Subaru – Gamer and Shinobi
I've always loved these stories so, even though I am a bit late to the party, I'll give one a shot. If the story has any similarities to any other fan-fiction, it is purely a coincidence as the genre of the story and the story we started off with are the same. I do not own Naruto or The Gamer. Remember to Read and Review.
A New Beginning
I stood up, my body shaking as it tried to stand. Where... Where was I? I looked around, taking in the sights. To my left, there was darkness sporadically moving about, almost like it was alive. To my right, there was the same thing, only light instead of dark. At my feet, the two forces were peaceful, occasionally sending bursts of white or black into the other side. The two beings, as it seemed, were almost working in harmony.
A 'ping' sounded, almost like one that you'd find in a video-game. I looked to my front, only to close my eyes as the light and the dark shot up and swirled into a ying-yang. Once I opened my eyes, there was a screen, again, like a video-game.
Input Name:
Input Mode: 'Story Mode' | 'Free Play Mode' | 'Hard Mode'
Input Stat Points: (20 Remaining)
Strength: - 0 +
Vitality: - 0 +
Dexterity: - 0 +
Intelligence: - 0 +
Luck: - 0 +
Input Affinity: 'Fire' | 'Water' | 'Earth' | 'Lightning' | 'Wind'
I selected 'Story Mode' as I didn't really know what was happening. I stared at the screen for a few moments and decided to input my 'skill points' in before my name. I could think of a name while I did the skills. Anyway, first of all, what did the skills do? Sure, they were obvious, but how did they effect other things like health and maybe mana or whatever this game uses. Another 'ping' sound chimed.
[For thinking hard, have +1 Intelligence. Note: This will be added once you are transported to the world. To find out more, say 'Menu']
I once again stared at the pop-up in front of me. It really was a game. I said 'Menu' to see if what would happen. Another screen popped up.
Welcome, Player, to The Gamer. This power emulates the world around you as a game, allowing you to have special powers, level up and increase certain skills. By saying 'Menu' you have gained access to your status screen. Here, you can see your base stats, the amount of chakra and health you have, as well as your titles, the amount of money you have and your skill ans stat points.
Skill points can be used to improve skills without training them, while stat points can be used to increase you base stats which in turn increase health, chakra levels, chakra control, damage and other variables.
Strength increases your damage among other things, along with your health and chakra regeneration. Vitality increases your health points as well as health and chakra regeneration. Dexterity increases your speed and you reaction time. Intelligence increases your reaction time, also, and your planning aid. That is to say that your planning will be improved above your normal level as you may have been good at planning in your previous life. Luck is the most ambiguous of the stats, increasing your chance of having good events, good choices and loot. Your affinity is what chakra you use easiest, more can be unlocked later.
Chakra? Isn't that from Naruto? Well at least I know where I'll be going. After reading through it again, I decided to go put 8 points into Intelligence, 4 into Strength, 4 into Vitality, 2 into Dexterity and 2 into Luck. Going off of old game tactics, it's best if I focus on Intelligence at the start, grind Strength and Vitality with any skill points I earn early on, then Dexterity and after each are adequate, Luck. After that, I'd choose what to do from then on.
[For placing points logically, you earned +1 INT]
Hmm... If this keeps going on, I'll be the smartest guy on the planet. A thought occurred to me, what did I mean by old game tactics? Who was I before. Either way, it seems like I only remember parts of my old world that don't pertain around me. Though, going off of the fact that I've watched anime and know game tactics, I'd say I liked that sort of stuff.
[For making inferences, +1 INT]
I really was going to be the smartest guy on Earth. No. The Elemental Nations. Now I had to choose a name. I looked around me for inspiration. How about Danketsu? Never mind, it's too overused. What about Subaru. The forces beneath me were light and dark, but they were uniting at the centre and were almost living, lashing out in different ways. Yeah... That would be an alright name. Subaru, the uniting of people.
I inputted my name and like the fanboy I am (...well was), I chose wind, like Naruto had. Either way, wind could cut through just about anything. It would be epic to just put my hand out and see my enemies ripped to shreds.
Name: Subaru
Gender: Male
Title(s): The Gamer
Level: 1 (Next Level 0%)
HP: 40/40 (Regeneration: 10/minute)
CP: 45/45 (Regeneration: 15/minute)
CC: 20%
Affinity: Wind (5%)
STR: 4
VIT: 4
DEX: 2
INT: 11
LUC: 2
Points: 0
Allegiance: Konohagakure
Ryo: 500
[Continue: Y/N]
I pressed 'Y' and felt drowsy. I stumbled a bit before I fell on the floor, unmoving.
| Subaru: Gamer and Shinobi |
I woke up in a bed and after trying to get up and failing, I let my head fall to my pillow and closed my eyes, sighing. After a few minutes of lying in peace, I sat up in my bed. 'Menu' I thought in my head.
Name: Subaru
Gender: Male
Age: 6
Title/Status: The Gamer, Orphan
Level: 1 (Next Level 0%)
HP: 40/40 (Regeneration: 10/minute)
CP: 45/45 (Regeneration: 15/minute)
CC: 20%
Affinity: Wind (5%)
STR: 4
VIT: 4
DEX: 2
INT: 11
LUC: 2
Points: 0
Allegiance: Konohagakure
Ryo: 500
It seemed that I was a kid. Well, it makes more sense since an adult can't just suddenly appear. If I remember correctly from the Naruto universe, kids start ninja academy at 8, meaning I had 4 years of doing mostly nothing. Unless... If there were any leaves around, I may be able to release my chakra and increase my control on both normal chakra and wind chakra. But not immediately, obviously. First I find out where I was and who I am, after that then I can start. That will probably take today and maybe tomorrow.
[For thinking out a plan, +1 INT]
I got out of bed and noticed that there was a bed opposite mine, with a door in the middle of the two bed heads. I walked over to see who the person was. I bright yellow. Blue eyes. Whiskers. I didn't even need the tag hovering over him dictating his level, title and name to know who it was. It's our favourite blonde, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, though he doesn't know his surname yet. This must have been before he was kicked out of the orphanage. By the magic of game logic, he must be getting kicked out soon and he is probably around my age. Knowing the series, he is going to get kicked out on his 6th birthday probably.
I walked over to the window, wondering a few things. Why would they put me with Naruto? The only way the orphanage would do so is if they didn't hate Naruto or... They hated me too. Maybe I was his friend, or something along those lines. I reached the window and looked outside. Looking to the leaves, I saw that they were orange and some were falling, though not many. I wonder if that'll effect my control exercises.
Anyway. The leaves could only mean one of two things. One, that they can somehow emulate weather in this universe, or, most likely, two, it is about a month into Autumn. That means that it is probably October right now. Meaning that Naruto's birthday is coming up. And by game logic, that should be today.
[For thinking through things logically, +1 INT]
Shit. That almost definitely means I'm right. For now though, I'll try to unlock my chakra. After that, I should be easily able to replicate something like a sonar. I traced my memory to see how people unlocked their chakra in Naruto, before looking through more memories to find the Ram Seal. Realising that to make it I had to basically make two finger-guns and put my hands together, putting my left two last fingers over my right ones. After doing so, I tried to channel some chakra to my hands, which was surprisingly easy, probably because of my 'ability'. I quietly said, "Kai."
A burst of energy came out of my hands. Comparing this to my memories of people doing the seal, I found that it was an average amount of chakra. The chakra, however, dispersed almost completely before it reached the walls. Probably something to do with my control.
[For putting two and two together, +1 INT]
Damn, these points were racking up. If I knew it was this easy to gain points, I wouldn't have put so many points into Intelligence. Now I had to find a way to get chakra out of my body without the hand sign. I tried to get it out of my body by pushing, except without the hand sign and the words. After a few minutes of trying, a bit of chakra went out. I tried once more and was pleased to see that the same amount of chakra from before went out, though that still meant I had to work on my control. Meh, I'll work on my control when I get some leaves.
I now did it again but with more chakra and effort. The chakra went and some bounced back from the walls. The rest went on and bounced back. I felt a long hole in my sense. I looked to it and saw that there was a post there.
[Through repeated actions, the skill 'Chakra Sense' has been created]
Chakra Sense (Passive): Lvl 1 (0%):
Chakra sense allows you to passively make a sonar out of your chakra.
Max Range: 20 metres
CP/minute: 10
That meant that I could use it indefinitely... Or not. After a minute of playing around with it, I realised that it was nowhere near indefinite as it stopped working and I was tired.. Again, I thought back to my stats. 'Menu', I once again thought in my head.
Name: Subaru
Gender: Male
Age: 6
Title/Status: The Gamer, Orphan
Level: 1 (Next Level 78%)
HP: 40/40 (Regeneration: 10/minute)
CP: 45/45 (Regeneration: 15/minute)
CC: 20%
Affinity: Wind (5%)
STR: 4
VIT: 4
DEX: 2
INT: 14
LUC: 2
Points: 0
Allegiance: Konohagakure
Ryo: 500
It must have been due to my control. It was, in a word, crap. Since it was at 20%, it meant that I was using 5 times more chakra than necessary. So 5x more chakra * 10 chakra cost meant that I was using 50 CP per minute. 45 CP / 40 CP meant that I could only barely use it with my regeneration rate for a minute. I'd have to work on my control.
At least one good thing came out of this, I'm nearly levelled up. I wonder what I'll get when I level up. Probably some points and Ryo. The points would be useful. I would probably use them in strength and vitality at a nearly 50/50 rate, putting one or two points in dexterity depending on the amount of points I get.
I wonder if I could check all of my skills. I tested out the word, hearing the ping was growing annoying, I'll find a way to turn it off later.
The Gamer's Body (Passive): Lvl Max:
Allows the user to live reality as a game. Removes all effects and recovers all health and chakra after sleeping in a bed.
The Gamer's Mind (Passive): Lvl Max:
Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological effects.
Chakra Sense (Passive): Lvl 1 (0%):
Chakra sense allows you to passively make a sonar out of your chakra.
Max Range: 20 metres
CP/minute: 10
Now, onto the pinging. Let's see. How about the normal work for settings, 'Settings' I thought in my mind... Nothing... What about this, 'Options'.
Tutorials when you first discover something: Y/N
Attention Ping: Y/N
Pop-Up Boxes, Speed: 5 10
[Save and Exit]
I switched 'Attention Ping' to 'N' and clicked 'Save and Exit', before looking back to Naruto who seemed to be waking up now. He gave a big yawn before sitting up on his bed, "Hey Subaru."
"Hi Naruto." I replied casually, as if I had known him for a while (which if you include my childhood anime obsession, I had).
Naruto looked shocked, his jaw flying open when I said 'hi', "You... You... YOU TALKED!"
Hmm. It seems as if I barely ever, or judging by Naruto's reaction, never, talk, "Yes, and you talked too."
He passed out, in a classic anime style. On another note, my voice sounded squeakier than before... Wait. I remember my voice? It seems that that doesn't classify under personal stuff, maybe because I might have the same voice. Estimating, I probably was around 20 or so when I died, give or take a few years, since I remember Naruto came out in 2007 and if my childhood was 10 years old, since I remember accurately what happened, and I remember Weathering With You, which came out in 2019 – 2020, then I would be put at around 22, give or take a few years, like I said.
[For making accurate estimations, +1 INT]
Hmm... If the game is telling me that I'm right, I probably am right. I went over to Naruto and shook him awake so I could see what to do. I shook him and he woke up quickly, "Hey Naruto, do you know what day it is today?"
"Woah! You actually talked. Hokage-jiji said that you never talk. And how could I forget what today is. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, DATTEBAYO!", he exclaimed happily before looking downcast, "Hokage-jiji said he can't spend the day with me though since he has to do things today. So I don't have anyone to spend it with."
Looking at his downtrodden face, I couldn't help but feel bad. I couldn't do much but, "I could spend the day with you if you want me to."
He was silent for a few seconds, before practically jumping from his bed to mine to hug me. I returned the hug after a few moments of shock.
"So what do you want to do today Naruto?" I asked.
"I dunno. I'll probably go to see Hokage-jiji, before he has to go, to say hello. Then I might go to Ichiraku Ramen. Then I'll go to the park and play all day."
"Don't you mean 'we'." I asked.
"YEAH! I finally have someone to play with at the park." he exclaimed, before getting off of me and to his clothes to get changed.
I noticed that while his clothes weren't ripped, they obviously weren't cleaned enough and were old. After we both got changed, we headed downstairs. It seemed that the matron was already serving food so I went to get a helping for breakfast. On top of her head were the words [Matron Nono: Lvl 46, REP: 13]. I looked at the matron for a while trying to remember if I had seen her somewhere before in the anime, since she had such a high level.
[Through repeated actions, the skill 'Observe' has been created]
Observe (Passive): Lvl 1 (0%):
Allows you to see certain things about people or objects. May have some information withdrawn for people with significantly higher levels than you.
Sweet! A new skill. I thought of the word 'Observe' whilst looking at the matron.
Name: Nono Yakushi
Gender: Female
Age: 46
Title/Status: Former Root Nin, Matron of Konoha Orphanage
Level: 46 (Next Level 78%)
HP: 25670/25670
CP: 24500/24500
CC: 59%
Affinity: Earth (40%)
STR: 45
VIT: 56
DEX: 39
INT: 30
LUC: 10
Allegiance: Konohagakure, Danzo Shimura
Hmm... This skill was useful. I could see things about people that they didn't want me to see. As I walked up to her, she prepared a plate and gave me two, "Give one to that demon boy.", she said.
Me being me, I replied, "You know calling him a demon is against the Sandaimes law and you could be killed for that, right?"
She looked shocked, more than Naruto had when I talked. Was I really that unsociable? She then regained her composure and said, "Where did you hear that, boy?"
"The quieter you become, the more are able to hear." I said, quoting Kali. Without waiting for an answer, I took the two plates of food and went back to Naruto, giving the bigger serving to him, as his previous servings were probably not enough, given his identity. We sat down to eat as Naruto talked about his Jiji, and that he would tell him he has found a new friend.
I let my mind wander, thinking of the game and Naruto. I reached a conclusion.
This game... I liked it.
| Subaru: Gamer and Shinobi |
And that's the end of the first chapter, tell me what you think. I intend on having Subaru pretty OP by the end of this, seeing as he can learn anything quickly and has unfair and broken abilities. Naruto and Subaru will probably be close friends after his birthday. Here are Subaru's stats for now:
Name: Subaru
Gender: Male
Age: 6
Title/Status: The Gamer, Orphan
Level: 1 (Next Level 96%)
HP: 40/40 (Regeneration: 10/minute)
CP: 45/45 (Regeneration: 15/minute)
CC: 20%
Affinity: Wind (5%)
STR: 4
VIT: 4
DEX: 2
INT: 15
LUC: 2
Points: 0
Allegiance: Konohagakure
Ryo: 500