The Demon's Pride V2
I would like to say first and foremost that this was an original piece written by user TheSaintsFollower, I asked specifically if he would mind if I continued it. He stated on his latest post of the story Chapter 11 that he was letting the story go to anyone who wanted it. I specifically messaged him and received permission as well as some notes from him on where he had the plot headed. I'm going to go in and do some personal corrections, both to adjust for grammar and the like and to slightly shift some of the details of the chapters, but I hope to keep the general theme of the story the same.
Chapter 1: The Day the Demon was Born
The gunshot echoed through the half-destroyed warehouse where Lelouch Lamperouge stood. The gun was fired by the captain of his brother Clovis's Royal Guard, and the bullet from the gun had struck Lelouch's best friend, Honorary Britannian Suzaku Kururugi.
"SUZAKU!" Lelouch cried out as his friend slumped to the floor. The Captain turned towards Lelouch, Suzaku, and an unconscious young woman with green hair. "Damn you!" Lelouch shouted at the men.
"Now now schoolboy. Language like that doesn't suit a true Britannian." The Captain said in a condescending voice. "Now if you and that Eleven monkey would just stand there and die like good animals, we can all go on our merry ways."
"Not gonna happen ya bastard! Kid, you need to duck!" the terrorist yelled out. Lelouch did as he was told, seeing the blur of a large brown package fly over his head. Instinctively, he moved his hands to protect his head, which was smart, as the moment he finished, an explosion rocked the area. Looking up, Lelouch saw a large amount of debris covering the space in front of him, blocking him from the view of the Royal Guards.
Turning back towards the terrorist, Lelouch saw that the man was slumped up against the truck he'd driven in on, and that the girl was still unconscious. Checking to make sure she was alive, Lelouch moved towards the injured man. Giving him a brief once over, Lelouch saw that there were several small cuts, and the beginnings of a concussion. The biggest concern was a large gash on the man's chest. 'Probably from the crash.' Lelouch thought. Thinking quickly, he took off his school jacket and wrapped it around the man's chest, trying to staunch the blood.
Looking up, Lelouch saw that the man was giving him a curious look. "I know what you're thinking: Why is a Britannian helping me? I'm a terrorist? I'm the enemy? Well to me you aren't. Any enemy of Britannia is an ally to me." The man continued to look at Lelouch before a massive grin spread across his face.
"How do you know I wasn't picturing Santa Clause, the Energizer Bunny, and a drunk leprechaun pole dancing?"
The two stared at each other before laughter filled the area. Once they quieted down, the man spoke up. "I'm kidding. Most of the members of our resistance group know that a lot of Britannians aren't bad. The military are the bad eggs, and even then, some of them can be nice."
Lelouch quirked an eyebrow while helping the man to his feet. "Not much of a resistance group if you think every Britannian is full of sunshine and rainbows." The man nodded.
"Like I said, we know not all of you are bad. We just want to be called Japanese again. To have our culture, our country, our way of life back. Only two guys in our cell think that all Britannians are evil, soulless monsters."
Lelouch inclined his head. "Well as much as I would enjoy continuing our chat, we need to move. I'll get the girl, you follow behind Mr…"
"Nagata. Name's Nagata."
Grabbing the girl, Lelouch and Nagata began to walk down the connecting tunnel.
'Milly's gonna kill me.'
(Scene Change)
(Shinjuku Ghetto, Outside)
"Damn monsters!" came a roar from a red Glasgow Knightmare that ran through the ghetto. The Knightmare was piloted by one Kallen Kouzuki, also known as Kallen Stadtfeld. Kallen charged towards a lone Britannian Sutherland, which failed to see her coming until it was too late.
"Take this!" Kallen cried before using her Glasgow's remaining arm to punch a hole through the chest piece of the Sutherland causing it to crumble. Quickly moving on, Kallen began to maneuver around the ghetto, trying to attract the attention of the enemy pilots.
"Hey guys. Come in, this is Nagata. Can anyone read me."
Nagata's voice came through the radio of her Knightmare, as did an immediate response from their leader Kaname Ohgi.
"Nagata you're ok! We heard the explosion and thought you…" Ohgi trailed off.
"Nah, you guys can't get rid of me that easily. But I got some big news. That canister we stole, it wasn't filled with poison gas."
"Bullshit!" Came the voice of Tamaki, always the hothead. "If it wasn't poison gas then why are the Brits so concerned about it."
Kallen hated to agree with an idiot like Tamaki, but he had a point. The Britannians were very gung-ho today about the retrieval of the canister. If it wasn't poison gas than what could cause such an uproar.
"You would be too if someone took proof of human experimentation and made it vulnerable for all to see."
This was a new voice over the same radio. 'A distinctly Britannian voice.' Kallen thought with contempt.
"Uhh Nagata, who's that?" Ohgi asked, just as confused as the rest.
"My apologies, but it is best that I keep my identity a secret for now. The Britannian Military could be listening in on this, and I would rather not be identified and killed." The voice said dryly.
"It's ok guys, he's pretty trustworthy. He helped me out after I got cornered and patched me up so I'll live."
Ohgi seemed to accept this. "Well whoever you are, thank you. But you said something about human experimentation?"
"It's true boss. The cannister opened when the truck crashed and the only thing in their was a girl. She was unconscious and wearing some sort of prison uniform."
Kallen blanched at the thought of human experimentation. 'And I thought these monsters couldn't get any lower.'
"Hey, we're approaching the end of this tunnel. I'll contact you guys again when we're safe. Nagata out."
Kallen sighed as the communication ended. 'Could this day get any crazier.'
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my little friend."
(Scene change)
(Shinjuku Ghetto, Warehouse.)
Lelouch and Nagata continued on down the tunnel towards the light at the end. "That man-Ohgi, was it-seems like a decent leader. He's smart enough not to get into an argument about who I am, but is clearly not entirely trusting of me."
Nagata nodded. "Yeah Ohgi does a good job. But he never wanted the position. Our old leader, Naoto, was a natural. When he died, Ohgi took over thanks to a vote, but he hates it. He feels like he's not good enough for the position."
Lelouch quirked an eyebrow. "To me, it seems like all he needs is some more experience being a leader and a little confirmation and encouragement about his ability."
Before Nagata could respond the sound of gunshots and screams were heard. Quickly moving towards the sound, the two walked quietly up the stairs, careful not to make any noise, before peeking over the edge, their eyes widening in horror and anger. It seemed that the guardsman had survived the explosion and had resumed the hunt for the schoolboy, terrorist and the girl. Finding nothing, they decided to vent their anger on the innocent. They had lined up captured Elevens-civilians and had took turns taking shots at them. Non-lethal shots, intended to torture. They continued to shoot until everyone rounded up was dead.
'Damn them! They must not be allowed to get away with this, but dammit what can I do! I don't have the funds or the weaponry to take on Britannia yet, and I doubt these terrorists do!' Lelouch raged inside his head.
Unfortunately for him, the world really wanted to screw with him today. He felt his phone vibrate before the ringtone went off. He looked at Nagata with wide eyes. 'Fucking really!'
The guardsmen were quick, grabbing the two males and throwing them to the ground in front of the captain, while tossing the girl to the side.
"Well now, this is a pleasant surprise. To think I would stumble upon you two here. Luck just doesn't seem to be on your side, eh boy?"
Lelouch growled, before he blanched as the man pointed his pistol at him. "You first schoolboy. Don't worry, I'll make it fast."
Lelouch watched in dismay as the man's finger curled around the trigger. 'Nunnally, Milly, Mother...I'm so sorry.'
"No! He mustn't die!"
This came from the now awakened girl, who threw her body in front of Lelouch. The captain's finger was too far gone already, the bullet speeding out of the chamber, hitting the girl in the head. She fell to the ground and laid still blood beginning to pool beneath her.
Lelouch and Nagata stared in shock at this. "You-you shot her." Lelouch roared.
The captain sighed. "Well that was unexpected. Guess I'll have to tell Prince Clovis that the girl was killed by the terrorists before we found her." Turning his gun back to Lelouch, he spoke again. "You won't be escaping death again schoolboy."
Lelouch could only grind his teeth in anger. 'If only I had the power to change this. The power to destroy Britannia.'
'So it is power that you seek?'
Lelouch's eyes widened. He heard the voice of the girl, currently lying dead on the floor, in his head. Suddenly, he heard it again.
'I can offer you the Power of the King, the power to take your revenge, to destroy Britannia. But this power will doom you to a life of loneliness. Do you accept.'
'The power to destroy Britannia.' This phrase echoed in Lelouch's head, before a maniacal grin crossed his face.
'I accept the terms of your contract!'
Immediately after thinking this, Lelouch was assaulted by various images. He chose to focus on only one though. The image of the man he hated above all. His father.
"A convergence with the Ragnarok Connection. So the myth begins again."
All of a suddenly, reality returned to Lelouch. He was still staring at the captain, still in Shinjuku. However, now he felt different. Putting a hand over his right eye, Lelouch began to laugh.
"Tell me, how should a Britannian who hates his country conduct himself?"
The captain cocked an eyebrow at this behavior. "What are you, some kind of radical." The guardsmen were startled when Lelouch took a shaky step forward. Seeing their hesitation, Lelouch decided to capitalize on it.
"What's wrong? Your opponent is just a schoolboy, right? Or...have you figured out that the only ones who should kill are those prepared to be killed?" Now standing at attention, Lelouch removed his hand from his eye in a very theatrical way, extending it out to his side, revealing a glowing symbol.
"{Now, Lelouch Vi Britannia commands you, all but the captain...DIE!}"
The men in the Royal Guard-the captain aside-put their weapons to their necks. "YES, YOUR MAJESTY!" With several loud 'pops!' That echoed through the area, the guards all shots themselves, before falling to the ground.
Lelouch looked at what had happened, what he had done in shock, before a wicked smile threatened to split his face.
'With this power...I can achieve my dream.'
End of a slightly revised chapter 1. I have been sitting on this story for too long and I think it's about time I get it rolling. So im going to try and publish one a week until im caught up with where the story was before. Please leave reviews, rate or whatever. Im all ears.
INUYAHA signing out.