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Chapter 50 - Epilogue

Five Years In The Future

Edward is having the time of his life. He has Micah out in the horse barn trying out what we hope will turn out to be 'his' horse. We had a foal born about six months ago from Dragon Kiss, and it is beautiful. I think he's going to turn into quite a stud, and possibly use him for a lot of stud service for future foals.

Micah is having a fit wanting his daddy to hurry putting his saddle on the horse. I'm really afraid he's going to get hurt, but he insist. I just can't go out there in it right now. My being almost six months pregnant with twins is so keeping me from doing things like that. I'm very involved in the greenhouse, and our garden. We have expanded it to about an acre, which is good for us growing a massive amount of tomatoes, and potatoes. It was taking up to much space in the greenhouse. Of course I've already spoke to Emmett about extending it.

Rose, and Emmett are expecting their first in a couple months. I've been waiting for that to happen. We have a thriving little community here on Swan-Masen Ranch. It has taken on a life of it's own. The town of Fairbanks has taken quite an interest in us.

We sat down with Alaska Seed & Feed, and talked about investing in their business. We offered to bring in a lot of merchandise they were not able to get. I also said we would increase their farm animals, and their supply of hay, feed, and other supplies for local people. I told them I would give them the funds, and give them some outside help on how to expand their inventory. We would have better access to stuff we also needed on the ranch.

Paul and Angela got married, and they are thriving. They are wanting to build them a small house, and I told them we would sit down, look at places on the map of my property, pick them a place, and start on it when they were ready.

Jasper and Peter had enough lumber to build quite a few houses, and were ready to help. I still had a lot of people that worked exclusively with Emmett in his building company that would gladly help. We were planning on looking at it this coming weekend.

I'm sitting on the porch watching Edward and Micah. He has Micah on his horse, and they are walking around in the pasture. The foal is awfully skittish, and Edward is not going to leave his side.

We found out we're having a son, and daughter this time. Edward is blown away. As over protective as he was with Micah, I can already see he is going to throw fits with his daughter.

Seth and Leah are taking things slowly, and I'm not sure their going to work out. I do believe Leah was attracted to Jake when they were here. Jake and his company have come by a few times, and there are still men in his company that express interest in settling here. I guess we'll see.

Jessica has been spending a great deal of time with Cal Yemen. I can see it is going to last. They have been dating for the past two years. They hovered around each other for over two years, and then decided to date. They were definitely taking it slow, which I think was a good m

I bought more land, and we have yet to even use up all the original property I started with. It didn't matter. I had a feeling we would eventually have a small community to spread our roots out over all the land. It was there to make our homes...our future...our lives.


I'm thinking this is a good spot to put complete to this story. There is a chance of future expansion...we'll just wait & see.

As of this point I'm closing it out. I am just about in tears finishing this, as this should have been how I lived my life. Made something worth while for myself. As it is, the only good thing I did with this life was my son, Dean.

Don't forget to check out the group page as there is going to be a lot of pics.

Please let me know what ya'll thought.

Thanks muches for sticking with me & taking this journey.