Reviews for Infinity Convergence Crisis
FanBoy01 chapter 5 . 5/7
This could be better.
Starlord Master chapter 5 . 4/30
Starlord Master chapter 4 . 4/30
Nice Watchtower.
Starlord Master chapter 3 . 4/30
I love this beginning.
Starlord Master chapter 2 . 4/30
She-Hulk sure is friendly.
Starlord Master chapter 1 . 4/30
I love crossovers, man!
yiluo13 chapter 1 . 4/23
Yeah that little NSFW game is quite fun, I actually thought it was inspired by your work.
Would you consider writing a version for Leon S, Kennedy from resident evil series?
Fyr RedNight chapter 5 . 4/21
That was an exciting chapter.
Axccel chapter 4 . 4/20
Oh, I like this chapter! Action and badass abound from everyone!
Axccel chapter 3 . 4/20
The thing is, men have an instinctive drive to work together. It is how nations formed and the only limit is the resources available (and later cultural lines, but those are relatively recent compared to the species). Women don't have nearly as strong an instinct for that. It's there, sure, but not a deep drive pushing them forward. See, they had no reason for such an instinct to develop. Since the very beginning of Cro-Magnon, women have been provided for and protect by men. This meant that every woman was in competition with every other woman for the most attention for food, shelter, protection, etc. This is easily visible today in how girls and women behave when there is something all of them want. Unless they are friends, they can get pretty vicious over it. When male strangers want the same thing, they usually talk among each other about why they want it and usually whoever needs it the most is given it. This sort of behavior is how societies and civilizations formed. Without it, such things are incapable of existing.

A world without men would quickly tear itself apart and would never, ever recover. Because the women would usually undermine, cheat, backstab and generally dick each other over for whatever they want or need. The only notable co-operation would come from groups of friends and family which would likely come together to form extremely small tribal units that co-operate to a limited degree with nearby small tribal units that include women that know each other between tribes but not well enough to be in the same tribe.

Then there is the fact that it is rare for a woman to do well in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. There is good reason why men invented and built everything God didn't. Men are usually very talented at STEM.

Women could evolve out of this...if they could breed more women into such an environment that stressors force such evolution. But they can't, because there are no men and the technology for synthesizing sperm or eggs doesn't exist yet.

They talk of evils committed by men, but women do far worse. It's just that a woman tearing a rival or guy apart emotionally or mentally is not illegal (or it is but pretty much impossible to prove). Setting up someone to be destroyed is likewise not illegal. Basically, every way that women fight is not illegal, but no less damaging than taking a knife to someone's heart and usually includes a lot of innocents getting hurt as collateral damage. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned is a pretty serious saying for good reason.

Things men do in, say, war or something is due to the extreme stress and trauma of war. Simple as that. Women far no better in such situations. Pillaging? It was how soldiers were paid prior to standing professional militaries as there wasn't enough for rulers to pay them with and they needed compensation for leaving their families and livelihood. Especially farmers and herders whose work needed constant attention that it wouldn't be getting as reliably while they were at war.

Also, rape, pillage, and burn was usually used as a rare terror attack to get nearby areas to surrender without a fight. It worked pretty well, too. Unlike how Hollywood and books and games portray, it was not a common tactic. Especially because the enemy would do it back, but also because your own soldiers had morals and could "accidentally" the troops who willingly participate in such behavior.

Abuse of spouses wasn't particularly common until laws prevented men from stopping others from doing it. It used to be that if someone was an abusive husband, the other husbands took him behind the barn to "discuss" how a wife ought to be treated. Now, those men would be arrested and the abuser would be treated as a victim.
Axccel chapter 2 . 4/20
Yeah, try and fix the planet. Then the groups against wasting money on that deploy their avalanche of proof that there is nothing to fix. Humans have pretty much zero impact on the planet and occupy an incredibly tiny amount of territory. And that's without including the ocean. Fact is, the wild owns pretty much the entirety of the Earth. Writers and lobbyists like looking out their apartment windows or wherever they live and going "Gee, there's so many buildings around, the poor Earth is being killed by this! The plants are almost gone!" as though their tiny little bubble is the whole world. Meanwhile, in nearly every humans location (i.e. the real world), people look out their windows and see an ocean of green or prairie or savannah and the like and say "Wow, humanity is so tiny, how are we even still alive compared to this?" Unless you live in a desert, in which case protecting the environment is largely moot.
Axccel chapter 1 . 4/20
"How many of those regimes have you put in power to later topple?"
What an asinine argument. Those regimes replaced regimes that were no different and the alternatives were also no different except not beneficial towards the US. So, of course choosing the beneficial one to one's own country when all other options are the same but lack that is an easy choice. Once they stop being beneficial, well, there's always a competitor tyrant ready to make those deals and take their place. If their subjects want a better life, they should stop supporting oppressive dictators. Every time they are given the opportunity to make their own way, they choose to fanatically support the latest wannabe tyrant until he becomes a real tyrant and then they're upset that they're being oppressed again.

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force it to drink. Eventually you just have to wash your hands of those people and focus on your own peoples' interest over theirs, since those others consistently prove they don't give a damn about each other, only greed and power and get exactly what that entails as they deserve. And yes, people DO deserve what their choices bring them. People like those under those regimes blame the strong and successful nations for the consequences of their own cowardice and avarice. Even when they do overthrown their regimes, they just replace it with a carbon copy and then blame X major nation and tell themselves it was because of a plot by said nation instead of those people themselves supporting the next dictatorship and aiding in their own oppression because they were offered material gain in exchange for being enforcers on their neighbors.
edboy4926 chapter 5 . 4/20
Good chapter.
Jebest4781 chapter 5 . 4/20
well this was quite interesting
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 4 . 4/11
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