Memory 3: Trust Pact

"Well, whatever you did, it's working." Noire says as we wait in traffic.

"Hm?" I ask, going over my notes and figures in the passenger seat a third time. "What do you mean?"

"Uni hasn't complained about you over dinner at any point, recently. What exactly did you do?"

"Oh, that. The short version is that I've taken her in as a student in marketing, so that if I am ever so inconveniently plucked from this world, she can at least carry on and continue operations as smoothly as possible. I did also ask her that as part of my victory, to not ask for my firing or replacement as that will directly influence staff morale." I say, conveniently leaving out how I purposely goaded her into it and provoked her to come seek me out.


I close my briefcase, stretching my neck. "I don't think she's accepted me just yet, but it's an improvement, is all. Speaking of dinner, though, have you taken my advice to heart?"

"It's a bit awkward asking her because you asked me to."

"Well, then don't ask her because I said to. Think of it merely as a suggestion, or that it's part of your work-life balance. After all, I'm not ordering you to do so, and I'm sure you'd like to have some time with your sister."

"You're not wrong, but you came off so forcefully it's hard to bridge the gap. Plus, we don't usually do this sort of thing, so I think she'd get suspicious."

"It's not like you have to start off with a day-long trip to a resort or something. Just go somewhere fancier for dinner for once. I don't know what Uni likes, so just pick something you both enjoy to do. Apparently you guys can fly by yourselves, so why not just fly on down to the beach or up to the mountains for a weekend?"

Noire sighs as she releases the brake pedal, letting us crawl forward before coming to a stop again. "Well, I'll try, but no promises. Can you at least promise to stop bringing it up all the time?"

"I'll bring it up in two weeks and not a minute before."

"Good enough for me, I suppose."

"As long as you at least make an effort to try to invite her out somewhere."

"I had a feeling there was a catch."

"It wouldn't be fair for me to drop it completely, is all."

"With a thought process like that, it's no wonder you don't have a girlfriend."

"I suppose it is, huh?"

There's an awkward silence that sets in afterwards, with Noire and I attempting to use the mirrors of the car to try to look at the other.


"No, I should apologize. I could have taken that one in stride, but that was an unfair response." I say, sighing while scratching the back of my head. "Don't worry about it, I'm pretty aware that my personality can be a bit harsh now."

"Now? You mean you weren't always like this?" She asks with enough of a teasing smile to know that it's clearly meant in jest.

"Ah, you know. People change." I say, shrugging it off.

"Then, how did you use to be? I'm curious."

I can't help but smile a bit bitterly as I close my eyes, holding back a chuckle. "Would you believe me if I told you I used to be the ecstatic one that couldn't wait for six thirty every day because it's when everyone I was friends with was done with class and club, except on Thursdays because one of them had lab? And that I was there to get them with some takeout food no matter the weather, still carrying my gear from club?"

"You? You of all people, doing that?"

"Hard to believe, but that's the kind of person I used to be." I say, putting my hands in my lap and leaning back in my seat. "But you know, this and that happens."

"Must have been a real this and that, Takeo."

"Life happens, Noire."

"The way you brush it off like that worries me in a way." She comments as we take the exit off the highway. "It sounds like it must've been a very life-defining event."

"Well, I'm sure you have some of those you don't like to talk about."

"Don't worry, I won't pry. I was just making a comment. Besides, it'd ruin that 'business distance' you seem quite keen on keeping, wouldn't it?"

I nod. "That's very true."

"Anyways, we should almost be there. But back to the other topic, what club were you in? Ah wait, don't tell me, we have those kind of 'future business leaders' clubs at colleges, so you were definitely in that."

"Surprisingly no, it was martial arts."

Noire raises an eyebrow at me as I nonchalantly shrug. "I didn't take you for the type, but I suppose it explains how you managed to apparently keep up with Uni."

"If she were serious, I would be paste. But I suppose it might've helped me avoid a knockout blow. How'd you find out?"

"Kei tells me everything, obviously, especially if it's in regards to you. I assume she omits some details when it's best to have everything go smoothly."

"I see." I say, making a note to be more careful. "But I beg to differ. Am I not incredibly well rounded?"

"Do you want an honest answer?"

"I'll admit that I have an incredible leaning towards business and numbers, but it's not like I put all of my skill points into there or anything." I say, having already figured out the basics of industry around here. What a world, truly, that revolves around video games. Several of my old friends would have loved to come here.

"A gaming analogy, too?" Noire says with (mock) disbelief.

"Don't act so surprised." I say, snorting. "I was told by a wise teacher of mine to know a lot about a few things, but know at least a little bit about everything else or at least enough to make conversation. For example, I can't exactly talk about particle physics, but I can least talk about the latest discoveries scientists made."

"Any other wise words from this teacher of yours?"

"She was the cheeky kind, so sometimes her lessons made no sense." I say, leaning back in my seat. "But I suppose they help in why I'm well rounded."

"I'm curious, so humor me."

"Ahhh, she did say that when you're young, kids like whoever can run the fastest. When you get a little older, it's whoever can win a fight. Then, by the time you're in high school, it's whoever reads the most." I say, waving a hand around as I recall some of the sillier lessons. "I followed her teachings for some time, but by the time she changed the goalposts again halfway through high school, I said 'enough already'."

"Did you two have a falling out?"

"Not at all, but I figured she could at least tell me all the points I had to hit so I could pursue them earnestly. She laughed and said that, as I approached the latter half of high school and prepared to move onto university, that people like someone who can do all three of those things, but the most important lesson was to know when to do each. When to read, when to fight, and most importantly when to run. It is the best option sometimes, after all."

"She seems… interesting."

"Well, she was unmarried without kids, so I suppose she thought it was fun to have a hand in my life. My parents never disapproved of her, anyways. She was a successful businesswoman who retired early with enough money to travel the world if she wanted to, but she was content living an average, everyday life without much fanfare. Simple comforts, the like. Anyways, we can continue this later, it's here on the right."

"Oh, yeah, here we go."

We pull up to what could be described more as a warehouse than anything else, with a small three-story office complex attached to it. The name Loudrex Sounds is hanging on the outside wall of the pale warehouse, a white luminescent sign that's turned off due to it being daytime.

"You know what we planned." I say, unbuckling my seatbelt as the car engine turns off.

Noire undoes her twintails and puts on some round, rimmed glasses. "Yes, yes, I know."

While it'd be easier if we didn't have to avoid detection, I'd prefer that Noire trusts them personally as well. Kei was a little bit hesitant with my decision but after spending some time talking it out with her, I was able to get her approval. However, the fact I had to convince Kei likely has created some hesitation with Noire; therefore, it's best she come along so she can fully trust in the staff here as well.

The entrance isn't too hard to find and the lobby is kept pretty clean. It's not too flashy, but it has photos of the bands and other performers they produced before, along with framed records of every record they helped produce. It's got a nice contrast with the otherwise austere, sleek and modern white interior that is no doubt renovated and not all what this place came with when first built. It also has only a few couches and tables within the waiting area. Not that there appears to be a lot of hustle and bustle that would necessitate it.

"Ah, I have an appointment."

"Oh, of course. Mister… Takeo, yes?" The receptionist asks. She's dressed in business casual, with her light brown hair cut short, giving her a more spunky yet feminine feel.

"That would be me, yes."

"Right, I'll go get your tour guides. Please enjoy your visit."

"Thank you."

After the receptionist leaves our earshop, having departed from the front desk to go fetch our guides, I look back at Noire. "Seems we're the only ones visiting."

"Are you sure this is the right place?" She asks, likely suspicious of the rather… empty place. I'm sure she was expecting something busier, something more established in the now, perhaps to justify why I asked her to disguise herself.


After a few minutes of waiting, we're greeted by the chief of their sound crew along with one of their special effects technicians and lightning specialists. As part of the tour they'll be introducing me to the president of the company, which for most people would be seen as strange. They're dressed even sharper than we are. While Noire and I are dressed in professional wear with a tie and all for me, they've even got on tie clips, handkerchiefs in the pockets, button covers and cuff links. They really do aim to impress, but that's not what's going to win me over. It's a good presentation and I know why they're doing it, after all.

I have to say though, they definitely know what they're doing, and they've got the sales pitch down pat. I was more interested in what equipment they had and if they had any staff that could help storyboard our concerts. They didn't have any specialized in that, but they've cited their previous work where they helped come up with a creative vision for what each concert was supposed to look like. As we need to get Noire's branding right, that'll help out.

Their equipment wasn't the latest stuff on the market, but it was recent enough to where it was irrelevant. Plus, I was after some of the more elusive stuff which they happened to have; namely, holographic clothing. In short, we could change outfits on the fly, in the middle of a performance, almost like it was in Macross Frontier from back home. This meant we didn't need to factor in clothing costs which could be ruined if something happened during physical transportation, we only had to worry about coding the design.

Additionally, some of their staff had been kept, but most were currently on furlough. Not that they told me about it, I happened to come across a few articles when I was doing my due dilligence before recommending Loudrex Sounds and it was one of the reasons Kei didn't like my choice. Simply put, it was a risky bet.

But it was one I was willing to put everything into.

As we strode into the president's office, which was not lavishly decorated, but rather kept to a bare minimum with the decorations, having more shelves crammed with books than photos hanging up, I could tell he was slightly nervous. In any other situation, the power should have been reversed. We would be coming to them—a long standing and historied group of production specialists who had been behind some of the greatest acts in history, hoping to make a good enough presentation for them to take us on. But, with the state the company is in… if we don't accept them, then they'll be the ones in trouble.

It's shrewd, yes, but highly effective. But I don't mean to make a mockery of them, nor do I wish to exploit them. In fact, this scenario only works because I can offer them anything, because I'll be producing Noire. It's a rather large starting cost, but it will save me the time and effort of upscaling and potentially changing production companies down the line.

"I hope you found everything to your liking. Please, have a seat." He says, extending a hand to the two leather swivel chairs in front of his desk. I note that he himself has a chair that is far less expensive looking, being a much more mass-production run of the mill chair.

"I've found everything rather good, yes. Very happy to see the holographic clothing." I say, nodding as we take our seats, putting my briefcase on the side. "I assume that we'll have to provide the design, yes?"

"Oh, yes. If you have the physical clothing designed, we do have some tech that can help scan it in. But, it's also possible to design it digitally as well."

"I see, thank you. That's very good to hear. I do plan on recommending you, I can only hope that the one I'm producing will agree."

I see him bite his lip for a second before nodding. "I see. I hope so too. I… must ask though, why us?"

It's an attempt to put the power back into his hands. For any interview, this is a definite tripping kind of question. There are multiple ways to approach it, after all. If asked at an interview, you might want to cite the company's mission. Others have tried to make it more about the work involved. There's many strategies, after all.

"Loudrex Sounds has a long track record of producing successful musical acts and performances. In fact, it surprises me more that people are not coming to you." I say, leaning in and starting the cornering. "You provide a comprehensive service that means we do not have to coordinate between a lighting company, an effects company, a recording company, and all the rest. Why wouldn't we come to you?"

"Ah, I… see."

It goes unsaid, what the current state of the company is.

Of course, this was part of my plan to get Noire on board. While she's not guided completely by emotions, an emotional pull along with a logical argument on selecting them is a big push.

"Again, I am prepared to give my recommendation to the person I'm producing, however." I say, noticing that I've grabbed his attention. "And therefore, as I will need to present this to the budget team, I would like to come up with a proposal in terms of how much we offer."

"This is… a little sudden, sir." He says, clearly on guard as I've become aggressive.

"You're not committing to anything, sir." I say in return. "I'd just like to submit something for approval. It will help strengthen my argument to the person I'm producing, as she is very keen on listening to her budget manager. I'm sure you understand and I would like to apologize if I came off as too aggressive."

"No, you're fine… you just caught me a bit off guard, is all. What are you proposing?"

"I'd like to request your staff for a two month trial period." I say, knowing that Noire was close to finishing her song by now. "We have a series of practices planned in the lead up to her first live concert, so we'd like to get a feel for if our styles match. After the first live, we'll reevaluate and see if we'd like to continue partnering with you. We're prepared to pay for whatever staff you'd like to use, after all. If it's a bit much, we'll see what we can agree to, of course."

It's rather dirty, really, using the idea of money like this.

The president, who isn't an aged man, or at least it doesn't show, narrows his eyes at me as he leans forward in his chair. "You're quite familiar with the state that this company is in, I assume? The way you offer things speaks as much. Someone who seems so prepared as you surely would know."

"I would be a fool to come in and negotiate without understanding your situation." I say, nodding. "However, please believe me when I say that I have no intent of exploiting it. Regardless of your situation, a company able to offer a comprehensive solution is the best when it comes to ramping up in order to avoid the logistics nightmare of organizing between multiple parties quickly. Besides, I believe success is the best form of overcoming adversity."

"Are you that confident you'll be successful?"

"Quite sure, considering who I am representing."

"Then, can I ask why you did not inquire with Glimmer Sounds and Performances?"

"I dislike working with snakes."

"Hold on, you didn't tell me about this." Noire says, speaking up. "Takeo, I'd like an explanation."

I look to the president of the company. "Shall I, or you?"

"I asked you, Takeo."

"Very well." I say as the president sighs. "No doubt you noticed the incredibly varied array of records in the entrance. Those from were before the split. Loudrex Sound's former co-president, upon realizing the uptick in the idol business, split and formed his own company, taking all the clients with him in a blindside move. While there are normally non-competes and other contracts that prevent such a thing, you two were formerly friends from what I could find, so there was no need for that between the two of you and no one seems to have anticipated it. From what I gathered in my history as well, it also represented a disagreement in growth; you wanted to stick closer to the small business model, having a smaller but more elite staff who could really bring each and every act you supported to its peak. Glimmer Sounds and Performances, while massive, lacks that bit of personal touch. They've been the reason behind the massive hirings of producers and other performance technicians, which is why it's hard to find anything without going through them these days."

I didn't assign any motives to Loudrex Sounds, but the thought of working with the people who effectively tossed this company aside does not exactly sit well with me. That, and it means we're competing with everyone else they're also producing, giving them plenty of incentive to try to strongarm us. For example, they know we need to have a concert and have preferred staff; they might very well choose to jack up the rates or create fake barriers in order to get us to pay more or advance some sort of agenda. Considering how the former co-president of Loudrex Sound appeared on TV as a rather... distastefully smug, let us say, character, I chose to avoid partnering with them even if Kei didn't approve of Loudrex Sounds because of their weakened position.

"You're rather well informed. Just who are you representing?"


"That's a very amusing joke, sir."

"Noire." I say, turning my head towards her. "It's fine to reveal yourself."

She raises an eyebrow, but I give a nod. Noire nods back before a glow of light emanates from her chest, spreading out to coat the entire room in white light. As it dies down, where Noire once stood is… well, Noire, still. However, she's now dressed in a rather form-fitting grey tightsuit with black outlines and her hair has turned a shiny sort of silver, glowing much like her now blue eyes.

It's a rather interesting thing I stumbled upon, when I was looking into what Noire's reputation and image was among Lastation's citizens. The ability to transform into another form was something indicative of the goddesses, and perhaps those who were suited to become goddesses, as Uni also had something similar to it.

"I believe this should be enough to prove that Takeo isn't joking?" Noire says, or perhaps is it more appropriate to call her Black Heart? But that's a rather cruel name to call someone, isn't it?

The president seems a bit stunned, but after two and a half seconds he recovers, clearing his throat. "Y-yes, though it still surprises me you chose us…"

"Didn't I say I dislike snakes? It's a win-win for all of us." I say as Noire transforms back. "We get a comprehensive solution that doesn't run us for too much and has plenty of good history, you get perhaps the biggest client anyone could ever ask for to rebuild your empire."

"You seem to have thoroughly thought about this."

"That's my job, as her producer, isn't it?" I ask, getting a smile back from the president. "Noire, you approve of my choice, don't you?"

I can hear her sigh, as she no doubt knows that I'm relying on some slight emotional manipulation. But after hearing that story along with how it's a logical conclusion to pair with them, it's not like she's got a lot of room to say no. I'd say I'll have to apologize later, but considering how this was completely intentional, it'd be empty.

"Yes, I approve of them."

"Wonderful. I believe we'll be in touch soon, then, with her approval." I say, getting up from my seat. "I look forward to working with Loudrex Sounds, sir."

"We'll do our best."

"In the meantime, please draft up plans on who you'd like to staff. Our performances will be small scale for now, but we'd like to put on an impressive first showing."

"I'll talk with our managers and see what we can come up with."

"Ah, and do make sure to keep it a secret you are working with Noire. I would not want for it to go public until we have our first live concert. I'm sure you can understand."

"Of course."

I put my hand out, with the older man taking it and giving it a fair shake. "Then, thank you for meeting with us today. I'm sure this will be a fruitful partnership."

"I hate that you pulled that on me. You didn't tell me anything about the state they were in." Noire says as we drive back, the atmosphere quite heavy.

"I'm not going to apologize."

"I figured." She sighs, keeping her eyes on the road nonetheless. "I would've said yes without it. I trust you to make the right decisions."

"I needed to be sure."

As we come to another stop, hitting stop and go traffic again, I see Noire look at me. I give a shrug to her.

"Something in them struck a chord in you, didn't it?"

"Anyone would feel bad for them. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't to lift them out of a tough situation. It's true that having a comprehensive solution is convenient for us and means we can foist any technical complications onto them, as it's their job. Plus, if they're dedicated purely to us, it means less bureaucracy and delays. If it was just that they were in a tough spot and they weren't going to be a good choice, I would've passed over them."

"You're lying. You would've found a way to make it work."

"We haven't even known each other for a month. How can you be so sure?"

"That's just…" I notice her grip on the wheel get tighter. "...the kind of feeling I get around you. Besides, you told it to me this morning, what kind of guy you used to be. While I can't exactly believe it, you don't exactly just lose everything you were so quickly when you change. Unless you were straight up lying to me, but you're not the lying type, are you?"

"Perhaps that's just the image I've cultivated. There's no need to tell big lies now, after all."

"You honestly…"

Though, it's true that I try not to lie. There's never anything good that comes out of it, after all, and the web of lies you need to manage becomes increasingly more complex. Trust is something more valuable than money, and losing it closes off many opportunities.

"Let's not forget what my job is, Noire. My job is to help you perform yours to the best of your ability. It means having to play hardball when the time comes for it." I say, leaning back in my seat and weaving my fingers together. "I know what I'm doing."

"That's what scares me a little."

"If you're worried that I'm going to turn my talents on you, don't be. I have no intent on micromanaging you, other than making sure you attend your classes and keep to a schedule. I don't know the first thing about songs and dancing, as it is. There's no need for me to get involved. And excuse me for abruptly changing the topic, but it's important now that we are going to be involving Loudrex. Song progress?"

"I just need to finish the finale. I'll have it done within two days."

"Good. As for the musical composition behind it?"

"I got in contact with a friend who wrote something for it. Her name's 5pb."

"A strange name, but alright. If we have that, after we get a deal hammered out with Loudrex, we can start a recording and see how it feels. If it's all set, then I'd like to begin storyboarding your concert."


"It would be foolish for us just to have you get up on stage and sing. What we need is a brand. A brand that isn't just 'The CPU of Lastation, Noire'." I say, waving my finger around. "It will be hard to appeal in more than Lastation with just that kind of title. After all, MOB48 doesn't have a hold in just Lastation, yes?"

"That's true…"

"Therefore, I would like to develop your brand starting from the first concert. The kind of show you can bring to the world and the kind of idol you will be. All with your backing, of course. I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable situation and would like for you to be able to fully support the brand you want to put out to the world."

"Oh, that's… that's good." She says, nodding. "I haven't thought about the brand, really."

"It's okay, that's my job, after all."

"You don't seem worried about stepping on the toes of the other goddesses, though."

"Isn't that your job to deal with them? Besides, the explicit goal was to take back these shares from MOB48, right? How the shares will be reallocated after the job is done is up to all of you. I'm only accomplishing the objective I've been given."

I see Noire snort, shaking her head.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"I'm just surprised you aren't willing to step up. Isn't dealing with another goddess playing hardball?"

"I'm afraid it's outside the scope of my duties. Politics isn't really my game, after all. Besides, I lack the knowledge about your political history to understand how to talk with them." I say, giving a bit of a knowing smile. "And while I could learn, it would take away from my duties of being your producer."

"A good answer. Kei would be proud."

"I aim to please."

Fortunately, the ride after that is fairly pleasant, without the heavy atmosphere of before. When we get back, there's no one to greet us other than the receptionists, who seem to have taken a liking to me. They're quite devoted to Noire, but I have no reason to be dismissive of them. Besides, they keep the place cleaned up and are often able to assist me in finding documents I need, so I make it a point to be as kind and polite as I can to them.

"Ah, Takeo, Uni left you something as well."

"Oh, I see. Thank you."

I'm handed a packet of paper, which is nothing more than the homework I had assigned Lady Uni. I'll have to stay up late to grade it tonight.

"It seems she's quite the earnest learner. Is there anything she likes in particular?" I ask offhandedly.

"She seems very much to like firearms, but I would assume that she has everything she needs for them. She also takes a liking to robots."

"I see. Thank you."

"Were you thinking of getting her a gift?" Noire asks as I start looking through her answers.

"I don't think Uni would appreciate that from me, so I was going to have you give it to her. I'm not going to reward her just for turning in homework, but if she does exceptionally well, I see no reason to reward that kind of behavior, either."

"Takeo is a very harsh teacher, but he has a kinder side, doesn't he?" One of the workers asks Noire, who smirks at me.

"I do not consider myself harsh; I consider myself firm but fair." I say, waving my packet around. "There is no point to excessive cruelty, but coddling someone should they make a mistake is no good either. Anyways, thank you for giving this to me. I'll be sure to get it back to her soon."

"Don't stay up too late, Takeo. You've got a meeting with Kei tomorrow morning, right?" Noire asks as I start walking away.

"It's just one paper, it won't take long."

"I thought you said it wouldn't take long."

I turn my head, finding Noire in the doorway as I left the door open, dressed in her usual clothes.

"It's late, you should sleep." I say, getting a scowl from her as I turn my head back to my form. "Unless you're hitting the town, since you are in pajamas."

"I could say the same to you."

"Ah, but you see, I am in my sleepwear." I say, gesturing in a very exaggerated manner to my simple black sweatpants and dark green plain t-shirt.

"Hmph. Are you working on Uni's homework?"


"Liar." She immediately accuses.

"I'm not lying, I'm working on a projected budget form so I can make it easy to submit to Kei after I negotiate our rates with Loudrex. I'd have preferred to finish it before the meeting, but grading Uni's homework took longer than I thought."

I pause, yawning, before I shake my head.

"Agghhh, though, I can understand how my college professors felt now."

"Did she make that many mistakes?"

"No, but I wanted to be thorough and point out where she can make improvements. Additionally, because it's good to establish resources to go to, I had to do some research and find some more good reference books. Unfortunately, you don't have the same library of books that I have available back home, so I have to reread things to understand what's a good reference book and what isn't."

"Get some sleep, Takeo." Noire says with a rather pointed tone.

"My coffee mug is still half full. I can finish tonight. Besides, I'm no stranger to all nighters. I wasn't always the most responsible when it came to term papers."

"Color me surprised."

"Ah, it was more making sure it was perfect. I would spend all-nighters perfecting it at the start, so I could sleep easily as the deadline approached. But, then I would think to myself, 'Ah, surely there was something I missed' when I would overhear classmates talking about their papers, and you can likely figure out how it played out."

"Yeesh, you workaholic."

"I don't think you can criticize me for that. Anyways, did you need something from me? It doesn't seem like you to just check up on me."

"Well, I… wanted to talk a bit. You seemed just a bit on edge earlier today."

"Are you sure it wasn't you being on edge around me?" I ask, putting my pen down. "I can understand if you're still worried. You've put a lot of faith in me and have delegated many duties to what will be a rather big undertaking. Knowing that I'm capable of manipulation and the like isn't exactly something that builds trust."

"Geez, you have no delicacy at all." Noire grumbles, giving an exaggerated shaking of her head and shoulder slump.

"It is late, so I would rather us not spend two hours dancing around the point." I say, taking my coffee mug and swirling it around. "This is the second time I've done something like this, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is. First was convincing Uni to go against you by offering your resignation, and now this."

I make a mental note that it seems Noire hasn't discovered how I goaded Uni into coming to me afterwards, or at least she isn't taking action against it. We did part on amicable terms, I think, so while she probably doesn't like me, she doesn't actively dislike me either. That, and I've been pushing for her to be more with Noire which is sure to earn me some favor.

"It comes with marketing, I suppose. When you break it down, all I really do is convince people they want something. What that something is can vary, of course, but generally the aim is happiness for individuals." I say, inhaling the scent of coffee before downing the rest of the mug in one go. "I try not to do such drastic things, but when I'm cornered, I suppose I tend not to hold back or at least not as much."

"I don't think I want to see what you're capable of when you aren't holding back."

I don't think I'd like to see that either, I tell myself.

"I suppose it's difficult to take me at my word, when I say you can trust me."

"After today, yes. However."

Noire crosses her arms, sighing.

"We're partners, Takeo. You chose me and I accepted you as my producer. Plus, I've heard about your classes from Uni and the staff. I'm trusting you, so don't go ahead and break that trust. But no more surprises, got it!"

"There shouldn't be any more surprises from here on out, I assume. Like I said, it's when I get cornered that I do these things. I saw no way around Uni and I had to—"

"I know. I said I trust you. But the next time you get cornered, you don't have to do it alone. Kei and I are here, you know?" Noire then exhales deeply, her right hand on her hip. "Somehow, I feel like I've heard this from the others." She then points at me with an accusational finger. "So reflect on that, got it?! And go to bed already!"

"After I finish this form, which I was graciously working on be—"

"I got it, whatever! Just make sure you aren't late for tomorrow's meeting!"

"Yes, yes." I say, waving her off, the door slamming shut behind me. I can't help but sigh, leaning back in my seat and looking up at the ceiling.

"Ahh, geez, I've done it again."

I always end up doing something rash, don't I? It always ends like this, somehow. I've only gotten lucky that these last two haven't blown up in my face.

Well, it's not like it always blows up in my face, but the rashest thing I ever did… I suppose it technically didn't explode in my face. It was more like a slow burn. Yet, I can't help but wonder if a more explosion-like fallout would've been better. At least the fallout would've been done and over with.

I click my pen, watching the point retreat back inside. There's no way I can finish this tonight, not in my current mental state. Noire agitated some bad memories that are still somewhat fresh, I'll be too unfocused. My work quality will suffer as a result, so I should stop.

Well, I can sleep earlier than intended. I'll just have to wake up earlier to compensate for it and get it done in the morning.

"What a mess." I say to no one in particular as I change the alarm on my phone for tomorrow. "But I guess knowing when to run away was one of your lessons, too."

Before I can put my phone down, it buzzes, with an email coming in. Ah, it seems that the fashion designer I've been looking into finally responded. I'll have to get Noire to visit them as well, as it seems they'd like to meet with us in person. Perfectly understandable, I suppose they'd like to know the client, and I'd like to evaluate their designs in person as well and see if Noire is comfortable with them.

Still though, I am rather curious about their moniker. Going only by the initials A.D., they've made quite a name for themselves online, especially in the world of fashion, elegance, and if I may use the term, being fabulous in general. I hope this one goes smoother than our meeting today. I still am rather confused by their gender though, their way of speaking is certainly quite feminine, but sometimes I can't help but imagine I'm speaking to a man. I'll chalk it up to the internet making things ambiguous. I suppose going by A.D. does hint at wanting some kind of anonymity.

Either way, all the basic pieces have been set. Loudrex Sound, Noire's idol career, her first single, Uni, all of it. All that's left is to navigate a successful path to the first live, come hell or high water.

Ahhhhahahaha, took a little longer than expected to get this one out, but I hit a stroke of inspiration and managed to get it going.

Not much to say other than I slowly started building up a bit more mystery to Takeo. I thought this was another fun chapter where Noire and Takeo butt heads while also adding to their trials of trying to trust each other. I kind of liked having Takeo be someone who's technically honest, but still manipulative, at least not for malicious ends. Though, it kind of runs two ways, in that he doesn't trust in Noire's trust in him to make a good decision, which you can interpret as you like. You can also interpret Noire's remark that Takeo saw himself in Loudrex Sounds however you like as well.

One thing I'd like to ask about is if you guys mind me keeping the staff faceless. I could give them names, but I chose not to, in order to make them more background characters as the story focuses more on Noire, Takeo, and Uni's interactions and the friction between them. I'm fine actually fleshing them out as characters, but I think it's best to keep them more to the sidelines as sort of faceless NPC types, unless you guys think otherwise. I am willing to experiment, is all.

Either way, I did like Takeo and Noire trying to reconcile, and moreso with Noire being the one to instigate it, as Takeo's been the one who's taken the stance of "I do what I need to do" and tends not to apologize except for things he didn't intend for. Case in point, apologizing to Uni for hurting her more than he intended to and not actually for inflicting that kind of pain in the first place, and here not apologizing to Noire for having used emotional manipulation to get her to fully approve of Loudrex Sounds. It has made for a kind of fun character, as I think this kind of mentality will be amusing to put into scenarios down the line. Plus I think it reflects somewhat on Noire's maturity from her previous adventures, where she's learned on reaching out more.

Other than that, not much else to say. I hope you picked up on who A.D. is though, because if you did, then you know what's dropping next chapter, which is a scene I've been looking forward to. Catch you all then!