As the bright morning sun shone through the window onto Amity's face, she groggily blinked open her eyes. Blinking away the gloss from her vision, the pale witch glanced down at the sleeping human cradled in her arms. A small smile creeped across Amity's face as she recalled last night's escapades. She had no idea things would go the way they did, but she was happy for it.

After a few minutes of quiet reminiscing, Amity glanced over at the small glass orb on her bedside table containing a blue swirling mist. After a few moments of concentration, glowing green numbers appeared to form from the mist; VII:XXIII. 'Eugh not even eight yet' She thought to herself. Normally she'd enjoy the chance to lie in on a quiet day like this, but she was awake now, and once Amity had woken up, that was it, there'd be no chance of her dozing off again. Now all she wanted to do was get up and take a shower and brush her teeth. Morning breath and the taste of Luz? Not the nicest combo in the morning, not to mention she was pretty sure she had a hair stuck to the roof of her mouth. Last night had left her body aching and sticky, which at the time when caught up in the heat of it all, she wouldn't have a care in the world, but now she felt just a little on the gross side. This all however raised a slight issue;

How to get out of bed without waking the human currently wrapped around her body.

'Wonderful' She thought. 'The first real test of our relationship and it's not even been a full day yet' She sighed at the thought before smirking, she'd realized she was making a mountain out of a spidermole hill. A cold shiver ran through her body 'spider moles bleh, why did I think about that?' After snapping out of her little episode, Amity began the slow process of prying Luz's almost iron grip from her body. To start, she took a hold of Luz's head, trying not to bury her fingers into her skull, which was difficult, but the Latina hadn't woken up; so far so good.

As she pried Luz's head off her chest, she quickly took a spare pillow and slide it down her front before lowering Luz's head onto the pillow. Now there was a wedge, things should get easier…should anyway.

Moving to Luz's left arm, which was currently wrapped around Amity's waist, the pale witch took her time, easing up each finger before clenching the sleeping girls' hand into a fist. Then it was a simple matter of taking said arm, lifting the pillow forward and sliding the girls arm around the pillow so that Luz was hugging the pillow rather than Amity.

Suddenly Luz stirred and Amity froze, she was sure her heart had stopped beating for a second there. The Latina mumbled something about "King" and…." bacon"? Amity wasn't sure what to make of that but then Luz simply nuzzled into the pillow and was out of it again. Breathing a quiet sigh of relief Amity repeated the process with Luz's right arm until the sleeping human was now only hugging the pillow…. the pillow that was still resting up against Amity.

'Alright…here we go'.

It was an agonizingly slow process of lifting the pillow AND luz up before carefully shimmying up and out of the little gap between Luz and the bed's headboard. She had to balance sliding off the bed while lowering Luz back down onto the bed, made all the more difficult due to the fact she had to turn her body at a painful angle in order to face Luz as she lowered her down. She came out of this at a terrible angle and in hindsight she could have done a far better and easier job of it. But it was too late for that.

Eventually Amity managed to lower Luz down onto the bed all without waking her, something she was quite proud of despite all the new backpain she was suffering from now. It was worth it however, Amity thought, Luz was adorable in the way she was just curled up, hugging the pillow, she couldn't bear to wake her. Planting a little kiss on the girl's forehead, Amity pulled the covers Luz, making sure she was at least stay warm in her naked state before turning away.

Just as she was about to head out her room, the toy caught her attention. It was still there at the foot of the bed where the girls had left it last night, along with the chest…and on the floor, peeking out from under her bed was the duffel bag…with the whip and the candle…and the ice cube tray. Amity's face turned bright crimson with embarrassment as she recalled all the plans she made. The plans kind of fell through…hard, but now she couldn't even bear to look at them. She took out the ice cube tray, the magical ice still perfectly frozen, and kicked the duffel bag further under the bed in her attempt to hide her shame. The placed the tray momentarily while she focused on the toy and chest.

The toy was dry now, which surprised her considering just how wet'n'wild last night was, she snickered to herself over the phrase before taking the toy and dumping it back in the chest. It needed a clean obviously, but she could do that in a moment, for now best to just hide it away before Luz kicks it off the bed in her sleep. Shutting the lid closed, she traced the appropriate runes across the box lid to activate the seal. There was a red flash before the seams on the box vanished leaving an entirely featureless box. Amity then placed the box on the floor before training another set of runes on, the lines for the "cleaning" spell. After a flash of blue, the box began to quietly hum as it shook gently, the sounds of water sloshing about barely audible.

The pale witch allowed a smug smile to creep across her face 'God's I love magic' she thought 'Cheap and easy work arounds to almost any problem, you've got to love it.' And love it she did.

For the ice cubes, she thought it would be best to put them back, they were never used so it's fine, hide the evidence and no one will ever know she reasoned. After taking the tray, she slid her feet into her little green slippers before exiting her bedroom and made her way downstairs. With the tray back in the freezer, and almost losing a finger to the little ice bird in there, she quickly hobbled upstairs again, bypassing her bedroom this time and heading directly to the bathroom where a toothbrush and bottle of mouth were calling to her.

Once she had thoroughly scrubbed and rinsed her mouth, finally getting rid of that hair hidden way in there, she'd stepped out of the bathroom with her mouth feeling fresh. Glancing over at the large grandfather clock that sat in the middle of the hallway, Amity figured that she should probably wake Luz up. Upon opening her door however, she was surprised to see Luz was already awake...well sort of. Sat up on the bed with the sheets wrapped around her body, her hair ruffled and unkempt, a singular half opened eye groggily staring at her and a trail of drool moving down the side of her chin. She looked, well Amity wasn't sure how to describe it, cute? Hilarious? Slightly "ew"?

And yet seeing her, naked in her bed, wrapped in Amity's own bedsheets with the light of the morning sun hitting her from behind and giving her an almost holy glow, it did something to make her heart flutter.

'Aaaaand she's got drool all over my pillow, great.'