Reviews for My Hero Academia: Lightning Bolt Strikes Twice
Fantasy Queen38 chapter 3 . 6/20
This is amazing! Keep up the good work you're doing! 3
rafaelzan1 chapter 3 . 5/27
I totally fell in love with this story, great job !
Qwho chapter 1 . 5/4
how does he know to speak japanese
PokeKing Charizard chapter 3 . 5/1
Dude this story rocks! I'm so pumped about seeing Wally turn these kids around and give the UA faculty the kick in the ass they need to help these kids! Please say you're still working on this! Pretty please!
TheSolarCommando757 chapter 3 . 4/5
Please update
I’m really invested i this this world
Also miruko and mandaly could be potential love interests in this world
Also please keep Wally fully grounded in this world and eventually just accept living the world
Jason Vander Vlugt chapter 3 . 3/27
really like this story well done
niki.kiki chapter 3 . 3/20
please update
Guest chapter 3 . 3/6
Please update
niki.kiki chapter 3 . 2/28
please update i’m already hooked on this fanficthe suspense is too much for me
Iskandar06 chapter 3 . 2/27
Please update
KuriMaster13 chapter 3 . 2/24
Everything is looking good so far. :)
KuriMaster13 chapter 2 . 2/24
I like how your introducing Wally to everything. I've never seen MHA (though I have considered it), but the Isakai nature of this fic gives a good excuse to go over all the important things, and yet none of it is coming off as a wall of text that gets boring. :)
KuriMaster13 chapter 1 . 2/24
Figured out why PM emails are disabled... it's a fault on the websites end.

Looking good so far. :)
zephyr hb chapter 3 . 2/19
I love this fic. Really needrd
dmontes chapter 3 . 2/16
Love this book even if I’ve just read three chapters, it’s got so much potential! Keep it up!
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