Occult Aftermath: Fate's Thread

Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers. Thanks to Ranger Red 2.3, Mistycharming, SA June and Sir Perfluous for their OC's used in this fic.

Hey… Hey now. Take it easy, you've been through a lot.

W-Who… are… you?

I've never been with you, this is me taking my freedom!

He'll not get to you, I'll make sure of that.

That's- That was my, my mother's name…

Nobody deserves to be alone forever. Especially not you.

You're crying for me. I couldn't ask anything more from you…

They just stole your life away from you… from me. It's not right. It's not fair!

I can get behind what she said, but it doesn't hurt for you to use a flashy attack every so often and feel like the rest of us.

I'm guessing you're gonna be staying then, right?

I need him alive to answer a few questions, after that, he's disposable.

Fine, but if I get to him before you, I can't promise anything.

I think I'm in love with you.

I'll tell you how I feel one day, okay?

How long had it been? Since Saya almost reached him. Since Skuros took his immortality. Since he faded to nothing. It felt like aeons had passed, yet in some strange paradox, like it had only been moments. As the memories of his friends echoed through his head, Joe finally summoned up the strength to open his eyes.

Around him was a strange, iridescent expanse, no end in sight. As he turned around to confirm that his surroundings were in fact infinite, he reflexively stepped backwards as his body tensed up.

"Huh? What the-"

Before him stood three individuals, human in appearance and wearing long flowing white robes. Their appearance reminded Joe of Greek Gods. Two were men, the third was a woman. Each stared deeply at the red ranger before the woman finally spoke.

"Be not afraid, child of the Earth." She said. Her voice was serene, soothing and Joe felt the tension in his body relax as he watched the three.

"W-What are you, where am I? Didn't I die?" He asked.

One of the men nodded. "I understand you have questions. Please remain calm. We are Psychopomps. Divine Spirits who serve to guide the deceased and escort them to the afterlife."

"You now reside in the realm between life and the afterlife. A place inaccessible to those who have yet to die." The second male Psychopomp said.

"Yes, you fell in combat against the Fallen Angel Skuros. He fell shortly after you did and has already been processed by us. His fate was justly deserved." The woman finished answering his question, vaguely alluding to whatever just fate Skuros had earned himself in the beyond.

Joe sighed, his friends did it after all. Then his death wasn't in vain. "So, what happens now?" He said.

The three Psychopomps studied him deeply, as if searching for some unseeable detail to finally make their decision. "Child of Earth." The woman addressed him once more. "You are an enigma to us. Rarely do we commune together like this to speak with a deceased. We three meeting you here, is because you are unnatural."

Unnatural? What did they mean by that? Was it something to do with the Celestial Gear? Joe's mind raced, what was so special about him?

"It isn't because of the Divine Sphere that we call you this." The first man spoke. "Your thoughts are open to us, so please, speak freely." He explained before continuing. "You weren't born like a normal human. One day, your infant self simply materialised onto the Earthly realm. You were found by humans and taken to the Orphanage where you grew up. I'm sure you know the rest."

"Your creation was a perversion of nature. Who by, we simply don't know. Why? Even more mysterious. However, it appears as if your death is no simple matter either." The second man said, his explanation simply adding to the building existential crisis inside Joe's head.

"So that's how it is? I knew I wasn't normal because of the Divine Sphere, but now you're saying that I'm not even a real human?"

The female Psychopomp nodded. "I know it must be hard to hear all this; however, you deserve the truth. Your body was biologically human. Your soul however… it's unlike any other we've seen. We spent days in mortal time amongst ourselves debating your nature. Only to fall on no conclusion."

"Furthermore." The second man said. "As we debated, we felt a twist in your fate's thread. Somehow, your fate has altered. This disturbed us greatly."

"What happened?" Joe asked.

"Simply put, it seems as if you are not meant to ascend as all others do. Instead you're to be reborn; for whoever altered your fate appears to have plans for you in the land of the living. We can't go against the tide of fate itself. It's an unstoppable force and we must comply." The first Psychopomp explained.

"However, this in itself is a perversion of nature. To allow you to return to life, it goes against the natural order of the Universe. Therefore we have resolved to a solution." The woman said.

"Wait! What if I don't want to go back? If someone has plans for me and wants to resurrect me, then it can't be for a good reason. If I go back, then they'd get what they want… I'd probably be a pawn for evil. I won't let that happen again, I can't!" Joe said, the Psychopomps studied him for several silent moments as Joe's distress increased.

"I'm afraid that none can fight fate itself, not even beings like us. That's why we intend to challenge the perpetrator's goals. Or at least, that's what she has decided." The second man said. As he finished his sentence, the three Psychopomps' bodies became ethereal, soon fading to nothing.

"Wait! What do you mean!? Who's she? I'm not done getting answers yet!" He called out to them, yet was met with nothing but silence.

Joe gave a sigh, it was useless trying any longer. Wherever these beings disappeared to, it was unreachable to him. As he waited in the darkness, he blinked once and suddenly found himself staring back at a new environment. Now, he stood inside of a marble structure, he likened its appearance to that of a Cathedral, though it was empty of its furniture and ornate decorations.

Instead of Saints, the stained glass depicted multiple variations of the same long blonde haired woman. Across the centre of the room and leading to the steps was a trailing black carpet trimmed with gold. As his gaze followed up the steps, his eyes fixed upon the slender curvature of the white marble throne and the woman sat down. Her legs were crossed, the higher of the two swinging idly, whilst a glass of golden liquid rested lazily in the palm of her hand as she rolled her wrist, the contents swaying as she did so. Covering her body was a long; black, silken dress. Her hair was long, golden and radiating with light, falling far down far past her body and resting neatly as it grazed the ground. She stared directly at Joe with her two vibrant platinum eyes, a ring of vermillion wrapped around her large pupils. The gaze was unsettling to him but her beckoning free hand compelled him towards her. He began taking steps forward, continuing to observe the mysterious heavenly being. She wore simple golden jewelry, a circlet holding an amber gem crowning her head.

As he walked up the stairs she grinned and gulped down every last drop of the golden liquid from the glass, immediately tossing it aside, disregarding the smashing of glass as it collided with the ground. "Ah, much better. I do enjoy a glass of ambrosia before speaking with beings lesser than myself. So, you're the special little soul. Tell me, how did the Psychopomps treat you? All caught up now?" She asked, sizing up the young man as she uncrossed her legs and stood; stepping from her throne to close the distance between the two. As she walked towards Joe, her hair trailed along floor behind her.

"Uh, sorta. Where am I now and... um, just who are you exactly?" He asked, to which the woman's eyebrows twitched.

"Who am I… WHO AM I? You humans are so hopeless! I am Irkalla! Allatu! Do none of these names mean a thing to you? I am the Goddess Ereshkigal, Queen of the afterlife! Were you expecting the merciful Earth mother? Kneel before your better, mortal!" She spat, pointing to the floor with all the force she could bear without unleashing her Divine power and destroying everything before her.

Joe shrugged. "Uh, no offence Lady Goddess but… All things considered, not a fan of Divine beings after all I've been through. That and I'm already dead so… yeah, not kneeling. Sorry."

Ereshkigal huffed and folded her arms. "The dead have no respect these days…" She muttered under her breath. "But enough of this foolery! You now reside in my palace, Ganzir; and you're still very much dead. You see, whoever had the guts to meddle with both fate and death was foolish to try. For one who has died, only certain circumstances may permit them to return to the mortal world. Such as serving another eternally onwards or reincarnating into a new body. Also in service to another. To revive you without any sacrifice… That would go against the very nature of how death works."

Joe reminisced on his friends. Xander was bound to Acumen and the Demon House his family served. Sera was transformed into a Celestial, initially dedicated to the High Heavens and their plots. Would he have to make some oath too? "So, if I can't fight whatever fate has planned for me, then how will I resurrect if it's so complicated?"

Ereshkigal placed a hand to her chin. "It is a matter I've debated with the Psychopomps. They were to simply inform you of the circumstances surrounding your unnatural self and the new fate you've been given." She explained, then jabbing with her finger at the red clad young man's chest. "You're the key to solving this mystery and the threat it poses. That much is obvious, little mortal. However, my duty is to keep those who are dead in the afterlife. If they don't ascend, that's my problem. And you're the biggest problem I've dealt with since my unholy terror of a little sister; Inanna last visited. Unlike her though, you can be of use to me." She said.

As the Divine before him lowered her hand and waited expectant of his response, Joe wondered just how he could be of use to anyone. "You and the three before said it yourselves, I'm just part of someone else's game. How do you think I could be of use to you. Especially after…"

"Ah, yes. I saw that. You were weak enough to fall to a Black Demon. How laughable! I was hoping you would claim Divinity actually… considering the repercussions if you didn't. Unfortunately, as usual, Divines conspire against my wishes. Now the prison I designed had its first ever escape. It had to be the worst prisoner in there, too." Ereshkigal said, running a hand through her long hair.

"Wait a minute… you designed the Gate of Hel?" He asked, coming to the realisation of what she was insinuating.

She gave a casual nod. "Who better to design an impenetrable prison for the worst living in the Universe than the Goddess who keeps the dead where they belong- but enough of this talk! The Gate is clearly a failure thanks to leaving it to Demonic lessers to construct. I swear, if I want a job done right, I have to always do it myself. As for why I need you- you're an intriguing mortal. I watched your life events upon your death, as I do with all beings. Yours was… entertaining. I'm willing to allow you to return, on a few conditions of course."

"Why would you want me to return? Isn't that just playing into the hands of whoever wants me to be resurrected?" He asked, perplexed by the Goddess' reasoning.

Her shoulders dropped as she resisted the urge to bark at the human before her for questioning her superior logic; yet that would be unbecoming of one of her holiness. He didn't yet seem to grasp the whole picture. Even for his tactical prowess, he still seemed lacking. "Indeed, we will be playing into their hands… however, we can use this to our advantage. You will become my instrument in the land of the living, from which we will uncover the scoundrel responsible for twisting fate to their will. Once we do, they will pay dearly. To do so, I'm willing to resurrect you... at least for a time. When we have dealt with the perpetrator, then you will return to my side and join the afterlife."

"So… that means I only have a limited time…" Joe mumbled, thinking deeply on what that would mean.

"Indeed, mortal. Don't fret though. For now, I have a far more attainable goal than catching this culprit. As I told you, a prisoner broke out from a prison I designed. That reflects badly on me. You understand, correct?" Ereshkigal asked, glaring at the young man before her.

Joe nodded at the Goddess. "It means you'd be looked at badly by other Divines, maybe some would blame you for his escape and cause your trouble. I guess Skuros did manage to free Lucifer in the end. At least the Dark Angel's gone now like the Pyschopomps said." He took a moment to let that thought sink in. "So, you want me to put a stop to Lucifer?"

Ereshkigal shrugged. "How you deal with him is your business. I simply want him to pay for this insult. Now, kneel before me and we can make our bargain."

She pointed at the floor, waiting patiently. Joe deducted this must've been an egotistical show of force. He didn't want to return while in the state he was. Especially if some unknown force was at work here. At least it was a Goddess working towards the preservation of the Universe's natural order that asked for his allegiance; not the High Heavens and whatever machinations they would have planned to use him in a similar scenario. Biting the bullet of his own ego, he reluctantly knelt at Ereshkigal's feet.

"That's a good boy!" She grinned, ruffling his black hair. "Who's a good boy? That's right, you are! Now let's get you resurrected shall we?" She laughed, clearly enjoying every moment of her patronising performance. Her smile then dropped. "But I will say one more thing, my new servant. One does not simply return from the dead. Your journey to earn this new life, limited as it might be, begins now. I saw how your final fight broke your spirit… you're useless in your current state. Only when you have completed what trials I have placed before you, may you return to the land of the living. Are these terms agreeable?"

No more of her play acting, she's all business now. Joe thought as he rose from his knees, meeting the Divine's gaze once more. "Yeah, I'm ready to face whatever you've got."

"Very well, then prove your worth, Joseph; servant of the Lady who rules over death itself!" She took one last opportunity to flatter herself as her hands glowed with intense Divine energy, releasing the cast towards the young man.

As it struck him, his body evaporated into a golden light that quickly dispersed. As Ereshkigal was left along in the throne room of Ganzir, she held her hand to her mouth, stifling a chuckle. "Seems things are getting very interesting indeed."

[Occult Circle]

"Lucifer, is this really necessary?" Saya asked.

From the waiting bench inside of the barbers, the High Demon tapped her foot repetitively against the floor.

"My dear." Lucifer addressed her calmly. "Of course it's necessary. I can't create my new world if i'm not properly groomed." He said from the barber chair as a barber swept across the Archdemon's face with a straight razor.

As the barber finished up his work on shaving Lucifer's face, he switched to cutting through the unkempt mane Lucifer had managed to grow in all the centuries he had been kept prisoner in that accursed realm; Muttering about how crazy his customer sounded as he worked.

"Ah, so much better to be out and living freely again. Don't worry Saya, it won't be long until I have what I need to begin my plans. Soon enough you can have everything you want and more." He grinned as the barber chopped away at his hair.

Soon enough, the pair exited the barbers. Lucifer now bounced as he walked, his blonde hair sharp and cut cleanly; an overjoyed grin plastered to his face as Saya followed behind the Archdemon.

"Where to next? Do you have everything you need yet?" She asked, it had been a week of little to no progress since she joined him. Saya waiting idly as Lucifer left her to 'conduct business' with unknown servants. It said everything about how little he trusted her. It was even more likely that the Archdemon simply wanted to use her for her combat prowess, possibly for her rank and station within the Underworld. That was all she was good for after all.

"Not yet, my child. Be patient. I've waited a long time for this, moving each piece delicately into place. Tell me, have you heard of a human organisation known as LARPA?" He asked now watching her for any reaction, any sign that she might lie.

The blue ranger shrugged. "Humans don't interest me. Why? Should I have heard of them?"

Lucifer's shoulders dropped as he read her face and deemed her truthful. "Unfortunate. Nethertheless, they are an organisation that recovers and stores protects artefacts of legendary power from people like us. Keeping them out of the hands of those who would use them for their own gain. I've recently learned of these humans from a certain contact of mine, embedded in their organisation. He finally reported to me that they have what I seek. Right here in Numin's own Museum of Ancient History!" He gestured with an outstretched arm to the large building across the street as they halted to view the Museum.

"A Museum? This is why we came back to Numin and risked exposing ourselves?" The High Demon squinted at the building, just why would any sort of legendary artefact be held inside a place like this?

"Don't you understand yet, my dear? Human museums have naturally high security features, making human thieves easily apprehendable. It also provides perfect camouflage. Think, who in their right mind would store artefacts of power under Museums? Absolutely no one is the natural conclusion. That's why LARPA gets away with it. They hide the artefacts in plain sight. Nobody would be the wiser. Simply put, their logic is solid and their security is the best humans can create. I must say, it rivals even the most powerful wards I've seen. But it won't be enough to stop us. Come then, let us make a visit shall we? I wonder how long these humans can put up a fight for." He chuckled.

Saya hesitantly nodded. My life, for yours, her own words echoed. She felt reluctant to attack humans… even if they did have what her master needed to realise his plans. It was too late to turn back, she couldn't give up the chance to see him again.

[Occult Circle]

"Ah- g-g-get away from me!" The shrill voice of a teenage volunteer worker cried as inside the Museum, a pack of new, unknown warriors swarmed the entrance.

From head to toe, these beings were clad in crimson plate armour. Crafted from an otherworldly material that seemed to draw in the light around it, their suits of infernal steel were a combination of aerodynamically crafted armour plates, contrasted by the sharp shoulder; elbow and knee spikes producing from the plates. Even from their helmets, two spikes protruded, creating a flat T shape from the top of the helm. The face of the helmets was a single vertical line, coursing with a deep orange energy. Each wielded a sword forged from a vermillion metal, the crossguard complementing the spiked appearance of these soldiers as they attacked.

"Hahaha! Now this is a party!" Lucifer laughed as he and Saya walked into the museum, while some humans managed to flee, the others now struggled against these troopers. "Tell me, dear girl; how do you like the Chthonians? I handpicked these soldiers from the worst who were trapped inside Hel with me. Now I'm free, I can wield some of my power to bring forth those who pledged themselves to me." He explained as he walked through the struggle between the humans and Chthonians.

Saya shrugged half-heartedly. "They're strong, I can see that much. But why bring them along to raid the artefact vault? Wouldn't it be easier to accomplish without such a large profile?"

Lucifer abruptly clasped his hands together. "Who knows? Maybe I just fancied some anarchy today. After all, it's been far too long since I've seen a good bloodbath!" He grinned as he walked further into the museum. "Chthonians, do as you will. As for you, girl." He then addressed the blue ranger. "Make sure that if your friends try to interfere, you stop them. With whatever it takes." His voice echoed as he walked away, leaving the young Demon in the Museum entrance, compelled to face her teammates if they dared to fight against Lucifer's goals.

Saya didn't want to face them. She hoped that she wouldn't have to… But the power that the Archdemon had over her was too powerful. She couldn't resist whatever ability he wielded that bent her will to his. She couldn't disobey. She still wanted to save Joe but… not like this. Fight as she might, she was just another instrument through which Lucifer now acted through. His wish was her command. She hated it… but it was futile to fight it.

As the Chthonians prepared to shed the blood of the innocents that helplessly grappled with the plate clad monstrosities, she heard an all too familiar call as her stomach knotted.

"Occult Breakout!"

The rogue blue ranger's eyes fixed on the source of the unified call immediately, her body becoming rigid at the familiar chant. As the Chthonians readied their swords to bear down on their innocent victims and spill blood for the first time in centuries, each was struck with a burst of Celestial energy, knocking them off their feet. When the Chthonians hit the ground, their civilian captives took the opening to flee, leaving Lucifer's minions to fight against their newly arriving foes.

Whilst the Chthonian warriors shook off the stunning power of the Celestial magic and began to rise, five colourful individuals already suited up in their ranger forms, rushed onto the scene. "Glad we got your message about Lucifer's activity." The grey ranger nodded to his companion in white.

"I felt he'd act soon, that's why I called you all together again." Sera said.

"I see, smart of you." Nyssa said as she drew her bow and aimed an arrow at the recovering warriors. "That said, it seems the Archdemon has a present for us."

Ellie shrugged. "They definitely look harder than the Acolytes that Max and I've been clearing from Numin since the Cult collapsed."

"No worries, we'll just sweep through them too!" Max snorted as he hefted his axe.

"Alright everyone, let's take down these new foes!" Nyssa took charge of her four other teammates, releasing the arrow.

As her arrow flew, it struck dead centre in the vertical visor of a Chthonian, yet even with the arrow piercing its eye, the warrior seemed unphased. The other rangers seeing this, moved into close combat.

Wielding her silvery sword-spear in one hand and simultaneously holding her Combat Halo in the other, Sera met the enemy quickly and pounced on the offense. Striking the helmet of the Chthonian before her, she stunned the warrior momentarily, allowing her the opening to strike. With her Combat Halo, she poured her Celestial energy into the weapon before driving it into the armoured chestplate. As she did so, the armour cracked and her Occult ring began to shine brightly. Backstepping, her sword-spear began to resonate with the ring, a bright white aura radiating from the weapon. No matter how strange the occurrence, she couldn't pass on the opportunity she'd been granted and pierced the Chthonian through the broken area of the armour. As she did so, the hot white aura seemed to draw into the warrior and when she drew the weapon from it; the Chthonian appeared to petrify, even its armour turning to stone. Eventually crumbling into a pile of rubble.

"What was that?" Sera asked herself as she looked to her Occult ring. Had it somehow adapted to defeat these new enemies? If so, it did it at an exceptional rate.

Ellie charged towards Max as he cupped his hands to boost the former into the air. As she stepped into his hands and allowed his enhanced Lycanthrope strength to send her airborne, the Vampire noticed her ring also begin to resonate with a crimson light, an aura of the same colour beginning to radiate from her dagger. Hurtling towards her foes, she unleashed one swift and powerful attack that seemed to effortlessly break through the armour of two Chthonians.

Following up from his teammate's attack, Max rushed the two vulnerable Chthonian warriors as his ring and axe resonated with an amber aura. A powerful cleaving motion cut through their remaining defences. Like Sera's attack, it petrified them and soon they too crumbled to rubble.

"Woah, what kind of power is this?" Max said as he looked to the aura, fading now the two foot soldiers had been dispatched.

Xander and Nyssa's rings also resonated in the same fashion as their other teammates, the former piercing his way into the armour before dispatching the Chthonians in the same like his teammates had. Nyssa repeatedly fired arrows, repeatedly piercing the armour of her targets until they too petrified and turned to rubble.

Soon enough, the battle was over, though they had been more difficult than their previous enemy's grunts, they were still dispatchable. As the rangers breathed a sigh of relief that the battle was over, they heard light footsteps across the polished floor of the empty museum. Looking toward the source of the noise.

"No…" Sera muttered as they each gazed upon the other figure walking towards them.

Saya stepped forward, her eyes dim as she looked at her former teammates, she didn't want to face them… but Lucifer commanded her and she had to obey. She couldn't allow them to progress. She needed to ensure that he succeeded. No matter the cost.

"Saya, stand down, it doesn't have to be this way!" Nyssa called out, trying to reason with the broken young woman.

The rogue blue ranger shook her head. "I can't let you pass. Lucifer told me to ensure his success. If that means fighting you all so we can succeed…" She brandished her own Occult ring and morphed without a word. As the blue flash of light subsided, Saya drew her cutlass and pointed it at her former comrades. "Then I'll fight you to my last breath!"

|Occult Circle|

Divine Goddess - Ereshkigal - Also known by the names Irkalla and Allatu, she is the Goddess of the afterlife and the one who inspired the Mesopotamian Goddess of the same name. She presides over the dead and acts as the warden between the lands of the living and the afterlife. Ruling from her Palace, Ganzir, she can never directly enter the lands of the living. If she did, it would disrupt the natural order of the Universe. As a powerful and dutiful Goddess, she holds herself highly above any she deems lesser than herself. Her ego however can sometimes overwhelm her sense of reason, such as the pettiness between her and her younger sister, Inanna. Despite this, she is revered among countless other divines for her noble attitude, her ability to endure defiance from others and rise above their plots, even though she could wipe those who defied her from existence with a simple wave of her hand.

And with that, Occult Circle: Volume 2 is back! I bet you all didn't expect this Christmas present today too, surprise! So, we've started the next chapter and I enjoyed writing this. I've been thinking long and hard about how resurrection might work since it ties into a long running sub-plot that's just begun this chapter. I eventually went with that its an unnatural process, one which the Goddess of the dead isn't too happy about. Seems Joe however, is on his way back to the land of the living, albeit until whoever is causing an upset to the natural order of things and twisting fate to their will is put a stop to. For now though, it seems Ereshkigal won't be making this easy for him.

As for things back in the land of the living. Lucifer's looking sharp, well his hair is at least. And it seems a certain organisation founded in this series' precursor, PR Mythos, has drawn the eye of the Archdemon since they have an artefact he wants. I teased it in my series tie in 'Without Cause' but it was pretty subtle so I don't know if anyone noticed it. As for the Chthonians, they seem pretty menacing but the rangers had an interesting experience fighting them, but it won't be that easy next time, I assure you. Tell me what you think of the new grunts for this series, I had fun designing them. Finally, it seems we're having a face off between Saya and the other rangers. To quote a controversial Star Wars film, this is not going to go the way you think. Hopefully it'll be received better than that though. I hope to get back into the full swing of writing Occult Circle in the new year, for now, thanks for reading!

Next chapter: Occult Aftermath: Mourning Heart, Stagnant Soul

Synopsis: As Joe begins to face the trials of the Goddess Ereshkigal, he finds his will to fight diminished in the face of the challenges put before him. If he is to return and put an end to Lucifer, he must find the strength inside to do so. While he faces his greatest struggle yet, the remaining rangers now face down one of their own. Will they defeat her and save her whilst also stopping Lucifer from succeeding in his plans? Or will Saya make the ultimate sacrifice for her new liege? Find out next time on Power Rangers: Occult Circle.