Declaimer: I do not own RB, only borrowed them. Alternate universe - werewolves.

Chapter 1 - The Faithful Night

Being a member of a police force had its perks, and "Protect and Serve" meant more than a police vow. The thing was that Gail was taught how to act and think like a cop since she was born. So it did not really matter that she was a teenager, when she felt something was off, she needed to investigate. And this night something felt weird a lot. Well, more than usual. Full moon always increased her instincts but that day she felt a distress more than any other moon night.

Instead of curling into a fur ball hiding in her favourite spot in the High Park, she was running. Her paws making almost no sound when they were carrying her to who-knew-where. Until she heard a human child's evil laugh and a whining of a cub which made her hide behind a bush observing the scene in front of her for a moment. What she saw made the hair on her back stand up and she was growling. There was a little boy teasing a small brown cub with terrified turquois eyes, poking it with a wooden branch. The canine was trapped in a trash bin trying to get out but the human used the stick and threw it back.

She crouched and her growling sounded doubled therefore she looked around as she felt a presence of another wolf. On her right side she noticed a very angry female hypnotizing the boy. Her dark chestnut coloured fur glistened in the dim light of a street lamp like a chocolate fountain; her amber eyes filed with anger reminded two shining stones. There was something magnificent about this creature and Gail was not sure if it was the look or the feeling of determination and protection which radiated from her body.

Suddenly the dark wolf snarled and set off, started running towards the boy. Getting out of her own trance, the fair furred canine ran after her. If a wolf attacked a human being, it was a death sentence, no matter the reason. And there was no way on earth Gail would let anything happen to either of them. She sped up to her maximum speed trying to catch the upset fellow creature.

The human noticed as two big wolves were running towards him. One was so dark that almost merged with the night if it was not for the shining yellowish eyes. The other one had golden coloured hair and ice-like eyes, so light blue that almost looked white. The kid let go of teasing the cub and started shrieking and crying. Just when the dark wolf jumped to attack, Gail managed to make her own leap towards the other canine pushing her out of the trajectory straight into the plastic bins. There was a loud noise of rattle as the waste containers were falling down to the ground. The two wolves gathered on their feet opposite to each other.

Gail had to wonder if she hit a wall or if she was thrown away with something like a lightning bolt. In awe she looked at the other female who was standing in a protective position as the cub was rolling out of the bin it had been trapped in. Gail stood mostly in shock of what had just hit her. From distance she heard fast steps and cry of the child as it was running away, although her look stayed fixed on the dark coloured creature in front of her. She was not snarling anymore, alas her eyes were as confused as the icy blue ones.

The brown cub nuzzled her side which made the eye contact break as the dark wolf turned to its offspring and nuzzled it back to make sure it was alright. She gave one last look to the fair wolf and retreated with the cub hot in her heels.

Gail sat down, watching them disappeared in the darkness of the trees by the lake. Where did the lighting bold came from? She looked up, but the sky was clear without a single cloud.

What bothered her more was her duty to report the incident with a human to the Elders, which practically meant her grandparents. Not only were the Pecks a police royalty but also the royal wolves. They kept the city safe from both human and supernatural delinquents.

She was so lost in thoughts that it was the first rays of sun which woke her up from her trance. She quickly looked around and hurried home before people would notice a wolf browsing the city.

Once she got home, she stretched her body and returned to her human form. After quickly dressing in a hoodie and sweatpants, she knocked on her brother's room and entered.

"Gail, what happened?" he asked seeing his disconcerted sibling and wrapped his arms around her.

"Can we not talk about it?" she sat down accepting the touch and snuggling closer.

Physical contact was essential for wolf people, even though her mother considered it as a sign of weakness unless it was with the mate which Gail found it very unfair. They were family, yet she was barely hugged by her parents but the pair was always in contact from light touches to holding hands or any other ways to keep their connection. Fortunately she could always rely on her brother who was the contact wolf and always had a hug spared especially for her. In his case it was also his open personality which did not let it seem weird when he touched other people around. Why could not she be more like her brother?

She knew what to do. To report the incident which was not really an incident because the human left the scene unharmed. Also the wolf was just protecting its cub, who could judge that in the wrong way? Well, the Elders would because protecting the human kind was the top priority.

Nevertheless there was something about the chestnut haired canine that Gail could not get out of her system.

A/N: I re-read my unfinished fiction where I tried to set RB into a werewolves' universe. That fic still remains unfinished but I got inspiration for this one. I hope it works alright.

Yes, I am aware, completely OOC, especially with wolf-people running around.

Anyway, thank you for reading :)