
Near Venus

"Power Ring users vitals fading, transmitting location for immediate pick up" The green glow a ring shone in space. "I have to get somewhere safe or else they will take the ring" a green man with three eyes said badly injured from a fight with something.

"Ring, where is the nearest inhabited world?" he asked

"Scanners show Earth as the next inhabited world, approximately 207 million miles from here" the ring somehow responded.

"Perfect take me there, it may be time to find a new green lantern. Begin searching for a new user when we are close" The mystery person said coughing blood.


Izuku Midoriya at a young age he was destined to become a nobody losing both parents at the age of 4 he was given up to an orphanage. Being in the system didn't help bouncing from home to home, family to family, no one wanted him because he was quirkless. Left to suffer alone at the orphanage, even worse at school. He eventually made a friend Bakugo or Kachan he lived nearby so they would regularly play together, but he too would pick on him for being quirkless.

As the years went on things only got worse, Izuku eventually came to the realization that he would have no family and no true friends. He found solace with the only person who treated him like a person, Sister Maria, she was a young sister who worked for the orphanage. She would regularly read to Izuku and teach him

Izuku walked home after another day of bullying, his friend Kachan was the worst. He known his since they were little kids but ever since he found out Izuku was quirkless he picked on his Kachan was determined to make sure Izuku's dreams of becoming a hero were destroyed, "You will never amount to anything Deku! You got that don't even think of applying to UA, if you do, I will make sure to beat you to a pulp got it!"

Kachan's voice still played inside Izuku's mind playing over and over, "Maybe he's right I think I should just give up, I'll ever become a hero" Izuku walked down an alley unaware that a villain was slowly approaching him from behind.

"Got you kid!" Before Izuku could turn around the sludge villain had captured him. "Easy kid this will only hurt a lot!" the villain slowly began to squeeze the life out of Izuku. With every breath he felt the villain tighten his grip on his body.

'I guess this is it, I always thought I would die of old age. Oh well maybe in my next life I can finally have a quirk' Izuku stopped struggling accepting his fate, unfortunately for him fate had other plans for him.

"Fear not my boy, why? Because I AM HERE!" The voice of All Might roared through the alleyway. "Detroit SMASH!" All Might punched the villian with such force that Izuku was freed from his grasp.

Falling to the ground Izuku gasped for air, "All Might!" he couldn't believe it his favorite hero of all time had just saved him. All Might quickly placed the sludge villain into a small bottle for easy transport. "Can I get your autograph?" he asked holding out a notebook he pulled out of his backpack.

"Of course young man, I always have time for a fan!" All Might grabbed the notebook and signed his name across two pages. Handing it back to the Izuku, he couldn't contain himself, it was like seeing someone who just won the lottery. "If that's all I will take my leave, crime won't stop itself you known, see you later kid"

Izuku quickly snapped out of being starstruck, "Wait! I have a question I want to ask you!" All Might was about to jump away when he stopped.

"Sure I got time what is it boy" All Might tucked away the villain in his pocket making sure he wouldn't get away.

"I-Is it possible for a quirkless person to become a hero?" Izuku voice was quiet almost passive.

All Might eyes went wide, 'Quirkless? So he's one of the 20%' he shook his head, "I'm sorry young man but no I don't think so. Without a quirk you couldn't be a hero no matter how hard you try. If you want to help people become a police officer, they accept quirkless people it may not be as glamorous as being a hero but you will still help people. I'll be going now, farewell" Off he went, All Might jumped away, leaving poor Izuku in the ally to his own thoughts.

Alone in the ally Izuku didn't move from where he stood, 'I get it, someone as useless as I am could never be a hero even All Might said himself. I get it now why Bakugo and all the other kids picked on me, this is just how things are meant to be I guess' Izuku walked down the street with his head down.

As he walked down the street he heard an explosion coming from a nearby store, at first he was going to ignore it until he heard an all to familiar voice coming from the store. "You bastard let me go! I will blow you apart!" it was Bakugo. Somehow the sludge villain had escaped from All Might and captured Bakugo.

Izuku watched in horror as his friend was being taken over by the sludge villain, 'How! All Might should have taken him to the police station by now, so what happened and where is he!' he saw all of the pro heroes at the scene did nothing. "Why aren't they doing anything!"

Izuku disliked Bakugo but not enough to let him die! Izuku ran passed the pro heros, throwing his backpack he landed a hit and the sludge villains eye. "GAHH! My eye who did that!" Izuku ran towards the villain scratching at the villian to release his friend to no avail.

"Deku? What are you doing here you useless piece of shit!" Bakugo yelled.

"Trying to save you! You know why because I am here!" Izuku smiled, faced with his greatest fear, he smiled.

"How very brave of you young man! You are all that embodies a hero, however why don't you leave this to the heros! California Smash!" With another powerful punch All Might blew the sludge villian off of Bakugo. This time making sure he wouldn't escape he locked him away with the help of the police.

Izuku and Bakugo where both given a good talking too, especially Izuku when they found out he was quirkless. "Listen kid what you did was just plain stupid, without a quirk you could have gotten hurt. Lucky for you All Might was nearby to step in and help you, next time you may not be all that lucky"

After a few minutes they were both allowed to leave, Izuku walked down the street with a frown on his face. "Could this day get any worse?" Making it to the orphanage he opened the door to be greeted by Sister Maria.

"Oh hello Izuku welcome back, how was your day?" Maria smiled, a rather tall woman with her long brown hair and brown colored eyes.

"It was...Good, I met All Might when he saved me from a villian" he said placing his backpack on the floor.

"A villian!" Maria ran to Izuku checking his body, "Are you alright? Did he hurt you? Let me check. On no maybe we should go to the hospital to be safe!" her muttering never ceases to amaze him.

"I'm fine Maria, All Might saved me before anything could happen" Izuku smiled knowing that her worrying was a sign that she cared for him.

"Are you sure?" she asked stopping and looking into his eyes, he nodded. "Alright then go change and get the little ones ready for dinner in an hour" Izuku went up stairs where all the rooms were located.

Once in his room he closed the door and collapsed onto his bead, "I think I should take a nap" falling asleep he dreamed of becoming a hero, of what could have been.

After 40 minutes he was woken to the sound of laughing, "Huh?" he looked around to find Lisa and Levi about to write on his face. "What are you two doing?"

"Nothing!" Lisa and Levi were twins who were abandoned by their family for whatever reason. Izuku was a sort of big brother to them, so they would follow him around.

"Oh really? Then what about that marker in your hands?" Izuku pointed at the marker in Lisa's hand.

The two just whistled and pretended they had no idea what he was talking about, "Fine don't tell me but it's almost dinner time get yourselves washed up" he said getting off the bed.

"Alright!" the twins said in unison as they ran out of the room. A few minutes later Izuku had called all the other kids to go wash up and head downstairs for dinner. The dinner table was long enough to fit 40 people at once, Izuku let the smaller kids get their share of food first before allowing himself to get something. Usually he would get very little since he would be the last one but he didn't mind as long as the little ones got there fill.

After dinner Izuku would walk down to the beach and sit near the cliffs edge overlooking the ocean and watched as the sun set every day. "I guess things could be worse, I should always look at the bright side as Sister Maria always says" Izuku closed his eyes and the darkness began to take over the sky.


Izuku woke up to a loud sound, "What was that!?" he looked around but saw nothing, until he looked up. There a green ball of something was coming down, burning up as it entered the atmosphere. "It looks like an asteroid? Wait is it heading over here!"

The object got closer and closer, Izuku saw this and began to run for cover throwing himself to the ground, just then the object struck the cliff breaking off a good portion of it. The green glow was still there and pulsating rapidly. Curious and thinking it was an asteroid Izuku approched it slowly.

As he got closer he noticed that it wasn't and asteroid but rather a person? "H-Hey are you alright?" he asked the green man with three eyes. Who ever it was they were badly injured and need help fast, "Wait here I'll go get help" as he was about to leave a hand reached out and stopped Izuku from leaving.

"D-Don't go" the green man's voice was quiet. Mustering up his strength he spoke once again, "I-I need to give you something first before it's too late." the man raised his hand up to reveal a green ring with a symbol in the middle.

"What is that?" Izuku asked, before he could ask anything else the ring began to float in the air glowing green. It began to scan Izuku with a green light before speaking.

"Izuku Midoriya of Earth, you have the power to overcome great fear. You have been chosen" the ring flew onto Izuku's right ring finger. "Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps"

A green ball of energy covered Izuku completely, after a second it disappeared to reveal Izuku in an all green suit with the symbol on his chest and a mask covering his face. "What is this?!" Izuku looked at his hands and legs covered in all green.

"You are now a green lantern, protectors of the universe. You young man are destined for great things, I wish you the best of luck" those were the final words that the green man spoke before dying.

AN: Before you comment I know, I know ...I honestly have no idea why I wrote this, I was bored and just wanted to write something. I know it's TERRIBLE! I wrote this in 1 hour, so what do you expect. Anyway, I don't think I will continue this...I have my other story called Super Deku so you can go check that out.