, however, was that she was not in her home world. No, she had known where she was the moment her soul reawakened in her new body and she had sensed the flames -dormant or not- in others around her.

She was in the world of Katekyo Hitman Reborn. She vividly remembered the plot outline from when she had read the manga series for entertainment -she did read it six times because there was so much she missed the first time or two she read it and then she got hooked on it-.

She may have also read fan-fiction whenever she didn't have a physical book on her to read. That happened more often than she would like to admit.

She had slowly developed her old conscious from her last life though the dreams her new body had. She already had fresh blood on her hands in this new life.

She had indirectly killed Sawada Tsunayoshi, so for now( because the world wasn't quite ready for her yet. She wasn't quite ready to face this world-), she would slowly -oh so very slowly- change back to herself as to not worry her new mother, Nana.

She did not know why the Cosmos sent her soul here -it was a completely different dimension than her own, so what was the reason the Cosmos sent her here?-, but she knew she would get her answers if she remained patient.

In the meantime, she would gather information. Information about this world, about what is to come, and about the flames in the Underground of this world.

Nana had given her her old sketch book in hopes that her daughter would draw in it, but instead she planned to use it as a catalogue/personal journal.

She sighed. She had a lot to do before Reborn came. If there was one thing she was not, it would fate's play-thing as Tsunayoshi was in the manga.

She would not bend to another's will. She would not become just a figure-head of the mafia being played like a marionette on a stage just because she was a girl. She refused to be anyones- or anything's- play toy.

No, she would not be any of those things. She would beat it into everyone's head that she is the - to quote Hibari Kyoya- carnivore of this town, and those who messed with her or what is hers would pay dearly for it.

She would make this world play right into her hands from the start; not the other way around. After all, there's a reason she is the first Silver Kitsune to achieve having 9 tails.

"Tsu-Chan! Lunch is ready!"

"Ok, Kaa-San!"

.And if anyone was watching her stare into nothingness in the living room of her house as she thought this before her mother called her for lunch, they would forever deny seeing -for just a split second- her amber eyes glow a beautiful color of silver, or even just convince themselves it must have been a trick of the light because nobody eyes just turned silver out of nowhere, and certainly not a little girls.

Sunday, September 18th, XXXX, 12:30 pm

Nana Sawada P.o.v.

"Tsu-Chan! Lunch is ready!" called out Nana into the living room as she was setting the table for her and her daughter. Hearing "Ok, Kaa-San," in response, she went back to humming a song from her childhood that she could never remember the words too.

Nana smiled as her daughter came into the dining room

"Good afternoon ,Tsu-Chan. Did you have fun playing?" questioned Nana as they both sat down at the table.

"Hai, Kaa-San. Did you have a good time making lunch?" Her daughter answered and questioned back.

"I did indeed have a good time, Tsu-Chan. Thank you for asking," Nana replied. They looked at each other before they bust into a giggling fit.

Nana knew her daughter was much smarter than a normal four year old, but she didn't mind. As far as she could tell, her daughter was happy and that's all that mattered to her.

She even let her daughter have a computer at her age because Nana could tell that she didn't like normal toddler things.

She was never really interested when Nana tried to get her to play with dolls and make up imaginary adventures like other children would. Her daughter did enjoy it when she played hide-and-seek or tag though.

She tried to see if her Tsu-Chan was more interested in more boy-like things, but only a small amount of more interest was shown to them as girly toys would- little did she know that her daughter really really wanted those toy dart guns, but decided not to ask Nana for them. This time, that is-.

It was almost as if she had already grown up and was just trying to make Nana think that she hadn't, but she wasn't the best actor out there.

When Nana saw that her Tsu-Chan soaked up knowledge like a sponge, she was more than happy to let her read just about all that she could get her hands on as all the books in the house slowly made their way onto her daughters bookshelf.

She had teaching sessions that her daughter asked for to make sure she was doing things correctly. She had even asked about more practical things. Things that schools, unfortunately, didn't teach anymore.

Because of that, her speech and writing was almost on par with the average pre-teen education in those specific aspects. That usually leads to the fun little polite~but~still~casual small talk they have in the mornings, just like what they did a moment ago.

It also taught her how to properly use polite small talk to get information from somebody without them realizing it. It ends with their guard being put down to the point they're unknowingly spilling extra information that can be used against them.

She was positive that if her Tsu-Chan asked, she would probably skip the first several grades in primary school.

That reminded her; The local News Channel said something about the crime rate increasing and that delinquents liked to target school children.

She did have a flyer for the local Dojo. She should see what Tsu-Chan thought of it, because surely they had lessons for small children as well, right?

Something simple but helpful in case of emergencies. It might even be something the two of them could bond together with. That's if her Tsu-Chan is interested though.

Although, she did wish her Tsu-Chan was more interested in making friends or at least in something she could help her with.

Like wearing dresses, sewing, cooking, or well, anything a proper housewife should know how to do.

Tsu-Chan absolutely hated wearing dresses with a passion for some unfathomable reason. She would only wear a dress for Nana if she used her teary eyed expression, and even then it was an uphill battle.

She wasn't about to get her hopes up though because her daughter was much too smart and special to be a simple house-wife like herself. While she was a little saddened by that, she was very proud of her daughter.

"Kaa-San, I'm done." Hearing her daughter's voice brought her out of her train of thought.

"Alright, Tsu-Chan. Put it in the sink for Kaa-San to wash later, okay?"

"Kaa-San, I already washed my plate for you. Are you all right, Kaa-San?" Her daughter asked her with a concerned look on her face.

"Ara, I must have been lost in thought, but I'm fine Tsu-Chan." said Nana as she gave her one of her blinding smiles to reassure her daughter that she was fine.

"Now, why don't you head up stairs to brush your teeth, then come back down so I can talk to you about something, okay sweetie?" Nana told her when her train of thought went back to the town's Dojo.

"Would it not be easier to tell me now, Kaa-San?" questioned Tsu-Chan. However, Nana knew exactly what she was trying to do.

"It would yes, but this lets me check that you did actually brush your teeth." Nana countered with a look that told Tsuna what she thought about her attempt to get out of brushing her teeth.

Nana knew that if she spoke with her daughter now and didn't check her teeth, she wouldn't bother brushing them and go straight to playing around with her new laptop or whatever it was her daughter got up to when she was by herself.

"Aww, drats. My plans are foiled again by none other than you, Kaa-San." Her daughter retorted in a deadpan.

"Yes, now get on with it so I can speak with you, alright." And with that her daughter went about heading upstairs to brush her teeth.

"I swear, I might not be as smart as my daughter, but I bet my two golden arrows that she's going to be just like me when I was in my teenage years." She thought to herself with a smile.

…..If you looked too long, however, you might have imagined it curling into something akin to a smirk.

Because Nana knew that her daughter wasn't your average toddler, she decided to try not to sugar coat this conversation too much.

"Tsu-Chan, do you remember how on the news there were stories of crime rate increasing?" She asked her daughter as she came into the living room to take a seat across from her Kaa-San.

"I remember, Kaa-San. Why?" she asked.

"Well, I found this flyer for the local Dojo, and thought I should take some basic self-defense classes and see if there are any classes you can take there. If you want to, that is."

Nana was carefully watching her daughters expression and noticed that her eyes light up with emotions she wanted to call surprise and happiness, and maybe a little bit of something else.

"I would love too, Kaa-San!" Tsuna exclaimed with delight. "When do you plan on taking us, Kaa-San?"

"Well, I was thinking possibly later this week, say this Tuesday at around two o'clock? That way we'll leave shortly after we eat lunch. Does that sound okay, Tsu-Chan?" She asked as she mentally rejoiced to have something the two of them could bond over with.

"That's fine by me, Kaa-San." Answered her daughter. "Is there anything else you want to talk about, Kaa-San?"

"No, that's all I wanted to talk about for now, Tsu-Chan. You can go stairs and take a nap if you want to. I think I'm going to sharpen the kitchen knives because I'm having some trouble cutting things with them. I meant to do so last night but my TV shows were on."

With that being said Nana headed to the kitchen as her daughter went up stairs. "Maybe I should stop with the acting entirely before it causes damage to my ability of trying to be a good Mother." Nana frowned. "But whatever Iemitsu did to me just won't let me out of my facade that I created when I met him."

Nana wasn't originally a ditzy housewife, but when she fell in love with Imeitsu something in her changed. It's only now that she's even realized something was wrong with her.

Thinking back on it now, when was the last time she even behaved like her normal self, or the last time she spoke to her family even?

"I think I need to see my family's doctor…..Hmm, What was I thinking? I don't need to see my family's doctor. I'm perfectly healthy. Where did that silly little thought come from?" Putting the knives back in the drawer she went back to the living room to turn on the TV and started flipping through the channels to find her shows.

Sunday, September 18th, XXXX, 12:57 pm

Tsunayoshi Sawada (Sinopa Taji Chiyo-Satoko) P.o.v.

After lunch with Nana, she went back upstairs to her room for a 'nap' when in reality that's not even close to what she was going to do.

Opening her bedroom door revealed the soft pink and yellow walls with a white ceiling with a dark wooden ceiling fan and a dark vinyl floor. In the center of the far wall was a large white bay window with cabinets underneath it and a few stuffed animals and pillows on top of it.

More often than not, she would sleep in the bay window rather than her small bed with bright pink sheets shoved in the far right corner of her room.

The far left corner had a child sized desk with three back shelves and storage cabinets on each side. Above the desk there was a clock, and on said desk was a small laptop. Beside that was a small dresser with a body sized mirror attached to it's left side.

She was surprised that Nana actually got the small laptop for her when she asked for it while they were out shopping a few weeks ago.

To the left side of her door was a bookshelf that held many toys and possibly all of the books in the house with a few coloring books as well.

Her room also had its own bathroom with the door to it being on the wall to her right and in the near right corner of the bedroom. This left the center of her room wide open to do whatever she wanted to do. She took advantage of this by using it to exercise.

She knew she couldn't over work this body and she needed to make sure Nana wouldn't question her or worry about her, so she played jump rope.

She also played a 'racing game' that let her make laps around her room and she could practice making her footsteps silent as to not make Nana aware that she wasn't actually asleep.

There were many others 'games' that she made up to train her body very lightly and build up her stamina so that she could push herself harder as her body got older.

She wasn't doing any of that today, however, because it was Sunday and this is her rest day where instead of playing her 'games' she would work on her education and record any new knowledge she discovers about this world.

She made her way to the storage cabinet on the far side of her desk and opened the bottom drawer. Pushing up on the underside of it revealed that it had a fake bottom that was hiding an old sketch book and a pen - the one Nana gave her and thinks that she somehow 'lost' it-.

She was the only one who knew of the fake bottom because she was the one who put it there. In fact, with her currently limited skills and resources she has put as many possible hidden compartments all over her room.

She took the sketch book and pen, and then she proceeded to crawl under her bed. She knew that she wasn't going to fit underneath her bed for a hiding spot forever, but she was going to fully abuse every advantage she possibly could until she was able to make better arrangements.

She laid on her stomach as she opened the sketch book and started where she left off last Sunday.

.Sawada Nana is not as she seems, or rather not what I once thought she was. I have concluded that she has equally strong Rain and Mist Flames with weaker Sun Flames.

What worries me is that I can tell that they were once active flames, but now they act as though they're dormant. No, not dormant, repressed.

Whatever that b**tard of sperm donor did, it has done terrible damage. It is also forcing her soul down in place of what my sperm donor sees her as, and that is the 'perfect fairy-tale house-wife'.

Thankfully it does seem to be reversible damage as Nana had spoken of taking fighting lessons for self-defense which society would frown upon a 'perfect house-wife' saying or even thinking of such things for themselves.

I will continue this specific train of thought later, however, because I've only given myself three years. Three years to polish up any and all of my skills. Three years to get my name known on the Black Web. In three years this body will be seven years old and I will start setting the stage for when the Mafia comes for me, but I only have one year to find a way to avoid the Sealing of my Flames.

I will write some more notes before I get on my laptop.


About Myself:

-I can see Auras and Flames. The difference is that Auras are outside the body and are connected to all of a person's emotions while Flames are inside their body.

-If Flames are active, they are bright and moving through the body like water. If they are dormant, they are dull and almost still at the person's core.

-My Kitsune Flames are active in this body, although I've yet to use and/or train them.

-I am not sure if My kitsune Flames are my Dying Will Flames or if I have yet to awaken them

-I am very good with technology and have already started hacking things for information.

About Nana Sawada:

-She has Mist, Rain, and Sun Flames

-Her Flames were active but her jerk of a husband did something to her

-She was not always a civilian, but I don't think she counts a civilian even now, because once you enter the Underground, there is no true escape from it.

-I suspect she has secrets and many hidden items such as weapons around the house.

With that last sentence, She crawled out from under her bed, put the sketch book and pen back in the drawer, and then proceeded to get on her laptop.

A/N: Hi! Please tell me what you think and leave a review! Feel free to kindly point out any grammar or spelling mistakes you see.