Today's Prompt: One New Year's Resolution has been kept all year (from Book girl fan).

The distant ringing of all the bells in London echoed through the open windows. Holmes dutifully stepped over the threshold into their flat, bearing a few token gifts. Watson greeted him with an outstretched arm.

"I would not be so hasty in welcoming such an omen," said Holmes, as he allowed Watson to lead him back to his usual chair by the fire. "I may appear to you as a tall, dark haired gentleman, but you'll find that I am more often a stormy petrel. For all your fair features, I would much rather a solid fellow as yourself have the first foot through my door."

That earned him a chuckle, as Watson settled in his own chair. He picked up his glass and raised it toward Holmes - "To the new year and all it may bring!"

"Yes," Holmes said, clinking their glasses together. "I owe you my gratitude for this past year, and with your assistance I have high hopes for the next."

They both drank and sat for a moment in comfortable silence, as befits two men who know each other so intimately.

"Have you any resolutions for the new year or will you merely bask in your perfection?" Holmes asked with a wry smile.

"Oh, I don't know. Perhaps I'll try to learn some more of your methods."

"A most commendable pursuit!"

"And you?"

"The same as last year, of course." Holmes pulled up his shirtsleeves and presented his bare forearms to Watson. His pale skin was riddled with scars from countless punctures, but none were fresh. "An entire year clean."

"My dear fellow, I must congratulate you! I didn't realize it had been a whole year." Watson raised his glass. "A toast - to your health."

"And to yours," Holmes demurred, but his cheeks were flushed with pleasure.