Reviews for LIFE
Angelmagnet chapter 1 . 7/29
Different and interesting. So happy I waited until this was complete to read, because now I can go to the next chapter right away :-).
breaksea chapter 26 . 6/25
Lovely to see the arrival of the Beardies. Not many people know what they are. First time I have read a story with one included. I also have a friend in Wisconsin who breeds them. I do to but live in UK.
Guest chapter 48 . 6/21
Wow that was one amazing thought out story, I loved how you researched s much for this story. As for the a/n at bottom of page. Dont sell yourself short. We all wish differently at one time or another. I dont know If I would be reading any stories if I took a different path in life...your an amazing researcher of your story, and I hope to find more of your stories soon. I'm looking to find out if your on fb too. Thank you you touched my soul with this story hugs annamarie
Lisa chapter 2 . 6/18
Bella's rich I hope she know how to handle her money.
Lisa chapter 1 . 6/18
Bella lost her parents in plane crashed and that hard.
debb lavoie chapter 48 . 6/3
A wonderful story with great characters. I didn't want it to end.
debb lavoie chapter 46 . 6/3
And what a wondrous journey it would have been.
debb lavoie chapter 45 . 6/3
It is a very informative story.
debb lavoie chapter 44 . 6/3
debb lavoie chapter 43 . 6/3
Edward is so good with Bella.
debb lavoie chapter 42 . 6/3
I have that song in my head... Having my baby, what a lovely way to say what you're thinking of me.
debb lavoie chapter 41 . 6/3
Charlie with a redhead, oh my. Poor Edward, he works so hard.
debb lavoie chapter 39 . 6/3
Horses are regal animals. They freak me out at how tall they are!
debb lavoie chapter 38 . 6/3
I love how excited she still is. This ranch is a major undertaking.
debb lavoie chapter 36 . 6/3
That was scary!
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