Okay, here is the next chapter for this story. This time Wally gets to get to know the kids a bit better. Hope you all enjoy this. As you know, I got some editors like Edge, Steel, Writer, Qale, irmadbro, gotsh0cks, DekutheStrong and the others. MHA is owned by Shonen Jump and Horikoshi, and Young Justice is owned by DC and Greg Weisman.

Rookie Lessons

(Mustafu, Japan. UA High School, Heights Alliance. August 07:04)

Wally yawned a bit as he got up, stretching as he went to the kitchen to get some breakfast started. He zipped to the shower room for a quick one and came out refreshed and a bit more awake, but now a tad more hungry.

He walked into the kitchen and got some breakfast stuff cooking before hearing some muttering as he noticed the other kids had already woken up and got their own breakfast. "Hey kids, I see I'm not the only early riser."

"Of course not, sir." Iida said with a smile, sipping from a can of orange juice. "We are dedicated to our training so we always wake up pretty early."

"Plus class is at 8...and we don't want to get in trouble with Mr. Aizawa after the Kamino stuff." Kaminari admitted, yawning a bit before going to finish his breakfast rice.

"Ah yeah, school. Man I hated that as a kid. Wasn't too big on it as a college kid either." Wally said with a chuckle before hearing the muttering. "Okay, seriously, who is that…?" He looked around and saw something off…

"Lets see… the hero Air jet can fly at about a 400 mph rate with his jetpack, but needs his quirk to help fuel it. Meanwhile Iida's brother's top speed was about 600 mph… West-Sensei can go much faster than that… how does he constitute air drag…" Izuku muttered, his chin tapping as he was surrounded with 13 different colored notebooks.

"What's that around Izuku? His memoir?" Wally asked curiously as he ate the high scale scrambled eggs he made himself, munching on it with some chopsticks.

Uraraka giggled as she says, "Nah, they're his hero notebooks. He made them because he's such a big hero fan. He's a bit of a fanboy."

"It's freaking nerdy is what it is…" Bakugo muttered in annoyance as Wally walked over curiously, seeing the page Izuku was looking over was his own.

"Oh hey, I'm here. Mind if I check out your work, kid?" Wally asked as Izuku nods bashfully. Wally smiled as he set down his eggs and looked it over… as his green eyes started to get wide. He saw the kinda amateurish drawing of himself… but what he was focused on was what surrounded it.

Besides a margin of error of how his speed works, he's got all the capabilities of his powers from what he can do at a super fast speed, how his vibrations can affect his surroundings, and even potential counters against him from a high frequency energy field that can bind his atoms to draining his stamina to the point of draining him of all inertia.

Wally nervously got his Tablet out and looked up some heroes and quickly checked the others in Superspeed; he's got them all. The Pussycats - which Wally found as a weird look - Gunhead, Ryukyu, this guy called Fatgum, even teachers like Thirteen or Nezu. He's got all of their stats, and all their weaknesses from his observations and ways to go around them and improve their skills.

Wally quickly finished his eggs to soothe his nerves a bit before taking a small breath to calm himself further before giving Izuku a big grin. "Heeeey! Midoriya, Izuku… Kiddo… How long did it take you to make all these?"

Izuku, not seeing the big deal, shrugs as he says, "I dunno. A few years I guess. It's just a hobby, really. It's to help me prepare for my future as a hero." the other students just looked at each other and shrug.

"I see…" Wally said with a nod as he also checked the 13th notebook; besides a few burnt pages, he sees that there are some notes about his own classmates and some of Class B and a kid named Kota."Oh yeah, if you got any of those stats thing you want to give, just bring them to class today, kay?"

"Yes sir!" They all said at once as Wally put the notebook back down. He gave Izuku a small nod before turning around as he gave him a small wave. But paused when he heard Izuku gave a nervous chuckle.

"Thanks for liking them, sir… for some reason it's like my brain is on fire with ideas. So I thought I'd try to figure out why you got here while reworking some of my older stuff." Izuku said sheepishly, as that made Wally even more nervous but cleared his throat as he headed for the door.

"Oh, and if I may be so bold; Izuku here has some great ideas. I think he can help out a lot." Wally said with a nervous smile, pausing before the midway point to the door. "So if you guys have any issues with your powers, he can help too. I can help on the practical end."

"Why do we need that shitty nerd's advice?!" Bakugo asked, sounding offended at that. Wally quirked a brow at that fast response while the others just gave sighs at this.

"Trust me, if you actually saw the value of data, it'd be a big thing to listen to that kind of help. You're a team, so taking input from your teammates is good. If you need me, I'll be getting a lesson plan from the teachers 'kay?" Wally said with a small salute walking out the door… before zipping away in a blind panic, quickly back in his hero suit.

Mic was heading down to the teacher's lounge just as he got knocked down by Wally, who slams his hands down on a table and gave a small shout of a freak out. "Sheesh kid, calm down!" Mic said in surprise as Aizawa groaned.

"Some of us are trying to get some rest before class… I was up late." Aizawa muttered as Wally panted a bit.

"Sorry… Just had a bit of a freak out from seeing something… That Midoriya kid is a freaking monster in intel." Wally said, his hands in his hair. "13 notebooks… likely spent at least half a decade or so writing all those out and editing them with any new information…"

"What are you going on about?" Thirteen asked in some concern as Wally just gave a groan, his head leaning back.

"Those hero notebooks he has. He's got everyone pegged! Yeah he's got some margin of error, but that's to be expected in anything when you don't have any private info on people you watch on the news!" Wally groaned as the other teachers grew confused.

"Well, I have read them once when I came across him before class. I saved him from a sludge villain attack. I will admit it's well detailed, but I don't see why you are so spooked." All Might began… before a realization hit. "It's because of the black ops missions, isn't it?"

"Black Ops? Wha?" Snipe asked, as Cementos and Ectoplasm shared a look of confusion.

Wally sighed as he says, "Yes it's because of the Black ops. I learned first hand that having any intel on either the heroes or villains side is about as valuable as platinum in the Life. It's how we kept up with the Light or any of the other villains is our intel on them."

"And you're afraid of a teenager's notebooks?" Vlad King asked, faintly amused as Wally suddenly zipped at him, holding him by the front of his shirt.

"Dude! Kid has the intel gathering skills of my pal Nightwing! Kid isn't even a trained detective, and yet his deductive reasoning and intel gathering skill is on par as someone who has a decade's worth of training from the greatest detective on my Earth!" Wally said, panting a bit as the others looked confused… but Aizawa and All Might actually looked worried now.

"I'll give context." Aizawa said as he motions Wally over, who zips over and gives him his tablet. Aizawa hooks it up to a hologram dispenser as he looked it over and nods, pressing a button as a holographic image appeared; of an imposing man in his 30s wearing a gray mesh suit with a bat insignia and a cowl styled after a bat's head.

"This man is named Bruce Wayne, one of the richest, most influential men on his earth from the city of Gotham. According to what Wally knows about his history, he had his parents murdered in an alley and trained for a decade or so to become the Batman, a symbol of fear to criminals."

"Yeah… Bats is one of the founders of the Justice League and is seen as one of the Trinity, the three greatest heroes on my Earth. He's known for his tactics, his deductive reasoning and his intel gathering skills. He's an irreplaceable asset of the Justice League. And my best pal, Dick Grayson, was his first protege and a freaking prodigy who started crime fighting as a kid." Wally further explained as they all nod, understanding the gravity now as the hologram turned off.

"So… You're saying Midoriya's books are dangerous? We take them away?" asked Snipe as Wally shook his head at this.

"No. We don't let anyone figure out how potentially dangerous they are. After all, they are just a kid's hobby… but we do keep a closer eye on him. He's smarter than we may give him credit for." Wally explained with a sigh as Ectoplasm got an arm out of his coat and turned on the TV.

There they saw a news report of a fire going on in another part of Mustafu. "Ah crap…!" Mic said in shock. "Good thing we got Backdraft and the others…" He sighed a bit when he saw the other pros there.

Wally however heard that there was a kid still trapped inside and pulls his mask on, his goggles going over his eyes. "Where are you going?" Aizawa asked, confused. "Your debut isn't scheduled 'til about a week from now."

"Oh, like I'm just standing here when I hear about a fire going on and a kid is in the blaze? Sorry, but you can't stop me." He then zooms away, leaving a whirlwind that knocks some papers aside.

In Downtown, Backdraft called for some back up as firefighters helped him try to put out the oddly blue-tinted flames. "Ugh, where did this come from!?" Backdraft asked in annoyance as a man stretched his arms out to get people out of range of the fire.

"I just checked a nearby alley; there's some bodies there. It looks like the flames caught on an open window's curtain and it spread from there." the heroine Mount Lady said, trying to keep the crowd from getting too close with her large hand.

"Great…" Death Arms said in annoyance as he was trying to look for a way into the building. "How long does that kid have?"

"Given that the fire doesn't seem to be spreading too fast thankfully, we just have to worry about smoke. This is not a natural fire though… it seems it's trying to burn through the building itself." Backdraft said as they heard a boom nearby and turned to see the Flash there, panting.

"Where's the kid?" Flash asked, his tone firm as Death Arms looked over his uniform, curious but sighs.

"Look citizen, I get the concern but if you want an update here it is; we are trying to contain the flames the best we can. At the rate it was burning before, it would have reached them by now. But as of right now, they are on a higher floor. Once we have the citizens under control, we can have Mount Lady get them." Death Arms explained as Flash put his goggles on to look at the building through it's thermals.

"... No, if you wait that long, the smoke will get to them. We need to get in now." Wally said as Death Arms shook his head.

"The fire is too hot. It's lucky Bakcdraft's pressure is even slowing it down as is and he's at max power right now." Death Arms said as Wally frowned, his antennae picking up the cries of the child's mother to save her child. "I'm sorry, but I can understand this frustration…"

"Yeah… but I'll be right back. I need to get some distance…" Wally squints as he zooms away, confusing many of them before Mount Lady caught something and squints at the distance.

"Wait… He's doing a U turn!?" She asked in surprise as they saw a new wind blur suddenly flash right by them, smashing through the burnt remains of the door in the blue fire. "Is he insane!?" she screamed in shock, her eyes wide.

"I don't know…" Death Arms muttered before they saw a blur heading for the window and zips down, the wind pushing the blue flames away as Flash soon arrived, a small girl clutching into a stuffed zebra and his body.

"Hanabi!" the girl's mother cried out as Flash handed her off to her mother, before glaring at the flames behind him.

"Better stop those flames before they catch on anything else…" Flash then zooms away, confusing many of them as he started to run around. "Don't stop the water!" He cries out as Backdraft continued spraying water, which started to spread out with the cyclone as it put out the fire.

The other pros were shocked as they saw the fires were dying out with the steam helping it along. He pants as he soon stops, getting some breath in from that. "Excuse me, who are you?" Death Arms, his tone firm as Wally put a hand up.

"Don't worry, I was licensed yesterday. Just saw this on the news and came here." Wally reassured as he looked at his tablet and cringed. "Ah crap, I took longer than I needed…"

"Sir, who are you?" A reporter asked but Wally put a hand and waved sheepishly to some people taking pictures of him.

"Sorry, you can take some pictures folks but I can't do an interview right now. I'm 'The Flash' though, that'll help you get an idea of who I am." Wally gave a chuckle. "But don't think I can take all the credit; if Backdraft wasn't here, I wouldn't be able to put the flames out as fast I could. I doubt just sucking up the oxygen would have helped stop that flame. Needed something to cool it down to a more manageable level."

"Ah well…" Backdraft gave a sheepish laugh as he scratched his head with his hose as Flash suddenly zipped away almost like a bolt of lightning. "...Well, he's a humble guy."

"Yeah, he didn't try to steal glory… Unlike someone I know…" Death arms said, his eye slowly looking at Mount Lady.

"Oh let it go!" the giantess said in annoyance upon turning to her normal size. They watched him go, the speedy blur rapidly disappearing. However, while he was running back to UA, Wally noticed something.

"Uh oh." He sped over to a book store and saw a guy lifting his hand up against the humanoid Hummingbird store owner, his attacker having a strange muscle in his palm before Wally punched him down to the ground. "Sorry about that, but pretty sure you're supposed to be quiet in a bookstore."

"Thank you, hero." the hummingbird said with a smile. "You want a reward?"

"Hmm… well, I'd like to pay for some books for my students if that's okay." Wally said as he zips away and comes back with several books. The man nods as he quickly got them paid for and bagged, Wally giving a small salute and zipping away.

As Wally ran out, he saw a little girl with spikes coming out of her forehead started to cry as a balloon started to float away. Wally put an arm out to suction it towards his hand with a reverse twister and then tied it to the little girl's wrist. She giggled with a smile as she waved to the blur that ran away.

Wally kept going till he saw someone was looking over a map in confusion. "Ugh, where is that office building…?" Wally stopped by him and he yelped in surprise. "Uh… hi?"

"Looking for somewhere to be, sir?"

"Uh...yes, the Kishimoto Hero Agency. I'm looking to apply there for the office job." Wally then typed that place into his tablet and nods as he got the directions.

"Take a walk down the street for about 4 blocks then take a right." Wally directed, showing the man the route as well as he gave a nod. Then Wally zipped back towards UA, thankful that he didn't run into any other things that were going to distract him and headed to the classroom.

When he arrived however it was Midnight's class on art, where she was currently having them practice some designing logos for products they could have sponsored. "Sorry for being late." Wally said sheepishly. "Just had to pick up some stuff after the fire…"

"That is fine. It's gonna be lunchtime soon after this class and Ectoplasm's math class." Midnight reassured with a smile. "How do you like their logos?"

Wally looked them over and says, "Looks nice so far, kids." He gave a smile. 'Okay, maybe this teaching stuff won't be too bad…' Wally thought, smiling as he handed the books out. "These are for when training comes up. They got some stuff about the makeup of your powers or similar things."

They all gave nods as they kept going through class, but they seemed mostly bored when Math class started. Wally was actually looking, and even helped Ectoplasm explain the math equations for the kids who were having trouble understanding certain ways about it. It made Mina and Denki beam happily while Momo seemed to smile at their happiness; Wally guesses she tutors them.

Later that day while at lunch, Wally was having a few trays of food for himself to get some energy after his long morning. His eyes studied the cafeteria quietly; seeing the groups hanging out with each other at different tables and talking… but it seemed that Classes A and B weren't united, which made him frown.

"You okay, sir?" Izuku asked as he walkeds by with some Katsudon, as Wally looked up from the fried rice stir fry to the young man. At the corner of his eye, he noticed some general study kids whispering to themselves while giving mean looks towards the table Izuku was going to, making him distracted for a second.

"Yeah, I am. Don't worry, kid." Wally reassured with a smile. "But yeah, I am expecting your class to go to you for some advice that I may not be able to help with. Those notebooks were something else. Just make sure to put them somewhere safe. Don't wanna lose that hard work after all."

"Yeah, that's a good point. Thanks!" Izuku said with a smile as he headed off, Wally watching him with a small nod. Seems like a good kid, which is a relief. But soon he'd see how insane things are…

(Later at Gym Gamma.)

Wally felt a bead of sweat go down the side of his head as he was soon zooming around the gym, having looked over the papers before the training began. But now he had to deal with the chaos that Cementos' gym developed.

"Yeah, great setup for training… make it impossible for people to actually maneuver…" Wally muttered under his breath as he supersped over to Aoyama, who was looking rather quasey after a certain blast. "How much output are you putting through that belt, kid!?"

"Ano...can't go too little, or else beam won't work…" Wally bent down to help him to the bathroom, muttering something about a better power output to avoid this as he got him there. He sighed a bit, thankful for the amount of food he ate earlier.

"Okay… let's see…" Wally perked up as he saw Iida was doing some paces in place...and cringed hard as he saw how janky he looked when he was running.

"Hey Tenya!" Wally zoomed over and says, "Why is your pace so stiff? You're not a robot… and trust me, most of the robots I've met aren't that stiff." Wally then did his own pacing in spot. "See this? See how my leg smoothly goes up and down? Try that. Also try leaning your body by about 10 degrees more further. You may notice an increase in running speed."

Iida nods as he leans a bit more forward and copies the speed before coming back, chuckling. "Ahaha! Of course! That was so simple, I could have easily missed that." He gives a 90-degree bow in thanks, Wally just chuckling nervously.

'Can't say this kid isn't enthusiastic…' he thought awkwardly as he soon heard a yell before turning and yelping as he zooms over to see Momo groaning, having been kicked by Ectoplasm in the spar.

"Your form was a little off, you left your right side open. Let's try again." Ectoplasm stated as Momo nods, getting back up. Wally frowned at this as he suddenly zipped over and leaned over to her ear.

"Try a sweep and then a roundhouse kick while he's distracted…" Wally whispered before zipping away. Momo blinked at that whisper in her ear before doing that, but her kick was a little off and got him in the shoulder. She yelped as she ended up slipping from going too high in it and knocking both of them down.

Wally just facepalmed at this, groaning in embarrassment. He looked over and in contrast, Uraraka was actually giving Ectoplasm trouble with her own roundhouse kick, hitting him properly in the side. He then looks and sees Ojiro having some trouble too. "Ugh!" He said in frustration as he got back up.

"I said you were relying too much on your tail… let's try again." Ectoplasm began as he turned, only for Wally to zip by him and lean in.

"Try a one-two punch, then a kick to the side and then trip him up with your tail while doing a side sweep." Wally whispered before zipping off. Ojiro heard that and nods, getting into a stance before throwing his left, than a right before doing the kick.

"And now… the sweep!" Ojiro quickly spun and used his tail to trip Ectoplasm up, making him the clone yell out as it fell on it's back.

Wally then went back to running around and began to notice a recurring issue; the people who didn't have as much raw power as Shoto or Bakugo were struggling to do actual hand to hand combat against their opponents, including Izuku who seemed to be not so used to doing kick-based martial arts. This had to stop as he quickly ran over to Aizawa and swiped something out of his pocket.

"Wait, what are you-" before Eraserhead could finish, Wally blew into the whistle hard to get everyone's attention. Aoyama exited the bathroom at the same time, confused as they all went over to him.

"Okay, I gotta ask… What the hell was with your guys' hand to hand training? Aoyama and Tenya seemed more focused on endurance, so I can understand them not being as active in the combat stuff. But the rest of you? Who the heck trained you in hand to hand?" Wally asked, crossing his arms.

There was an awkward, pregnant pause as Shoji raised his hand. "Well… we technically learned from doing some of our own practice. I don't think a lot of us were formally trained in hand to hand combat."

"I learned some stuff from my father…" Shoto admitted, crossing his arms while looking downward.

"My brother and parents taught me our family fighting style." Iida said, raising an arm quickly as Ojiro and Uraraka both admit to having gone to dojos, the latter after the school year began during her internship. Midoriya also admits his fighting style was crafted during his internship too, as his pre-UA training was more about muscle training, but he had watched some videos online.

"I know enough." Bakugo muttered to himself while Ejirou said he learned some boxing from watching Crimson Riot in action while Mina showed off some of her dance moves to show how she'd fight.

"So that's eight of you with formal hand to hand training… while the rest of you are either just showing an inclination towards certain styles but no training yet." Wally said, his hand on his forehead as he rubbed it.

"Um… you just run at super speeds. Do you know how to fight?" Kaminari asked as Wally gave a sigh as he motions Ectoplasm over who came over.

"Watch. See, with my body type...I've got a certain style." He then started showing them, his body seeming to give off sparks of energy in his combat. "I'm not strong, but my speed compensates for it. Lets me hit harder when I need to do a good punch and kick."

Kaminari watched, seeing the energy with a curious look as the others watched as the two pros seemed pretty even...despite Ectoplasm being older. "Impressive." Ectoplasm admitted before Wally did a super fast sweep, knocking him down.

"Learned THAT one from Black Canary. Not just a therapist, but a good combat instructor too." Wally said with a small smirk. "As she told us; combat is about controlling the situation; acting and never reacting. Putting everything on your own terms."

"Great, then you can teach them some stuff since you think my teaching isn't up to snuff." Aizawa said with a small shrug. "I'm sure you can handle it."

Wally felt a bead of sweat at this as he gave a breath. "Well… okay…" He then began to think things over and nods, going by memory as he soon zooms up to each of them and began to move his body in a certain way to get them an idea for a form. He was soon zooming around, moving between each of them in rapid succession

"So, like this?" Jirou asked as she put her hands into a sort of pseudo boxing position for him as Wally nods, but is trying to make sure to adjust her when needed before moving on.

"Okay, I think I get what you are going for here…" was Shoto's reply to him using his fireside on a more offensive technique while using the ice half for a more defensive styling before Wally sped off to help another student.

Wally went to Sato and made his arms go out wide, "See this? This is a more grappling style. Given your size, you'd be good with that like a wrestler." Sato nods eagerly as he practiced some movements while he helped Momo with some more gymnastic-style combat that went with her frame.

Aizawa watched this and could see a subtly hidden tick with Wally; he's used to not being this responsible, so he seems to be trying harder with this than he felt necessary. However it seemed more that he was holding back his frustration until the end of the training was and Class B arrived to see Wally helping Koda with a sort of defensive fighting style while some students seemed to be practicing with weapons Momo gave out.

"Okay Anima, there we go!" Wally said as he had Koda using his broad hands to block kicks from Ectoplasm, giving him proper gloves to protect against the kicks. "You got it!" He gave a thumbs up to Jirou, who was using a baton against Shoto to practice his defensive skills with his ice.

"What in the…?" Monoma asked as Wally saw them arrive as the other students relaxed from their form training.

"Seems it's Class B's turn for the combat practice, Flash-Sensei?" Momo asked, panting as she and Ojiro paused the Bo staff training as they collapsed them-Wally suggested a collapsable one would work better.

"Seems so." Ojiro said with a nod as he looks at Momo, "Mind if I keep this? I'd like to practice with it more."

"Of course." Momo reassured with a smile as they headed out, Monoma just smirking as he watched them go.

"So it is our turn with this mysterious hero?" Shihai asked as Wally was chugging some orange juice that Iida was friendly enough to share on his way out.

"Yeah." Wally wiped his lips before chewing on a protein bar. "But before we practice with your quirks, let's practice some hand to hand combat. We spent the last part of the training with 1-A today with some hand to hand. I can help you find out your best fighting technique."

"Um, excuse me." Kendo asked as she raised her hands. "I can understand this for someone like me, Kaibara, Shoda and Rin, but why the rest of us?"

"Because sometimes you won't be able to use your quirk, either for safety reasons, or because something has happened that makes using it untenable. Your quirks are trump cards, they shouldn't be your first resort. Back home, we have lots of people with super strength, on both sides of the line, meaning that winning those battles comes down to hand to hand combat, and who's better at it. Most of the goons you'll go up against will be punks that don't know how to really fight; they'll throw their untrained quirks at you, or try to shoot you. Or they're in the middle of a crowd, somehow. You need a way to fight them without causing collateral damage, or injuring innocent bystanders."

This gave the students a moment to ponder, including the straggling 1-B kids who quickly caught up with their classmates to share what they had just overheard.

"I see…" Reiko stroked her chin through her mask. "With this style of teaching, you wish for us to endure our conflicts through the use of bodily harm as well as our unique individual power sets. To ensure the continued welfare of the citizens we wish to fortify."

Wally just stared for a moment, clearly confused at the way she said that, to the point he was sure she wasn't speaking Japanese. "...She talks like that sometimes. She's saying that you are teaching us this would help us with our quirks too, right?" Rin asked, as Wally nods at this. "Sweet, how do you want us to fight?"

"I guess that was kinda fancier way to say what Canary told us… Well… let's see how we can do things with each of you." Wally then watched as the 20 other kids began to go into stances themselves as he started to watch them train with the Ectoplasms in hand to hand, before zooming off to help them out.

Rin smirked at the offer he got, taking a sort of serpent style stance of martial arts that goes well with his hands when they are scaled up, meanwhile Setsuna got a more fluid style of combat showing her how to evade and move quickly.

Kendo smirked as she was shining throughout the exercise, actually taking on two Ectoplasms at once with great skill. "How am I doing, Sensei?" She asked with a smirk as Wally just gave a nod of approval.

"Nice job, Itsuka!" Wally gave a thumbs up and a smirk as they kept at it, giving the shorter of the class - Komori and Manga - some tips on how to use their smaller size to their advantage. He did cringe however as Ibara focused mostly on dodging maneuvers, but was getting tripped up by her cloak, which Ectoplasm took advantage of.

"You okay, Vine?!" Tetsutetsu shouted as she just gave a nod in reassurance; Wally blanching at that name.

"Woo! This is fun!" Pony cheered as she ducked and gave her Ectoplasm a headbutt, , avoiding stabbing him with her horns thankfully. Wally was nervous seeing those, but it seemed she knew not to skewer people with them while Shihai was more of a sneaky fighter and used mind games more often.

"Whoa!" Monoma yelled out as he was tripped up, groaning a tad. "Seems I need to work on this… ah well, better than most of Class A, I'd bet."

'He's not 100% wrong, I'll admit… more of these kids seemed to have actually gotten some combat training.' Wally thought as he saw Bondo get knocked over, spraying glue against his Ectoplasm. Wally sighed a bit.

"Woooo! That was awesome!" Tetsutetsu cheered out as they all headed out, out of their uniforms as Wally walked by them. "You were so manly, teach!"

"Though it is clear you are still new to this... " Vlad muttered to himself. "I saw you looking at your glove every now and again…"

"Ehehe…" Wally chuckled sheepishly at Vlad catching him. "You mind if I hang with your students, Kai? Gotta get to know these kids so they can be the best heroes out there after all."

"Fine with me, just don't let them slack off." Vlad King said, heading off as Wally followed them to their dorm. It looked fairly similar to Class A's, which didn't surprise him much. Wally quickly went to the kitchen where Yui followed, getting a jar of star shaped candies before raising a slight eyebrow at a highly stacked sandwich similar to last night.

'Hopefully this strategy works twice. Plus, I'm starving after today.' Wally thought to himself as he sat down at the table to eat, Yui popping an oriental candy into her mouth and slowly chewed. She watched Wally eat carefully.

Kendo, seeing this, giggled sheepishly as she lead her off. "Sorry about her, she's just curious about you."

"That's fine." Wally reassured as he looks around the room; it seemed this group was a bit more dedicated to the actual training than Class A, as many of them were discussing how to effectively use their quirks as Wally looked towards Monoma in particular, who was talking to Tetsutetsu and Shihai.

"Honestly it's not a surprise we were able to pick up on that test faster than 1-A. With the amount of arrogance their new-found fame has gotten many of their members, it wouldn't be shocking if they slacked off a bit." Monoma said with a slight chuckle.

"Still…" Tetsutetsu crossed his arms in an almost thoughtful way. "It is pretty manly they were able to keep up with a lot of the villains so far this year, so they got more practical than us. Even though I was the one who took out that gas villain."

"I was just happy I could help with that Bakugou stuff with that tracking device." Yosetsu said with a shrug. "So we got to help a bit with that whole mess."

"Yes, but then those others had to go showboaty and go after Bakugou themselves when All Might and the other pros were involved. As usual…" Monoma sighed a bit as his phone rang a bit. "Hmm?" He looked at it and chuckled. "Hey Flash-Sensei."

"Yeah?" Wally asked as he swallowed his mouthful before being shown the phone by Yosetsu, making him raise an eyebrow as it showed him helping the little girl with her balloon.

"You're trending, teach." Kamakiri said with a small laugh as he turned on the TV to show his point. Indeed, many of the news stations were showing many of his exploits earlier that day; the main one being about the fire.

"Whoa…" Komori said with a slightly impressed tone moving her bangs out of her eyes to show her crossed-mushroom eyes.

Tetsutetsu shouted as he saw the clip of Flash running into the flames, "SO MANLY!" Several students seemed to share this sentiment with smiles as they watched him put out the fire with the mix of Backdraft's water and his speed.

"Truly inspiring debut indeed. It is quite an honor to be in the presence of someone so noble." Ibara said, Wally just raising an eyebrow at this.

"What's the big deal? I helped someone who needed it, it's not that big of a deal." Wally said, giving a shrug as the students blinked at this.

"That is a quite humble point of view, sensei. Humility is sometimes a trait that is sometimes… unnoticed." Reiko said, her eyes looking towards Monoma as she said that last part.

"Well, it is an attractive attribute. But in this day in age, humility can only get you so far. How far one can get by when it comes to being well known is just as important as your other skills, especially if you want the higher ranks." Monoma explained as Wally finished his sandwich in a rather fast manner.

"Is that why you gotta hate on for them?" Wally asked, giving a raised brow at this as Monoma just gave a chuckle at this.

"You are new here, so you do not understand. You see, there is a slight hierarchy that has been around for some reason. You see, it has become a habit that class A has always been a more popular class. It is the one that is being paid the most attention to here at UA." Monoma began, showing some images to him.

Wally looked and saw it was news reports; the USJ incident; Bakugo winning the sports festival; Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida being attacked by Stain but being saved by Endeavor; Bakugo getting kidnapped by the villains. "See a trend?" Kamakiri asked flatly, back against a wall.

"These kids have terrible luck?" Wally asked, raising an eyebrow at this. "As that's all I'm getting out of this."

"Bad luck or not, they are using this as free press to make themselves seen, it leaves our class in the dust. I just feel the need to put them down a few notches is all before they get a swelled head." Monoma said with a small shrug as Kendo just sighed, frustrated.

Wally however was frowning a bit, crossing his arms. "So… you're jealous because they ended up going up against villains… in situations where they could have easily died in?" That was a hard question, which made Monoma give a bit of pause.

"Well, obviously they were in danger, but after they got through it, it did seem like they gave off an air of superiority over going through that kind of ordeal unscathed. It seemed to make them think they were untouchable." Monoma said, crossing his arms.

"Dude, fighting super villains isn't something to take lightly. I am guessing you haven't been in the thick of it yet, Monoma? I overheard two of you actually fought villains?" Wally asked, looking around.

"Three, actually. Tetsutetsu and I went against a gas-creating villain while Awase placed a tracking device on a Nomu- an artificial monster the League created- while protecting Yaoyorozu." Kendo explained, her eyes downcast. "We did help our classmates though the best we could."

Wally nods as he looks at those three in particular, "How did it actually feel to go against a villain in that kind of situation?"

Tetsutetsu stroked his chin as he says, "Honestly that Mustard guy was a cheating bastard. He tried to shoot Kendo! With a gun no less!"

"Wait, what?!" Wally asked in shock as Kendo put a hand up in reassurance.

"I'm okay, I'm okay! Tetsutetsu used his Steel body to knock out the bullets from hitting me. I was able to blow away the gas he gave out with my hands." Kendo explained, as Wally gave a sigh of relief that she didn't get injured.

"But still, that's my point. This is a serious situation, we can't take it too lightly with a class rivalry." Wally explained, as that seemed to get a bit of a mixed response. Some like Monoma and Kamakiri seemed to grunt at this, looking to the side while quieter ones like Kendo or Shihai seemed to be in thought.

Setsuna, seeing this, clapped her hands as she says, "Hey! Come on, guys. Let's just relax! We've got more training tomorrow, right teach?" Wally noticed she wanted to ease some tension as he gave a nod, smiling.

"Yeah… I'll see you kids around, kay? I need to talk to Nezu about something." Wally said with a smile as he headed out of the door, looking back real quick to see Setsuna and Kendo getting some DVDs out for them to watch until curfew before closing the door behind him.

Once he did however, his face became serious and ran towards the main building, becoming a blur.

(Later in the night…)

It was late at night at UA High School, all the students were asleep. However, the teachers for the first years were heading towards the conference room, all looking rather tired and in their civilian wear.

"Ugh, this better be good…" Snipe muttered to himself as he saw Hound Dog coming in, not wearing his muzzle as he gave a big yawn.

"I agree…" He said with a soft growl as the dog man opened the door. "I'm not usually called in for one of these meetings."

They all entered to see Nezu, sitting by with some tea and Wally leaning against a wall, looking serious at them with his mask off. "Ah, Mr. West. How are you this evening?" All Might asked curiously.

"I'm fine, but there's something wrong with the Hero course. At least something I've observed today while training." Wally said, getting up. "It's why I asked Hound Dog to come here as well."

"What's the problem?" Midnight asked, her voice filled with concern as she adjusted her glasses.

"Before I start, I'll make this clear; I am not a teacher, at least not until today. So while I don't have your teaching experience, I've gained experience being on a team for about 5 or 6 years and about 8 years of experience in this life." Wally began, walking up and plugging his tablet into a computer. "And while I may need to work on how I do an approach still, since I know I'm gonna make mistakes, I did some digging."

"And?" asked Ectoplasm curiously, tilting his head as Wally turned over to them.

"This generation is a ticking time bomb as it stands, at least in terms of how they are cohabitating." Wally typed away quickly to show the stats he got from Izuku's book for 1A. "Their suits aren't exactly the best for their abilities, I honestly blame their inexperience designing suits."

"That's fair. That's an easy fix with my help." Power Loader said with a nod, as Wally gave an appreciative smile at this.

"But in terms of the interrelations… this 'rivalry' between classes A and B is a powderkeg that's gonna blow up massively in the coming years if we don't fix it." Wally explained, both Vlad and Aizawa looking up at this.

"What do you mean, it's a powderkeg? It's nothing more than a distraction." Aizawa said with a small shrug as Vlad looked at this.

"I use it as a proper way to motivate my kids, are you saying I'm teaching my kids wrong, rookie?" Wally put his hands up defensively at this.

"Whoa, whoa! Easy there, Kai. Didn't mean it like that. Look…" Wally sighs as he continues, "I get what you may have been going for; giving them something to strive for. But this was a bad move. And while I know you think it's a distraction, Aizawa, it's gonna cause problems."

He then typed away and showed footage of the sports festival for them. "The Sports festival earlier this year?" Snipe asked in confusion.

"I adjusted some audio that couldn't have been overlooked during the cavalry battle; Monoma outright admitted to Bakugou that he convinced his class to play middle man in that race instead of going right for the gold." Wally explained, making them all do double takes. "Apparently for some Underdog victory."

"But only Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu made it to the next round after that, and Shiozaki only made it to round 2." Vlad said with a small scowl on his face.

"Exactly. Monoma tried to also egg on Bakugou about his speech, and that led to his team getting obliterated from the race." Wally continued. "And that's not all; I got reports from students that Hound Dog looked over that showed complaints about Monoma making rants towards 1-A getting on the nerves of the General Studies, Support and Financial classes. But that is showing something."

"What?" Asked Midnight, now a bit concerned. If this was actually gonna expand to more of a problem, especially after what had just occurred, he needed to hear about it.

"It's something I also saw in those files; all of the 1-A kids are usually given some sort of death glare, look of jealousy or some other ill intentioned stare. I talked with Monoma earlier tonight and this is what he said." He replayed what Monoma told him earlier that night, making many go wide eyed.

Aizawa gave an annoyed groan at this as he rubbed his temple. "Look, every pro has to deal with a hater or two in their life times. Them not being popular with everyone is not gonna be a big problem in the long run when they are risking their lives."

"Actually, it is a problem." Wally said, crossing his arms. "It literally nearly got the Justice League taken out of commission just because of some bad press. When the Reach first showed up on Earth, they used all sorts of tricks to make the League look bad by revealing sensitive information they got from the Light. They used that to give G. Gordan, a guy who has a REAL big hate boner for Superheroes, all the ammunition he needed to make the League look like bad guys."

"So you're worried that given how the current students are behaving, this sort of thing could repeat here…" Midnight said, her tone showing concern as Aizawa muttered something about hating the media under his breath.

"And that's not even going into the psychological messes these kids clearly have." Wally said as he shows different files. "I checked the background on the two kids who caused a bit of a problem earlier this year, Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya. Apparently Bakugo caused a lot of grief for Izuku at their old school and their teachers did jack squat!"

"What?!" asked Cementos in shock as All Might did not like the sound of that at all.

"Yeah, I looked through official school files that I could find; apparently Izuku is a late bloomer with his powers, so for about a decade he was bullied and the teachers did nothing because he was apparently Quirkless." that made All Might clench his teeth in anger at hearing that.

"So… they stood by while a young child was bullied? What does Bakugo have to do with this?" All Might asked as Wally double checked the files.

"All I got out of it was that Bakugou was the golden boy of his school, so outside of saying some nasty stuff and veiled threats, he didn't do anything except spew verbal abuse for the most part as they got older. He was apparently a tad nastier as a kid." Wally explained as Midnight frowned.

"He seems to have mostly mellowed as he got here… still rather violent though. Is Bakugo still a problem towards Midoriya in class?" Midnight asked as Aizawa scratched his chin.

"It was part of why I paired them up… thought it'd get it through them given how they are."

"Yeah… trying to bust a nut with a sledge hammer is NOT how you solve a problem like this, Shouta. From what I can gather from this, it seems their school was grooming Bakugo, which only made his behavior worse than what it was." Wally frowned at this as Aizawa's eyes narrowed.

"Seems I got an investigation to do…" the others nod at this, equally firm on that.

"But that's not the only mental trauma I found." Wally said as he showed other things. "Shoto's mom got put into a mental hospital after an incident at home where her son got a scald burn that she might've attempted to heal with her ice quirk. And something about his brother suffering a major injury with his powers." Wally explained further, showing those two articles as well.

"Dang… where did you dig this up?" Mic asked in slight surprise.

"Best friend was a detective and my uncle was a forensic scientist, I picked some things up. But look at these too…" Wally then began to show other articles he was able to find about the other students. They weren't named, but things like a shadow monster destroying an apartment building or a picture of a little girl with familiar crossed eyes crying against a police officer's chest as a man was covered head to toe with mushrooms including in his mouth was on display.

Vlad and Aizawa shared concerned expressions as they saw other things like the Uraraka Construction company having financial issues, pictures of a 9 year old Jurato next to a smashed up tree, and a news report about a giant monster attacking a middle school with a photo showing a crying Mina with her friends and a young man who looked familiar in the background.

Wally turned the images off as he saw the Pros were concerned as he sighs, "Look… as I said. I'm not used to this whole teaching thing, but I know a thing or two about being a hero and it's not an easy gig. I can tell you guys all care about these kids, but we need to change this approach. I've seen first hand what distrust can cause to any group."

"I agree...you have any ideas?" Vlad asked, his tone firm and grim, likely remembering the reports that involved some of his kids as Wally nods.

"Yeah… kinda got reminded of it while looking at that report about my debut earlier today. With all the stuff I could find with the UA stuff, Izuku's profiles I saw earlier today, as well as all this? I think it's safe to say that these kids need Hound Dog's help." Wally explained, as Hound Dog gave a nod.

"I wanted to get to them right away after USJ, but it was said they needed time to recover with their families. But since they are here, they likely need it now more than ever after these changes." Hound Dog said, keeping his cool since his muzzle wasn't on.

"Yeah… I also got an idea for the mission for them. We got how many days until the Licensing Exam?" Wally looked at the two home room teachers, who thought it over.

"4 more days after today." Vlad explained as Wally gave a nod.

"Then in two days counting tomorrow, I got something to set up. As well as some new designs to work over with the Support course." Wally said, as Power Loader gave a nod. "What do you think, Nezu?"

"Well…" The principal got up as he sipped his tea cup. "It is a lot to think about. You also mentioned you were reminded of something while you were rescuing that child?"

"Yeah… seeing the kid going back to her mom reminded me of my first real solo mission… so that's something to use as training for them. Thirteen, you here?" He looked around and then saw a woman with neon-black skin with spots that looked like stars come up, yawning as she had some sort of cone on her hands. She was wearing a large T-shirt that looked more like a night gown on her and a pair of PJ pants with stars and rockets on them.

"Right here. Sorry, was in the back." She apologized sheepishly. "So, you needed my help with something?"

"Yeah, it's a pseudo transport mission. So we'll need to use the USJ's city or at the very least one of the other areas for training. Anywhere that's big and with a good pick up spot" Wally said as he showed his idea. On the screen it showed a map and a transport on it. The teachers looked at this plan and all nodded, forming ideas on how to help with this certain exercise. This guy may have only just gotten his feet wet as a teacher, but his hero experience would make him a good one as he learns from his students in return.

End of Chapter 3

Okay, got some set up going on. Had to show how both classes were in their off time, as well as Wally's first official Pro Hero moment here in the MHA world. Trying to make sure Wally shows his chops as a hero, but struggles a bit as a teacher like All Might did early on. If anyone wants to let me know how to show a struggling college kid as a teacher for teenagers, let me know in the comments. Anyway, thanks again to those that helped me edit this! Please Read, REview and Suggest away!