I own neither Fairy Tail nor Harry Potter, they belong to Hiro Mashima and JK Rowling respectively.
Didn't think I would ever come around to writing a second chapter of this but here we are, hope everyone enjoys!
The breeze flowed around his body and through the trees causing his cloak to flap in the wind as he walked down the dirt path through the forest. This new world of Earthland was a beautiful place of stunning nature. Lush green forests and gently rolling hills seemed to go on forever. It was the kind of peaceful and untouched natural beauty he didn't get to see anywhere in his old world outside of the grounds of Hogwarts and he happily basked in the nature surrounding him.
He had quickly found this dirt path after wandering a few miles in one direction away from the place the Library had once stood.
He must have walked for hours and hours through the woodland catching glimpses of the countryside through the trees. He was excited for his new journey, he had been trapped in one way or another all his life and now true freedom was finally in his grasp.
First, it had been the Dursley's and their bigoted misguided hatred towards him going as far as throwing a child into a cupboard and forcing him to sleep there in order to 'show him his place'.
Then it had been the Wizarding World and the endless expectations they had for him, it had been stifling living under all the presumptions they had about him. They wanted him to be charismatic, inspirational and knowledgeable and that's not to say he wasn't any of those things because he was, just not in the way people expected. They had spent so long building his myth up that when he turned up at Hogwarts they had been disappointed that he had not been this larger than life figure capable of impossible magic. Instead, he was a somewhat shy young Wizard just looking to learn magic and get through school just like everyone else.
But here in this new world, he was not trapped by horrible relatives nor the crushing expectations of an entire secret society. No one in this new world knew who he was, his fame in the Wizarding World or his infamy in the local Muggle World in Little Whinging. He could forge a new life for himself free of the shackles of his old world.
He froze as he heard the sound of snapping wood nearby and he pulled himself from his just in time as a roar rang out from close by. He had less than a second to dodge out of the way as the ground he had been standing on shattered like glass leaving a head size crater in the ground. He rolled along the ground before coming back to his feet.
He looked up and paused as he saw the creature that had just attacked him and he couldn't help but gape in shock. Standing there with one fist buried in the dirt was perhaps the strangest creature he had ever seen. It was like a massive monkey even bigger than the largest Gorilla he had seen on Earth only it had vaguely human-like features with a massive chin, large House Elf like ears and a pointed head that resembled a horn. It had massive arms, a forked tail and was covered in green fur with bright purple skin.
"What the hell are you!?" He cried out in bewilderment.
The creature tilted its head to the side before it began to shout. "Enemy! Enemy! Enemy!"
With that cry, it seemed to go into a rage as it pulled its fist out of the ground and charged towards him. Rather than the look of terror that would appear on most people's faces when a massive beast bared down on them, Harry let a brilliant and vicious smile as excitement blazed in his emerald orbs.
Finally, he could test out his new abilities the same excitement that had flowed through his body when he had performed his first spell sung through his body as he stared at the charging creature.
He watched as it jumped into the air before clasping its hands together and slamming them downwards onto his head. Harry grinned as he raised his arms over his head in defence utterly fearless in the face of the creature that was like a slightly smaller Troll.
With a bang, its fists met Harry's raised his arms and the ground under his feet shattered from the force. It was an attack that would have crushed an ordinary human in his old world into paste and shattered all the bones in a Wizard's body if not outright killed them. In this new world however magic was different, it flowed far easier from the Magic Core within the body and though the muscles than it did for Wizards of Earth. This caused the muscles of Mages to be suffused with magical energy reinforcing them and making Mages of Earthland far physically stronger than their Wizarding counterparts let alone their non-magical brethren of Earth.
Mages of Earthland often had the physical strength and durability to match their monstrous reserves of magic. At least that was what he learnt from the books on magical theory in the Library, and he had wanted to test it out.
It was true, the attack that should have shattered his arms like twigs only felt like he was being hit be Piers Polkiss, not a massive gorilla capable of bench pressing cars. Pushing back against the creature he forced it back a step, the massive monkey letting out a cry of rage and confusion as it stared at Harry who just began to gather Lightning in his hand, green lances of energy sparking around his fist and arm.
With a shout of excitement, he lunged forward landing a lighting covered fist in the Ape's face sending it flying backwards and through a tree its internals fried from the lightning as it lay there smoking slightly.
He turned around though as he felt the ground shaking once again only this time it was much stronger than before.
Out of the trees, he saw multiple Apes charging towards him each one bearing a face filled with rage and anger. Lighting and magic leapt to answer the call as he became wreathed in green bolts of electricity, a soft green aura of raw magic cloaking his body.
Smashing his fists together a magic circle formed in his hands, out of the circle came a long sword made of solid green crackling energy.
The sword made of his Lightning Make Magic crackled in his hand as he charged towards the Apes with a slightly manic smile on his face.
Harry groaned as he took a look around at the smoking bodies of numerous Apes lying on the ground around him. He could probably admit that he may have gone slightly overboard in his small rampage.
Shrugging he turned around and continued onwards leaving groaning creatures behind him as he began to whistle a tune to himself.
That was the name of the town Harry had eventually made his way to, it had been a chore making his way out of the forest to civilization but once he did so he was able to get his bearings. He was very lucky that Death had given him the ability to speak and read the language or he would have been totally and utterly lost.
He had quickly managed to collect the necessary information on not only where he was but the general information of his surroundings. It seemed he was in a country called Fiore on the continent of wasn't the biggest country on the continent but it did have one of the biggest concentration of Mages making something of a focal point for magic users across the continent.
Another fact that he found interesting was that there was no Ministry of Magic in this world instead the usage of magic was monitored by an organisation called the Magic Council that regulated the different groups of Mages who formed Guilds. It was the job of the Council to regulate the Guilds and prevent Guild Wars between rival Guilds.
The story of the Guild he was looking for, Fairy Tail was perhaps the most interesting discovery. Five years ago the Guild had been strongest force in all Fiore by a good margin crushing their only rival the Phantom Lord Guild in an unsanctioned but provoked Guild War with ease. But the suffered a great tragedy, their strongest members went to their sacred ground Tenrou Island. There they were attacked by one of the greatest monsters alive on Earthland. The Black Dragon of the Apocalypse Acnologia. The dragon was strong enough that one breath attack was enough to obliterate the island out of existence with all its members on it. That fact had sent a shiver down Harry's spine. He had never heard of a Dragon with so much power, in fact, he was pretty sure that the Dragons back home would have been like puppies in front of that monster.
After that the Guild had quickly gone downhill, the Magic Council had a great distaste for Fairy Tail so no aid was found from them and the Guild quickly lost its position as number one. Where once they had been spoken in admiration and awe people now spoke of them in derision and mocking tones.
Looking around the town of Magnolia he couldn't deny that this place was beautiful, nice houses and cobbled streets it gave off almost a medieval city only cleaner.
Running through the town was a sparkling clear river that fed out to ta large lake on the edge of the town. The whole place reminded him of a city in Italy.
He had been confused to find that instead of the Guild building for Fairy Tail in the town he had found one that went by the name of Twilight Ogre.
Tapping the shoulder of one of the fishermen who was sitting on a bridge his fishing line in the river he asked. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find Fairy Tail?"
The man turned around and looked at him in surprise. "Huh, why would you want to find them?"
Harry just shrugged. "I plan on joining."
The man looked somewhat shocked at that announcement and couldn't seem to help asking. "You do know how badly the Guild is doing right now don't you?"
Harry nodded and replied. "Yes, but I heard it is a place that valued family above everything else and that sounds like a place I'd like to be."
The man smirked before looking melancholy. "I couldn't agree with you more, those Fairy Tail Mages will do anything for their friends, its truly an admirable trait, shame what happened to them.
Then he pointed towards the hills above the town. "If you're looking for them their up over on those hills."
Nodding Harry thanked the old man who just laughed and said. "Good luck on joining."
Smiling Harry turned around and began to make his way out of the town towards the Guild on the hills.
Macao Conbolt the Fourth Master of the Guild Fairy Tail was a slim somewhat muscular man with blue hair and a blue moustache. He was sat at the bar of their second building. It was a small run-down tavern located in the hills, they had moved the Guild's headquarters here after they had been unable to pay to keep their first building in the centre of town.
It had been a long five years trying to keep the Guild afloat. They had tried to keep up their previous level of income but they just didn't have enough powerful members to keep the Gild running at its previous level especially after all the fines the Guild continued to rack up from the Council.
Slowly but surely their numbers had dwindled as Mages left to find work elsewhere, now after five years, only a handful of people were left. In the end, they had been forced to approach the Guild twilight Ogre for a loan in order to cover their debts.
As he looked around the Guild he couldn't help but sigh to himself. Twelve people that was all that was left. His best friend and advisor Wakaba was sitting next to him at the bar smoking.
Reedus was sitting at one of the tables sketching on one of his notebooks a sketch of Wendy.
Bisca and Alzack Connell were sitting at one of the tables playing with their daughter Asuka. The sight of that girl was always enough to bring a smile to the weary Guild Master's face, she symbolised all their hope.
Max Alors was sitting quietly by himself as was the glasses-wearing Laki Olietta, although she was engrossed in a book though Macao didn't know what.
Nab and Warren were looking at the Job Board though like always Macao didn't think Nab would ever actually take a job.
Finally Jet and Droy were sitting at a table, Jet had his arms behind his head and seemed to be relaxing as Droy stuffed his face with food, the had really taken the loss of Levy badly and had taken to eating in order to stave off the pain. It had ended up with him getting incredibly fat.
Finally, his son Romeo was sitting in a corner brooding, Macao couldn't help the sigh of sadness that escaped his mouth as he looked at his son. His boy hadn't taken the loss of the Tenrou group well and Macao hadn't even seen his son smile in the last five years, not once.
"Here you go, Master." The light and soft voice of the women behind the bar said.
Macao looked up and said. "Thank you Kinana."
The blue-haired waitress of the Guild just smiled as she made her way out of the bar, drinks in hand to deliver them to the different patrons.
Macao was knocked out of any further musing when the doors were violently kicked open. His gaze sharpened and he looked towards the door tensing. Through the door came five different figures, the man who drew Macao's attention was one he was unfortunately intimately familiar with. Thibault was a man of average height and poufy dark hair, he wore a red and gold shirt and had dark blue pants he had rolled up to above the ankle. He had his hands stuck in his pockets and had a relaxed gate as he walked into the Guild. His kanabō was strapped over his back. He was the debt collector for Twilight Ogre and was here to collect a portion of the money back from the loan. Alzack and Bisca had stood up and were standing protectively in front of their daughter as the rest of the Guild tensed at the new arrivals.
The Guild went silent as he shouted out. "Old geezer have you got the money yet?"
Macao felt his eyebrow twitch as he got up even as he began to sweat lightly. "N-No we don't, not yet but we will."
The man tilted his head to the side even as he answered. "Hah? You don't?"
Drawing his kanabō he smashed it down on a table shattering it in two. "What the fuck do you mean you don't have it!? You are supposed to have the money ready for us!"
Macao sighed. "I'm sorry Thibault-san we don't have the money for you at the moment we will get it to you by next month, please give us an extension."
He was forced to grit his teeth as the man just laughed if it was five years ago this low life wouldn't have even dared to look in the direction of a Fairy Tail Mage let alone be able to wreck their Guild. It was disgraceful he was sure Makarov was rolling over in his grave.
Then the man got a sick look in his eye as he eyed Kinana, walking towards her he held his kanabō in his right hand as he grabbed her chin with the other forcing her to look at him. "Well, I know one way you could repay us." He said with a lustful leer.
Kinana slapped his hand away hitting his face in the process.
Thibault touched his red cheek before he hefted his weapon in the air and roared. "You'll pay for that, you bitch!"
Macao and the others were too slow to react as the kanabō came smashing down towards Kinana who could only stand there in horror and fear.
As Thibault was mid-swing the area in front of him exploded with green light as the sound of crackling lightning filled the air.
Everyone was blinded by the green flash and were forced to avert their eyes, as they looked back at Kinana many of the Fairy Tail Mages expected to see at least a heavily injured waitress only to gasp at the sight in front of them.
A figure stood in front of Kinana, small green sparks of electricity danced across his form as he held back the kanabō with one hand stopping Thibault from finishing his swing.
Macao narrowed his eyes at the new player in his confrontation, he was very thankful the man had stopped Thibault from hurting a member of his Guild and he took a closer look at the man. He was wearing a marron black cloak over some kind of black coat. He had midnight black hair and deep emerald green eyes that were glaring at Thibault in anger.
Pushing his hand forward the man caused Thibault to stumble backwards. "What he fuck do you think you're doing?" came the growled question from the new Mage, his accent was unlike anything Macao or the others had heard before.
Growling Thibault glared at the new arrival as he composed himself. "What am I doing? Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do?!"
The man just snorted before simply saying. "Leave."
Blinking Thibault just answered back dumbly. "What?"
"I said leave." The man repeated.
Going red Thibault roared. "Who the hell do you think you are to-"
He was interrupted as the air thickened and seemed to become heavier even as the ground began to vibrate softly. The man was physically glowing green as Ethernano formed a physical shroud around him as he dumped Magic Power into the air.
"I won't repeat myself, I said leave." Came the soft yet threat filled voice of the stranger.
Thibault now clearly intimated clicked his tongue before looking back at his companions who were all shaking from the amount of magic in the air. "Come on boys were leaving, well get their money another day."
Macao looked visibly impressed, someone with that level of power hadn't walked through those doors in a long time. 'That Magic Power… it's enough output for an A-Class Mage!'
The man watched them leave even as Thibalt sent one last hate-filled gaze his way. The moment the exited the building the pressure disappeared as did the shaking as the green shroud of magic vanished, the man turned around to look at Kinana and asked. "Are you okay Miss?"
Kinana looked up at the young man who saved her, he was young and definitely handsome and she blushed as she looked into his deep emerald eyes. "H-Hai I'm okay thanks to you."
The man nodded even as Macao approached him Wakaba not too far behind. "Thanks for protecting her there kid, you have my thanks."
The young man seemed to blush under the praise as he ran his hand through his black hair. "It was nothing, couldn't let her get hurt could I?"
Macao just laughed. Powerful and humble he was liking this kid more and more every second. "Right you are, the names Macao the Master of this little Guild what can I do for you Mr?"
The man smiled sheepishly. "Harry Potter, and I'd like to join your Guild."
Everyone was rather surprised at that announcement, they hadn't had a new member in a long time, let alone someone as strong as an A Cass Mage at minimum.
"Why would you want to do that?" Macao couldn't help but ask in a mixture of bewilderment and suspicion.
Harry just smiled. "Because I heard what this Guild was like."
Macao blinked in surprise before asking. "What do you mean?"
"This is Fairy Tail, the Guild where family means everything isn't it."
Macao's eyes along with everyone else's widened in surprise at that announcement before the memories of all his lost comrades smiling back at him filled his vision. Now smiling at the man he said. "Yeah it is, what's your name then?"
Bowing slightly the man replied. "Harry Potter, at your service."
"Well, Mr Potter it will be a pleasure to have you with us."
The now named Harry Potter rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, an act that caused the two girls in the group to blush at how cute it looked. "Just call me Harry I'm not one for honorifics."
Macao for once in a long time laughed before turning around "I'll be back, decide where you want your Guild Mark."
Harry nodded as the man disappeared through a door at the back. Turning to the man who had walked up with Macao he studied him. He looked middle-aged with light brown hair and had a cigar in his mouth. "Pleasure to meet you Harry, the names Wakaba." The man said as he held out a hand to shake.
"Harry nice to meet you too." He replied.
Wakaba gave a toothy grin before motioning to the women next to them, the one Harry had saved. "This is Kinana the girl you saved like a shining knight."
Harry turned to look at the women and as he got a closer look at her he couldn't help but blush, she was a very beautiful women, a perfect hourglass body, big green eyes and short purple hair.
Kinana blushed but looked at her savour and bowed. "T-Thank you, Harry."
Harry just blushed at the praise. "No problem anyone would have done it."
Wakaba laughed before pointing at two men sitting at a table. "Those are Jet and Droy, they form Team Shadow Gear."
Then Wakaba pointed towards the other girl in the group, she was also rather pretty if he said so himself. "That is Laki over there."
Pointing to the couple with the little girl he said. "That is Bisca and Alzack over there with little Asuka, she's like the little mascot of the Guild."
"The one over there painting is Reedus and the three over there are Max, Warren and Nab." Harry waved at them and they waved back politely but they didn't seem to have any intention to come closer and introduce themselves.
As Wakaba finished his introduction Macao returned with some type of magical stamp. "So Harry where do you want your Guild Mark?"
Harry thought about it for a moment before he took off his cloak and rolled up his right sleeve "Here put it on my forearm, in green."
The man nodded and put the stamp on his arm, Harry felt a rush of magic run through his body before Macao pulled the stamp away allowing Harry to marvel the green Fairy Tail emblem shining on his forearm.
Turning back to Macao he asked. "So how do things work around here then?" he had no real idea what he was supposed to be doing, he had no idea how Guilds worked.
"Right, well over there is the Guild board, we as a Guild get given jobs either from the Magic Council or from the local people and are paid to complete them. They run from D-Rank jobs all the way up to S-Rank jobs but only S-Class Mages are allowed to take S-Rank Jobs and we currently don't have any S-Class Mages here." He got a little melancholy at the end but seemed to forge on away ways. "Once you have a job you like you can go to Kinana behind the bar and give it to her so she and the rest of the Guild know what job you've gone on."
Harry nodded in understanding, so the Guild behaved a bit like mercenaries, except no all their jobs seem to be about fighting, some looked to be about assisting in blacksmith shops or helping clear vast areas of land, whilst some of the higher ones where monster extermination quests, VIP protection jobs or Bandit clearing. Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be more than one of the other level ones.
Harry turned to Macao and asked. "How come there aren't many high paid jobs and I don't see any A-Rank Jobs let alone any S-Rank Jobs?"
Macao sighed. "We have lost much of our prestige, it is why no one is really willing to give us any high paying jobs and none of us are strong enough to attempt any S-Class Jobs."
Harry nodded in understanding as he eyed the different jobs available.
He was drawn out of any further musing by Macao who looked at him with a gleam in his eye. "So Harry what magic can you do?"
At that statement, it seemed to catch the attention of the rest of the Guild. Max, the sandy-haired man stood up and gave both Macao and Harry an easy grin. "How about we find out in a spar?"
At that statement, the entire Guild seemed to lean forward and eye Harry with inquisitive looks as if they all wanted to know the answer to that question.
Harry looked at him for any hidden intentions, a skill he had gotten quite good at whilst living with the Dursley's. He seemed sincere, the only thing Harry could tell was that this guy just wanted someone new to fight against, he didn't have any malicious intentions behind it so Harry nodded in agreement.
The announcement of a duel seemed to spread through the Guild like wildfire and energise everyone as they all began to head outside chatting to each other in excited voices.
Harry soon found himself on a small grassy opening next to the Guild building, the different guild members standing excitedly around the edges. Harry couldn't help but sweat as he was distinctly reminded of the Weasley twins as he glimpsed a few of them exchanging money.
"You ready Harry!" His blond-haired foe said with an easy grin on his face.
Slamming his fist together Harry grinned in response, lightning sparking off his fists and his skin much to everyone's surprise.
"He can use lightning magic!" Macao said in surprise as he looked at their newest Guild member in surprise to Wakaba.
"Seems like it, wonder if it's as strong as Laxus's," Wakaba muttered aloud as Macao next to him shivered in memory of the rampaging Lighting Dragon Slayer.
"Hopefully he doesn't have that guy's temperament." Macao said as he paled, that would be really bad.
"True but I think he's a good guy or he wouldn't have helped Kinana." Wakaba said in response puffing his cigarette all the while. "Now pay attention they're about to start."
Macao blinked and looked towards the two in the centre of the clearing determined to see just how strong their new guild member was.
Meanwhile, Harry and Max were exchanging looks with one another. "You can use Lightning Magic!" he exclaimed in shock.
Harry just laughed even as sparks of emerald lightning flashed across his body. "Yeah, that and more."
Max gulped as he realised he may have bitten off more than he could chew but he wouldn't back out now, he was a Fairy Tail Mage and he never gave up or backed down from a fight.
Macao walked forward and looked at the two, "If you boys are ready then shall we begin?"
Max grinned as he responded. "Yes! Let's get this party started!" Harry just smirked and nodded. He was excited to see what a magic-user of this new world was like compared to the Wizards of Earth.
Macao grinned and roared. "Begin!"
Max started the battle off by gathering sand in his hand before slashing his hand towards Harry. "Sand Slash!"
Sand came flying from his hand-thrown like a whip which came hurtling towards him, lightning sparking around his fist Harry punched out his fist smashing into the flying whip of sand. The two attacks met but the sand whip quickly collapsed under the power of his fist.
Stepping forward Harry's body turned into pure Lightning as he converted his physical form into Lightning itself as he charged at breakneck pace towards his opponent.
Max's eyes widened as he saw a move that he had only seen Laxus himself capable of performing.
Stumbling backwards in shock Max raised his hands and shouted "Sand Wall!"
Sand came flowing in response forming a barrier between him and Harry. Harry quickly came out of Lightning Body and punched forward this time coating both arms with enough lightning that they seemed to be glowing with pure green crackling energy. Punching forward with both hands Harry's attack slammed into Max's defence sending sand and bolts of electricity everywhere as the two magicks fought for dominance.
Harry's soon won the tug of war and his fists crashed through Max's shield but his opponent was ready and rather than back away he went on the offensive charging forward and leaping into the air sending a roundhouse kick towards Harry's head.
Green eyes widened slightly as he raised his arm and blocked the kick only to be forced to do the same with his other arm as Max kicked out with his other foot. Harry grabbed this foot much to Max's shock and threw him away through the blond was able to right himself in time and land on his feet.
Deciding to end the fight Max gathered a large amount of sand to himself and shouted. "Sand Rebellion!"
One of his greatest spells the sand responded to his command and twisted through the air flying towards Harry who shielded his eyes and braced himself for the hit. He was surprised though when the sand rather than barrel into him shifted around his body forming a twister of sand with him in the centre rather than just blast him off his feet.
The twister lasted only a few scant seconds before it began to condense and fall into itself and towards Harry standing in the eye.
"This is the end!" Max shouted in excitement.
"Yeah, it is." Harry muttered his voice drowned out by the shifting sand. Raising his right hand towards the falling sand.
"Nullify!" An invisible barrier formed in front of his hand and with a flick of his wrist, the falling sand was sent careening to the side falling harmlessly to the ground all the magic in it gone leaving it nothing more than normal sand.
Max couldn't help but stare, his strongest attack had just been shrugged off like it was nothing, so lost in his shock was he that he didn't see Harry once more transform into lightning and explode towards him far faster this time. In fact, Max only registered Harry's presence once more when a Lightning covered fist rushed towards his face. He didn't have time to block or dodge and steeled himself for the inevitably painful hit only the pain didn't come.
His fist stopped just in front of Max's face causing the man to stumble back and fall on his butt.
"I-I give up, you win." Max stuttered in a daze.
Harry pulled his fist back as the lightning sparking across his body vanished leaning forward he reached out and held his hand out to Max. The downed blond looked at the hand and at Harry's smiling face before giving him an identical grin and grabbing the hand allowing Harry to pull him up.
"That was amazing, what was that magic there at the end?!" Max asked excitedly.
Harry chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "That was Nullification Magic it's one of the magicks I know." He said with embarrassment in his tone.
The man's eyes went slightly starry at that. "You can use more than one magic! That's amazing!"
Harry blushed, he had been on his own for a very long time and even after all his training he still wasn't very good at getting complimented by others. "Thank you."
The two of them then made their way back to the rest of the Guild who were all exchanging money with one another. Max stopped and gapped at the sight before shouting. "Were you guys betting on our fight?!"
Most of the Guild members had the decency to look at least slightly contrite through Wakaba just grinned as he accepted a few coins from an annoyed-looking Macao. Harry couldn't help but stare at the sight, wasn't this supposed to be the Guild Master? He was very confused, the only time he saw people in authority they were either both pompous and stuck up like Malfoy or Fudge or… well, Dumbledore.
Shaking off that thought he looked towards Macao who had turned to address him having finished his conversation with Wakaba. "Good job Harry, impressive magic you got there I think you'll fit right in." He said brightly as he looked at Harry the same happy and welcoming look was on the others harry couldn't help the smile that filtered onto his face.
A warm feeling bubbling up in his chest for the first time since he had set eyes on Hogwarts he felt like he was home.