Chapter 1

On the deck of a large ship anchored in port, stood a white haired girl, barely supporting herself against the large, front 283mm Triple turret of the KMS Graf Spee. She looked out across the port and out to sea, where 3 British cruisers lay, the HMS Ajax, Achilles, and Cumberland. The latter ship she was unfamiliar with, and was therefore fresh to any fight that might occur. The other two however, the Ajax and Achilles, she recognized as the ones who had been pursuing her and her ship since 4 days ago, trading blows all the way until she was forced to dock in the Neutral harbor of Montevideo, Uruguay three days ago. The girl estimated that her ship had been hit around 70 times before she lay anchor here.

Footsteps could be heard behind her, the heels audibly falling on the wooden deck of the panzerschiff before a voice called out to her, "Spee, the time has come."

"Kapitän zur See Langsdorff, sir." The white haired woman would say with a wince as she shifted to look at the white clothed officer, saluting him and the black clothed Fregattenkapitän standing next to him.

"At ease Spee." He'd state, returning the salute. "I'm afraid that the Higher ups in Berlin have given me two options. Either try to fight out against the three British cruisers and inbound Battlegroup, which given the state of the ship, would be impossible; or scuttle the ship and any 'valuable technologies that must not fall into the enemy's hands' and escape to Argentina." Langsdorff said, looking apologetically at Graf Spee, who kept her quiet, almost resigned, expression at what he insinuated. "I'm afraid that I must not risk the lives of my Crew, Spee. Please know, that its been an honor serving with you, and that if I could, I'd take you with us."

"You are just doing your duty Kapitän, and I will do what you ask of me." Spee said quietly, still propping herself up against the turret, sounding so utterly tired.

"Very well Spee," Langsdorff said, looking down in shame before looking up sadly, "Your last orders are such, to sail out away from the Harbor and scuttle your ship, and go down with it, denying the enemy any possible advantage."

"Ja, Kapitän, it will be done." Spee stated, once again giving the officer a salute, receiving a firm one in return from Langsdorff before the man turned on his heel and walked away, leaving the ship girl with the black clothed officer. "How may I help you Fregattenkapitän Kay?"

"I just wanted to say that it was an honor to sail with you Spee." Kay said with a sad smile. He'd then reach down to his Luger PO8 on his belt, pulling it out before flipping it around and offering the grip to Graf Spee, "I also wanted to give you this, for the afterlife."

Spee would take the pistol and look it over with a small smile, looking up and giving Kay a salute which he returned. "It was an honor to serve you all as well, please tell the crew that." She'd say.

"I will be sure to do that." Said the Fregattenkapitän, before sighing lightly, "Well, I believe that we should not draw this out any longer. Once again, it was an honor Spee, I wish you luck wherever the sea takes you." He'd say before turning and leaving Graf Spee alone once more. She felt each and every crewmember walk down the gangplank and off the KMS Graf Spee.

Once all the crew was off, Spee mentally ordered her ship to leave the mooring, sailing out into the sea, towards the waiting British cruisers. Before her ship got in range of their guns, she silently detonated the scuttling charges mostly situated in her aft; A blast of hot air blowing her hair forward as she stood resiliently on the Bow of her ship, nearly falling over from the self-inflicted pain. Her ship slowly sank into the depths of the Southern Atlantic, Spee standing all the way until the water began licking at her ankles. The white haired girl continued on to stay still, letting the water engulf her slowly, staying even as the water went over her head, embracing the sea silently until her world went dark.

Ajax stood on the bow of her battered vessel, watching as the ship that gave them so much trouble before sunk to the bottom of their own volition.

"Persistent even to the end... Who would've thought she'd scuttle herself... Now she's gonna make us look like the bad guys!" Stated Achilles over the radio.

"...There's no such thing as a good or bad side in war, Achilles." Replied Ajax flatly, not pulling her eyes off of the sinking 'Pocket Battleship.' "We don't have any need for Cumberland anymore... I'll just inform our allies that... Graf Spee has been sunk."

"Alright. Then we should start heading... Ajax? You okay?" Achilles asked, concerned about how brief Ajax was being over the radio.

"Go on ahead, I'll catch up with you." Stated Ajax curtly.

"...Alrighty then. I'll take it slow so you've got time." Achillies replied, not entirely understanding, but not questioning Ajax's current emotional state.

"Yeah, sure." Said Ajax, her eyes still fixed to the sinking wreckage of Spee. She'd then turn off her radio before speaking, "In reality, Cumberland was the only one behind us. I lied about Ark Royal and Renown, you see. Ahahah..." She laughed shakily before continuing, "But even supposing you were to defeat us, your defeat would have been set in stone the moment you docked at this port." She paused, mulling over what she was saying and letting out an airy chuckle, finally taking her eyes off of the Graf Spee and looking to the sky, "...It's not like me to be emotional in front of my fallen enemies like this. When I get back home, I'm going to harass Exeter some more." She'd then look back at the sinking Spee, giving a rare, genuine smile, "But still, I'm grateful, Admiral Graf Spee. It's thanks to you that I managed to have such an... enjoyable time. Ahahah..."

Ajax then turned her ship about, going as fast as her damaged ship allowed her so she could catch up to her sister, leaving the Spee behind.

Kapitän zur See – Captain at Sea (Equivilent to Captain)

Fregattenkapitän – Commander

Panzerschiff – Armored Ship or Pocket Battleship

So, that is the first chapter in this fic, I tried to be as accurate as possible to the crew and ranks, but a lot is unclear, unrecorded, or difficult to find. But anyways, feel free to leave criticism, roast me, threaten my life, or anything else along those lines.

Sayonara readers, Gamenian out.