Chapter Twenty-One: Catching Up

*13 months after the winter war, Los Noches*

13 months, 13 long months since the end of the war. Since the end of all that madness. Since everything for Yoshiro was changed all over again in a sense, but atleast this time it seemed to be mostly for the better.

After the initial end of the war everyone one returned home and had to face the first major challenge in the aftermath of it all. Namely, figuring out the extent and fixing all the damage done to los noches from the fighting. The entire south sector of the place was essentially rubble thanks to Yammy going on his damn rampage. The western section wasn't much better thanks to all the fighting done by Yoshiro, Grimmjow and the soul reapers in their respective fights. Then there was all the damage to the roof thanks to the fight between Ulquiorra, Yoshiro and Ichigo.

Case in point, los noches was all sorts of messed up. But nothing that couldn't be repaired or rebuilt. Thankfully most of the grunt worker arrancar had survived the chaos and immediately went to work on repairing, rebuilding and salvaging everything that needed it. All of los Noches was rebuilt to its former pre-war glory in about Eight months. Of course there was also the other major and arguably bigger challenge at hand. Figuring out how many people of los noches's fighting force was lost in the war and going about rebuilding it.

The only real major losses of the war had been Barragan and all his fraccion except for Vega. The Decimo, Novena, Octava, and Septima had also been killed in the war, so the espada had been effectively cut in half. There was also a number of other rank and file troops lost as well. Thankfully refilling the ranks was easier than expected. There were plenty of people in place to take the spots of the empty leader positions in los noches.

With Aizen now gone, it was decided that Halibel was to take over as queen of the hollow world. while Ulquiorra, Starkk and Yoshiro were stronger than her, she was chosen a for few important reasons. First and foremost, the only people stronger than her simply didn't want the position. Ulquiorra didn't believe himself to have a proper enough mindset for something like leading an entire realm, Starkk was too damn lazy to want such a thing. Yoshiro had contemplated the idea but decided he was simply to inexperienced for such a position. Halibel, simply had the proper mindset, personality and experience to be a proper leader. Plus it helped that she was the fourth most power being in the realm, so she was far from weak.

Then came the reforming of the espada. With his segunda etapa form, Ulquiorra had been made the Primera. Starkk simply went to the role of Segunda. Yoshiro took over the role of Tercera. Rather fitting that he should take his mothers old espada rank. With Nel back and fully healed she came to take the rank of Cuatra. Mila-rose took Yoshiro's previous rank of Quinta. Emilou became the new Sexta. Sung-sun took the rank of Septima. Grimmjow was moved to the rank of Octava. Dordoni was appointed as Novena and Cirucci was appointed as the new Decimo.

Replacing the rank and file troops proved to be not such a hard task as well. When the call across hueco mundo went out for new recruits, a surprising amount of hollow's showed up. Most of them being decent strength adjucah's at that. with Aizen out of the way and los noches being ruled solely by hollows, many other hollows were much more willing to throw their support in and serve. Many not coming before simply because they had no desire to serve under a soul reaper.

With the hogyoku gone arrancar couldn't be made as strong as they were before. However, after searching what remained of the all research done by Aizen and Granz on making arrancar. The research reports showed ways on how to better improve the natural arrancar creation process. So while they couldn't make arrancar on par with those made by the hogyoku, they could still make arrancar far stronger with the natural method then what had been capable of in the past.

One of Halibel's first major priorities as queen was to restructure things to have better order and stability. With Aizen, everyone was left to do whatever they wanted as long as they followed his orders. This meant even things like backstabbing and needless bloodshed was had amongst the arrancar. Halibel made it clear she had no tolerance for such foolishness. Another thing was to better form los noches's fighting force into specific groups. Arrancar were being evaluated on their abilities to be placed in units fitting to their strengths.

It wasn't too long before los noches had their own divisions of stealthy fighters, spies and scouts. Divisions of shock troops and heavy hitters and so on. the espada were in charge of over seeing these various new units and divisions and keeping them in order. All in all los noches was probably stronger now then what it had been before the winter war in all honesty. Everyone was surprised soul society ever showed up at any point during the rebuilding and reforming of things. Everyone wound up concluding that soul society was too busy with dealing with the aftermath of the war on their end. The soul society also probably assumed that los noches was far too weak from the war to be any kind of real threat anytime soon.

As for personal matters, somethings had certainly changed as well for many in los noches. The three way relationship of Yoshiro, Emilou and Luppi was stronger than ever. While marriage wasn't really a thing for arrancar, the trio did take to wearing matching rings on their ring fingers. In a show of display that the three were mates to one another. Their rings were white with a stripe of black, red, and violet respectively. Halibel and Sung-sun also took to wearing rings of similar nature to signify their own status as mates to each other. their rings were blue with a stripe of yellow and dark pink on them. One thing that came as a surprise was when Mila and Vega became mated to each other with Vega also becoming Mila's only fraccion. they wore rings that were black with stripes of orange and magenta.

At the moment all the espada and Queen Halibel were having at meeting discussing future plans at the throne room. Yoshiro was sitting in between Emilou and Mila, leaning back in his chair. Listening to what was being said but not really having anything to add in. His mom sat in throne like chair at the head of the table intently listening to the state of things as she always did.

"and that's current state of recruitment your majesty." Spoke Nel.

"very well, I'm glad to see recruitment is still going well." Replied Halibel "anyone have any other news to address?"

"there's one matter that needs addressing your majesty." Spoke Ulquiorra. Halibel inclined her head to tell him to continue.

"you see your majesty; our scouts have picked up odd sightings from the outer area of hueco mundo not too far from los noches."

"soul reapers by chance, trying to spy on us?" asked Dordoni

"no I don't believe so." Ulquiorra replied "from what our scout reports indicate. While none of our people have been able to get close enough to properly identify these mysterious individuals. From what they can deduce by using pesquisa, is that their energy is unmistakably human."

That caught everyone's attention. Then Ulquiorra continued.

"we have reports of these mysterious human presences across hueco mundo."

"sounds like someone's planning an invasion of hueco mundo and is trying to get a read on our strength beforehand." Said Yoshiro.

"I concur with the Tercera's thoughts on this." Replied Cirucci "but what group of humans could have a force large enough and powerful to possibly attack us?"

"could it be quincy's?" questioned Mila

"unlikely, quincy's were wiped to extinction centuries ago by the soul reapers." Replied Sung-sun.

"not quite, Sung-sun" interjected Emilou "remember that Ishida guy who invaded here with Kurosaki, he was a quincy. Some of them survived after the fighting with the soul reapers. With everyone assuming that were all dead, they could have been all this time rebuilding themselves in secret."

Then Starkk of all people spoke up surprisingly. "well let's just say in theory, that these mysterious individuals are quincy. Why attack us? It seems like they should be going after the soul reapers."

"well" began Yoshiro "I look at it like this. From what I've been able to learn from los noches's history records. Quincy's on principal despise hollows and arrancar like us, more than soul reapers generally. That's why they made their weapons to out right destroy hollows instead of purifying them. For why they would target us first. They probably assume that were the weaker than soul society at the moment due to the war. They would probably aim take us down first before moving on to soul society. They would only have such a sizeable force to attack us if they could also go on to take soul society as well. They would want los noches as a secondary base of operations for such things."

"Quincy's still have a hell of a bone to pick with the soul society, they wouldn't build such a force unless they intended to use to strike against the soul reapers. It's the only reason for them to have it. granted until we can gather any solid evidence that these mysterious humans are actually quincy. All I just said is simple theory and hypothesis." Yoshiro finished.

Everyone was quite for a moment, then Halibel spoke.

"for the time being I want in increase in our scout patrols. Also I want to establish some outer defense post at key points on the outskirts of los noches. If someone really is aiming to invade us at some point. No matter who they are, I don't wish to be caught by surprise by them."

"it shall be done your majesty." Spoke Ulquiorra

"I have an idea to propose." Announced Yoshiro

"what precisely is on your mind son?" replied Halibel

"well mom, while we have no solid evidence yet of anything. I think a good security measure maybe would be to maybe station someone in the living world on a permanent basis. To monitor for any signs of these mysterious humans. I would wager their base of operations is most likely out in the human world." he finished

Halibel thought to herself for a few moments contemplating her sons' notion before speaking. "I agree, any place in particular by chance?"

"Karakura, would be the best bet I think mom."

"how so son?"

"simple mom, in my experience when something with the spirit worlds is dragged into the living world. Karakura is always the place it revolves around for some reason." Yoshiro explained

"that's actually a very good point. Where would you stay in Karakura?" asked Halibel

"the old house. With the way dad set up the trust fund any bills for the place are automatically taken out of it at the start of every month. So even if no one has lived there in a long time, the house is still owned by me technically. Since the banks would have had no excuse to try and take it back in order to try and re-sell it." Yoshiro replied

"your father always did have a knack for thinking ahead. I want you to take someone else with you as backup as well just in case."

"way ahead of you on that one mom. I'd like to take Emilou and Luppi with me. Though all three of us will need to get gigai's from Urahara."

"you may do so, though I must ask why go to him for gigai's? we have the means here. Plus he is a soul reaper who is aligned with soul society." Questioned Halibel

"a few reasons. no one makes gigai's better than Kisuke. If we're doing a long term mission in the living world, we need the best gigai's we can get. While Kisuke may be a soul reaper and is on better terms with the soul society these days. I'd say their more allies of convenience instead of being buddy, buddy. Lastly, Kisuke will figure out we're there sooner than later. It's better just to go to him and explain things ahead of time. He's a very understanding person and will most likely actually like to help. He did help me and Emilou a long time when he had no reason too and barely knew us." Yoshiro retorted.

"you've been thinking about doing something like this for a while haven't you?" asked Halibel.

"Maaaayyybeee!" Yoshiro sang out.

Halibel simply sighed a little at her son's antics. "leave when your ready, this meeting is concluded" she announced.

A little while later Yoshiro, Emilou and Luppi were all standing in the throne room about to leave to Karakura. Halibel, Sung-sun, Mila, Vega and the twins were there to see them off.

"well then" said Yoshiro as he opened a garganta. "we're off, we'll report back whenever we come up with something solid."

"I have something to help with that actually." Spoke Halibel as she walked up to her son with four devices that look like cellphones.

"what do you have for us mom?"

"these devices are something our re-established R&D department came up with. These phones will allow you talk to us here in hueco mundo from the living world. as well anyone else you choose to call with them." Explained Halibel as she handed the phones to them and keeping one for herself.

"now that is badass!" exclaimed Emilou

"these will be quite useful." Stated Luppi

"thanks mom, these will be great to have. Well we better get going." Said Yoshiro as he, Emilou and Luppi walked through garganta with everyone else sending goodbyes and best wishes to the trio.

*Karakura outside Urahara's shop*

It was the early morning, the sun having just started to rise enough to illuminate the winter day in Karakura. A garganta opened up right in front of a certain candy shop and three individuals stepped out of it. Yoshiro took a quick around to gauge the area along side of his mates. He couldn't help but smile a bit being back in his hometown without having to fight someone, hopefully anyways.

"looks like we got here when it was still early in the morning, works well for me. We better hurry this up and talk to Kisuke." Chimed Yoshiro as he walked up to the front door of the shop. He knocked on the door and made his presence known.

"hey Kisuke, guess who's back and I'm not even here to beat anyone up this time!" he playfully spoke.

Nothing happened for a few moments before the door calmly slid open, to reveal a familiar blond haired man in green and white with a cane.

Kisuke thought at first thought his hearing was playing tricks on him but when he opened the front door and saw three espada ranked arrancar outside his shop. He was needless to say a little shocked. He decided to play it like he usually did with things, with calm playfulness.

"well, well this is certainly a surprise! Yoshiro, miss Apacci and if I recall correctly Luppi are here at my shop." Kisuke playfully said from behind his fan. Though internally he was already plotting on how to possibly fight them if he had too. Yoshiro seemed to pick up on this and decided to ease his worry's.

"don't worry Kisuke, we're not here to fight or anything, in fact we need your help." Said the Tercera.

Kisuke thought about for moment before deciding to believe what he was being said. "ok then come on in and let's talk." he said politely.

After everyone stepped in and was led to a meeting area in the back room of the shop. The three arrancar took a seat and Kisuke took one across from them, Yoruichi and Tessai soon came out sat beside Kisuke.

"so what can I do for you?" asked Kisuke from behind his fan with a serious tone.

"here's the low down" started Yoshiro as began explaining everything that has gone on in los noches since the end of the war and everything else up and including the mysterious presences showing up in hueco mundo. After he finished Kisuke sat in deep thought about everything for a few moments.

"My, my you have recovered quite well since the end of the war." Kisuke stated "I have to ask, why be so forward with this?"

"it's the best way for you to see that we're being genuine in our actions here. My mom doesn't want anymore wars to break out between our sides. Were trying build things in a better direction. Which in turn will benefit everyone all the way around." Said Yoshiro.

"I can't argue that one. I will admit these mysterious scout sightings in hueco mundo are a bit concerning. Do honestly think whoever they are will really invade and aim for soul society should they succeed attacking los noches?" stated Kisuke

"I really don't see any other course of action. Someone is clearly potting something major and I feel like it can only eventually involve all the worlds at some point. It's just how these sorts of things work it seems." Explained Yoshiro.

"It certainly does generally." Stated Kisuke as he pulled out two orbs and held them out. "Yoshiro and Luppi if you would be kind enough to put some energy in these for your gigai's."

Luppi and Yoshiro each took an orb and fed some energy into them. Once they began to glow, they gave them back to Kisuke.

"it will take about an hour for them to be complete." said Kisuke

"gonna help just like that eh?" said Yoshiro

Kisuke nodded his head and replied. "I think your right in your assumptions so far. Something is building up and it will most likely drag everyone into it. the sooner we can find some actual evidence the better."

"hold on a sec!" said Emilou "what about me? I need a gigai too!"

"ahhh don't worry miss Apacci." Chimed Kisuke "you see after Yoshiro was taken by soul society all that time ago. I went to his house and retrieved your gigai and put it safely in storage. Figuring you had most likely fled permanently back to hueco mundo back then. So I grabbed it before anyone investigators form soul society found it. I'll have it ready with the others when it's time." With that said the shopkeeper disappeared to the back.

"It's kind of scary how smart that guy is at times." Retorted Emilou

This got a giggle out of Yoruichi. "don't worry too much, that's just how Kisuke is. you get used to it eventually." Spoke Yoruichi as she then eyed Emilou and in flash appeared behind her and wrapped her arms around her.

"this is the first time I've seen you as an arrancar Emilou. I have to say, your quite adorable." The cat woman playfully purred.

Emilou simply looked back at Yoruichi and smirked. "you're quite the cutie too miss goddess of flash." She playfully replied back.

"Ara, Ara Emilou. You might make your mate jealous." Said Yoruichi.

"I think you mean mates" stated Emilou as she showed her ring to the cat woman. "you see all three of us mated to each other you see."

This got a genuinely surprised look out of Yoruichi, who then put on a sly grin. "how progressive of you three, sounds like you three have all sorts of fun. Would you be open to fourth one on a part time basis by chance? She finished a little sultry.

"I think that can be arranged." Said Emilou as he licked her lips a bit looking at the shihoin princess.

'fine by me" chimed Luppi

"like I'm really gonna argue an offer like that." said Yoshiro.

Yoruichi just laughed a bit at that before speaking towards Yoshiro. "I knew I liked you for a reason, presides your skilled hands."

"your quite right about the skilled hands part" piped up Luppi.

Yoruichi just laughed harder, Tessai meanwhile was just sitting there feeling very awkward as that conversation carried on. thankfully it wasn't too much longer before Kisuke called them all to the back. Everyone went to the back and inspected their gigai's.

Luppi's was dressed in a pair of slim fit jeans that hugged his waist and legs in an appealing way. It had light grey winter boots with fur that lined the top. It had a violet deep-v shirt that hugged his figure nicely and also had a cream colored winter coat with a hood.

Emilou's gigai also had a pair of jeans that hugged her curves well. It had a pair of forest green winter boots. It had a slim fit grey t-shirt that had the phrase "Bite Me" written on it. it also had a black winter coat with a hood lined with grey faux fur.

Yoshiro's gigai had a pair of relax fit jeans. A pair of black winter boots. A black t-shirt that had the album art for 'Ænima' by Tool. It also had an urban camo winter coat with a hood lined with white faux fur.

"once more Kisuke you prove just how awesome you are." Stated Yoshiro with a smirk.

"why thank you, I always take pride in my work after all!" Kisuke sang out. "now then I assume you remember how this works?"

Yoshiro and Emilou nodded, Kisuke then explained how gigai worked to Luppi. About 15 minutes later everyone was comfortably situated in their gigai and leaving the shop.

"thanks for the help Urahara. We'll inform you on things once we find anything about these mysterious people, scouting out los noches." Said Yoshiro

"please do, the sooner this can be figured out the better." Replied Kisuke.

With that said Yoshiro took off down the road with Emilou on one side of him and Luppi on the other. Kisuke just smirked a little as he watched them walk away.

"so do you really think they're suspicions are right?" asked Yoruichi in a serious tone. "whoever this is scouting out hueco mundo will go after soul society next should they take the hollow world?"

Kisuke was silent for moment before replying back in an equally serious tone. "sadly yes, if someone is planning something that big, it's bound to drag in the other worlds as we know it into it all as well. One way or another, whether we want it to or not."

*With Yoshiro, Emilou and Luppi*

Yoshiro and his mates we're walking along Karakura, thinking about their next move.

"so" began Yoshiro "first thing I believe is to head to shopping district and get Luppi a full wardrobe. Me and Emilou's clothes from our time at my house should still be there, though I'm sure they'll need cleaning. Along with the rest of the house."

"sounds fun" chimed Luppi "being able to have a more expansive wardrobe would be a very nice change."

"not to mention, I could go for some new things too." Piped Emilou.

"likewise, looks like were going shopping!" exclaimed Yoshiro "good news is all the shopping districts should of, just opened."

With that they all took off to do some shopping. A few hours later all three were walking back having picked up new things. Luppi had the most seeing how he needed an entire wardrobe. Pretty much everything Luppi got was girlish in its nature. Even his pajama's that were chappy the rabbit themed.

After some time they arrived in front of Yoshiro's home. Yoshiro just stood in front looking at the place. His mind wandering about everything that had happened since he had last been at his old home. He was shaken out of his thoughts by Emilou.

"is everything ok?" she asked

"yeah" he softly replied, "just thinking about everything about this place and all the time that has passed since I was last here is all."

He suddenly felt his hands being held tenderly by Emilou and Luppi.

"I can understand that it most seem pretty weird being back here after all that has happened." Said Luppi "you just need time to re-adjust back into things here is all and we'll both be here to help."

"he's right Yoshiro" interjected Emilou.

Yoshiro was silent for a moment then spoke. "yeah your right, lets do this." He quickly gave his mates each a kiss on the lips and headed to the front door of the house.

He opened the door and walked into the house followed by his mates. Looking around, the inside was just as he had predicted it to be. The whole place was covered dust from head to toe. Yoshiro let out a sigh.

"yep, this whole place is gonna need a complete clean up." Said Yoshiro as he set his bags down. Emilou and Luppi followed suit as Yoshiro went to a storage closet in the kitchen that was stocked with cleaning supplies. He grabbed some supplies and handed them out.

"let's get to work, shall we?" he chimed, and they began to clean the house.

As Yoshiro suspected, it took the rest of the morning and most of the early afternoon. Before they finished, but it was well worth the trouble as the entire house was now sparkly clean. Looking at the clock it was only about 2:30 in the afternoon.

"what do you want to do now?" asked Emilou

"hmmmmm" Yoshiro thought to himself before an idea sprung in his head. "seeing how we informed Urahara of our presence here. I think it would be wise to just be upfront and inform the rest of the Karakura crew as well. Namely, Ichigo and friends. Though I want to handle this alone, if we all show up at once they could get too jittery."

"sounds fair, me and Luppi will just get comfy here for the time being." Replied Emilou.

With that agreed upon, Yoshiro grabbed his things and headed out the door. It was a Friday and Ichigo and friends would still be in school at this time. So he took off towards Karakura high and waited by the front gate. About an hour later the final bell of the day rang out and students came walking out. Yoshiro had his back leaned against the wall that connected to main gate to the school, watching as student walked out looking for a certain patch of orange hair.

He didn't have to wait long as he saw group of students that consisted of some people he recognized, like Sado, Orihime, Tatsuki, Uryu, and others he didn't know and at the very back was Ichigo. None of them noticed him, so he decided to make himself known. He quickly walked up from behind until he was only a few feet behind the group and spoke up.

"long time no see Ichigo, how's it been going? Hope you didn't miss me too much." He said with some mischievous glee.

The moment the voice was heard, everyone who heard it and recognized it froze in shock. One by one everyone turned to see who the voice belonged too. Ichigo was the last but saw the color drain from the faces of Sado, Uryu, Tatsuki and Orihime. He could feel a pit in his stomach as he turned around and looked as well.

Standing only a few feet in front of them was none other than Yoshiro Abe.

'fucking hell, what's he doing here!?' thought Ichigo 'he must be in a gigai for me to see him right now. I can't do anything to him with my powers now gone.'

Surprisingly, Orihime broke the silence first. "Yoshiro, what a surprise! How have you've been?" she spoke with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.

"I'm doing fine Orihime, glad to see your doing well." Replied the espada. "I'd like to talk to you guys actually." He said as he pointed at Ichigo, Uryu, Orihime and Sado.

Tatsuki was going to object but Orihime cut her off. "it's ok Tatsuki, we'll be fine. You and the others get going, we'll catch up later."

"don't worry it will be fine." Said Sado.

"like Orihime said, we'll catch up later." Spoke Ichigo

Uryu said nothing as just kept a glare on the arrancar. Yoshiro picked up on this and simply gave the Quincy a cheeky grin in response. Which only served to piss off the quincy even more.

"so what is it you want to talk about?" asked Ichigo

"not here, let's go talk somewhere more private, follow me." spoke the blond arrancar.

'just what the hell is going on?' thought Ichigo.

Everyone followed Yoshiro as they made there way down the streets of Karakura.

"trying to lure us into a trap?" accused Uryu

"don't flatter yourself Ishida." Replied Yoshiro "if I wanted to kill any of you, I could do it without needing a trap. None of you are any kind of a threat to me, except for Ichigo."

"I'm afraid not." Said Ichigo

"how so?" questioned the blond arrancar.

"in order to defeat Aizen, I had to use a secret technique but the cost of it was losing all my powers after words." Replied Ichigo.

Yoshiro's eyes went a little wide upon hearing that news. "I see, that's unfortunate but you should still hear what I have to say none the less." Retorted Yoshiro as they finally reached their destination.

"hey, wait one minute here!" yelled Ichigo "this is my house!"

"correct, I want to have the meeting here. I believe it would keep some of you from trying anything stupid." Said Yoshiro as he gave a look towards Uryu. The quincy just grumbled in response. Ichigo was going to argue more but then the door to the house opened, revealing a small orange haired girl.

"Ichigo, why are standing out here yelling with your friends? Why don't you all come inside and talk?" said Yuzu Kurosaki.

Before anyone else could say anything else. Yoshiro pounced on the opportunity.

"why thank you Yuzu, it's much appreciated." Said Yoshiro as he walked into the house, giving a sly grin as he did so back at the others.

"god dammit" Ichigo muttered as went into the house, with the others behind him.

Yoshiro followed Yuzu into the kitchen and took a place leaning against the table. Yuzu's twin sister Karin was also there, soon everyone else filed in. Yuzu kindly set out a pitcher of homemade lemonade and cups for everyone. Yoshiro not wanting to refuse such kindness, took a glass and poured himself some.

"wow this is good." Spoke the espada as he tasted the drink. Then a new voice made itself known.

"Ichigo! Did you bring a bunch of your friend's home with you?" came the booming voice of Isshin Kurosaki. As the patriarch of the family walked into the kitchen, he noticed his son and his friends but noticed someone new. He was tall young man with mocha skin, wild blond hair and blue eyes.

"who might you be young man? I don't think I've seen you before? Name's Isshin Kurosaki" Spoke Isshin.

"nice to meet you, Mr. Kurosaki. My names Yoshiro Abe, the Tercera espada." Replied Yoshiro with a grin.

The whole room went quite at the statement. Isshin suddenly had a worried look on his face, considering the espada was more or less standing in-between his two daughters.

"hold on, wouldn't that make you one of those arrancar?" spoke Karin

"you would be very correct on that Karin. In fact I'm the third most powerful person in all of heuco mundo, the realm of hollows and arrancar." Replied the Tercera.

"but…but you don't look like one at all." Piped Yuzu.

"that's because I'm currently in what you would call a gigai. It allows spirit beings like me to interact with the people of the living world, courtesy of Urahara." Chimed the arrancar. "now then just to make things clear, I'm not here to fight anyone. In fact I have some very important information to tell you all. That includes you as well captain Shiba, and your daughters." Said the Tercera.

"Captain Shiba?" said Ichigo.

"oh you didn't know? My bad. Oh well, cat's out of the bag now." Replied Yoshiro.

"I knew my dad was soul reaper captain but what's with the name Shiba?" wondered Ichigo

"because that was your dad's original last name. in fact he was the head of the Shiba clan if the files in los noches we have on him are correct. That would make Kukaku and her brother Ganju your cousins of sorts I think?" said Yoshiro.

Yuzu, Karin looked utterly floored by all this information and Ichigo was quite surprised at the last bit. Isshin meanwhile looked like he was about to have a stroke. Before sending an angry glare at the espada.

"calm down, they were all gonna learn this sooner or later anyways. Better to be sooner than later." Yoshiro casually responded.

"hold on a sec. You said you were the Tercera? I thought you were the Quinta espada?" questioned Uryu.

"I was the Quinta, but I've become more powerful from when you last saw me. Plus the Tercera positioned needed filled after my mother left it. I was most suitable for it." retorted the arrancar.

"what happened to your mother?" questioned Ichigo

"my mother, Tia Halibel now rules over los noches and hueco mundo as its Queen." Proclaimed Yoshiro

"WHAT!" exclaimed everyone else in the room.

"indeed, now all of you hush and listen. As I go over everything that's been going on since the end of the war." With that said Yoshiro began to explain everything that's has happened since the end of the winter war. After a while he finally finished speaking. It was all quite for a moment, then Isshin spoke first.

"that certainly is concerning." Spoke Isshin "whatever is happening could very well could be a huge issue if your suspicions are correct."

"that's why I'm here with some others, that's also why I made sure to bring all of you including Urahara in the loop of it all from the start. We're trying to figure this out and if need be put a stop to it before it all blows up, if there is someone plotting something major along those lines. In the offset chance we don't, you need to be ready for the prospect of another major war that could clash across the worlds like the last one." Spoke Yoshiro with all seriousness.

"then I need to figure out someway to get my powers back." said Ichigo.

"I would highly recommend that." said Yoshiro.

"well that's all I have to say for now. It's starting to get a bit late. I'd better not keep my mates back at the house waiting too much longer on me." Said the Tercera.

"just who are they by chance?" asked Uryu.

"Emilou and Luppi correct?" said Orihime to the surprise of everyone but Yoshiro. Who merely nodded his head in response.

"wait a sec. when you say mates does that mean 'lover's'." Questioned Karin

Yoshiro simply nodded his head again.

"Luppi sounds like a boys name?" wondered Yuzu

"that's because Luppi is a boy like me Yuzu." Retorted Yoshiro

"and Emilou is a girl?" asked Karin

"indeed, were all in a mutually agreed upon relationship you see." Yoshiro said while showing the ring on his right hand.

Both 13 year old girls just sort of stared in confusion.

"don't worry about such thing till your older." Spoke Yoshiro "anyways, I'm off. I'll be seeing you all later I'm sure. Good-bye for now." He simply strode through the kitchen and out the door towards home. Leaving everyone behind in silence thinking about all that had happened.

"I'll say this much." Spoke Uryu "whatever going on. I do agree that we should work on getting ready for whatever it is could be coming."

Everyone just nodded their heads in agreement.

"hey dad!" snapped Karin "I think it's time you explain somethings to me and Yuzu. Same goes for you as well Ichigo!"

Both Kurosaki men suddenly looked very nervous. Ichigo turned to see if he could get help from his friends. Only to see they had already somehow high tailed it out of the house without him knowing.

'damn it all' Ichigo thought to himself.

*With Yoshiro*

It was almost dark outside when Yoshiro walked back into his house. After closing the door, he took a moment stare at everything around him and smiled to himself.

'I missed this place more than I thought.' He mused mentally to himself. As he took of his boots and put away his winter coat. His thoughts were cut off by Emilou calling out to him.

"Welcome back Yoshiro. I'm upstairs." Spoke Emilou

Yoshiro went upstairs and found Emilou in his old room. She had herself wrapped in a towel. He leaned up against the door frame as he watched her.

"how'd things go?" she asked

"went well, everyone who needs to know, does know. So now we can go about searching in earnest soon enough."

"should we report to Queen Halibel tonight?"

"nah, I'll report to mom in the morning, it has been a long day. I want to just unwind for the night." he said. "by the way where's Luppi?"

"he wanted to experience the human world a bit on his own, so he went off to the local movie theater. He just left ten minutes ago, so he won't be back for atleast a few hours." Said Emilou

"I see" said Yoshiro as he looked over Emilou more closely, taking in her barely covered form more then he was earlier. He got a playful smirk on his face as he strode up behind her and wrapped his arms round her waist.

"well then, perhaps we should have some fun ourselves to pass the time?" he spoke playfully.

"my dear Tercera, what do you possibly have in mind?" Emilou replied with a sultry look in her eyes.

"I can name a few things." Yoshiro spoke in a low whisper into Emilou's ear. It sent a slight pleasant shiver down her spine.

"you know you'll have to make it up to Luppi for having fun with me, without him around."

"I'm aware and I will, but for now as it is. my focus is you my sweet little doe." He spoke as he brought his lips down to meet hers.


There lips pressed together gently but soon became rough and hungry. Yoshiro gripped the top of Emilou's towel and ripped it off her, revealing her naked form and tossed it aside. The sudden rush of air from the towel being yanked off sent a shiver through her body.

They continued to kiss each other passionately, with Emilou having turned around so her front was facing Yoshiro's. the opened their mouths and allowed their tongues to invade the others mouth and battle for dominance. Emilou leaned forward and pressed her decent sized C-cup breast against his chest. Yoshiro responded by cupping a hand on her butt and giving a firm squeeze. A pleasant moan escaped her lips from the action.

They parted their mouths with a noticeable trail of saliva connected to both tongues. "take your shirt off." Emilou said and Yoshiro was happy to do so and quickly pulled his shirt off tossed it to the side, showing off his firm and defined mocha skinned abs.

Emilou started at his neck sensual kissing and licking as she made her way down. Repeating her actions of kissing licking across his chest, nipples, and abs. this brought a pleasant moan from Yoshiro as well. She dropped to her knees once she reached his jeans. "time to unwrap one my favorite things about you." She spoke with enthusiasm.

She kept a smile on her face as she undid the button the jeans and brought the zipper down, then she gripped the sides of the jeans and his boxers and with one quick motion pulled them all way down. She was greeted with Yoshiro's already erect manhood smacking her square in the face. "this is what I want! Sit on the bed!" she proclaimed.

Yoshiro just smiled and quickly threw his pants and underwear off from his ankles and removed his socks. He then proceeded to sit on the edge of bed with his legs spread apart. Emilou walked over and got back on her knees and gripped Yoshiro's manhood with a hand and began to gently stroke it, which brought another pleasant moan from him.

"I still can't get over how huge this is." Emilou spoke with glee and for good reason. Yoshiro was well endowed, when fully erect his length sat at 11 inches and his girth was about 1.5 inches. Emilou then brought her head up and began to lick and swirl her tongue around the tip. Yoshiro couldn't help but moan at the feeling of it. then Emilou began to take her lovers cock down her throat until her face reached his crotch.

Emilou worked her head all the way up and down in a fluid motion, never letting the item of her affection leave her mouth and constantly swirling her tongue and licking it the entire time. "Mmmmmmm Emi that feel fucking amazing." Spoke Yoshiro in between his moaning. He then reached out with a hand and ran it through her hair and placed the hand against the back of her head. Emilou knew what was coming and was waiting for it.

Yoshiro gripped the back of her head and started to control the flow at which Emilou sucked his member. He moved her head all the way down and firmly planted her head against his crotch and kept it in place. Emilou kept with her tongue work and only when she would start to gag a little would Yoshiro pull her head back. some saliva and spit started to build on Emilou's chin from this repeated action. Not that she minded, she liked the roughness and she also knew Yoshiro enjoyed a somewhat sloppy blowjob. Emilou could feel her nipples perk and her womanhood begin to heat up and become moist from the feeling of everything.

"Oh fuck yes!" Yoshiro exclaimed, as he then held Emilou's head with both hands and began to buck his hips. Slamming his cock all the way up and down her throat his pace quickened steadily with the passing moments. The spit and saliva having built up in Emilou's mouth to a point now to where, a wet slurp sound of sorts could be heard from the fierce mouth fucking she was receiving.

"I'm gonna cum emi, I'm cuming, I'm gonna…AHHHHHHHH!" yelled out Yoshiro as she held Emilou's head in place, so the tip of his cock was just inside her mouth as he released himself.

Emilou felt the hot warmth of Yoshiro's release flood her mouth. She suckled on the tip of his manhood as he came in order to suck out as much as she could. Once he stopped ejaculating, she brought her back and opened her mouth showing off the bountiful amount of semen inside it. She made sure Yoshiro saw it clearly as she sloshed it around a bit with her tongue before closing her mouth gulping it down in one big swallow.

"fucking….hell, that never stops being amazing." Panted out Yoshiro

Emilou could only smirk in satisfaction as she wiped the drool from her mouth. She preceded to climb on the bed and placed herself on her hands and knees with her womanhood sticking out towards the edge of the bed.

"your turn, eat my pussy like only you can." Emilou said sultry like. Yoshiro didn't need to be told twice as he moved himself, so his face was in front of Emilou's womanhood. He could already see she was a fair bit wet from the rough blowjob. He licked his lips in anticipation as he brought a hand up and gently rubbed the outside folds with it.

"Ohhhhh" Emilou cooed as she felt his hand rub against her pussy. Yoshiro then took two fingers and slid them inside her folds. This brought a wave soft moans from Emilou's as he worked his fingers in and out of her. He could feel how her inner walls clamp down on his fingers and became even wetter. "this is one hungry pussy." Proclaimed Yoshiro as he brought a hand down on her rear with an audible smack.

"Ahhhhh!" Emilou moaned out in response to the smack on her butt. Smirking to himself Yoshiro decided to repeat the action alternating between cheeks. "Mmmmm!, Ohhhhh!, Ahhhhhh!, Fuck!" where the only things Emilou could moan out as she received her lovers rear smacking. Once done her rear was a rosy color and her womanhood was dripping. He knew he wasn't done yet though. Yoshiro hooked his arms under and up around her thighs and pulled her pussy directly to his face.

He then licked his tongue gently on her outer walls, eliciting more coos from her before he placed his mouth right against her womanhood and stuck his tongue inside. "Mmmmmmm, eat that pussy baby." Spoke Emilou. Not needing any further encouragement, Yoshiro plunged his tongue as deeply as possible and licked her insides as he could.

"fuck yes!, Mmmmmmmm, don't stop eating me!" exclaimed Emilou as she brought a hand back and gripped Yoshiro's head and pressed it more against her. Yoshiro kept licking his lover's womanhood as much as possible savoring it's honey like taste. He then brought a hand to her clit and began to rub while he kept eating her out.

"Oh Shit! That's it, keep that up, Mmmmmmmmm fuck!" said Emilou. Yoshiro kept eating her pussy and rubbing her clit with his hand. Emilou kept his head firmly in place with her hand as she began to reach her peak.

"Ahhhhhhh fuck, Ohhhhh yes! I'm close, I'm close" she moaned out. "Mmmmmm! That's it!, I'm…I'm…..fuck I'm CUMMING!" she roared as she orgasmed. Her body shook and convulsed as her fluids gushed out of womanhood. She had let go of Yoshiro's head just as she was about to peak, so he was able to avoid being sprayed straight in the face by her orgasm.

She slumped face first into the bed, her rear still sticking up and out, gradually working down her high from the orgasm. After a few minutes she let herself be flipped over by Yoshiro whos' manhood had become erect once more. She laid on her back as Yoshiro slid his cock along her folds. She shivered in delight at the feeling of it.

"you ready for this?" Yoshiro asked teasingly.

Emilou merely gave a smirk and a sultry look in her eyes as she said. "slam my pussy!" not one to hesitate, he proceeded to slip the head of his member inside and then with one quick thrust. Plunged it all into the deepest parts of Emilou's womanhood.

"Oh god dammit! I love how big you are!" she cried out

"fucking hell your always so tight!" he cried back

He began work his cock all the way back and in of his lover's pussy. He moaned from the pleasant feeling of her tight wet walls gripping him tightly like a vice. Almost refusing him the right to move. He could feel the head of his cock hit her deepest parts with every thrust. "Mmmmmmmm yeah!" he moaned out.

Emilou laid on her back as her lover's cock worked its way in and out of her pussy. 'fucknig hell, it feels like he's gonna split me in half with it every time we fuck, and I love it!' she thought to herself. he could feel the deepest parts of her self being slammed with each thrust, it sent waves of pleasure through her body each time it did so. She let out constant moans of approval with each thrust.

Yoshiro bent down while he continued to thrust and put his mouth over one of her breasts and sucked on it. this brought out a sharp moan of pleasure from Emilou who merely gripped the bed sheets in response. As he did this, he brought his arms down gripped her waist with his hands and began lifting her up. Emilou responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as he lifted her up.

Now Yoshiro was standing with Emilou hanging on to him with her arms around his neck and her head leaning against his right shoulder. While her legs were being held up around his waist.

Yoshiro continued with a steady powerful thrust, with this new position seeming allowing to go deeper then before. Emilou moaned harder in response as she began to shake her hips in tandem with his thrust. They both steadily picked up their pace as both felt their climax's coming about.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Yoshiro roared out as a thrust one final time into Emilou as he released himself, flooding her womb with his seed as her walls clamped down hard around him.

"FFFUUUUCCKKKK!" Emilou yelled as she brought her legs around Yoshiro as tightly as she could throwing her head back as her climax rolled over her in waves. She could feel the rush of warmth of Yoshiro's seed as it filled her up.

Neither moved at all as they waited for the high of their orgasms to roll down. Eventually they did and Yoshiro put Emilou back on the bed and pulled himself out of her. He simply sat next to her on the bed as she was laying on top of it.


"now that was what I call proper fun." Chimed Yoshiro

Emilou just laughed a bit. "you won't be hearing any complaints from me." She replied back. "hey, could you grab an orange bottle on the dresser for me please?"

"sure thing" he said as he walked over and found said bottle, went back to the bed and handed it to her. "what's in here anyways?" he questioned

"the specially made birth control pills from Urahara." She explained. "these gigai's act like a real human body in every way. Meaning I can in fact get pregnant from having sex while in it. better safe than sorry, you wouldn't want kids."

"yet" he quickly cut in "I wouldn't want kids yet. Once we figure out these mysterious human sightings and things go back to being quieter again. I wouldn't mind aiming for having some kids if you're up for it."

Emilou blushed from his response and thought for a quick moment about having a family. She couldn't help but smile a bit at the thought as she spoke. "Yeah, your right, I wouldn't mind aiming for a having a kid once all this business is handled. I actually really like the idea."

"sounds like a plan." Piped Yoshiro. "plus I know for a fact that even though my mom keeps her emotions under good control. Even she would go absolutely giddy with joy over grandchildren."

"I can totally see that happening." Said Emilou as she stood up and headed towards the shower. "come on, we better get cleaned before bed."

"on my way" was his simple reply as he stood up and made his way to the shower.

After cleaning up and throwing on some sleeping clothes. Which was just a black bra and matching panties for Emilou. Yoshiro wore a blue t-shirt and grey gym shorts, they both climbed into bed. Yoshiro laid on his back as Emilou snuggled up against his chest and he wrapped an arm around her.

"love you." He said

"love you too" she replied and they both drifted off to sleep.

An hour later, Luppi arrived back at the house, having enjoyed his time at the movies. He went up stairs and found his mates already asleep in bed. He could tell right away from the smell that was still somewhat lingering in the room, what had transpired while he was gone. He simply shrugged his shoulders; he had figured something like that was going to happen. He didn't really mind; he knew he would get his one on one time with Yoshiro.

He proceeded to slip out of his cloths and slipped into his chappy the rabbit themed pajama's. he crawled into bed and laid himself on Yoshiro's free side and laid down. Yoshiro instinctively wrapped an arm around him in his sleep and Luppi was soon off to sleep himself.


One more chapter down for this story hope you all liked it. I have a bit of an announcement to make. You see, while I don't feel burned out with writing at the moment, I do feel a bit burned out with writing this story at the moment. So I'll be switching over to another story idea I've had for a while. This story will still be my main focus. I just need to switch it up for a little bit for the moment I feel like is all.

This next story will also be set in Bleach, it will also star another OC I've been working on. however this one will be about a character who will discover he is a fullbringer and will work with Ichigo and friends from the start of the series.

Thank you and as always, Please Review!