Reviews for Committed Unto the Depths
Rinter215 chapter 10 . 6/25
I’m interested in the story. but just to see how it goes.
necros434 chapter 10 . 6/6
Let's start with the good
- I didn't notice any grammatical or spelling errors
- cuteness shark is cute
- what appears to be a complete misunderstanding of Azur Lane's lore
- the story doesn't flow the best and it feels a bit rushed
Why the fuck are humans on board the ships You realise humanity's almost extinct in Azur Lane right

You should also know the only reason that they'd have any interaction with the human crew of the ship is in their memories

Also a thing to note is in Azur Lane at least shipgirls are more powerful than the ship that they are based on(stated in the lore section of one of the art books)

I'll Follow the story for a little while see how it turns out wish you luck with it
necros434 chapter 6 . 6/6
No it's not just World War 2 with ship girls

What in gods name gave you that idea

It literally hasn't been that way for most of the games lifespan

Also no sirens are a bad idea way to powerful
snipervtk4 chapter 10 . 5/21
Depth charge, Torpedoes and AP guns is good 4 naval hunting... And all-rounder Grimm hunting pack in a single humanoid body.
Shipgirls can goes to land to combat, but of course, at the expense of their combat rigging, especially, components that ussually under sea level. Oh, and reduced speed of movement, too, gotta note that.
Shipgirls that have their rigging damage enough will consider mission kill. In case of unable to interact with their designated equipment, they still can feel the damage of their naval manifest self when it taking unauthorized removal of components, i.e pain and incapacitation of equivalent body parts. So yes, they have mental link to their ship selves.
Final note that due to the ships can be minaturize into clusters of Mental Cubes and dissolve into thin air or back to it owner, this fact is needed to be considering in future chapter.
Do we have to deliver Sharnhorst over that side? I think so. All full AL fleet require at least 1 backline ship to consider combat rated. And how to deliver her over there? Well, Belfast and Duke of York have a say in that.
Waiting 4 next chapter...
P/S: in debate of wether the Deuchlan class are shark or not, i'm doubt it. In my opinion, the sisters more like mermaid than shark... if you ever consider that the KMS subs have 1 presudo shark themselves.
daggercloak000 chapter 10 . 5/16
Hell no I want destroy SDC Right now... How dare they treat her like that... NOPE NOPE dont allow those prick experiment on her... I HATE SDC & JAQUES ehh whatever the name of prick
logros13 chapter 10 . 5/16
Must admit this chapter has me worried on several fronts. The implied upcoming human experimentatuíon and other extremely dark stuff is not the kind of thing i'm interested in and i sincerely hope the fic is not heading that way. The second and in its own way equally unpleasant surprise was just how weak you portrayed the ship girls in combat, being subdued by two grunts with ordinary guns (i would have expected them to be essentially immune to small arms fire) that even a beginner huntress would easily have mopped the floor with. I had expected the shipgirls to be at least hunter level if not stronger... :/

i'm not saying i'm dropping it or anything but... yeah, worried by the implications. Especially if it's heading into torture/human experimentation territory in which case i will drop it...
ptl chapter 10 . 5/15
Crap, Jacques is now informed about the shipgirls.
joeyginise chapter 9 . 5/2
So, if you ever continue this, might I make a suggestion. What if Spee found more German girls and decided to make the Kriegsmarine a sort of Mercenary force on remmnant. I'm sure there are plenty of Sea monster contracts that your typical huntsman can't handle because of a lack of specialization. Just a thought I had a while back.
BanzEye chapter 9 . 4/22
Loving this story! Are you going to be adding more ships from different nations, or just ships from Germany? Hope you update soon! Stay safe!
daggercloak000 chapter 9 . 4/18
Please update soon... Its rare to find fic like this.. Keep it up
daggercloak000 chapter 2 . 4/18
Finally a good fic... Please update soon
Guest chapter 9 . 3/26
You fool! What have you done! You jeopardy the entire civilizations of Remmant at hands of dark queen and terrorists!
MarkoncioX chapter 9 . 3/26
This fic is actually very informative, i didn't know a lot of thinks like the way the ships sank or the diferent wepons that they used, now regarding Atlas, if they manage to replicate Earth's ammunition things could get pretty dangerous, but for now, lets just enjoy the exploits of our cute ships.
Since the next chapter.
ptl chapter 9 . 3/26
I think a certain Bizarre cyborg Nazi would be proud.

And the best thing with Earth weapons is that, compared to the more complex mecha-shifting ones from Remnant, they’re easy to replicate and improved upon. They can even replicate gunpowder, especially with Atlas advanced technology. That and they will try to improve upon their Knight designs to at least be more bullet resistant. Ironwood would slack his jaw if he were to be told those weapons, while still effective and well designed, are overpowered by much more modern weaponry by our standards.
Shen69 chapter 9 . 3/25
I hope Atlas won't be able to reproduce gunpowder. Otherwise, it's gonna open a whole new can of worms. Great update. Looking forward to the next chapter!
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