Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or its original characters. No copyright infringement is intended with the posting of this story.

Table for Two, Party of One

Chapter 2

Let'em Eat Cake

By: xXTailoredDreamsXx


Coffee and cake make everything great.

That's what Mom used to say.

'Empty pockets are the devil's playground', was another famous line… which is funny since that's exactly what brought me here tonight.

When Edward and I reach the diner at the end of the street he smiles my way and opens the door before I'm able to beat him to it.

Upon entering I notice an older woman standing in front of the counter.

She has short silver hair and there's an apron draped loosely around her hips. As soon as she spots Edward her entire face lights up and when she greets him by name with a clasp of her hands, my own grin doubles.

On impulse, I bump him with my hip, "Famous are you?"

His smile mirrors mine and his shoulders gently shrug, "Only to those who matter, Bells."

That wit... it's winning me over, but denial is everything in situations like this.

As soon as we're seated my left leg begins bouncing over my opposite knee.

Why am I so nervous?

This isn't like me.

Anxiety is not my friend, and more often than not, it can lead me to do some pretty questionable things.

The waitress arrives with our menus but she keeps her eyes set on my new friend.

"It's been a couple of days since we've seen your face, Edward! The book club was starting to worry about you. They'd feared that fancy college of yours had finally done you in."

He laughs over her concern but slowly shakes his head.

He's embarrassed.

It's cute.

And now I'm smiling again.

"Sorry, Ms. Cope. I've been working doubles whenever I can."

"Well, I'm happy to see you've been doing just' fine. Now, what will it be for you and your... um... late-night friend?"

The waitress gives me a quick once over, then waits for one of us to answer.

It's obvious she doesn't like me.

But that's okay.

Her distrust is something I'm used to when it comes to other women.

Honestly, that's why my marks are almost always men.

"Coffee, black. Thanks." I reply, then turn my head to find Edward's curious stare already watching me, but he says nothing, "Want to split a slice of chocolate cake? It looked pretty yummy on the way in."

He's so busy staring at my lips… for a moment, I wonder if he's heard a single word I've said.

"Earth-to-Edward." I eventually tease, with a snap of my fingers and playful smirk.

He blinks hard and sits up straight again, "Coffee for me as well, and we'll take a slice of your famous chocolate cake, Cope. Thanks so much." He pairs his last word with a wink from his pretty green eye and on the inside, I literally swoon.

My White Knight is handsome.

There's no denying that.

And whenever he opens his mouth to speak, he commands all of my attention… which is dangerous.

Dangerous because girls like me need to be able to focus on multiple things all at once.

Sure, I put up a good front, and I could probably sell snow boots to a stranger on a beach, but very rarely do I leave fond memories in my wake.

Edward… he's an 'innocent'… too pure… blinded by goodwill and chivalry.

Hell, if he were anyone else he'd have his hand on my thigh and I'd be sitting here trying my best to manipulate our evening toward a substantial monetary gain.

But he's not like everyone else, so I'll behave and enjoy my cake since come tomorrow, I'll be in a completely different state, able to avoid his dazzling stare.

"So, Bells. If that is your real name—"

And here we go.

"Tell me about yourself."

I force a smile and start stacking coffee creamers into a tower in front of me, "Well… I pretty much go wherever my gas tank takes me. My truck and the belongings inside are all I have to my name, but my days are filled with adventure and very little responsibility. That's usually a nice perk in what could be an otherwise mundane kind of life."

"Wow, so you were being serious before? You really don't stay still for too long."

"Nope. Not even growing up. It was my mom who taught me to embrace freedom and mastering the art of swindles and cons. Because of that, we had to move around a lot so I've never called any place home. Prior to selling me off when I was sixteen—"

Edward's jaw instantly drops.

I knew it would.

His stare slowly narrows and with it, my right brow raises.

"Hold up! She… she sold you?"

I sigh and nod my head just as Cope returns with our coffee and cake.

"It was a rough winter that year. She was… desperate. She did what she had to do to survive, and at the time she believed I'd be better off. I wasn't better off… but now that it's just me… on my own… I like to believe I'm doing alright."

Poor Edward.

He's having a difficult time processing everything I've just shared.

"Nah. You're messing with me. You lied to me before so—"

"Pft. You're already paying for my coffee and cake. I have no reason to lie."

There's a mental game of tug of war going on in his head, but I'll give him a minute to decide what he'd like to know next.

If I were to be entirely truthful, this is probably the most honest I've ever been with a perfect stranger.

It's strange I've chosen to open up to him at all, but here we are, sipping coffee and sharing a slice of cake like old friends.

"So you've never held an honest job? Or had an actual address? Not once in your entire life?"

"Nope. Never paid a penny in taxes to Uncle Sam, or received a piece of mail from a mailman. Don't get me wrong, some weeks are harder than others, but from here I'll head south where I've got something lined up that should hold me over until the summer sets in."

Edward remains silent.

There are a million and one follow-up questions dancing in his head.

"Was it that Black guy?"

His question sends coffee from my mouth.

"What black guy?" I laugh, in a failed attempt to hide my embarrassment, and then grab my napkin to clean my face.

"Your reservation tonight… it was under the name Jacob Black. Was he the one who… who bought you?"

A/N: Yeah I'm gonna be a cliffy meanie, but we will learn more about Jacob Black with the next update, I promise.

I'd love to read your thoughts since your words are my own source of motivation. *wink*