Remus awoke with a start, pulling in a deep breath as he sat up in his bed. It felt like it had been years since the last time he had a nightmare. He could barely remember what happened, only the vague sense that Sirius had been in it before melting into Emelyn. He pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes with a groan. His heart was racing, and the feeling of dread was settling itself in his stomach. Remus took a few steadying breaths in an attempt to still his pounding heart and slipped out of bed.

The sky was still dark outside his small window, but it was slowly growing brighter. He reached down to the floor and picked up the jumper he had unceremoniously dropped before getting into bed last night. He tossed it on quickly and padded out into the hallway and across the way to Emelyn's room.

Emelyn's door was closed, meaning that she had gotten up in the middle of the night, but he heard nothing on the other side. Remus listened carefully for noise, but when he didn't hear any, panic began to flood his entire being. With a shaking hand, he opened her door and peered around the side. To his surprise, Emelyn was awake and laying on her side, her eyes bright and face lined with tear tracks as she stared out her window. He frowned slightly, seeing that she was favoring one of her arms, her hand in a tight fist that she would unfold for a moment before tightening it again.

"Sometimes I wonder if he's out there, just watching," Emelyn said quietly with a sniffle.

Remus stepped around the door and into her room, taken aback by the mess surrounding him. It seemed as though the entirety of her belongings had found its way on the floor overnight. Her room wasn't in such disarray when he helped her into bed last night. Remus made his way carefully to Emelyn's bed and sat down. He looked down at her for a moment, not understanding to whom she was referring. When he joined her in looking outside her window, he quickly realized – Greyback.

"He is never going to get anywhere near you again," Remus said softly. "I will make sure of that." He wondered if Emelyn always kept her curtains open at night, afraid that Greyback would sneak back in if she couldn't see him. It was a fear that he could very easily understand as he had done the same after he was attacked. Remus sighed and took a look around her room, marveling at how she managed to make such a huge mess in such a short amount of time.

"But what if he's right out there? Just past the wards?"

"If Greyback comes anywhere near this house or you again, I will kill him."

Emelyn turned her head to look at Remus in surprise. There was a conviction in his voice that she had never heard before. She would have found the declaration unsettling, but the overwhelming rush of relief overpowered everything else.

"Love, I know I've said it before, but you know I would do anything for you, right?" Remus met Emelyn's awed gaze. "And I truly mean it."

"But killing?" Emelyn asked breathlessly, her words trailing off. She winced as she started to sit up and frowned slightly as Remus's gaze dropped down to the wrist that she was trying to support herself on. She dropped her eyes to her lap as she leaned back against her pillows. Guilt twisted her insides as she wrapped a hand around her aching wrist, ashamed of what she had done again. Remus had only helped to heal her cuts only hours ago, and of course, she had to be stupid and cut again, but her thoughts had been running wild.

"Anything," Remus repeated, gently tipping Emelyn's face up to meet his eyes. He leaned towards her to press a kiss to her forehead. When he pulled away, he wasn't surprised to see that her eyes had filled with tears again. "How about we get you taken care of, and we can have some breakfast and start our day. How does that sound?" He took another quick look around her room and let out a laugh. "Perhaps we could get your room situated? You could tell me what you were doing over breakfast."

A flush crept into Emelyn's cheeks as she took a look at the mess she had made. She wiped away her tears before they could start to fall, and she let out a nervous laugh. "Okay," she agreed.

Emelyn followed Remus into the bathroom and sat down on the edge of the tub. She watched as Remus pulled things out of the cabinet beneath the sink and placed them on the counter.

"I'm just taking everything out so that if you need it yourself, it's available," Remus said, standing up and turning around. "I don't plan on leaving the house for an extended time, but if you don't want to wake me up, I would rather you know where everything is."

Emelyn stared fixedly at a spot on the floor in front of her and nodded. She gave a small start as Remus crouched down in front of her and appeared in her vision.

"I'm not mad, remember that," Remus said softly, smoothing back Emelyn's hair. "Is it just the one arm?"

"Yeah," Emelyn said quietly, holding her arm out for Remus to take. She expected Remus to react harshly to the harsh red lines on her skin, but only hummed in contemplation as he rolled up her sleeve.

"Well, I think we can get away with Murtlap for these," Remus said, reaching to the counter to pull down a bottle with a blue liquid. "The Murtlap Essence is gentle compared to the Dittany." Remus opened the bottle and filled the dropper with the liquid and carefully applied it to Emelyn's cuts. She let out a gentle breath of relief that the Murtlap didn't burn.

"It doesn't heal a wound nearly as fast, but I dare say it's a lot better than the sensation Dittany provides, no?"

"A lot better," Emelyn said, remembering the burning sensation as the Dittany healed over the cuts.

Remus smiled at her and straightened up and started to point at the things lining the counter. "You know where to find clean towels if you need them, you know the bruise salve, the brown is Dittany, the blue is Murtlap, and this is a pain potion. You will only need a single sip of it – if you take any more, I will know," Remus said seriously. "Do you understand?"

"Yes," Emelyn said quietly, rolling down her sleeve.

"If you feel that you need Dreamless Sleep, for whatever reason, let me know. I don't care if I'm asleep or not. You are not to take it by yourself."


"Good," Remus said softly. "Come along, let's have something to eat."

Emelyn followed Remus out of the bathroom and took her seat at the kitchen table. It was easier to watch Remus and have him tell her what to do so that she didn't have to think. If she allowed herself to start thinking, then her thoughts would run away from her.

"You…you can be mad at me if you want," Emelyn said quietly, watching as Remus cracked open eggs and dropped them in a bowl.

Remus cracked a few more eggs and began to whisk them before responding. "Why would I be mad at you?" He poured the eggs into the frying pan, adjusting the burner so that the eggs wouldn't burn.

"Because I hurt myself…"

"Why would I be mad about that?"

"I…because I shouldn't do that?"

Remus sighed and turned away from the eggs to look at her. "Emelyn, I'm not mad at you, and I am never going to be mad at you. I will admit that I'm worried, but I'm not mad."

"But why aren't you mad?"

"Because you're human," Remus said simply, turning back to the eggs. "Emma, if I were to be mad at you for having feelings, what kind of person would I be? Do I like it? Of course not, but I'm not going to judge you for it."

Emelyn grew quiet, suddenly unsure of what to say. "But if I was normal…"

"If you were normal?" Remus looked at Emelyn over his shoulder, his brow furrowed. "Is there such a thing?"

"I just mean that if I wasn't…me."

"Emma, you are a wonderful and intelligent person," Remus said. "Are you to tell me that you're ashamed of who you are?"

"I don't know…"

Remus turned his attention back to the eggs, trying to think of what to say. He knew what it was like to feel uncomfortable with the person that you are, but he couldn't see why Emelyn would ever feel that way. She wasn't a monster like he was. Remus closed his eyes and held back a growl as he came to the only conclusion that there could be – Jocelyn. Again. He needed to find out what power the girl held over Emelyn because there was no reason for it. The sooner he found out, the sooner he could fix things, but for the time being, he wanted Emelyn to enjoy the day.

"Love, make no mistake that we need to talk about what's going on," Remus said, glancing at Emelyn over his shoulder, "but we'll save that conversation for tonight. For now, I would really like to know why you tore your room apart." Remus smiled at the sheepish look on her face as he finished preparing their breakfast.

"I was uhm, looking for something," Emelyn answered, perking up slightly as Remus poured her a glass of pumpkin juice.

"You don't say," Remus said, passing her the glass which she took with excitement. "What were you looking for?"

"My bracelet," Emelyn said quietly. "I just…I feel like it's here somewhere, but I just need to figure out where."

Remus brought their plates over, glad to see Emelyn start eating her plate of eggs without hesitation. He sat down across from her with a grin. "I'd love to hear about where you tried looking. It doesn't appear that you left much unturned." Emelyn flushed in embarrassment but jumped into her explanation of everywhere she had tried to search.

For a moment, everything was how it should be, and that was what mattered.


"How is it you still can't make it out of the Floo upright?" Remus was brushing Emelyn off after she stumbled out of the fireplace in The Leaky Cauldron, a small smile on his face. He was glad that Emelyn agreed quickly to visiting Diagon Alley. He knew it would be busy, but it would only get busier as the week went on.

"I don't know," Emelyn muttered, glaring at the fireplace behind her. "It's not like I've done it that much."

"Maybe we should consider side-along, then. I don't need you getting hurt from falling out the fireplace," Remus said thoughtfully.

"No," Emelyn said quickly, her eyes wide. "I don't want to do that."

"It would really be a lot quicker. It's not terrible."

"Didn't you tell me that I would get sick the first time?"

"Side along isn't terrible if you take precautions."

"And what would that be?"

"Well, you could just not get sick."

Emelyn rolled her eyes as Remus straightened up. "Yes, that sounds like a great idea. So, where are we going?"

"Well, I've got to make a stop in Knockturn Alley -"

"Knockturn Alley? Isn't it really shady over there?"

Remus laughed, "Come on, it'll be fine." He put an arm around Emelyn's shoulders, steering her towards the pub's entrance to Diagon Alley. "I'm not letting you go. At least not yet."

Emelyn frowned, as they stepped into the busy street. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I imagine you haven't done any of your Christmas shopping, have you?"

"No," Emelyn answered slowly, glancing at the windows of the shops as they passed them. "Have you?"

"I spent most of my time working if I'm going to be honest," Remus said quietly, gripping Emelyn's arm as they reached the entrance of Knockturn Alley. "Stay close."

"I can't imagine that I'll have any interest in walking off," Emelyn snorted, paling slightly as the bright marketplace began to disappear and become dark. "Where exactly are we going?"

Remus stood up straighter, and his grip tightened on Emelyn's arm the further into Knockturn they went. "There's a, erm, bookstore that tracked down a book for me that I haven't been able to find anywhere."

"And we have to go here to get it?" Emelyn made a noise as they passed a store with a window full of shrunken heads. Her attention was pulled in by the tattoo shop, Markus Scarrs Indelible Tattoos, the window featuring moving photos on parchment. "Cool," she whispered, looking back in awe at the massive dragon spewing flames on the parchment.

"Don't even think about it," Remus said, the hint of a smile in his voice.

"Why not," Emelyn asked, glancing up at Remus before making a disgusted noise. "Do you have - are those bones? Who would bloody buy bones?"

"You would be surprised," Remus remarked, silently thanking whoever he could in his mind that Emelyn didn't finish her question. He was pleased to see that the girl he knew was making an appearance and was curious about the world around her. "We're almost there."

"Almost where?" Emelyn asked, drawing her eyes away from Moribund's. "Oh, yeah, the book."

The two continued on in silence, Emelyn staring into every shop they passed and pressing herself closer to Remus whenever someone got too close that worried her. She was glad that she decided to wear her usual winter cloak out instead of her winter cloak from school. She didn't think the patrons of Knockturn Alley would be thrilled to have a Hufflepuff in their midst.

Taking a look around the alley, Remus ushered Emelyn up the steps of a store called Tanner and Brisks. "Go in," he said, reaching around her and opening the door.

"This doesn't look like a bookstore," Emelyn said quietly, stepping into the small building. It was dark with skulls lining the walls with a noticeable lack of books but containing other objects. "Are you sure we're in the right place?" She walked towards a dark-colored set of candles before her attention was drawn to a strange jar with a creature, she couldn't identify floating in a liquid.

"We're in the right place," Remus said, walking towards the counter. "Don't touch anything," he added, catching Emelyn's wrist as she reached out towards a set of cards sitting on a shelf. "Just because it looks innocent enough, doesn't mean that it is."

"Sorry," she said quietly, making sure to keep her arms at her side as she looked at the creature floating in the jar.

"Ah, Mr. Howell! I've been expecting you."

Remus turned towards the counter where an older silver mustached man now stood and gave him a good-natured smile. "Remember - don't touch anything," Remus whispered, shaking his head as Emelyn gave him a funny look. "Mr. Tanner? You've come highly recommended by Mr. Pritchard."

"Okay," she said to Remus's back as he exchanged pleasantries with the man. After seeing Remus in dress robes for the past few days, it didn't even phase her that the old man called Remus a different name. She watched the two for a few moments before turning her attention towards the other things in the shop.

Emelyn paled seeing a collection of bones for sale. "Why in Merlin's beard are there so many bones," Emelyn whispered to herself, moving along to looking at a collection of funny looking masks. Seeing that Remus wasn't done talking to the man, she continued browsing the other wares of the store. There was a section of ornate looking jewelry that fascinated Emelyn. A silver necklace encrusted with gemstones sparkled in the dull light. She nearly reached out to touch it but quickly snapped her arms to her side remembering Remus's words.

Continuing on, Emelyn stopped in front of a series of round glass globes in multiple colors. A glass ball, the color of fresh green grass pulled her attention. She reached out a hand to touch it, the impulse too high for her to resist.

"I thought I told you not to touch anything?"

Emelyn let out a shout as she jumped, pulling her hands away from the green ball she wanted desperately to pick up. "I didn't," Emelyn said hastily, whirling around to look at him with wide eyes.

Remus hummed in response, pulling Emelyn back under his arm. Emelyn looked curiously at the brown paper wrapped bag tucked under his other arm. "It was very nice working with you, Mr. Tanner."

"Likewise, Mr. Howell. I look forward to working with you again," the old man said, giving them both a smile. "Perhaps next time I'll have something for the young miss you might be interested in."

"Perhaps," Remus said, nodding politely. He placed a hand on the small of Emelyn's back and guided her back towards the door. "Let's go, little one," Remus whispered, ushering her back into the alley.

"Well, that was interesting," Emelyn commented, glad to be back out of the dark building and into the dark-walled street. "Does Mr. Howell do a lot of business in Knockturn Alley?"

A smile crossed Remus's face as they walked back towards Diagon Alley. "Surprisingly, yes, Mr. Howell does do a lot of business in Knockturn Alley."

Emelyn looked up at Remus in surprise and flinched into Remus's side, gripping onto his cloak tightly, as a woman that looked like a vampire passed by them. "You do?"

"There are a lot of things that you can find here that you can't find elsewhere in the wizarding communities," Remus said quietly, with a shrug. "Not everything you find here is bad, but it does have a reputation."

"So much so that you become a different person?"

Remus shrugged again. "Not really. It was my mother's, your grandmother's, maiden name. So, not really a different person."

"What was she like?"

"Well, she was a lot like you, really," Remus said fondly. "Funny, very intelligent, and absolutely remarkable."

"I'm none of those things," Emelyn whispered.

"You are. Your mother was as well. She was also especially stubborn, and it wouldn't be a normal day if the two didn't argue about something."

"They argued?"

"A lot. Usually about silly things, sometimes big things," Remus said, letting out a breath as they reached the brighter buildings and soft-colored bricks of Diagon Alley. "But they always made up. I don't think they ever stayed mad at each other. Your grandfather always used to be amazed at how quickly they would make up – and then laugh about it after the fact."

"They would laugh after?"

"Always. Your grandmother would never let any of us go to bed mad at each other, she didn't believe in it. There was always a lot of laughter at home." Remus let go of Emelyn and took a look around the bustling marketplace. "Now, with that out of the way, why don't we both take an hour and do our shopping separately? I don't want to spoil your gifts." He reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a pouch, dropping it into Emelyn's hand. "I stopped at Gringotts for you before you got home. Spend wisely."

"I don't mind if you spoil my gifts," Emelyn said, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

Remus laughed and pulled Emelyn into a tight hug. "Good try, love," he laughed. "One hour, and we'll meet back here and run a few more errands together and go home."

Emelyn pulled herself out of Remus's arms with a smile. "Don't be surprised if I come back with a cat, then," she said, moving quickly into the crowd. "A big fluffy one!"

"Oh, Merlin, please don't," Remus whispered to himself. "One hour!" He shouted into the crowd, shaking his head as he heard an, "Okay!" shouted back. He shook his head and took a look around at the shops, trying to figure out where to go first.

He was glad that Emelyn was distracted from her thoughts, even for just a little bit. The conversations they would be having over the rest of the holiday would be difficult, and any bit of joy Emelyn could find was incredibly valuable.

With a sigh, Remus made his way towards Flourish and Blotts. There was a book he had seen the week prior he thought Emelyn might enjoy.


Remus and Emelyn sat at opposite ends of the couch, Remus with a cup of tea and Emelyn with hot chocolate. Emelyn's legs were curled up underneath her, and she wore a deep frown on her face as she tried to avoid Remus's gaze. She hasn't yet erupted into tears during their conversation, but she was afraid she was going to reach that point.

"Emma, I don't know how many times I need to tell you that I'm not mad at you," Remus said, exasperated. "Dydw i ddim yn ddig. Je ne suis pas en colère. Ich bin nicht sauer. I'm not mad at you."

Emelyn froze and peered at Remus over the top of her mug. "Do I even want to know how many languages you know?"

"Too many," Remus said, "but that's not what we're talking about right now. Right now, I'm trying to figure out what's going on."

"But you're mad."

"Damn it, Emma, I'm not mad."

"Says the one who told me this morning they would kill Greyback…"

"Because I would. If it was what I had to do to keep you safe, I would do it."

"Which means you would do it to someone else..."

"If I had to, there's a strong possibility."

"And that's why I'm not telling you."

Remus placed his cup down on the coffee table and pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't expect Emelyn to make a full 180 and suddenly stop talking. She had been open for most of the day, almost as if nothing was wrong, but being forced to sit down and talk had made her unresponsive.

"Emma, I am just trying to figure out how to help you."

"Well, maybe I don't want your help," Emelyn challenged.

"Regardless of whether or not you want my help, I need to know because whatever is happening needs to stop." Remus looked at Emelyn and shook his head. "You are my number one priority, but if this is happening to you, it's happening to someone else, as well."

"But you're mad."

"Yes, I am mad," Remus said, a little louder than he meant to. He deflated seeing how quickly tears flew to Emelyn's eyes, her expression hurt. She was sensitive and scared, and he needed to remember that, but he was growing frustrated. "I'm sorry," Remus said, his voice much softer.

Emelyn nodded slightly from behind her mug and took a long drink. "It's not just Jocelyn," Emelyn said quietly. She pulled her legs out from underneath her body and stretched out lengthwise.

"There are others?"

"Not…every time," Emelyn admitted. "The…the last time it was just Jocelyn and Chloe."

"And that's why you came home looking as though you were beat up?"

Emelyn grew quiet, not knowing what to say. She went to take another drink from her cup, but she had already finished. She added her cup to the table and folded her arms over her chest.

"Emma, could you look at me?" Remus asked, trying to catch her eye.

There was a moment where Emelyn hesitated, but she looked up and met his gaze. Remus was studying her, trying to read her. She desperately wanted to jump off the couch and retreat to her room, but his stare held her on the sofa.

"I need you to answer my next question, and I need you to answer it truthfully," Remus said slowly, his eyes narrowing. "How did you get the bruises?"

"I…I fell," Emelyn supplied lamely.

"That's what you told me last year. We both know that's not the truth."

"I don't know what you want me to tell you. If you know the truth, then why are you trying to make me say it?"

"Because you need help, Emelyn. The only way you're going to figure that out is if you say it yourself."

"But I don't need help," Emelyn shouted, tears falling down her face. "I deserved it. Everything she has done to me I have deserved. I…I don't deserve to be happy. I'm ugly, I'm stupid…" Emelyn choked on a sob, but she forced herself to continue. "Nobody likes me. Not even you!"

It was Remus's turn to freeze, his mouth dropping open in shock at Emelyn's admission. He couldn't figure out where to start with Emelyn's statements. Every single word out of her mouth was terribly wrong. Still, she spoke with such certainty that he knew Emelyn believed everything she said.

"Emma, I love you more than anything," Remus said, thinking quickly. "I…I don't know what I did that would make you feel that way."

Emelyn glared at Remus through her tears, hiccupping as she tried to calm herself down. "Of course, you wouldn't," she muttered bitterly. Deciding that she was done with their conversation, Emelyn stood up quickly. "I'm going to bed."

Remus sat back on the couch and nodded. Emelyn stared at him for a moment before making a hasty retreat, leaving Remus to feel even more confused.

He was no longer sure if he was angry or if he was overcome by grief. Whatever was happening at Hogwarts had seeped deep into Emelyn's thoughts and had hurt her more than he had expected. Remus wasn't sure how he was going to fix things, but he wasn't about to give up.


Sleep always seemed to plague Emelyn in ways that made her feel completely helpless. A sinking feeling settled itself all the way into her bones as she found herself in the meadow. She had visited the meadow so many times in her dreams that everything seemed predictable.

The wind always blew a specific way, causing the grass to cascade in waves. The birds always flew away from the trees, and the pond always glistened like diamonds until the sky would change. But this time was different.

The sky was dark, the full moon high in the cloudless sky. The stars danced across the velvet sky in a way that brought a smile to Emelyn's face. The moon cast silvery shadows across the green grass that swayed with the gentle breeze. It was peaceful.

A large black dog walked by her side, pressing its body up against her leg as they walked through the meadow. There was something familiar about the dog, but she couldn't put her finger on what. The dog let out an excited bark, gamboling away from her before suddenly twisting around and bowing down on its front two legs. The dog's tail wagged lazily as its tongue lolled out as it smiled at her. Emelyn was alarmed to see the dog's eyes were the same color as the stars – a bright silver that sparkled in the moonlight.

As Emelyn approached the dog, it let out a yip and ran towards the pond. It found the thick field of flowers and threw itself on its back, nipping at its back feet as it twisted its body.

Emelyn couldn't help but laugh as she joined the black dog, laying down amongst the wildflowers as the dog continued to roll around. Seemingly satisfied with the number of flowers it crushed with its body, the dog rolled back onto its front. It placed its large head next to Emelyn's and began snuffling its nose in her hair and ear. Emelyn let out a squeal of laughter, the dog's nose cold against her face. When her eyes met the dogs again, she couldn't help but suddenly be reminded of someone. The thought of a handsome man with long dark hair and eyes that shone like the stars crossed her mind, but she knew a man like that didn't exist.

The black dog shot up suddenly, sniffing at the air. Emelyn sat up, alarmed at the dog's sudden change in behavior, and let out a gasp when she noticed a skinny, sandy-colored wolf slowly making its way towards them. The black dog bounded over to the wolf, practically bouncing on its feet as it let out happy barks. If the black dog wasn't afraid of the wolf, then Emelyn wouldn't be as well.

The wolf nuzzled the dog for a moment before fixing its gaze on Emelyn, its head tilting slightly. The dog let out a soft yip before rushing back over to Emelyn, bouncing around her like it had the wolf.

Emelyn watched the wolf as it warily approached, its head bowed and ears back. She looked at the dog who sat back down next to her, tongue still out and tail wagging furiously. The dog wasn't bothered at all.

Letting out a nervous giggle, Emelyn held her hand out towards the wolf for her to smell. She knew in the back of her mind that it probably wasn't a good idea, but the wolf didn't appear to want to attack. The wolf seemed as nervous around her as she was of it. The closer it got, the more Emelyn was able to look at it. She didn't notice that the wolf's fur was flecked with grey until it was standing just in front of her.

The wolf completely ignored her hand and stood practically nose to nose with Emelyn. She held her breath as she stared at the wolf. She chided herself in her mind, realizing that she shouldn't be staring the wolf in the eyes, but its amber, green eyes were captivating. In some light, the wolf's eyes seemed more amber, and in others, they seemed green, but they weren't enough of either to be hazel. The wolf suddenly seemed as familiar as the black dog, but nothing came to mind to help her figure out why.

Before she could react, the wolf licked her face, drawing more laughter out of Emelyn. The wolf gave a lazy wag of its tail and turned to join the black dog again.

The two canines immediately started what looked to be like a game of tag. The dog would run towards the wolf and headbutt it, and the wolf would turn around and do the same. It made Emelyn smile so much that it made her cheeks hurt. After a while, when the dog and the wolf had started to grow tired, they froze.

The wolf turned its head towards the forest, sniffing at the air before tensing up. The dog immediately ran over to Emelyn, placing itself in front of her as a loud howl echoed through the meadow. The wolf crouched, a low growl rolling from its throat as it pulled its lips back. Emelyn held onto the black dog, unsure of what else to do. She looked in the direction of the forest and gasped as a larger grey wolf started heading their way.

With another growl, the sandy-colored wolf rushed towards the grey wolf. The grey wolf started to pick up speed, running towards them as if the sandy wolf wasn't in its way.

Before the sandy wolf could meet the grey wolf, Emelyn shot up in her bed with a sharp intake of air. It wasn't uncommon for her to have variations of the dream in the meadow, but this one was new.

Emelyn turned to look out her window, the sky still dark. It was a new moon; the only light outside was the stars reflected off the snow. She looked at her door, checking the crack underneath to see if there was any light. Not seeing any, Emelyn let out a groan. She wasn't sure if Remus would even want to talk to her, but a part of her had hoped that she would see a light on outside her room.

Reluctantly, Emelyn settled herself back into her pillows. She should wake Remus up, but before she could convince herself to get him, she fell back asleep. Once again, she found herself dreaming of the sandy-colored wolf with the amber green eyes and the black dog with eyes like stars.