Infinity Convergence Crisis
Chapter 5
Carol monitored the Quinn Jet systems as they flew towards the Kingdom of Valkanda. There was some interesting readings on the scanning system. "Some interesting readings on the scanner," the blonde remarked.
"What kind of readings?" Diana asked as she sharpened her xiphos sword, small sparks flying off as the whetstone grinded against the edge of the blade, sharpening it a little more everytime.
"Almost like there's a barrier surrounding Valkanda," Carol replied.
"Guess someone doesn't want visitors," Chun Li commented as she looked at the readings.
"Which begs the question: what is in Valkanda that warrants a barrier around it?" Diana said.
"That's what we're here to find out," Carol said as she accelerated the Quinn Jet faster. Some turbulence shook the vehicle and for a tense moment, the jet nearly careened out of control. Carol gripped the pilot wheel trying to maintain control but soon the jet stabilised its flight pattern and flew much more smoothly.
"That was close," Chun Li said in relief.
"No. It is deeper than that," Diana said. "We've survived because they've allowed us to, which means they're expecting us," she explained.
"Yeah, I agree with the Princess on this," Carol said. "If they wanted, they could've torn up the jet and sent us crashing to the ground," she added.
"I believe that may be the case," Diana said as she looked out the pilot window and saw on the ground below a delegation awaiting them.
"So with the Black Panther T'Challa gone, who is leading Valkanda now?" Chun Li asked.
"T'Challa's younger sister, Princess Shuri," Carol replied as she steered the jet into a slow descent and landing. "A word of warning: most people of Wakanda have a lot of pride, so watch what you say around Shuri," she advised.
"I too am royalty, Carol, I know to act accordingly," Diana said primly.
"Yeah, don't I know it," Carol said dryly as they exited the Quinn Jet and were met by the Valkanda's ruling sovereign, Shuri.
Shuri wore an elegant dress-robe of muted shades of black and grey and a metal necklace of claws and teeth around her neck. Her dark hair was done up in a bun as she gazed upon Carol, Diana and Chun Li with a calm regal look. Standing beside Shuri was a young woman wearing armoured fashioned from the scaly hide of some beast and over her back was a large sword made of thick bone.
"Queen Shuri, we thank you for allowing us to enter your kingdom," Diana began when Shuri raised a hand to halt.
"I know why you have come, Princess Diana," the Valkandan queen said regally.
"You do?" Carol asked a little confused.
"You have come for what protects my kingdom and my people," Shuri said. "One of the Infinite Six, the Time Stone," she declared calmly.
"So that's what that barrier is?" Carol asked. "A time barrier to keep people out," she realised.
"Indeed, Carol Danvers," said Shuri. "When the Convergence Crisis happened and Wakanda was merged with Val Habar creating a new kingdom, we found the Time Stone," she added. "With its power, I created a barrier surrounding my kingdom to protect it from those that wish it harm," she then said.
"Queen Shuri, I know this is difficult to ask, but we ask you to give up the Time Stone, at least for now," Diana said respectfully.
"And for what reason would you have it?" Shuri asked.
"We need the Time Stone and any of the other Infinity Stones out there so that we can strike back at Superisia," Diana answered.
"I am aware of Superisia and what they have wrought and what she has done to your people and the Asgardians, Princess Diana," Shuri said softly. "But I cannot risk the same happening to my people," she added.
"So, that's it?" Carol said folding her arms over her chest. "You're just gonna hole your kingdom up here and not give a damn about the rest of the world?" she demanded. "I'm not sure if that's something your brother would do," she added.
"Have care how you speak of my queen's brother, Major Danvers!" the woman beside Shuri warned, her hand touching the hilt of her sword.
"Queen Shuri, we understand you have a duty to your people, but the world is bigger than this," Chun Li said. "The barrier you've erected around your kingdom may protect you for a time, but it will eventually fall and your people will suffer at Superisia's hands," she added.
"Chun Li is right, Queen Shuri. And besides, this isn't a kingdom, it's a prison!" Diana said.
"I do what I must to defend my kingdom's interests, Princess Diana," Shuri replied. "Can you say the same?" she accused. Diana had a deep frown on her face, understanding that Shuri had made a valid point, but it still stung her as she was reminded of how she failed to protect her sisters from Superisia's virus. Shuri's face softened as she said, "I am sorry for your people, Diana. But I cannot give up the Time Stone."
Diana opened her to speak when suddenly portals started opening and marching and fltying through where Infected Amazons and Asgardians.
"By the Elder Dragons! How did they get through?!" Shuri's bodyguard shouted as she drew her sword with a flourish.
"They must've followed us!" Chun Li said as she got into a battle stance. Carol's fists glowed with photonic energy and Diana readied her sword and shield for battle.
"Stay back, Queen Shuri! Let us handle this!" Diana said to the young Valkandan queen who shook her head.
"No! What kind of queen would I be if I did not defend my kingdom?" she said and pressing a finger to her necklace, she was suddenly enveloped in familiar looking black armour.
"What is this? The new Black Panther?" Carol asked.
"Now isn't the time for jokes, Carol," Diana reminded her. Carol nodded and said, "Yeah, you're right. We've got some asses to kick!" Flying towards one of the Infected, Carol blasted them with her photonic energy blasts, sending the Infected flying.
Diana launched herself at the enemy with an Amazon warcry. Blocking a strike from an Asgardian sword with her shield, Diana kicked the Infected in the chest and sent her flying back before she parried a strike from an axe with her sword. Spinning around, Diana slashed the Infected Amazon in the back of the calf, crippling her. Chun Li delivered precise powerful kicks at blinding speeds making her legs appear as a blur. Each kick Chun Li delivered struck Infected Amazons and Asgardians, knocking them out and sending them backwards.
Shuri dug the Vibranium claws of her suit into an Infected's armour before flipping over and swept her leg to knock her opponent off balance. Shuri leaned back to avoid a thrust from a spear, before grabbing the haft of the weapon and delivered a clean kick to the head of the Infected Asgardian. Shuri's bodyguard swung her greatsword in fast arcs, the durable bone blade leaving large dents in Amazon and Asgardian armour alike and sending her opponents sprawling to the ground.
Then coming in through the portals were horrific looking creatures that were seemingly plants growing on the corpses of people. The strange creatures made clicking noises growing on certain parts of their bodies were glowing purple bulbs.
"Great Hera! What is devilry is this?" Diana exclaimed.
"Claire told me about these creatures," Chun Li said as she saw the arrivals. "Ivy Zombies, and they're infected with the Superisia Virus!" she exclaimed in horror.
"How do we kill them?" Shuri asked.
"Only fire can permanently kill them," Chun Li replied. "At least in theory, what with the Superisia Virus infecting these creatures," she said.
"Only one way to find out!" Carol stated as her hands glowed with energy and she blasted a group of Ivy Zombies with a photonic blast. The blast blew them apart but it set off the bulbs growing on them and sending a purple mist into the air.
"That's not good," Carol muttered feeling a little foolish.
"The Superisia virus!" Diana yelled. "Get everyone back! Fall back immediately!" she ordered.
"I do not take orders from you!" Shuri's bodyguard retorted but Shuri put a hand on her shoulder and nodded her head. Shuri's bodyguard sighed giving out a command for the Valkandan forces to fall back.
Then one of the Infected called out to Shuri in Superisia's voice. "This is our gift to your people, Shuri. Immortality! If you wish for your people to be spared, hand over the Time Stone."
"I would rather die!" Shuri cried defiantly.
"A factually illogical statement, Queen Shuri, but so be it."
Then the Ivy Zombies' bulbs all began to burst sending more of the Superisia Virus into the air. As the Virus was carried into the air, a deep rumble in the ground was heard.
"Good God, what now?!" Carol asked.
Shuri's bodyguard put a hand to the ground, her eyes closing in concentration. "Something has awoken, an Elder dragon," she said. "Dah'ren Mohran!" she declared in horror.
"I take it that's not a good thing?" Carol asked.
Before Shuri could say anything in response, in the desert a gargantuan creature burst out from beneath the desert sands, its eyes glowing a sick purple colour.
"It's been infected with the Superisia virus, and it's in frenzy!" Shuri's bodyguard observed. "It will break down the city walls!" she added as the beast thrashed about roaring in rage.
"It won't get near them!" Diana said. "Carol, with me!" she ordered.
"Right behind ya, Princess!"
Diana and Carol flew towards the Elder Dragon as it began to make its way to the city. Diana had sheathed her sword and took out her lasso, twirling it before throwing the loop onto the Elder Dragon's horn. Flying upwards, Diana exerted her considerable strength to pull on the beast's horn. The Dragon roared as its progress was halted and strained against the magical rope around its horn. Carol grabbed the infected creature's tail and pulled with all her might, trying to drag it back and prevent it from reaching the city. The Elder Dragon roared in anger as the Amazon Princess and the Kree-Human woman held it back from its goal of breaching the city walls of Valkanda. Then with a sudden twist of its head, the beast sent Diana flying into the desert sand. Diana grunted as she hit the white sand and gritted her teeth. Seeing that her lasso was still wrapped around the beast's horn and getting an idea in her head, she shouted to Carol. "Carol! Get in front of it! I have an idea!"
Carol nodded and released the beast's tail and flew out in front of the beast. The creature roared angrily at the Kree-Human woman who stood her ground, her fists glowing with energy. Diana flew and grabbed the end of her lasso and with all the strength granted to her by the gods, she yanked and forced the beast's head to rise so that its throat was exposed.
"Carol, now!" Carol gave a roar as she flew up and delivered a punch that could otherwise break concrete, bend steel and shatter bone into the beast's jaw. The resulting force behind Carol's blow broke the creature's horn. Luckily, Diana's lasso was still attached to the now broken horn. Smiling to herself triumphantly, Diana swung her lasso, launching the horn into the air and with a forceful yank, the tip of the broken horn rammed down into the Elder Dragon's head, killing it. The beast thrashed about momentarily before giving a pained moan and died and lay still, blood pooling around its corpse.
The Infected seeing their beast defeated, but their purpose fulfilled left through the portals they came through. The surviving Valkandan warriors gave a cheer, but it was a bittersweet victory.
Shuri removed her helmet and gazed upon her kingdom sadly. "The virus will spread across my kingdom, carried on the wind," she said sombrely.
"We apologise for this, Queen Shuri," Carol said gravely. "We did not intend for this to happen," she added.
Shuri frowned before turning around to look at Carol. "If I did not know better, I'd almost be certain that you lead them here!" she said accusingly.
"Queen Shuri, you must realise now that Valkanda cannot remain isolated now," Chun Li said. "The only way to ensure victory is the Infinity Stones. With them, we'll have a fighting chance against Superisia and undoing what they've done," she declared.
Shuri furrowed her brow before saying, "You speak wisely, Chun Lil," she said. "I cannot see when I must change, then I am not fit to lead or rule my people," she added.
"We understand, Queen Shuri," Chun Li said respectfully. "And I promise you that if we cannot undo what Superisia has done, we will-"
Shuri scoffed and said, "Avenge it?"
"Find justice for what has been done," Chun Li corrected.
Shuri nodded before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a glowing green stone and offered it to Chun Li. "Take it and leave," she told them. "Valkanda needs its queen," she said as she handed over the Time Stone and walked away.
Chun Li gazed at the Time Stone in her palm. The cosmic powered stone seemed to glow innocently at her.
"Well, this could've gone a lot better, but at least one good thing came out of this," Carol said softly.
"Indeed," Diana agreed. "We are now one step closer to undoing what Superisia has done," she said with a quiet determination as they boarded the Quinn Jet and left Valkanda.
A/N: There! The fifth chapter of this done and dusted! I apologise if this is so short, but I was struggling to come up with something, but hey at least they got the Time Stone now, huh?
Next chapter we won't go back to Dragonborn, but we'll see another team making their mission to find another lead on the next Infinity Stone and chapter after that, we'll be back with Dragonborn's team. The chapter that, well we might seem some character development and interactions such as an awkward conversation between Dragonborn and the ladies about social interaction with women, and an even more awkward conversation about the birds and the bees.
In other news, I've set up a romance poll for this story, just for a lark, so if you have a particular girl you want Dragonborn to be with, then you know what to do.
And another bit of news, I've recently heard about the Infinity Crisis Island game that is sorta the same idea as Infinity Crisis but set on an island with Marvel and DC women and from what I've seen of the demo, it's completely new art-style and gameplay and it's giving me some ideas for this story of Dragonborn being given a tropical paradise island to call home and the Marvel/DC women coming to visit him regularly. Now granted I do intend for smut/sex/romance to be in this story, but I don't want it becoming a full-on NSFW story. I do want plot and character development, but I'm thinking that once Dragonborn starts interacting with the ladies in a more social setting, there'd be some flirting and other stuff relating to that. But we'll see how we go, shall we?
And that's about all from me, I'll just leave this here and I'll see you all in the next one.
Be kind to one another, and stay healthy and safe!
Angry lil' elf.