Firem78910: hi guys Firem here welcoming to you to another chapter of Aura Hunter Hero: Deku

Wicke: good grief sweetie can you take a rest of Fanfiction for a while *using puppy eyes* please

Firem78910: after writing it yes, reading it however nope

Wicke: fair enough cutie pie

Chapter 2

Gaining the Flame of Souls

One month after All Might told Izuku of his Quirk

"Come on young Midoriya Shonen put your back into it!" All Might shouted as sat atop a refrigerator that Izuku was pulling.

"You know when you said this would training I thought at the lines of you teaching some of your stronger smashes not community service." Izuku said as he (barely) pulls the near 300 Kg fridge.

"I know that but the sooner we do this, the sooner we can do combat training." All Might said as Izuku pulls the Fridge.

The Hero to be and the Symbol of Peace were at Dagobah Municipal Beach Park clearing all the trash that was in the area. Originally All Might wanted to use the time before the Exams to build up his muscles for him to receive his Quirk, One for All he even made an awesome training plan for him to do so only for Izuku to already have the musculature to receive it which threw a monkey wrench on his plans.

All Might couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction when he told him about his Quirk.

*Begin Flashback*

"Say what now?" Izuku Bluntly said.

"I know what I said sounds crazy but hear me out, my Quirk was pasted down generation to generation and I'm the 8th user of this power known as One for All." All Might said.

"I still think that you're crazy All Might." Izuku bluntly said.

"I know but in order to learn this secret you come with me to UA High." All Might said.

"Wait hold up UA High?! Really that's Awesome!" Izuku said as his eyes are wide like plates.

It was at that moment Izuku saw that All Might was steaming.

"Um All Might are you steaming?" Izuku asked only for All Might to Panic.

"Oh no, not now!" All Might shouted until he deflated and a large cloud of steam took its place.

As the steam clears a very skinny man with sharp, angular features and long limbs, his neck long, his eyebrows absent and wearing baggy clothes took the place of the Symbol of Peace.

"Well you needed to see me in this form anyway young man." All Might said with a smile as some blood came out of his mouth.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Izuku shouted.

*End Flashback*

After that happened and telling Midoriya about his wound he believed him…only after Chiyo confirmed it to be so.

During the visit to UA he encountered the new teacher Ms. Xaio Long or as Midoriya shonen calls her Yang. But when they got there Nezu called both him and Midoriya. This is where he met Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Ruby Rose. They told him about where they came from, their Aura (which could've counts as a Quirk), Semblances (to which their literally Quirks) and the reason to as their not Pro-Heroes simply put their powers if what they say is true anyone can unlock their Aura and they mean anyone from the noblest Pro-Hero to the vilest villain can get this power it doesn't matter who or what you are Quirked or Quirkless if this power was released to the general public it would be chaos. The Quirkless would let the power go to their heads, the Villains would get Stronger. Despite the Pros Aura would give the Cons outweight them by a lot and possibly ending in…War.

All Might shook his head a bit banishing the thoughts and concentrated on Midoriya's training. And the Fact the girls did not became Pro-Heroes…well Mrs. Rose was the only one bummed out as she truly wanted to help. And the number of Aura users of earth were small.

The list consisted of the Following

Izuku Midoriya

Qítiān Xiao Long


Chiyo Shuzenji

Inko Midoriya

Touya "Dabi" Rose

Keigo "Hawks" Takami

Himiko Schnee

Summer Rose the 2nd

Phosphora Schnee

Rizhan Belladonna

Kali Belladonna the 2nd

Huǒ niǎo Xiao Long

Toshinori Yagi

(And that's not counting Team RWBY.)

That's right All Might had his Aura unlock however Weiss told him that due to his Injuries his Aura would not protect him as it will be busy healing All Might's wounds which may take years and most likely he would receive his Semblance a long time after he retires.

But All might didn't care he would just make do with what he got…and maybe he'll be able to eat normal food and breath well again. But until that day he'll keep training young Midoriya.

All Might checked the time only to see it was time for Izuku's weapons training with Mrs. Rose

"Alright Shonen stop, it time for your weapons training with Ruby Shojo." All Might said as Izuku stops pulling the fridge and grabs his weapons Peace and Hopeor was it Emerald Rose either way the shonen gets his weapon and we went to UA for Weapons Training.

"So All Might what's your option on montage songs?" Izuku asked.

"Hmm that depends which one, did you something have in mind?" All Might asked as he deflates.

Izuku shows Toshinori the song and rises an eyebrow.

"Not Eye of the Tiger?" Toshinori said.

"That one has been overused Toshinori-Sensei." Izuku said as Toshinori shrugged.

"Fair enough hit it Shonen." Toshinori said as Izuku play the Training Montage song.

(Play Burning Heart by Survivor)

Two worlds collide
Rival nations

The Montage starts with Izuku and Ruby training with their weapons and blacksmithing

It's a primitive clash

Then it cuts to Izuku and Yang training in hand to hand combat

Venting years of frustrations

Then jumps to Yang holding a Punching bag while Izuku (who is shirtless) was Punching it pretending it was Katsuki
Bravely we hope
Against all hope

We cut to Toshinori cheering Izuku on as he picks up the junk on Dagobah
There is so much at stake
Seems our freedom's up
Against the ropes

Cuts to Izuku Running with Qítiān with lead weight on their legs and Quirk Suppressing cuffs on their wrists
Does the crowd understand?
Is it East versus West
Or man against man
Can any nation stand alone

The two friends fall down and then they look at each other and they get up keep going

In the burning heart
Just about to burst

We see Izuku doing one handed Push Ups with team SPHR and Kali on his back with said kids cheering him on
There's a quest for answers
An unquenchable thirst

We then see people and some minor pro heroes looking at Izuku as he lifts an old car with just his strength and a guy with Red hair that said Manly a lot
In the darkest night
Rising like a spire

We Izuku eating for 3 people as Inko smile as she eat her modest meal
In the burning heart
The unmistakable fire

We see Izuku and All Might Running with All Might in the lead with Izuku catching up with determination of a hero

In the burning heart

We see Izuku on his bed resting where Inko looks at a crack of his door smiling at him proud of what he has accomplished

In the warrior's code
There's no surrender

We cut to a training facility owned by Schnee tech where Izuku was doing strength training via lifting weights
Though his body says stop

Izuku legs buckle a bit and All Might tried to stop the Training only for Weiss to stop him
His spirit cries, never

Izuku then picked himself up and lifted the weight thus surpassing his previous record at the Strength Training
Deep in our soul
A quiet ember

Cuts to Ruby, Dabi, Summer and Izuku meditating with their Auras Active
Knows it's you against you
It's the paradox
That drives us on
Izuku suddenly grows a bit blowing Summer and Dabi away but Ruby stays put still Meditating

It's a battle of wills
In the heat of attack

We then see Blake explaining to Izuku how to preform first Aid and Battlefield Medicine
It's the passion that kills
The victory is yours alone

We then see him patching Kali up when she scraped her knee Kali smiles as she wipes her tears as Izuku gives her his Trademarked Sunshine smile

In the burning heart
Just about to burst

We see Izuku Jumping rope with Yang as Rizhan keeps count
There's a quest for answers
An unquenchable thirst

All Might was Making Izuku Swim for long periods of Time
In the darkest night
Rising like a spire

Izuku and Qítiān were studying for their midterm exams
In the burning heart
The unmistakable fire

When the grades came both of them celebrated as they surpassed both Katsuki and a girl with a Brain enhancement Quirk

In the burning heart
Just about to burst
Izuku was Training his Aura when suddenly it happened a Jewel appeared on Izuku's Hand a Peridot to be exact it wasn't until Izuku noticed that the land around Izuku was gone it was the day Izuku unlocked his semblance Gem Transmutation

There's a quest for answers
An unquenchable thirst
Izuku tries to learn everything about his new Semblance and testing it out on the Junk on Dagobah Beach as it turns out the rarer the Gemstone the more Material it needs to transmute and they don't Disappear

In the darkest night
Rising like a spire
We the cut to where Izuku tells Team RWBY about his Semblance Yang make a Joke about Izuku only needing to buy the ring part of the Engagement Ring since he can make the Jewels with his Semblance Izuku then blushes at Yang's Joke

In the burning heart
The unmistakable fire

We cut to Inko telling him to be responsible with his Semblance and to Tell All Might about it

In the burning heart
Just about to burst
We then Cut to Izuku telling All Might about his Semblance only for All Might to transform back into Toshinori he then tells Izuku to gather any gems he make and give them to either to him or his mother and to no one else Izuku just shrugged and kept on turning the Junk into gems until his Aura ran out

There's a quest for answers
An unquenchable thirst
We then cut to IzukuRunning with All Might and Izuku was Running past him and going beyond Plus Ultra

In the darkest night
Rising like a spire

Inko looked at Izuku as he finally fills out his Hero Entry she could not help but smile

In the burning heart
The unmistakable fire

We then cut to Izuku waking up at the crack of dawn and going to Dagobah Beach with a determined look in his eye

In the burning heart

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Izuku shouts as he stands atop the last plie of Garbage in triumph.

Toshinori who had just arrived and looked at Izuku standing in Triumph at the last pile of garbage. He then looked at all of the beach to realize he had not only cleaned the part he was supposed to but also cleaned the rest of the beach making it habitable again.

"Oh my FUCKING GOD SHONEN!" Toshinori said as he transformed into All Might.

"How did I do All Might?" Izuku Asked All Might as he get down from the trash pile.

"You've done more than I thought Midoriya shonen it's safe to say you are ready for One for All." All Might said.

"(Well technically you were ready 5 months ago but hey better safe than sorry)." All Might thought as he shows Izuku a Picture of himself 5 months ago.

"Oh did I get bigger then?" IzukuAsked as he looks at a mirror that was on the bottom of said pile.

He did in fact get bigger he was a bit taller, his muscles were larger and all in all he looked good.

"Now then Shonen it's time for you to Receive One for All." All Might said as he placed one of his hands on his hair.

Izuku was stuned he was ready 5 months of hell and he was about to Receive his Quirk. He didn't notice All Might pulling out a Hair.

"Now Shonen EAT THIS!" All Might shouted as he shows Izuku his piece of Hair.

"…what?" Izuku bluntly says as he sees this.

As if reading his mind All Might responded.

"To receive One for All you must Ingest my DNA to get it." All Might said as he gave the hair and a bottle of water to Izuku.

"Well I can think of a worse ways to receive this if DNA is involved." Izuku said as he swallows the hair and drinks the water to keep it down.

After eating the hair Izuku felt nothing for a few seconds. Then it happened.

Izuku's stomach began to hurt All Might worried tries to pick him up only to be knocked down by his Aura it was then that All Might noticed Izuku Screaming in pain Aura grew larger and larger until it exploded outward.

Izuku's Mindscape

Izuku opened his eyes to see Darkness almost as far as the eye can see. Because of a verdant light on the horizon.

Not knowing where to go next he walks towards the Verdant light, as he comes closer he starts to hear a voice.

"Touch the 5th and 7th flames."

Izuku heard the voice getting louder and louder telling him the same thing over and over again "touch the 5th and 7th flame" until it stopped.

When Izuku is wondering why it stopped he looks up to see a giant brazier with a green fire of equal size burning brightly and surrounding it were 8 smaller braziers all of the flame were of various colors. Izuku steps closer to the smaller braziers specifically the one with the Yellow flame. Izuku was about to touch the flame until he heard the voice again.

"8th flame don't touch not ready."

Izuku stepped back realizing that this was All Might's Flame when he held One for All he then looked at the brazier with a blue flame burning and the a black flame brazier. Izuku went towards the black flame. He didn't know what to do or what he was supposed to do until the voice spoke again.

"Touch the 5th flame."

This calmed Izuku down as he touched the black fire which was cool to the touch.

Upon touching it he saw flashes of memories that weren't his using some sort of an energy whip Quirk that came out of his hands.

As the memories ended Izuku backed away from the fire and started to notice a similar black energy.

"No way it can't be right?" Izuku said as he concentrated for a bit.

Upon doing so the energy formed a black whip. Izuku did the same thing on his other hand and proceeds to swing them around as if he were fighting villains or Grimm. Then an Idea pops up.

He puts his hands together and the whip fuse together as one big whip and then he makes spikes come out of the large whip and swings it.

"NYC LASH!" Izuku shouted as he swings the whip left then right and finally does an overhead strike.

Izuku smiles at his improvised attack and wonders what effect it would have on villains. He thinks about this until he hears a deep voice.

"Damn kid that was good, though why the hell didn't I think of doing that during my life?" A male voice said.

The voice that said that was a large muscular man of a wide build. He has a square jaw, small eyes and without eyebrows. He's also bald and has a very short beard.

He also has a hero costume that consists of dark leather clothes, stylish goggles, and a bandolier. The leather jacket has shoulder pads, and he always has it open and doesn't wear a shirt, to shows his muscular torso.

"Yo you the 9th?" The Man asked.

"If your referring to One for All then yes." Izuku said as he kept his guard up.

"Relax kiddo I'm the 5th user of OFA Daigoro Banjo nice to meet ya." Daigoro said as he held his hand up for Izuku to shake.

"It's nice to me you Banjo-sempai." Izuku said as he shakes Daigoro's hand only for Daigoro to shake his head.

"Call me Daigoro or Dai, either way kid what you have there is my Quirk Blackwhip a Top-grade Quirk when comes to capturing Villains or swinging around like a bootleg Spiderman." Dai said as Izuku chuckled at the reference.

Only for his eyes to widen when he realizes that he has the Quirk of the 5th user of OFA.

"Any who normally I'd give you this Quirk when you were ready but that Aura stuff kinda forced me and 7th user to give you our Quirks early." Dai said as Izuku looks stunned.

"That's amazing Dai, but what does my Aura have to do with it?" Izuku asked.

"No clue it's the first time I'm seeing this crap happen all I know is that after OFA became a part of you your Aura skyrocketed any who 7th user wants to see ya soon alright." Dai said.

"Thanks Dai, oh also you have any tips on using OFA?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah try only using a little a bit throughout your entire body first cause if ya do something similar to I don't know a Detroit Smash or something you'll just brake your arm in a million pieces." Dai said as Izuku pales.

"Noted and filed." Izuku said.

"Good luck kid oh and tell that muscle head to tell you about All for One and the 1st user alright, later kid." Dai said as he disappeared.

"(All for One is that a Quirk similar to One for All)?" Izuku thought as he goes towards the brazier with the blue flame.

Izuku touched the blue flame and like Dai's Flame he saw Memories of a woman who was floating he also sees her touching All Might to make him float away from what looked like a Powerful Villain.

Once the memories stop Izuku jumped off the ground and he started to float, he then started to use swimming motions to control where he would float and then he got an idea. He started to charge a small amount OFA throughout his body red marks started to appear throughout his body for a moment then he it turned into green electricity. He then use his new found technique along with his new Quirk to somewhat fly he then floated up and at the apex of the jump/floating height he turned off the floating Quirk and slammed his fist on the ground causing the ground to shake a bit.

"Whoa kid could not do that again I don't think the others will appreciate you knocking down the other braziers." A woman's voice said.

The voice came from a beautiful woman with a tough demeanor. She was a fairly tall woman of slender yet voluptuous frame, and at the same time, she was well-built, as befitting a One for All user. She was fair-skinned and had a small mole below her bottom lip, centered to the right, and sharp, intelligent eyes with quite long eyelashes. Her hair was dark and straight, kept shoulder-length with the exception of a clump of short bangs hanging above her forehead, and was usually styled in a half-up-half-down bun.

Her hero costume consisted of a dark, sleeveless bodysuit with a high collar, yellow elbow-length gloves, and white knee-high boots. Around her waist was a belt with an angular golden buckle, a small cape attached around the back which hung down to her knees, and over her shoulders was a longer cape, buttoned to the shoulders of her bodysuit.

And for some reason she looks like his mother when she was younger.

Izuku looks at the woman for a bit and he spoke.

"Okaa-san?" Izuku said.

The woman went wide eyed but then started to laugh her ass off.

After a bit the woman stopped but she still chuckled a bit and dusted herself off.

"No kid I'm your mom though to be fair I saw a bit of your memories of you and your mom and for some reason she looks like me which is weird as hell." The Woman said as Izuku blushed.

"I-I'm Sorry." Izuku said still blushing at the fact he called one of his Sempai's, Mom.

"It's alright Kyu-kun, anyway I'm Nana Shimura the 7th user of OFA it's nice to meet you." Nana said as she and Izuku shake hands.

"It's nice to meet Nana-Sempai." Izuku said.

"Ah you're a cutie any who you just got my Quirk Float which well does as the name implies, but I'm sure a smart kid like you can figure it out." Nana said.

"Thank you Nana-Sempai." Izuku said with a small blush.

"No prob Kyu-Kun, oh one more thing once Toshi tells you about AFO seek out the 1st user he's the sliver flame so yeah." Nana said as she points to the brazier with the sliver flame and disappears.

Izuku smile knowing that 2 of the users of OFA believe in him it was then a door open and Izuku started to walk towards the door.

UA High Infirmary

Izuku starts to wake up from the bed he was on. He sees Toshinori and his Mother both praying that he would wake up soon.

Oh his mother knows about OFA on the insistence of Team RWBY needless to that lead to many and I mean many tears.

"Mom, Toshinori." Izuku said tiredly as he wakes up.

"IZUKU!" Inko shouted as she tried to hug Izuku.

Only to get hit in the head by an Aura enhanced cane.

"Let the poor boy rest for a bit he must be exhausted." Chiyo said.

"Thank you Chiyo-sensei." Izuku said knowing how strong his mother's hugs are.

"Now young man can you tell us what happen after you obtained OFA?" Chiyo asked as she pours a cup of water for Izuku who nods.

After Chiyo gives Izuku a glass of water and drinks it he explains on what had happened how he saw his new Quirk in Braizer form how met both Dai and Nana sempai and how he obtained his new Quirks Blackwhip and Float.

"That's incredible Shonen." Toshinori said as Izuku nods.

"Unbelievable 3 Quirks. I'll have to Inform Nezu about this to assure this information stays out of villain hands." Chiyo said as Inko nods.

"Oh Sensei when can Izuku come home?" Inko asked.

"I'd like to keep him in observation until tomorrow to see if anything comes up I'll also need to Inform Team RWBY about this as well." Chiyo said as Inko nods once more.

After a while Inko and Chiyo left the Infirmary leaving both Izuku and All Might there.

"I'm glad you're alright shonen I would have never forgave myself if something happened to you." Toshinori said with a small smile.

"It's alright Toshi-sensei." Izuku said as he felt a little nervous about what he needed to say next.

Toshinori noticed this.

"Is something wrong Shonen?" Toshinori asked.

Izuku sighs but knows that he needs to get this over with.

"Dai and Nana Sempai asked me if you can tell me about someone named All for One." Izuku said as Toshinori was silent.

After what seemed like hours though in reality it was a few minutes Toshinori sighed.

"If the 5th and Nana told you to ask me about him, then who I'm I to deny you." Toshinori said as he tells the story of two brothers and the lighting of the first torch.

Firem78910: and done with this one

Wicke: are you going to tell them about how Izuku now has Blackwhip and Float early

Firem78910: it's due to his Aura which has multiplied by 9 and he will become stronger but that doesn't mean he won't be OP

Wicke: say will there be Grimm

Firem78910: yeah in later chapters and I will say this the Grimm born of Earth will be Bigger, Smarter and Stronger than the Grimm of Remnant as for the reason

Wicke: yeah I can see that Multiple wars, Racism, the Suicide of the Quirkless and bullying and that just taking Japan to account. The earth or any earth for that matter has experienced a lot of BS while Remnant only has a war and a half and minor Racism since light prick and dark prick pushed the reset button on Remnant's Humanity.

Firem78910: true but they'll get their comeuppance any who Ja ne