This is part three – and the final part – of my Sirius Black series. If you haven't read "Of Thistle & Black" and "Becoming Ellie Black" then you'll probably be completely lost.

It will go back and forth between Ellie and Aurora once they are separated. But hope you enjoy!

Confessions… Sort of…

Ellie looked down, pulling at her sundress that she wore over her swimming costume self-consciously as music played from the magical wireless her mother had set up outside near the pool. Just over that, she could hear laughter and happy voices. She glanced up and around the backyard, now full of her friends from Hogwarts. Tables had been set up with mounds of food, sweets, and drinks. Thankfully her mother was inside. She had been hovering a bit too much to Ellie's liking until Professor Lupin and Tonks had thankfully pulled her inside, a giggling Ryan on his hip.

It was her 15th birthday and the last thing she needed was her mother embarrassing her.

"So just why are you avoiding Finnegan?" Ginny asked, stepping up to her side. Ellie's eyes widened as she whipped her head over to look at her best friend, who was grinning at her. She glanced around the party, catching Seamus on the other side of the pool talking to Neville and Dean. At that moment he looked over and smiled at her. Ellie turned her gaze back to Ginny rather quickly, her cheeks surely a bright pink.

"I'm not avoiding him," she said, sounding almost impetulant. Ginny just rolled her eyes as she chuckled.

"You so are," Ginny said. "Just go talk to him. I'm not going to force you to confess to him or anything."

"I did talk to him when he got here. Thanked him for his gift," Ellie huffed as she looked around the party again. Hannah and Susan were quickly walking up to her.

"Wicked party," Susan said. "My parents would never leave us alone."

"I'm sure Mum's watching from the window," Ellie said, glancing towards the large panes of glass covering the greenhouse and then over towards the den further down.

"It was nice of you to invite the entire DA," Hannah added, looking over at Ernie MacMillan who was talking to Justin Finch-Fletchly.

"You are my friends," Ellie said, smiling at them. She glanced around again, noting that most of them were there, save the ones who had already left Hogwarts and two of the group's leaders. While Ron had shown up with Ginny, Harry and Hermione were conspicuously missing. Harry had sent a card and a small gift, with an apology for not being able to make while Hermione had sent an owl mentioning something about a family thing. Sighing, she glanced nervously towards Seamus again, happy that he was caught up in his conversation so she could watch him from afar.

"Finnegan's looking rather fit," Hannah said, the laughter clear in her voice. Ellie looked over at her, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Not you too," she said, causing all three girls to giggle.

"It is your 15th birthday. Perhaps he'll give you a birthday kiss?" Susan said, waggling her eyebrows.

"Please," Ellie scoffed.

"Don't even start, Ellie. We all know that you're eager to have your first kiss with Finnegan," Ginny said. Ellie began to glare at her.

"Wait… you haven't had your first kiss yet?" Susan asked, slightly shocked.

"Not like I had much time for it between Umbridge and everything that happened last year," Ellie muttered. A tense silence fell over the three as their thoughts turned to that night at Hogwarts. The night the death eaters broke in - let in by none other that Draco Malfoy - and Dumbledore had been killed.

"Come now, none of that," Ginny chided. "It's Ellie's birthday after all." Ellie looked over at her, smiling gratefully. "Don't know about you, but I would like some cake." She linked her arm through Ellie's and led her off towards one of the food tables where several plates of cake had been placed out.

"Thanks," Ellie said.

"Oh, don't thank me. I only dragged you over here so we could go through a plan of attack for Finnegan," Ginny said, grinning wickedly.

"Seriously, Ginny," Ellie hissed. Ginny just laughed at her. Ellie glanced around the party then turned her attention back to her best friend. "Heard from Harry lately?"

"Yea. He's supposed to come stay with us. For Bill and Fleur's wedding," Ginny said, reaching for a piece of cake. "You and your mum still planning to come?"

"I think so," Ellie said, too keyed up to eat anything at the moment. "All of us should be going."

"Won't Professor Lupin be coming with Tonks?" Ginny asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Suppose. Meant me, Mum, and Ryan," Ellie said absentmindedly. Ginny glanced towards the manor, obviously thinking something, though Ellie didn't notice. She then turned her attention back to her cake.

"He still living in the manor?" Ginny asked.

"Yes. Ryan's not sleeping all the way through the night just yet and well, he's still a bit of a handful," Ellie said, finally looking over at her. "Why?" Ginny only shrugged.

"No reason," she replied. "Right then. You and Finnegan. Think we should get the two of you in the garden maze…"

"GINNY!" Ellie nearly shrieked, though she quickly covered her mouth and looked around nervously, hoping no one heard her. They must not have, because no one gave them any mind. Ginny just chuckled.

"Seriously, Ellie… you need to get a birthday kiss…"

Aurora stood at the windows of the greenhouse, looking out at the party as she bounced Ryan in her arms, her brow furrowed. She was hidden among some of the plants so was certain that none of the teens could see her. Ellie was over at the cake table with Ginny, though she had been staring at the Finnegan boy for nearly the entire party.

"Would you relax, Aurora," Tonks said lightly as she walked up to her side, glancing out the window.

"Just… it's her first girl-boy party," Aurora said, turning her dark blue eyes to the auror. Tonks just laughed and shook her head.

"Yea, and I'm sure that she doesn't want her mother spying on her," Tonks replied.

"I'm not spying. I'm being a responsible parent and making sure that no one gets into mischief," she said, frowning.

"You're spying," Tonks said. "Though… you sure you don't want to consider becoming an auror someday? You are rather good at it…"

Aurora just sighed and looked down at the baby, who was smiling up at her.

"No, I think I rather like being a stay-at-home mum for the time being," she said, a soft smile coming over her face. "Isn't that right, my precious boy? You like Mummy being around all the time, don't you?" The baby giggled and reached out, taking a loose strand of hair in his tiny fist. "Besides… I have a feeling life is about to get rather hectic very soon…"

She looked up at Tonks, seeing her worry mirrored in the auror's eyes. But bless her, Tonks continued to smile brightly.

"Best to take the happy times while we can," she said. Aurora nodded and looked back down at the baby. "Now. I think it's time for the little man to get something to eat. Allow me." Aurora looked up again, seeing Tonks holding her arms out. At only four months old, Ryan had quickly become a bright beacon of light in the manor. He hardly ever was out of anyone's arms. Aurora laughed softly as she handed him over and Tonks began making faces at him as she started out of the greenhouse.

Aurora turned back to the windows, searching for her daughter.

"Stop spying, Aurora!" she heard Tonks shout behind her.

Aurora sighed and turned around, seeing Tonks as she disappeared around the corner, though Remus was leaning in the entrance to the greenhouse, a soft, through strained, smile on his face.

"She does have a point, Rora," he said, his hands in his pockets. She didn't reply, only staring at him a few moments as she swallowed. She then looked down, seeing Sirius' locket.

"I'm not spying," she said, her smile gone as she looked up at him and started striding towards the door. "Suspect Mrs. Clark has our dinner ready."

She didn't look at him as she passed, though she could feel him tense up slightly. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see his smile fade as he looked at the ground, though he said nothing. Sighing, she turned towards the kitchens, focusing her thoughts on making sure Ellie's birthday went along without a hitch.

Ellie sighed as she moved further into the garden maze. While everyone seemed to be enjoying the party, she was starting to grow tired of Ginny and the others' teasing. When they weren't asking her if she was going to confess to Seamus, they were waggling their eyebrows at her or making kissy faces behind his back.

To think that they were all teenagers now. It was absolutely childish in her mind.

"Bloody, stupid friends," she muttered as she walked over and flopped down on a stone bench in front of one of the many hidden fountains in the garden.

"What did they do now?"

Ellie whipped her head around, watching with wide eyes as Seamus stepped into the courtyard, an easy smile on his face. He then looked towards the fountain, his eyes widening slightly in awe of its grandeur.

"This is brilliant," he said, quickly walking over to the bench where Ellie was seated. He then looked down at her, waiting on her response. Ellie was sure she was blushing again.

"Just… being annoying," she sputtered, suddenly rather shy. They were deep in the garden and could barely hear the music and laughter from the party. No one was around, so they were completely alone. "Why are you here?"

"Hope you don't mind," he said, moving to sit next to her. "Saw you head towards the gardens with a rather sour look on your face and thought something was wrong." Ellie looked at the fountain, willing herself to stay calm and not think about how close he was sitting to her on the small bench barely big enough for two people.

"Yes, focus on the fountain. The water. Stay calm, Ellie," she told herself.

"Oh, just a bit annoyed is all. Nothing major," she said lightly. She could see Seamus nod slowly out of the corner of her eye.

"Well… that's good. Thought I was going to need to cheer you up. Can't have the birthday girl in a sad mood," he said. Ellie looked down at her sandals, once again willing herself not to freak out even though her heart was pounding.

"Thanks," she said softly, venturing a glance at him. He was watching her, the smile still in place.

"How's your summer going so far?" he asked. Ellie shrugged and looked back at the fountain, a light breeze blowing her long, curly hair off her face.

"Not so bad," she said. "Though Mum won't really let me go anywhere. Just to the Weasleys."

"Mine nearly didn't let me come here," Seamus said. "She doesn't want me to go back to Hogwarts in the fall." Ellie looked over at him frowning. No, he had to go back to Hogwarts.

"Really?" she asked. Seamus laughed softly.

"Don't worry. I'm still going. Need to finish my last year," he said.

"Oh. Good," Ellie said, smiling slightly. "Great conversational skills, Black," she then mentally scolded herself.

"What about you?" Seamus asked. What was that? Dare she hope, but had she just seen a glimmer of worry in his green eyes. "You still going back?"

"Yea, I am. Mum obviously doesn't want me to, but I told her that I was no matter what," she said. The worry quickly evaporated from his features as he grinned.

"Grand," he replied. "Wouldn't be the same without you there." Ellie glanced down, feeling herself blush. "Who do you think will take over as headmaster?"

"Hoping it's McGonagall," Ellie said. "Not sure just who else they would ask, to be honest."

"Let's hope it's not Snape," Seamus said glumly. Ellie frowned.

"Surely they wouldn't name him. I mean… he did kill Dumbledore after all," Ellie said. As her mother had told her the truth of what happened, she assumed this was common knowledge. Truth be told, she was wondering just why she hadn't seen anything in the Prophet about him being hauled off to Azkaban yet.

"Not everyone knows, though certainly spreading the rumours," Seamus said with a sigh. "No one's officially said anything about it."

"But he did! Harry saw it!" Ellie said, her voice rising as she straightened up.

"Relax, Ellie. You don't have to convince me," he replied. Ellie looked back at the fountain, nodding.

"Right," she said a bit sheepishly. "So… what are your plans for the summer?"

"Probably staying at the house. Mam and Dad are worried with everything going on. Too afraid to travel or go out much," he said. "Seems like I'm looking at much the same summer as you. Though, at least you have loads more to do around here." He looked around the massive garden and then over towards the practice pitch, the hoops just barely visible over the hedges.

"If you want… maybe you could come over to use the pitch," Ellie ventured, looking up at him. "I'm sure Mum wouldn't mind. And I'll go bored out of my mind if I'm stuck here with just her and Ryan all summer." Seamus' face lit up.

"Really?" he asked. Ellie nodded.

"Mum's got the place warded fairly well, so your parents wouldn't have to worry or anything," Ellie said. "She's really good at them."

"I'll talk to Mam when I get home," he said. Ellie couldn't help but smile, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she thought about Seamus coming over more often. Even if it was just for quidditch practice, it would make the summer loads more enjoyable. "Thanks, Ellie." She shrugged, trying to play it off.

"No reason I can't share it. Ginny comes over to practice on it," Ellie said, glancing at the fountain again.

"Perhaps I could come over just to hang out as well," he said, his tone making it sound more like a question. Ellie turned to look at him, her eyes widening slightly.

"Sure," she said, her voice slightly breathless. "I'd… I'd like that." Seamus nodded slightly, smiling, though he suddenly seemed a bit nervous.

"Oh, and forgot to say it before, but… happy birthday, Ellie," he said softly. She smiled and glanced down, but then met his eyes again. Her breath hitched slightly as she saw him start to lean in.

Merlin, this was it. He was going to kiss her. She could hear Ginny cackling in her head and knew she would never let her live this down. But she didn't care, excited that she was finally about to get her first, real kiss. Her eyes fluttered closed as she started leaning towards him, though she thought perhaps she should leave them open, just so that she didn't end up kissing his nose or something. They flew open again, finding that her aim was on track and he was staring down at her.

It felt like time had stopped for a moment and they were the only two people in the world.

Just as their lips were about to meet, there was a rustling. Ellie whipped her head around, smacking Seamus in the face with her hair as she looked towards the entry to the courtyard.

"Blimey, how do you not get lost in this thing?!" she heard someone nearly shout. She jumped up from the bench, seeing Seamus rubbing his cheek as he too looked over just in time to see Dean come around a corner. "Ah, there you are. Been looking for you for ages." He grinned, though it faltered slightly as he looked back and forth between the two. The grin slowly returned as he took in their bright red faces.

"Your mum's looking for you. Said something about presents," Dean said.

"Right," Ellie said nodding her head. "Follow me."

She then took off at a brisk walk, not stopping to see if the two boys were following. Good grief. Just when she was about to get her first kiss, someone had to go and ruin it. Ginny was going to give her hell over this.

Aurora sighed as she made her way through the first floor of the manor, slightly tired, With all the excitement of the party, it had proven a bit more difficult to get Ryan down for the night. Though thankfully he was already starting to sleep through most of the night and she could get a good few hours in before he'd wake her up for a feeding. She figured that she had enough time to enjoy a glass of wine and some music before turning in, though she carried a magical baby monitor with her just in case he woke up.

She first went to the kitchen and poured her wine, then went to the greenhouse, intending to sit among her flowers. Ellie was locked up in her room with Ginny, Moira and Meredith, music and laughter slipping through the door. Aurora nearly couldn't believe that she was already 15 and heading off to her fifth year in just a few months. It seemed time was flying by.

She stopped for a moment, her hand gripping Sirius' locket as she closed her eyes briefly. It was the second birthday they had celebrated since Sirius' death and it held the same bittersweetness that all happy events now held for her. While fun and joyful, there was always the lingering sadness and the thought that he should be here.

Sighing, she opened her eyes and continued on her way, pushing open the French doors that led to the greenhouse. She suddenly stopped, seeing Remus already seated at the large wrought iron table there. Sucking in a quick breath, she contemplated going back inside for a moment. But he had heard and was already turning to look at her.

"Was hoping you'd come down," he said softly. "Ryan asleep?"

"Yes," Aurora said. She stayed put a moment before making her way over and sitting in the chair across the table from him, putting as much distance as she could. "Thought you were with Tonks."

"She had an early appointment," he replied, the strain clear in his voice.

"You know… I have things under control. You can move back into the cottage if you need space," Aurora said without looking at him. "Ryan's mostly sleeping through the night now. And Ellie's home for the summer."

"I don't mind helping," Remus said. "You know I enjoy spending time with the both of them."

Aurora went silent, staring down at her wine.

"Rora… I think we need to talk-"

"There's nothing more to talk about," she said, cutting him off as she closed her eyes. "I've said everything I want on the matter." He remained silent a bit, then sighed heavily.

"If you would just-"

"If I would just what, Remus?" she asked, her voice harsh as her eyes flew open and she looked at him. His face crumpled slightly and she regretted hurting him. But he really did need to give it up. "We've talked about this… and my thoughts haven't changed. No matter how many times you try to bring it up, they will not change." She softened her voice, not wanting to make this more painful than it clearly was. For the both of them.

After some time, he nodded.

"I see," he said softly. "I'll leave you, then." He then stood and left the greenhouse, quietly shutting the door behind him.

Once he was gone, Aurora brought her hand to her forehead, rubbing it slightly as she breathed deeply. It was foolish of him to continue to bring it up. And really, he probably should move back into the guest cottage to make things easier. But she knew that he wouldn't. And he really did have a good touch with Ryan, able to quiet the infant when she couldn't. Even stepping in to be a voice of reason when she was at her wit's end in dealing with her now defiant, teen daughter.

Aurora reached down and opened the locket, staring at Sirius' grinning face next to Ellie's.

"Why couldn't you be here," she whispered. A lone tear streaked down her cheek and plopped down on his face. "Merlin, Sirius, why did you have to leave me?"

cjconner326 – Haha! Gotta keep you guys on your toes, ya know? Mix things up a bit. Break the mold. I could go on. And Evan is far from out of the story. ^_^ But I can promise more Ellie and Seamus as well… And yep… Lupin…

LicorneBleu – Thanks! Hope you enjoy this next installment!

Thanks for reading and following!